2024届高考英语Unit 1精讲复习教案2024届高考英语Unit 1精讲复习教案2024届高考英语Unit 1精讲复习教案


2024届高考英语Unit 1精讲复习教案

XX届高考英语unit 1精讲复习教案unit 1 festivals around the worldⅰ.重点单词聚焦1.tom celebrated the________(到来) of the new year with a party for his friends.答案: arrival2.i am now ________(收集) convincing information for my paper.答案: gathering3.the central government has made a series of________(农业的) policies to encourage farmers to work the land.答案: agricultural4.under the leadership of our party,we finally got________(独立) from the other countries.答案: independence5.no one is to see the document without the________(许可) of the writer of the report.答案: permission6.i’ve made up my mind,but it’s________(很显然) that you need more time to think it over.答案: obvious7.to get the job done,one should be ________(精力充沛) and hard­working.答案: energetic8.i used to________(钦佩) him as a true scientist and hard worker.答案: admire9.you’d better________(道歉) to mary for having kept her waiting for hours outside.答案: apologize10.i could understand her being angry,but i’ll still never________(原谅) her the way she treated me afterwards.答案: forgiveⅱ.重点短语扫描1.    place    发生2.dress          化装;打扮3.look     to    期望,期待,盼望4.as        好像5.parking        停车场6.        one’s word    守信用;履行诺言7.set         出发;动身;使爆炸8.in   of    为纪念……9.           a trick (on sb.)    欺骗,开玩笑takeupforwardthoughlotkeepoffmemoryplay10.day        night     日夜;昼夜;整天11.have fun          玩得开心12.turn          出现;到场13. one’s breath    屏息;屏气14.remind...  ...    使……想起……andwithupholdofⅲ.课文原句突破1.在当时,如果食物难以找到,人们就会挨饿,特别是在寒冷的冬季。at that time people would starve if food ________ ________ ________ ________,especially during the cold winter months.答案: was difficult to find2.整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。the country,covered with cherry tree flowers,looks________ ________it is covered with pink snow.答案: as though3.很明显,咖啡馆的经理在等李芳离开。________ ________ ________ ________the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for li fang to leave. 答案: it was obvious that4.她在人间时,遇到了牧童牛郎,随后他们相爱了。________she was on earth she met the herd boy niulang and they fell in love.答案: whileadmire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕教材原句p2:china and japan have mid­autumn festivals,when people admire the moon and in china,enjoy mooncakes.中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人们会赏月,在中国,人们还品尝月饼。(1)admire sb.for sth.因某事而钦佩某人

(3)admiring adj.羡慕的;赞美的①i admire and respect you more than i can say.我对你的钦佩和尊敬无以言表。②the tourists are admiring the view from the tower.游客们欣赏着从塔上看到的景色。③the school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。④she was used to receiving admiring glances from others.她习惯了别人给予赞赏的目光。1.完成句子(1)我不同意她的意见,但我赞赏她的恪守原则。i don’t agree with her,but i______________________sticking to her principles.(2)他站在那里,欣赏自己的新轿车。he stood there,________________________.答案: (1)admire her for (2)admiring his new caraward n.奖;奖品;vt.授予;判定教材原句p2:some people might win awards for their farm produce,like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster.有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。①she received an award (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)of 1,000 dollars.她得到1 000美元的奖金。②the olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.奥林匹克获胜者获得了一枚金牌作为奖励。③the winner was awarded a gold medal.=a gold medal was awarded to the winner.优胜者获颁一面金牌。辨析:award与rewardaward vt.授予,颁发,判给be awarded for...因……而受奖award sb.sth.颁发给某人某物 n.奖品,赠品,与prize (奖金)近义reward vt.报答,酬谢,可以用于比喻意义reward sb.with sth.用……酬谢某人 n.赏金,酬金,回报

