Unit 18 Disabilities 教案Unit 18 Disabilities 教案Unit 18 Disabilities 教案


Unit 18 Disabilities 教案

      unit 17 disabilities

period 1 let’s listen and speak! goals ◆ talking about disability. ◆ practice talking about ability and inability. ◆ improve students’ listening and speaking ability. procedures leading in: by discussing the pictures. hello, everyone. look at the three pictures first and discuss the following questions: 1. what is his or her name? 2. why is he or she famous? 3. what works did he or she write? 4. what can we learn from them? task 1: looking and discussing. look at the first four pictures and discuss what they tell us: 1. try to list the difficulties and dangers you might face if you were in a wheelchair or blind. 2. try to offer some solutions to make the streets safer and better for the disabled. task 2: listening and ticking. talk about the picture in this part to warm up first: 1. listen to the tape and answer the three questions. how did john’s parents help him in the morning? what was wrong with john’s house? how did john’s family change the house? 2. listen again, tick the obstacles john mentions and explain why they make his life difficult. 3. work in pairs and think of more creative ideas to solve the problem john describes. what are john’s obstacles? why do they make his life difficult? how can you solve this problem? items yes? no? sidewalks cars elevators bikes escalators stairs fast food restaurants parks task 3: speaking and talking. situations difficulties solutions blind; visit a friend on the other side of the town; change bus once deaf; football players; join the school’s football team; learn english in a wheelchair; go shopping; eat at a restaurant; go to a cinema; several floors

closing up by having a discussion. hi, everyone. we can see it is not easy for the disabled people to lead a normal life. suppose waking up tomorrow morning, you suddenly find you were unable to see, speak, hear or walk. then how would you feel and what would you do? homework write a short passage about a disabled person in your family, your school or your neighborhood.

period 2 let’s read! (disabled? not me)! goals ◆ get students to care more about disabled people. ◆ better their reading skills through various reading activities. ◆ enable the students to master more words and expressions. procedures leading in by talking about pictures. attention, everyone. please look at the screens and see several pictures. (about disabled players at the athens paralympic games). then discuss them in pairs and tell me what you think of them. task 1: fast reading for general ideas. 1. skim the test and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. topic sentence of each paragraph para. 1 i know people are trying to help, but i wish they wouldn’t treat me as if i were a child. para. 2 today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their potential, live a richer life and make a contribution to the society. para. 3 disabled people need recognition, more than sympathy and help. para. 4 like all of us, disabled people also need inspiration and encouragement. para. 5 about one third of the articles in literature of chinese blind children are written by disabled authors and blind children. para. 6 living with disability is frustrating and challenging. 2. scan the text and decide whether the following sentences are true or false. (1) zhong xiaowen doesn’t wish to be treated as a little child. (2) xiaowen’s story serves as an example to show that physical disabilities can limit a person’s life.(3) all the students in the beijing union university are disabled. (4) the disabled people need both recognition and inspiration and encouragement. (5) literature of chinese blind children is a great help in encouraging blind children to overcome difficulties and challenges. (6) ye zijie’s story is mentioned to show how disabled people write articles for newspapers and magazines. (7) in ye zijie was invited to london and became the first chinese to study abroad. (8) it might be frustrating and challenging to live with disability. task 2: reading and copying, now it’s time to read the text again and copy down all the useful expressions.

useful expressions treat… as…, win an award for…, move around, have no feeling below…, use a wheelchair, get around, get dressed, create program, receive an award, at a science fair, receive education, limit a person’s life, make a contribution to…, a matter of…, offer guidance, launch a special education college, have no abilities, students without abilities, study together with…, reach one’s goals, play a valuable role within society, need recognition/inspiration/encouragement, realize one’s dream, overcome challenges and difficulties, live a meaningful and productive life, a visually impaired person, feel comfortable with…, adjust to…, get used to … task 3: discussing and commenting. 1. discuss the difficulties how xiaowen and other disabled students overcome them in their everyday life. 2. according to the text, the way society views disabled people has changed. how has it changed and why? 3. imagine you are a disabled student, what kind of help would you need and how would you want others to treat you?

