


789. lot (n)许多, 大量----how many do you need?你需要多少?----a lot.很多he has invited nearly a hundred people but a lot aren’t able to come.a lot of people are going to the meeting.what a lot of presents!礼物真多啊!i’m feeling a lot better today.我今天感觉好多了。thanks a lot for your help.多谢你的帮助。i play tennis quite a lot in summer.我夏天常打网球。790. loud(a.)大声的/地, 响亮的/地the music is too loud----please turn it down.音乐太吵了,请把音量调低一点。she spoke in a very loud voice.她声音宏亮地讲了话。791. love(v, n)爱, 热爱, 喜爱; 爱情he is in love with his work.他热爱自己的工作。she was in love with him.她与他相爱。i fell in love with the house.我喜欢上这房子。take care, my love.保重,我的爱人。if you love each other,why not get married?要是你们彼此相爱,干吗不结婚?i haven’t been to brazil, but i’d love to.我没去过巴西,但我想去。--would you like to go for a walk?--i’d love to, but i’m afraid i have no time.792. lovely(a.) 可爱的, 美丽的,动人的he has a lovely voice.他说话的声音很好听。isn’t it a lovely day?天气真好呀!we’ve had a lovely time.我们玩得很痛快。how lovely to see you!见到你真让人高兴。he has a lovely daughter.他有个可爱的女儿。793. low(a,ad)低的, 矮的; 低下的; the sun was low in the sky.太阳低挂在天空。they were speaking in low voices.他们在低声说话。they were in low spirits.他们精神不振。speak lower or he’ll hear you.小声点,不然他会听见你。794. luck (n) 运气; 好运, 幸运good luck to you.祝你好运!wish you good luck! 祝你好运!better luck next time.祝下次好运(祝未成功的人)795. lucky(a.)幸运的, 侥幸的, 吉利的she was lucky enough to be chosen for the team.她很幸运被选中参加次队。it was lucky for us that we were able to go.我们能去那是我们的运气好。luckily for us, the train was late.我们真凑巧,火车晚点了。luckily, i am a good swimming.幸好我是个游泳好手。796. lunch (n) 午饭, 吃午餐she’s gone to lunch.她吃午饭去了。what shall we have for lunch?我们午餐吃什么?m797. machine(n)机器can you run the machine?你能开这机器吗?how does this machine work?这机器是如何工作的?798. mad(a.)恼火的 发疯的don't be mad at me.不要对我大发脾气。         she went mad after the death of her son.儿子死后她就疯了。【补充】特别喜欢,痴迷,迷恋he’s always been mad about kids.他一向特别喜欢孩子。my cousin is mad on tennis.我表弟对网球着迷。799. madam = madame(n)女士, 太太; what can i do for you, madam?800. magazine (n) 杂志, 期刊a weekly / monthly magazine周刊,月刊the newspapers and magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room.报纸杂志不准带出阅览室。 801.magic(a.)有魔力的,神奇的,it was a magic moment that the two sisters were reunited after 30 years.30年后姐妹重逢,像做梦一样。it is really a magic palace.那真是一个有魔力的宫殿。---what was the trip like?旅行感觉怎么样?---magic!棒极了!【补充】 (n)魔法,魔术,法术can you perform magic?你会表演魔术吗?they believe that it was all done by magic.他们相信这都是靠魔法实现的。802. mail(n)邮政, 邮递/寄; 邮件air mail is quicker than sea mail.we do our business by mail.我们通过邮递做生意。【补充】(v)邮寄don’t forget to mail that letter to your mother.don’t forget to mail your mother that letter.别忘了把那封信给你妈寄去。* mailbox (n)邮筒803. main(a.)主要的,最重要的 she noted down the main points of the speech. 她把演说的要点记了下来。this is my main purpose of my coming here.这就是我到这儿来的主要目的。* mainland (n) 大陆804. make (made, made) (v) 做;制造; 使得; mary made a paper boat. 玛丽做了一只纸船。i keep making the same mistakes.我总是犯同样错误。the news made him very happy.这消息使他非常高兴。his jokes made us all laugh.他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。could you make yourself understood in russian?你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?she must be made to follow the rules.必须让她遵守规则the internet makes it easy to get much new information in a short time.英特网使短时间内获得大量新信息变得很容易。make the bed铺床   make a decision做决定make mistakes犯错  make tea泡茶make a noise制造噪音 make faces做鬼脸【补充词义】赚钱,成为,适合he makes $1,000 a month. 