Unit 5 International charitiesUnit 5 International charitiesUnit 5 International charities


Unit 5 International charities

unit 5 international charities 一. 教学内容:unit 5 international charities grammar 二. 教学目标:掌握unit5的词法结构和用法:1. used to do/be used to doing/be used to do2. 句型结构—表建议3. so …that /such…that/ too…to/ enough…to4. 加后缀变名词 三. 经典讲解【典型例题】讲解一:used to do sth.sth that happened in the past , but now stops过去常常做某事,过去常常是, 表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在,后面加动词原形。 e.g. : 以前我们步行去学校。we used to walk to school. / we used to go to school on foot. (but we don’t walk to school now. ). 他过去常常志愿为老人做一些工作。he used to volunteer to do some work for the old. (he doesn’t do the work any more now. )肯定句: 我以前是班长。    i used to be the monitor. 否定句: 她以前不喜欢戏剧,但是现在很喜欢。    she used not to like drama, but now she quite likes it. 疑问句: 你以前喝酒厉害吗?    used you to drink a lot?used to do 句式 否定句    used not to do    didn’t use to do一般疑问句    used…to do …? yes,…used. /no,…usedn’t.     did …use to do? yes,…did. /no,…didn’t. 他们以前不抽烟。they used not to smoke. = they didn’t use to smoke. simon 以前常和daniel出去徒步旅行吗?used simon and daniel to go hiking?= did simon and daniel use to go hiking? 讲解二:be used to sth /doing sth  get used to sth /doing sth 习惯于(某事物)/ (做某事) , to后面加名词,代词或动名词。are you used to getting up early?i am used to the work here . i get used to the way of life here. it’s hard work but i’m used to it now. 我习惯了南京夏天的天气。i am / get used to the weather in summer in nanjing . 工人们习惯了在嘈杂的环境中工作。the workers are / get used to working in a noisy room. 这些演员已经习惯了四川的辣菜。the performers have been / got used to the spicy food in sichuan. 马先生很快就适应了在香港靠左行驶。mr ma soon got / was used to driving on the left in hong kong. be used to doing 句式   否定句be not used to doinghe isn’t used to getting up early. 一般疑问句be…to doing …?yes,…be. /no,…be not. are you used to taking the bus to school?yes, i am. 辨析1: used to do…/used to beused to do. . . 过去常常干某事;used to be. . . 曾经是……例如:he used to get up late. 他过去常常晚起。he used to be a soldier and join in fighting. 他曾经是一名士兵并且参加过战斗。辨析2: be used to (doing)…/ be used to do (for doing)be used to (doing). . . 习惯于(干)某事;be used to do (for doing). . . 被用来做…… e.g. :he is used to (doing) hard work. 他习惯于(干)艰苦工作。the pan can be used to cook (for cooking) eggs. 这个平底锅可以用来煎鸡蛋。fridge is used to keep fresh. (for keeping fresh)冰箱被用来保鲜。water is used to clean the floor. 水被用来清洁地板。wood is used to make paper. 木头可用于造纸。 【典型例题】一、改为否定句和一般疑问句。1. mother used to be so forgetful. 2. scarf used to take a walk. 3. he used to get up late. 4. he used to be a soldier and join in fighting. 5. scarf is used to taking a walk. 6. he is used to a vegetarian diet. 7. he is used to (doing) hard work. 8. the pan can be used to cook (for cooking) 【答案】否定句1. mother used not to be so forgetful. 2. scarf used not to take a walk. 3. he used not to get up late. 4. he used not to be a soldier and join in fighting. 5. scarf isn’t used to taking a walk. 6. he isn’t used to a vegetarian diet. 7. he isn’t used to (doing) hard work. 8. the pan can’t be used to cook (for cooking) 一般疑问句1. did mother use to be so forgetful?2. used scarf to take a walk?3. did he use to get up late?4. used he to be a soldier and join in fighting?5. is scarf used to taking a walk?6. is he used to a vegetarian diet? 7. is he used to (doing) hard work?8. can the pan be used to cook (for cooking)? 二、用used to do造句        before           now1. he lived in the city.  he lives in the village. 2. he had coke every day.  he drinks beer every day. 3. he played the piano at weekends.  he watches movies at weekends. 4. he worked for a company.  he teaches english at school. 5. he drove to work.  he went to work on foot. 【答案】1. he used to live in the city. 2. he used to drink coke every day. 3. he used to play the piano at weekends. 4. he used to work for a company. 5. he used to drive to work.  三、 三、三、完成下列句子。1. 他过去早饭常常吃稀饭, 现在他吃面条。he _______ _____ _______ _________ for breakfast very often, but now he has noodles. 2. 你以前常捐钱给无家可归的人吗?______ you ______  ______ money to __________ people?3. 董先生来自南方,所以他很不习惯北方的生活。mr dong ______  ______ the south, so he _____ quite ___  __ the life in the north4. 西方人习惯用刀叉吃饭。  __________ people _____  ______  ______  _______ with knife and fork. 5. sen过去生活在南非, 但是现在已经习惯于住在中国了。