period 3 let’s study! (grammar rewiew: direct and indirect objects) goals ◆ learn to make as choice of words according to the context. ◆ learn to use direct and indirect objects correctly. procedures leaking in (1) by listening. hello everyone! we learned disabled? not me! in our last period. now let’s listen to it. please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation while listening. leading in (2) by revision. good morning, class. yesterday we learned the text disabled? not me! here are some exercises for warming-up. complete the following sentences 1. i wish _________________ (我昨天见到了她). 2. the teacher treats her students _____________________(好像是她自己的孩子似的). 3. hearing the alarm, __________________(她穿好衣服) and hurried to the school. 4. even the disabled people have the right _________________(受教育). 5. as a caring girl, she often ____________________(帮助她母亲干家务). 6. disabled as she is, she ___________________ (过着有意义的生活). 7. it is not easy __________________________(适应新的生活方式). 8. have you _______________________ (习惯于) living with disability now? task 1: defining words. 1. turn to page 53. check the meanings of the words in the box and fill in the blanks. 2. read the story and fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given in the box. task 2: studying direct and indirect objects. 1. get the students to tell direct object from indirect object by studying the examples. 2. divide the words which are always connected with “to” or “for” into two kinds.

kinds of verbs examples sentences put “to” before the i. o. 间接宾语前加 to sell, take, give, send, tell, lend, show she has taught sewing to jenny. put “for” before the i. o. 间接宾语前加 for bake, find, save, build, get, buy, make they have bought a dictionary for jenny. 3. ask the students to change the sentences on page 54 according to the examples. 4. provide students with more examples to practice direct and indirect objects. please translate the sentences into english 1. 昨天我给格林先生写了一封信。 2. 老师问了我们许多问题。 3. 刚才玛莉为我们唱了一首英文歌。 4. 请递给我一杯茶。 5. 妈妈为我做了一个生日蛋糕。 task 3: closing up by checking the exercises. for warming-up, we are going to check the exercises in the workbook with the answers on the screen.

 period 4 let’s read and write! (the special olympics) goals ◆ provide the students with chances to develop their extensive reading skills. ◆ get the students to understand and respect more about the disabled. ◆ enable the students to learn some useful words and expressions. procedures leading in: by watching slides. hello, everyone. please look at several wonderful pictures and try to ask some questions about the special olympics. then make sure if you can find all the answers to your questions in our text. try to answer the following questions: 1. when and where will the next special olympic world summer games be held? 2. how often are the special olympic world summer games held? 3. how many athletes will take part in the next games? 4. how much will it take to hold the shanghai special olympics world summer games? 5. who founded the special olympic world summer games and when? task 1: fast reading. read the whole text fast and answer the following questions: 1. for the disabled athletes, which is more important, being the first one across the finish line or being the best one he or she can be? 2. what might be the most difficult challenge a human being can ever face? 3. did the mentally disabled pe(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ople use to be respected by the society? and why or why not? 4. when and where were the first special olympics world summer games held? task 2: copying and discussing. 1. copy down all the important expressions from the text. useful expressions mentally disabled people, be surrounded by grand ceremony, a strong sense of unity and friendship, train for years, overcome fear and hardships, score the most goals, face a challenge, treat… with dignity and respect, consider… shameful, receive treatment and encouragement, improve the quality of life, prepare for…, participate in…, develop one’s ability to do sth., improve one’s health, gain self-confidence, make friends, hold a game, compete for…, host an event, welcome… to china 2. divide the class into several groups to discuss the followings: (1) why do many special olympics athletes think “taking part in the games is a victory”? (2) how do events like the special olympics help mentally disabled people? (3) why do people think the special olympics are becoming more and more popular? task 3: writing an argumentative essay. 1. get the students to make a checklist for the survey. 2. analyze the information they collect carefully. 3. describe the current situation concerning the subject. 4. suggest some possible ways to improve the situation.


Unit 18 Disabilities 教案
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