他每月挣一千(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)元。this room would make a nice office.这间房子做办公室挺不错dogs make great pets.狗适合做宠物。let’s make it half past six.我们把时间定为6:30吧。i've made it a rule never to hurry. 我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。【经典试题】he made a kite __his son happy. a. make b. to make c. making--when will we meet?     --let’s ___ it 4:30. a.decide  b. have  c.make  d. hold805. man (men) (n) 成年男子;人;人类he is a nice young man. 他是一个很好的青年。man has been trying to control nature.人类一直在努力控制自然。806. manage(v)管理;经营;设法做到he manages a hotel for his father.他替他父亲经营一家旅馆。i doubt whether jack could manage a sailing boat.我怀疑杰克会不会驾驶帆船。she managed to make herself understood in english.她设法用英语表达自己的意思。can you manage on your own?你一个人能行吗?how do you manage without a car?没有车,你怎么应付的? (manage 不同于try:manage to指设法做成某事,含有成功之意;try to 指争取做成某事,但不一定成功)807. manager (n) 经理, 管理人 808. many (more, most) 许多(的)not too many people can write with the left hand.用左手写字的人并不多。how many children do you have?你有几个孩子?补充:many a (与单数名词及动词连用)many a student is mad on the internet许多学生迷恋网络。【词语辨析】many 与 a lot of , lots of(many 只与可数名词连用,主要用于疑问句和否定句中;lots of 和a lot of 在陈述句中用的多,但一般不与表示时间和距离的量词连用:i stayed in england many / quite a few / ten weeks.我在英格兰逗留了许多/好几/十周; 不能说:i stayed in england a lot of weeks)809. map (n) 地图read the map查看地图can you find black hill on the map?你在地图上能找到布莱克山吗?810. march (n) 三月811. mark (n, v记号;分数;标记;做记号于;打分the children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor.孩子们把厨房地板弄得污迹斑斑。a horse with a white mark on its head.头上有块白斑的马。i got full marks in the spelling test.我在拼写测验中得了满分to give sb. a high / low mark给某人高/低分i got a good/poor mark in english.我英语得分高/低。the box of eggs was marked “with care”. 这个鸡蛋盒标上了“小心”字样。the teacher marked the examination papers. 教师给试卷打了分数。i spent at least six hours a week marking.我每周至少花6小时改作业。she was careful to mark her place before she shut the book.合上书以前,她小心地做了记号。812 market(n)市场, 集市she went to th market to sell what she had made.她去市场出售自制品。813. marriage(n)结婚; 婚姻accept the marriage答应结婚  break a marriage离婚th news of their marriage was not made public until three months later.他们结婚的消息三个月后才公开。814. marry(v) 娶;嫁,和...结婚he is going to marry jane. 他将与简结婚。they have got married for ten years.他们已经结婚十年了。815. master (n, v)主人,大师;精通,掌握,控制you will be masters of the 21st century.你们将是21世纪的主人。the dog ran to its master.那狗向它主人跑去。is your master at home?你家主人在家吗?the painting is the work of a master.这幅画是位艺术大师的杰作。french was a language he had never mastered.法语他一直没学好。she learned to master her anger.她学会了控制自己不发火。russian is a difficult language to master. 俄语是门难以精通的语言。816. match (v. n )比赛,敌手;相配者 火柴;和...相配,they are playing an important match against liverpool on saturday.星期六他们和利物浦队友一场重要比赛。i’m no match for him at tennis.打网球我不是他的对手。i’ll go and buy a box of match.我去买盒火柴。the chairs and the desk are a good match.这些椅子和这种桌子很相配。the hat is a match for the coat.这帽子与外衣很相配。the color of the shirt does not match that of the tie. 衬衫的颜色与领带不相配。those two shoes don’t match.那两只鞋不是一双。the tie matches your suit.这领带和你的西装很相配。817. math(s) = mathematics(n)数学818. may(modal v)可以,许可;也许,可能;may i use your bicycle?我可以用你的自行车吗?may i ask why you made that decision?我可否问一下你为什么做出那样的决定?he may possibly know it.他可能知道。【补充】但愿,祝愿may you succeed!祝你成功!may she rest in peace.愿她安息!【XX年安徽中考试题】--is mr. brown driving here?