三下unit 4 Part A Let's learn教学设计三下unit 4 Part A Let's learn教学设计三下unit 4 Part A Let's learn教学设计


三下unit 4 Part A Let's learn教学设计

unit 4 do you like pears? part a let’s talk一、教学内容:人民教育出版社 三年级下册 unit 4 do you like pears?a let’s talk.第一课时教学内容分析:本课主要通过情景会话,让学生学习用英语询问别人和表达自己是否喜欢某种水果。首先激发学生学习英语兴趣,从“sing a song.”(师生打节奏共唱)到“revision”到新知识呈现 “do you like …?”我本着用自己的情绪去感染学生,让学生一起去感受语言,从而习得语言,同时我给学生一种影响,让学生自觉地去运用语言。二、教学目标:(一)知识与能力:1.学生能听懂并会说以下句子(1)do you like …? yes, i do./no, i don’t.(2)what about …? i like …very much.2.通过情景会话,让学生学会询问别人或表达自己是否喜欢某种水果并在实际情景中自然运用。(二)情感态度与价值观:培养学生喜欢英语并自觉用英语表达的愿望和习惯三、教学重点:让学生学会询问别人和表达自己是否喜欢某种水果。四、教学难点:what about …?句式的用法。  i  like … very much. 中“very much ”的读音。五、教学准备:1.将全班学生分为四组,分别以pear, peach, orange, watermelon命名,每名学生头戴相应的水果头饰。教师戴apple头饰。2.多媒体课件。3.六种水果的复数形式图片:apples, bananas, pears, peaches, oranges, watermelons.学生每人一套小图片,教师一套大图片。4、课前在黑板上用简笔画画好四种水果的轮廓图,作评价图用。用不干胶剪出四种水果的轮廓,作为评价奖励的奖品使用。5、为四组学生每组准备一套卡片,为后面的拓展活动当道具。“温馨咖啡屋”:coffee , juice , coke, milk . “幸福茶语座”: tea , water , milk. juice. “开心汤姆店”:hamburgers , cakes , chicken, fish . “快乐水果店”: apples, oranges, watermelons, peaches, pears.六、教学过程课前音乐:an apple a daystep 1:   preparation(1) greetings:(2) free talk教师走到一组面前,向一名学生打招呼:t: hello!s1: hi!t: what’s your name?s1: my name is peach.t: nice to meet you!s1: nice to meet you, too. t:(向另一名学生) hello!s2: hi!t: what’s your name?s2: my name is peach, too. t: oh! you are peaches. 教师接着出示peaches的图片,说:look! i have many peaches. i like peaches. 将图片反过来,出示单词peaches. 说:follow me, please. peaches, peaches, i like peaches.(引导学生借助手势读出升降调.)教师走向第二组,问:are you peaches? s3: no, we are pears. 出示pears图片,问:can you read? 你们能像刚才读peaches那样,用chant的形式读这个单词吗?生齐chant: pears, pears, i like pears. 教师走向第三组,what are you? ss: we are oranges. oranges, oranges, i like oranges.教师面向第四组,问:and you? can you try?ss: we are watermelons. watermelons, watermelons, i like watermelons.  t: i am apple, can you chant?ss: apples, apples, i like apples.教师出示bananas的图片,问:what about bananas? ss: bananas, bananas, i like bananas.step 2: presentation1、do you like …? yes, i do. no, i don’t.(1)t: very good! pears, peaches, oranges, watermelons, you are all very clever. (show a picture) look! i like pears, do you like pears?(边问边板书。)s1:yes.(or no.)t:引导学生回答:if you kike, you can say: yes, i do. 引导学生跟说:yes, i do. 并板书。接着再问2名学生,师生练习对话:t: do you like pears? s1: yes, i do.教师接着问学生:can you ask? 你能问问其他同学吗?让本组学生ask and answer one by one. 本组最后一名学生去问orange组的一名学生:s1: do you like pears?s2: no.教师引导回答:if you don’t like, you can say: no, i don’t. 如果你不喜欢,你可以说:no, i don’t. (边讲解边板书)学生跟说:no, i don’t. 接着让该同学问问其他的同学,进行对话练习:do you like pears? no, i don’t.2.what about …? i like them very much.(1) 创设情境,整体感知t: 当上面的最后一名学生回答no, i don’t 后,教师接着说:oh! you don’t like oranges. (出示watermelons的图片)what about watermelons? 那么你觉得西瓜怎么样?s1:yes.t: can you ask me: what about…? 让学生用水果图片询问老师。s1:what about peaches / apples?t: yes, i like them very much.(课件出示这句话。)师领读: i like them very much.(2)领读几遍之后,老师出示一张图片问一名学生:do you like…? s1: no, i don’t.t: what about …?s1: yes, i like them very much.(3)excellent! now let’s make a chant about the sentences.let’s chant:(课件出示chant内容)do you like? do you like?do you like peaches?no, no , no. no, i don’t.what about? what about?what about pears?yes, yes, yes. yes i do.i like them. i like them.i like them very much.3、let’s have some …and …t:.(出示两张水果图片:pears(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) and peaches. 