必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课


必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课

济宁市第一中学 林翠菊 李雯 张学敏 刘玉东 邵长云 孔庆民

第一步 听力导入

introduce something about qian xuesen.

he was born in 1911. he lived and studied for many years in the usa but returned to china in 1955. he has made great contribution to the science development of china. he is one of the best-known scientists in china and is called “the father of the chinese space programme”.

第二步 听力训练(一)

听录音内容两遍,回答第 6 页的 5 个问题。

第三步 答案核对

let students listen to the tape again and check the answers.

第四步 口语训练(两人一组)

practice part 2 on page 6.

1. let students read the questions and the expressions in this part.

2. let students make up a dialogue in pairs to discuss what scientific job they would like to choose in the future.

3. ask two or three pairs to present their dialogues.

第五步 listening task

1. ask students if they know some famous mathematicians.(学生可能回答出:华罗庚,陈景润,苏步青,高斯等等。)


华罗庚               陈景润              苏步青               高斯

tell students we'll learn another mathematician: leonhard euler.

ask students something about leonhard euler. (they have learned him in the reading task.)

2. 在听之前,让学生了解下列单词的意思。

pure(纯的), symbol(符号), ∏(pi)(圆周率), sin(正弦), cosin(余弦), topology(拓扑学)

3. let students listen to the tape twice and finish exercise 2 on page44.

4. 核对答案,引导学生进一步理解文章。

第六步 作业布置

prepare writing on page 7.


必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课
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