Unit3  Under the sea导学单Unit3  Under the sea导学单Unit3  Under the sea导学单


Unit3  Under the sea导学单

unit3  under the seapart3 reading                     step1.lead in

step2. pre-reading1. read the words in pre-reading on page 19 quickly and fill in the form.writer occupation type of the article (文体) time what happened 

step3课文理解first reading: true or false?⑴i was young when i began work in june 1902 at the whaling station. (    )⑵ it was black and white and fish-shaped, and i knew it was a big fish. (    ) ⑶ as we drew closed, i could see the killer whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers (     )⑷ within a moment or two ,its body was dragged by the killers onto the shore. (      )(5)old tom and the others like eating whales’ lips and tongue(6)old tom and the others are fierce hunters, so they often harmed or attacked people(     )判断对错:1.ture 2.false 3.false 4.false 5.ture 6.false

step4. glance through the two anecdotes and get the main idea of each anecdote.1. what is the main idea of the first anecdote?a. about a hunting experience of old tom. b. about how the killer whales helps the whalers to hunt a whale.c. about how the whalers killed old tom.d. about how the killer whales killed the whales.2what’s the main idea of the second anecdote?a. fierce killers, like old tom, could protect people.b. james was washed off the boat.c. it was hard to handle the boat in rough sea.d. old tom rescued james from other killers.

step5 .read these two anecdotes carefully and find out some verbs or verb phrases to do the blank-filling worksheetanecdote onebefore the hunt the killer whale threw itself out of the _____ and then _______ down again. it swam by the_____, showing the whalers the way.

during the hunt&(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;the killers were working as a   _____. some were throwing themselves on ___ of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it _________. others were stopping it _______ out to sea

after the hunt the killers _______ the dead body down into the ______ of the sea, having a good feed on its lips and ______ .