用上面同学们的歌谣音调继续唱) i like pears. i like peaches, i like them very much.  let’s have some pears and peaches. ok?ss: ok!t: ok! but can you say the sentence? (课件出示这个句子let’s have some pears and peaches.)你会说这个长句子吗?let’s try! follow me. 让学生跟说两遍。之后再用课件出示:let’s have some … and …can you make the new sentences with your pictures?让用自己手中的图片替换,练习这个句子:let’s have some …and …4.read and answer.t: boys and girls. do you like shopping? 你们喜欢购物吗?ss: yes. t: do you like shopping? 如果喜欢就说……ss: yes, i do.t: good. you are very clever. we all like to go shopping. amy likes to go shopping, too. now, amy is in the fruit supermarket with her mother. what does amy like? let’ s go and have a look! ok?ss: ok! t: let’s watch the cartoon and answer my question: what does amy like? 课件播放let’s talk. 学生认真看、听并思考问题。t: who can answer? what does amy like?指名学生回答问题。amy likes …and …step 3:practice 1.listen and repeat(1)t: clever! boys and girls. now open your books and turn to page 40, let’s listen, repeat and point to it.(2) t: now, please read the dialogue in groups. 让学生在小组内读对话,相互帮助,解决读的问题。(3)who can read? 指2名学生争角色读对话。如果时间允许,可以找2组。(4)you are very clever. now, let’s make a new dialogue with your partner. (同学展示手中的水果图片,灵活运用到对话中) 让一组学生上台表演他们自己编的新对话。4、production(1)课件出示一幅情境图:四个小房子,分别是“温馨咖啡屋”、“幸福茶语座”、“开心汤姆店”、“快乐水果店”。同学们,城关大街上新开了几家店铺,我们也去感受一下,ok?ss:ok!t: ok! 选择你们喜欢的一个店铺,在小组内练习做一下角色扮演,我们比一比,哪个小组的表现最好。let’s begin!(让学生选择喜欢的店铺,教师将相应的图片作为道具发给他们。“温馨咖啡屋”:coffee , juice , coke, milk . “幸福茶语座”: tea , water , milk. juice. “开心汤姆店”:hamburgers , cakes , chicken, fish . “快乐水果店”: apples, oranges, watermelons, peaches, pears.)(2)学生选择喜欢的店铺,练习分角色对话。(3)请一组学生示范表演。step 5: progress(1)t: boys and girls, you are all super! let’s sum up what we learned today.(教师语速减慢,和学生一起看板书回顾本节课所学的主要句型) now let’s sing a song with these sentences. 课件出示歌词,师生同唱:do you like peaches? do you like peaches?yes ,i do. yes, i doi like them very much, i like them very much.here you are. here you are(用两只老虎的调来演唱本节课所学的重点句型,学生朗朗上口,巩固的所学内容)(2) great! you are so smart! 现在老师想看看你们对本课知识的掌握情况,让我们来作两个练习,ok?① 谁是它的好朋友?(给下面的问句选择最恰当的答语。)do you like pears?a. yes, i don’t.        b. yes, i do.         c. yes, i like.what about oranges?a. no, i do.    b. yes, i don’t.      c. yes, i like them very much.②下面的单词小朋友站错位置了,你能给它们重新排排队吗? you      do     like     peaches?_________________________________________i    don’t      no__________________________________________do     yes    i  __________________________________________you    what    about ____________________________________________(3)good! boys and girls. thank you for this class. now please look at your home work:课件出示:homework:1. listen (各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)to the tape about this class.2. introduce the fruit’s english name for your parents.t: 让我们在“an apple a day”的歌声中快乐回教室吧!good bye! 板书设计:unit 4    do you like pears?a   let’s  talkdo you like …?↗yes, i do.↘no, i don’t.↘

教学反思:新授本节课,我利用歌声引路,使学生在优美的旋律之中,即陶冶了身心,又引起了学生学习的欲望,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣和内在动力。在教学的尾声部分,师生共同总结本课所学的内容,既缓解了学习的疲劳,使得学生的兴奋点得以持续,又将整个教学活动推入了高潮。整堂课学生不但自然的接受了 “do you like …?”这个问句和答语“ yes, i do./no, i don’t.”而且能够灵活的运用到实际生活中,真正做到了学以致用。教学不足与改进措施:教学不足:课堂教学在时间安排上缺乏更细致、更周密的计划,教学效果与预想中有一定差距。改进措施:(一)备课更加细化,细化到每个环节的呈现方式,人数安排,当然也要视学生理解接受情况随时调整。加强课堂管理,严格秩序的同时使练习的方式多样化,以便更加调动学生兴趣,吸引学生的注意力。面向全体学生,尽量使更多的学生得到参与的机会。


三下unit 4 Part A Let's learn教学设计
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