--i’m not sure. he _____ come by train.a. may   b. shall   c. need   d. must819. may(n)五月820. maybe可能, 大概,也许maybe he’ll come, maybe he won’t.他可能来也可能不来。--are you going to sell your house?--maybe.也许吧。it will cost two, maybe three hundred pounds.这个要两百,或许三百英镑。821. me我(宾格)give it to me.给我。hello, it’s me.喂,是我。you’re taller than me.你比我高。822. meal(n)餐, 饭; 进餐时间try not to eat between meals.两餐之间尽量别吃东西。enjoy your meal.请用餐。a three-course meal有三道菜的一顿饭。lunch is his main meal of the day.午饭是他的正餐。823. mean (meant, meant)(v)意思是,意指what does this sentence mean?这句子是什么意思? i realized what he meant.我明白他的意思了。what do you mean, you thought i wouldn’t mind?你这是什么意思,你认为我会不在意吗? i’m sorry i hurt you. i didn’t mean to.对不起,弄疼你了,我不是故意的。don't think i am joking; i mean business. 不要以为我是在开玩笑,我可是当真的。 * means (n) 方法,手段 * meanwhile (ad) 同时824. meaning(n)意思, 含义; 重要性he doesn’t know the meaning of the word.他不明白这个词是什么意思。what’s the meaning of the word?这个词是什么意思?825. meat(n)肉a piece of meat一块肉meat-eating animals食肉动物826. medical(a.)医学的, 医疗的; 内科的827. medicine(n)药, 内服药i felt better after taking the medicine服过这药后我感到好些了。good medicines taste bitter.良药苦口。828. meet (met, met) (v)遇见,见到,迎接,集会i met her at the gymnasium. 我在体育馆遇见她。shall we go to the station to meet your mother? 我们去车站接你的母亲好吗?that’s where the river meets the sea.这条河就在这里流入大海。nice to meet you.见到你真高兴。how can we best meet the needs of all the different groups.我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢?829. meeting(n)聚会; 会议; 运动会;汇合点to have / hold a meeting召开/举办会议we have two meetings in london.我们在伦敦有两次聚会。there will be a sports meeting next week.下周有一场运动会。830. member(n)成员, 会员how much does it cost to become a member?要成为会员要花多少钱?831. memory(n)记忆, 记忆中的事物, 回忆 i have a bad memory for names.我不善于记名字。the photos bring back lots of good memories.这些照片唤起了许多美好的回忆。832. mend (v)修理, 修补; 恢复he mended shoes for a living.他靠修鞋为生could you mend my bike for me?你能帮我(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)修一下自行车吗?833. mention (n, v )  提及,说起nobody mentioned anything to me about it.没有人跟我提过此事。sorry, i won’t mention it again.对不起,我再也不提它了。did you mention this to the boss? 你跟老板提到这事没有?did she mention where she was going?她有没有说起她要去哪?you mentioned in your letter that you might be moving abroad.你在信中谈到你可能要移居国外834. message(n)口信,信息;消息there were no messages for me at the hotel.旅馆里没有给我的留言。i left a message on your answering machine.我在你的电话应答机上留言了。jenny’s not here at the moment. can i take a message?珍妮这会儿不在,要我给你传个话吗?835. menu(n)菜单; (荧光屏上显示的)项目what’s on the menu tonight?今晚有什么菜?836. metal(n, a.)金属; 金属制成的a piece of metal一块金属the chair is made of metal.这椅子是金属做的。837. method(n)方法, 办法he invented a new method to make bread.他发明了做面包的新方法。838. metre (ame meter) (n)米,公尺a square metre平方米1000 metres is a long distance.一千米是一段很长的距离。839. middle中间/部(的)a lake with an island in the middle.中央有一个小岛的湖。he was standing in the middle of the room.他站在屋子中间。the phone rang in the middle of the night半夜里响起了电话铃声。pens are kept in the middle drawer.钢笔在中间那个抽屉。* midnight(n) 午夜* midday (n)中午,正午* mid-autumn (n)中秋* middle east 中东840. might (modal v)可能,也许,或许it might rain. 可能下雨。 he might get there in time, but i can’t be sure.他有可能准时到达,但我不敢肯定。might i use your phone?我可以用一下你的电话吗?【XX年安徽中考试题第43题】--what will the weather be like tomorrow?--it _____ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. who knows?a. must   b. might   c. shall   d. should841. mile(n)英里an area of four square miles四平方英里的面积。