2.用award与reward填空:(1)last year three university departments were________$600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.(2)scientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain act leads to________.(3)how can i________your kindness?答案: (1)awarded (2)rewards (3)rewardapologize vi.道歉教材原句p7:well,he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.他不想屏息等她来道歉。

①you should apologize to your teacher for coming late.你应该为你的迟到向你的老师道歉。②i do apologize for giving you so much trouble while i am here.我在这期间给您添麻烦真是对不起。③he apologized to his mother that he went home late.他回家晚了,所以要向母亲道歉。④have you made an apology to him for breaking his window? 你打碎了他的窗子你向他道歉了吗?3.完成句子(1)realizing what she had done was wrong,she______________________________(向老师道歉).(2)我们犯错以后,就应道歉,把事情向对方说清楚。______________________________to set things straight with others.答案: (1)apologized to her teacher for it (2)after making a mistake,people should apologizeremind vt.提醒;使想起教材原句p7:as li fang set off for home,he thought,“i guess hu jin doesn’t love me.i’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away.i don’t want them to remind me of her.”李方动身往家走,心里想:“我想胡瑾是不爱我了,把这些鲜花和巧克力都扔了吧。我不想因它们想起她来。”remind sb.of/about sth.提醒某人某事remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事remind (sb.)+that/how/what...提醒……①the film reminded him of what he had seen in china.这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切。②a student should always remind himself not to be late for class.学生应该总是提醒自己上课不要迟到。③our teacher reminded us how important it was to be polite to others.我们的老师提醒我们对别人有礼貌是多么的重要。④she reminded me that i hadn’t returned the book to the library.她提醒我还没有去图书馆还书。4.(•福建卷)________not to miss the flight at 15∶20,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.a.reminding    b.remindedc.to remind    d.having reminded解析: 分词作状语时,要根据其与句子的主语之间的逻辑关系来确定用现在分词形式还是过去分词形式。句中的主语the manager与remind之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。答案: bforgive (forgave,forgiven) vt.& vi.宽恕;饶恕;原谅教材原句p7:she would never forgive him.她恐怕永远也不会原谅他了。(1)forgive sb.for sth./doing sth.原谅某人做了某事(2)excuse sb.for (doing) sth.原谅某人做了某事pardon sb.for (doing) sth.原谅某人做了某事thank sb.for (doing) sth.感谢某人做了某事praise sb.for (doing) sth.赞扬某人做了某事punish sb.for (doing) sth.因某人(做了)某事而惩罚某人①i cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died.母亲临终前我未去看她,为这件事我不能原谅自己。②she forgave him his thoughtless remark.她原谅了他轻率的话语。③forgive others but not yourself.严于律已,宽以待人。④forgive me for interrupting,but i really don’t agree with that.请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。5.(•福建师大附中高三月考)though tom was impolite to the new teacher,she________him his rudeness.a.excused     b.apologizedc.forgave     d.punished解析: forgive宽恕。可用于forgive sb.sth.结构,表示“宽恕某人某事”。答案: cin memory of纪念;追念 教材原句p2:for the japanese festival obon,people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要上坟扫墓、烧香,以缅怀他们的祖先。in favor of支持,赞同;对某人有利in face of面临,面对in honour of为纪念……;祝贺……;为了向……表示敬意in need of需要in charge of负责;掌管in search of寻找①the museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.这座博物馆是为了纪念这位著名的科学家而建的。②a film will be made in memory of those brave firefighters.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。③there is a party tonight in honour of our new headmaster.为庆祝新校长就任,今晚有个聚会。④are you in favour of or against the plan?你是赞成这项计划还是反对这项计划。6.完成句子(1)the building was named ford hall____________________(为……纪念) a man named james ford.(2)he remained calm______________________(面对危险).答案: (1)in memory of (2)in face of dangerlook forward to期望;期待;盼望教材原句p2:the most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。①i look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.我期待着早日收到你的来信。②we will be at the 10 baker street at six sharp,and look forward to seeing you.我们将于六点准时到达贝克大街10号,到时再会。