anecdote two the dangers facing james;he was ________the boat and was _________by rough waves.there was a shark out there.the help offered by old tom;old tom wouldn’t _______the shark near.old tom firmly _______james ________in the water.task 2: multiple choices1. according to the text, which of the following is true? a. the fierce killers would attack people when they were hungry.b. the author didn’t believe the killers helped the whalers catch whales at first.c. one of the whalers, george, liked being kept waiting.d. the killers could race whales as well as excited dogs.2.old tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to ___.      a, give the whalers the information about a whale    b. tell the whalers it is hungry                                                                             c. help the whalers catch the whale           d. inform the whalers to run away3.according to the text, the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by____.                                                                   a. whales             b. tigers                      c. enemies           d. sharks4.we can infer from the text that____. a. the killer whales may be trained by the whalers.b. the killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesc. the killer whales need no training for helping the whalersd. the killer whales want to eat the whales after killing themstep61课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:    1    the morning of 19th january i went snorkeling.  2    (see) such extraordinary beauty, i thought every cell in my body woke up and    3    was like discovering a whole new dimension of life. during the trip, i first became aware of the vivid colors   4    (围绕) me and the fantastic corals, in and around   5    all kinds of elegant fish   6   (be) swimming among them.   7   there are still something    8   made me feel   9    (害怕). for example, i didn’t want to get close to the eel, the giant clam and the grey reef sharks, for they made me scared to death   10   a moment. 答案: 1. on 2. seeing  3. it  4. surrounding  5. which  6. were  7. but 8. that  9. frightened  10. for答案;pre—reading ; an old man called clancy; a whaler; anecdotes ; at the beginning of the 20th century, the killer whales helped the whales catch a baleen whaleb, astep5,  water ; crashed ; boat; team; top; breathing; fleeing; dragged; depths; tonguewashed  off ; carried away; let; held upb, a, d, alanguage points1.as i was sorting out my accommodation,i heard a loud noise coming from the bay.(p20)正在整理床铺时,我听到从海湾那边传来一阵喧闹声。sort out 此处表整理,分类,它还可以表示“解决(问题/困难)”◆即学即练完成下列句子。(1)i_______________(正在整理)my daughter,s exercise books now.(2)we,ve got a few little problems_____________.(要解决)答案: (1)am sorting out     (2)to sort out2.we ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite to us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.(p20) 我们及时赶到岸边,看到我们对面一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水里。◆词语归纳throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw at 向……投掷,向……扔throw down 扔下throw cold water on  给……泼冷水throw off 匆匆脱掉(衣物),摆脱掉throw oneself into sth.全身心投入某事即学即练a.选用上述短语完成句子。(1)he _____________ her idea as he thought it silly.(2)his father_____________ gardening since he retired.(3)don,t _____________stones_____________ the monkeys, please.(4)you must _____________your bad habit, or you’ll get into trouble one day.答案:.(1)threw cold water on     (2)has thrown himself into     (3)throw, at     (4)throw away 3.george said as he ran ahead of me.(p20) 乔治在我前面边跑边说。阅读下列句子,说出ahead of的意思。(1)ahead of us sat the leaders of our school.坐在我们前面的是学校领导们。(2)he arrived there an hour ahead of the time they had fixed.他比预定时间提早了一个小时到那里。(3)i must try to get an english book ,otherwise others will be ahead of me.我必须设法找一本英语书,否则别人就会比我好。归纳总结:(1)、(2)ahead of可表示“在……之前”,及(3)“比……强/好”。4.within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea.(p20) 过了一会儿,它的尸体很快就被虎鲸拖入深海。◆词语归纳depth 底层,深处,深度depths 底层,深处the depth(s)of the ocean 海洋深处 the depth(s)of despair  绝望的深渊take a deep breath 深呼吸deep into the night 直到深夜 in a deep sleep 酣睡中deepen v.加深,变深即学即练a.根据括号中的提示完成句子。(1)the water_____________(变深)gradually.(2)they planned_____________(加深)the river.(3)because of drinking too much wine, now he _____________.(酣睡中)(4)she _____________(深深地吸了口气)and then dived into the river.(5)they sat and talked_____________.(直谈到深夜)答案:(1)deepened     (2)to deepen     (3)is in a deep sleep (4)took a deep breath     (5)deep into the night词语辨析deep; deeplydeep与deeply作副词使用时均含由上到下或从外到里距离大的意思。deep只含此义,常指可以测量的具体的深度,其后通常接into或below。deeply除了上述意义外,常指抽象的深度,有“非常”的意思,相当于 “very much”。 即学即练b.选用以上单词填空。(1)we have decided to dive_____________ into the water.(2)they were _____________shocked at the bad news.(3)we don’t know how _____________the cave is.(4)the boy was _____________moved by the story.答案.(1)deep     (2)deeply     (3)deep     (4)deeply5.“man overboard! turn the boat around!” urged george, shouting loudly.(p20)“船上的人,调转船头!”乔治大声地敦促道。◆词语拓展urge sb. to do sth.力劝/敦促某人做某事urge sb. on为……加油have an urge to do sth.有做某事的愿望即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成句子。(1)i_______________                    .(突然想揍他一顿(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容))(2)i could hear them _____________(为我加油)when i ran past.(3)he ____________ .(力劝我们为穷人募捐)答案:(1)had a sudden urge to hit him     (2)urging me on    (3)urged us to collect money for the poor6.the first thing i became aware of was all the vivid colors surrounding me.(p24)我首先注意到的就是我周围那些鲜艳的颜色。◆词语归纳be/become aware of 意识到,知道,明白,觉察到be/become aware that(后面接句子) 意识到……◆即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成句子。(1)we should always_____________.(知道自己在干什么)(2)are you aware_____________?(他们相处不和睦吗)答案: (1)be aware of what we are doing at any time     (2)that they don,t get along well with each other7.i told myself they weren’t dangerous but that didn’t stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment!(p24)我自言自语地说它们并不危险,但是这一点也不能抑制我那怕得要死的恐惧心情。 ◆短语归纳be scared to death吓得要死be frightened to death吓得要死starve to death饿死be sentenced to death被判死刑即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成句子。(1)the old woman__________.(听到这可怕的消息吓得要死)(2)every year_____________.(有很多的穷孩子饿死)(3)wilson _____________(被判死刑)for killing an old woman.答案:(1)was scared/frightened to death at the terrible news    (2)millions of poor children starve to death     (3)was sentenced to death8. this was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.(p20)这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的声音。be about to do sth.与when从句连用,构成句型:be about to...when...正要……这时……i was about to leave when it rained.我正要离开,这时下雨了。活学活用模仿造句。(1)他们刚要吃晚饭,一个不速之客来了。____________________________________________ (2)我正要外出,这时电话响了。____________________________________________ 答案:  (1)they were about to have supper when an unexpected visitor came.           (2)i was about to go out when the telephone rang.&(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;


Unit3  Under the sea导学单
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