sen _____ ____  ____ in south africa, but now she ____  _____  _____  _____  _____ in china. 6. 如今他给一家大公司干活。但是他曾经自己经营。now he ______ ____ a big firm. but he _____ ___ ____ his own business. 7. 他过去因为盲眼病在盲眼学校上学。he _______ ____ go to school at a school for the blind _______ ____ his _________. 8. 我丈夫过去因为全部时间都花在了工作上所以有点胖,现在他已经习惯天天慢跑,所以瘦了点儿。my husband _______ _____ ____ a little fat because he worked full-time. now he ____ ______ ____ _________ jogging every day, and he has become a little thinner.  【答案】1. used to have porridge     2. used, to donate, homeless3. comes from,isn’t, used to  4. western, are used to eating5. used to live, is already used to living6. works for, used to have    7. used to, because of, blindness8. used to be, is already used to  四、选择题1. the boy used ____ computer  games 3 hours a day. a. play          b. playing                  c. to play2. microphones ______ your voice sound louder. a. are used to make         b. are used to makingc. used to make             d. used to making3. this old man is used to _____ after supper. a. taking a walk            b. to take a walk c. take a walk              d. have a walk4. mum is the busiest in my family, so she ____ early in the morning. a. used to get up          b. used to getting up c. is used to get up        d. is used to getting up5. we ____(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)_ six days a week, but now we all work five days. a. used work                b. used to workc. used to working            d. use to work【答案】caadb 五、翻译句子:1. tom过去早饭常常吃汉堡包。2. 志愿者们习惯了晚睡早起。3. 她习惯于和她的父母住在北京。4. 他过去常常发邮件给编辑。【答案】1. tom used to have hamburgers for breakfast. 2. the volunteers are used to early to get up and late to bed. 3. she is used to living with her parents in beijing. 4. he used to send e-mails to the editor.  讲解三、句型结构—表建议    why don’t you work in a hospital? = why not work in a hospital?  (提建议的方式)其他提建议的方式:看电视怎么样啊?what about _________________ ?how about __________________ ?我们看电视怎么样啊?shall we watch tv?让我们看电视吧!let’s _______tv. e. g. 1)为什么不马上回家?_______________________go home at once?2)下次我们八点钟见面好吗?_____we ________at 8:00 next time?3)礼拜天我们一起去爬山吧!___________climb the hill on sunday!4)明天去划船怎么样?what about __________________ tomorrow? 讲解四:so …that /such…that/ too…to/ enough…toso. . . that意为“如此……以至于……”, so为副词,后面跟形容词或副词,that引导一个表示结果的状语从句。如:she was so happy that she jumped. he spoke so fast that i could hardly follow him. such. . . that与so. . . that意思相同,such 后接名词,that后引导的也是一个表示结果的状语从句. she is such a lovely girl that everyone likes her. too…to 表示太……而不能,too后接形容词或副词,to后接动词原形。she was too excited to say a word. he is too young to go to school. adj. + enough + to do …则表示足够……能……如he is old enough to do it. tom is brave enough to save the little girl in danger. so …that /such…that/ too…to/ enough…to之间可以互换. e. g. 这个小孩太小了不能去上学。①the child is _______young _______ he can’t go to school. ②the child is _______young _______ go to school. ③the child isn’t_________________  go to school. 他个子很高能够得着树上的苹果。①he is ___________  he can reach the apples on the tree. ②he is ___________ to reach the apples on the tree.  【典型例题】翻译句子1. 夏天的天气热得我们少不了空调。 2. 老师讲得太快以致我听不懂他在说什么。3. 他是个天才,所以他考试都不怎么用念书。4. 他们个个都是很棒的篮球运动员, 所以每个人都想去看他们打球。 5. 许多病人太穷没钱去医院。【答案】1. it’s so hot in summer that we can’t do without any air conditioner. 2. the teacher spoke so fast that i couldn’t understand what he was saying. 3. he is such a genius that he doesn’t have to study much for exams. 4. they are such good basketball players that everybody wants to watch their games. 5. many of patients are so poor that they don’t have the money to travel to hospital.  讲解五:加后缀变名词we can form nouns by adding ‘-ment’, ‘-ness’ or ‘-ion’ to other words. blind       blindnesshappy      happinesscelebrate    celebrationinvite      invitation 【典型例题】把下列单词变为名词   1. advertise2. collect3. develop 4. useful5. donate6. educate7. gentle8. improve9. kind10. organize11. sad12. sick13. treat14. careful15. examine16. agree17. glad【答案】1. advertisement2. collection3. development4. usefulness5. donation6. education7. gentleman8. improvement9. kindness10. organization11. sadness12. sickness13. treatment14. carefulness15. examination16. agreement17. gladness 

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Unit 5 International charities
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