③she found the beautiful dress she had been looking forward to was sold to others.她发现她一直盼望的衣服卖给她人了。以介词to结尾的常用动词短语还有:be used to习惯于 stick to坚持lead to导致 object to反对 pay attention to注意devote...to...致力于get down to开始认真做……④my parents strongly object to my playing computer games.父母强烈反对我玩电脑游戏。⑤having lived here for three years,i’ve already been used to the life here.来这里三年了,我已习惯了这里的生活。7.the letter he had been looking forward to________at last this morning.a.come     b.comesc.coming     d.came解析: 考查时态。从句子结构可知,(which/that) he had been looking forward to为定语从句,修饰先行词letter;空格处需填主句的谓语动词,根据语境可知,主句应用一般过去时。句意为:他一直盼望的信今天早上总算来了。答案: d8.we are looking forward to________a chance to watch the opening ceremony of the london olympic games.a.give     b.be givenc.being given    d.giving解析: 句意为:我们期望有机会看到伦敦XX年奥运会的开幕式。look forward to后面要跟动名词形式,根据语境可知要用被动,故c项正确。答案: cturn up出现;到场;开大,调高;被发现 教材原句p7:but she didn’t turn up.可她却不见人影。①we arranged to meet at the cinema at 7∶30,but he failed to turn up.我们约定7点30分在电影院见面,但他没来。②i’m sure your watch will turn up one day.我肯定你的手表准有一天能找到。③something unexpected has turned up.出乎意料的事情发生了。④i can’t hear the radio very well,could you turn it up a bit?我听不太清楚,你把收音机的声音开大点行吗?turn on打开;开启turn off关掉turn down调小;拒绝turn to求助于turn over翻转turn in上交;欺骗turn out结果是;生产;制造;赶走⑤please turn to me for help when you are in trouble.当你有困难时请向我求助。⑥don’t worry—i’m sure it will all turn out fine.别担心——我敢肯定一切最终会好起来的。⑦she turned down the job offer because she wanted more money.她拒绝了那份工作因为她想要更高的工资。9.(•天津市高三十校联考)—what are you reading,jim?—i’m not really reading,just________the pages.a.turning off     b.turning aroundc.turning over     d.turning up解析: turn off关上;turn around转过身;turn over翻阅;turn up出现。答案: c10.with no one to________in such a frightening situation,the girl felt very helpless.a.turn to     b.turn onc.turn off     d.turn down解析: turn to转向……求助;turn on打开;turn off关闭;turn over翻转,翻身。句意为:在可怕的环境下她没人可求助,女孩感到非常绝望。答案: ahold one’s breath 屏息;屏气教材原句p7:well,he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.他不想屏息等她来道歉。①he held his breath,not daring to make any sound.他屏住气,不敢弄出一点声响。②the race was so close that everyone was holding his breath at the finish.这是一场势均力敌的比赛,以至于到最后每个人都屏住了呼吸。③reaching the top of the tower,he was out of breath.到了塔顶,他就上气不接下气了。④jack took a deep breath and then dived into the water.杰克深呼吸然后跳入水中。take a deep breath=breathe deeply深呼吸lose one’s breath喘不过气来out of breath上气不接下气,喘不过气来catch one’s breath喘口气;歇口气;恢复正常呼吸11.完成句子the audience__________________________(屏住呼吸等着) the announcement of the winner of the first prize.答案: held their breath to wait forat that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months.在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬天的岁月,人们就会挨饿。此句中的to find是动词不定式的主动形式,但却表示被动意义。该句使用的是“sb./sth.is+adj.+to do”结构,在该句型中不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。如后面的动词是不及物动词,则要加上适当的介词或副词。 ①those eleven men were very difficult to persuade,but i managed it in the end.那十一个人很难被说服,但最终我还是说服了他们。②english is very difficult to learn well in a short time.英语在短时间内很难学好。③the author gradually realizes her mother’s body language is easy to understand.作者逐渐地意识到她母亲的肢体语言很容易理解。④the sofa is very comfortable to sit in.这沙发坐上去很舒服。12.(•四川卷)in many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant________.a.to deal with     b.dealing withc.to be dealt with     d.dealt with解析: 句意为:在很多人看来,尽管那家公司相对来说较小,人们却能够与之愉快合作。该句可还原成to deal with that company is pleasant。答案: awhile she was on earth she met the herd boy niulang and they fell in love.她在人间遇到了牛郎,两人相爱了。句中while she was on earth作时间状语,其中while为连词,表示“当……的时候”。①he fell asleep while (he was) watching tv.他在看电视的时候睡着了。②while (he was) in america he studied medicine.他在美国的时候研究医学。while作连词时的其他用法:(1)只要(2)但是,可是,表对比(3)虽然,尽管③while there is life,there is hope.只要有生命就有希望。④we know usually women stay at home and do all the houses while men go out to work.我们知道,通常妇女在家里做家务,而男人则外出工作。⑤while i understand what you say,i can’t agree with you.尽管我明白你的话,但我还是不同意。13.(•新课标全国卷ⅰ)mary made coffee________her guests were finishing their meal.a.so that     b.althoughc.while     d.as if解析: 句意为:客人们就要吃完饭的时候,玛丽去煮咖啡了。本题考查连词。so that以便,为了,用来引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句。although虽然,尽管,用来引导让步状语从句。while①在……期间,当……的时候,用来引导时间状语从句;②然而,而(=but),表示对比。as if (=as though)仿佛,好像,用来引导方式状语从句。从句意可知c项正确。答案: cⅰ.完成句子1.we’re__________________(盼望看到) the new policy carried out,which has drawn many people’s attention.答案: looking forward to seeing2.john promised to attend my birthday party,but so far he hasn’t______________(出现).答案: turned up3.he got lost in the desert and________________(饿死) at last.答案: starved to death4.if the neighbours do not give any sweets,the children might __________________(开玩笑,戏弄) them.答案: play a trick on5.you should always____________________(遵守诺言),otherwise no one will trust you.答案: keep your word6.the office was in such a mess—______________________(看起来好像) a bomb had been dropped on it. 答案: it looked as though7.____________________(很明显) the people present at the meeting that they must be all in favour of the proposal.答案: it was very obvious to8.if we______________(出发) early in the morning,we could reach the coast before dark.答案: set offⅱ.巧思妙解1.(四川高考)in some places women are expected to earn money________men work at home and raise their children.a.but      b.whilec.because     d.though解析: 句意为:在一些地方,人们期待妇女去挣更多的钱,而男人却在家做事,带孩子。while表示对比,有“而,然而”的意思,符合语境要求;but表转折,但无对比的含义;because因为,though虽然,都不符合句子意思。答案: b2.(上海高考)—are you ready for spain?—yes,i want the girls to experience that________they are young.a.while     b.untilc.if     d.before解析: 句意为:——你准备好去西班牙了吗?——是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。答案: a3.________i accept that he is not perfect,i do actually like the person.a.while     b.sincec.before     d.unless解析: while在此相当于although,引导一个让步状语从句,其他三个选项不符合题的要求。该句意为“尽管我承认他不十全十美,但是我确实喜欢他”。答案: a4.we thought there were 35 students in the dining hall,________,in fact,there were 40.a.while    b.whetherc.what    d.which解析: while此处表转折,意为“但是,然而”。答案: aⅲ.语法专练本单元语法——情态动词(ⅰ)1.(日照市调研考试)it has been announced recently that all the schools________not have the students attend school if the students have high temperatures.a.need     b.shallc.could     d.ought to解析: 考查情态动词。句意为:最近宣布,所有的学校不应当让体温高的学生上学。情态动词shall常在条约、法令、规章等文件中表示义务或规定,一般用于第三人称,意为:应,必须。答案: b2.(潍坊•第一次模拟)—why didn’t alex attend the party yesterday evening?—he________not have wanted to see me.a.should     b.mightc.could     d.would解析: 考查情态动词。下句意为:他可能不想来见我。might have done表示对过去一种不太肯定的推测。答案: b3.(青岛市第二次模拟)—may i tell this to my close friend?—no,you________.never let anybody else know about it.a.needn’t      b.shouldn’tc.mustn’t     d.can’t解析: 由“决不可以让其他任何人知道”可知选c,mustn’t表示“不允许,不可以”,语气强烈。答案: c4.(•成都第一次诊断)when premier zhou enlai was alive,he________work from morning until night every day,dealing with numerous affairs. a.would     b.couldc.must     d.might解析: 考查情态动词。would表示“(过去常见的情况)总是,老是”。句意为:周恩来总理在世时,他总是每天从早到晚地工作,处理诸多事务。答案: a5.(•上海春招)it is important to know about the cultural differences that________cause problems.a.must     b.dar(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ec.need     d.may解析: 考查情态动词。句意为:了解一些可能会引起问题的文化差异,这很重要。此处may用来表示“可能”;must一定,必须;dare作情态动词常用在否定句与疑问句中,表示“敢于”;need必须,需要。根据语意,这里选d项。答案: d

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2024届高考英语Unit 1精讲复习教案
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