there isn’t a house for miles around here.附近数英里以内没有一座房子。842. milk(n)乳, 牛奶; 【补充】(v)挤奶the farmer milks the cows twice a day.那农夫一天挤两次母牛的奶。843. mind (n, v)思想,想法;介意,关心two days later he changed his mind. 两天后他改变主意了。mind the wet paint. 当心油漆未干。mind that step!小心台阶。mind your head小心别碰头。would you mind my closing the window?我把窗户关上你介意吗?--would you like tea or coffee?--i don’t mind---either’s fine.无所谓---什么都行have you broken it? never mind, we can buy another one. 你把它打碎了吗?没关系,我们可以再买一个have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon?你们决定好到哪里度蜜月了吗?who’s minding the children this evening?今晚谁看孩子? 【经典试题】--it’s too hot. would you mind my____ the door?--_______. please do it now. a. to open, ok    b. opening, certainly notc. opening, of course   d. to open, good idea 844. mine(pron)我的(名词性物主代词);he’s a friend of mine.他是我的一位朋友。that’s mine.这是我的。【补充】(n)矿井,地雷(n)【安徽中考试题】--is this your e-dictionary?--no. _______ is in the schoolbag.a. his    b. yours    c. hers    d. mine845. minute(n)分钟, 瞬间, 1/60度it’s four minutes to six.差四分六点。i’ll be back in a few minutes.我一会就回来。a ten-minute bus ride.乘公共汽车10分钟的路程。* minibus (n)小型公共汽车* miniskirt (n) 超短裙* minimum (a.)  最小的846. mirror(n)镜子she looked at herself in the mirror.她照了照镜子。dickens’ novels are a mirror of his times.狄更斯的小说是他那个时代的写照。847.miss  (n) 小姐that’s all, thank you, miss lipman.就这些,谢谢,李普曼小姐。848. miss (v)失去,错过,缺,思念,未击中the hotel is the only white building on the road----you can’t miss it.酒店式这条路上唯一的白色建筑---你不会看不见的。he missed my meaning. 他没有领会我的意思。if i don’t leave now i’ll miss my plane.现在不走i,我就赶不上飞机了。you missed a good party last night.你昨晚错过了一场极好的聚会。the hunter fired at the deer but missed it. 猎人向鹿开了枪,但未打中。 i know how you miss your mother. 我了解你多么地想念你的母亲。 849. mistake(n)错误,过失;误会it’s easy to make a mistake.犯错误很容易。you must try to learn from your mistakes.你的从所犯错误中吸取教训。tom didn't make a single spelling mistake in his composition. 汤姆在这篇作文里一个字也没拼错。850. mistake (mistook, mistaken)(v)弄错,误解  把...误认为you mistook my meaning entirely. 你完全误会了我的意思。 i mistook the number and went to the wrong room. 我记错号码,走错了房间。he was mistaken for the headmaster.人们错把他当作校长。* mistaken (a.)错误的* misunderstand (v) 误会,不理解851. model(n)模型 模范 模特儿my uncle can make model planes.我叔叔会做模型飞机。she is one of the country’s top models.她是全国的顶尖模特儿之一。a model student 模范生  a model farm示范农场852. modern(a.)现代的, 近代的, 时髦的the dress is the most modern.这件衣服是最时髦的。she has very modern ideas about educating her children.在教育她的子女方面,她有非常新式的观点。 853. mom (ame mum) (n)  妈妈(口)854. moment(n)瞬间, 片刻, 时刻, 时机could you wait a moment, please?请您稍等片刻,好吗?he thought for a moment before replying.他想了一下才回答。we’re busy at the moment.我们这会儿很忙。i’m waiting for the right moment to tell him the bad news.我得找个适当的时机告诉他这个坏消息。【安徽中考试题】--shall we go shopping now?--sorry. it’s not the right ____. i’m too tired.a. way   b. weather  c. place   d. moment855. monday(n)星期一she started work last monday.她上个星期一开始工作。are you busy next monday?下周一你忙吗?he was born on a monday.他出生那天是星期一。we’ll discuss this at monday’s meeting.856. money(n)钱, 金钱, 货币; 财富we’ll need to raise more money next year.明年我们需要筹集更多的钱。where can i change my money into dollars?什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元?he lost all his money.他失去了全部财产。the movie should make money.这部电影应该赚大钱。857. monitor (n) (学校的)班长,监听器;监视器he will make a good monitor for them.他将成为他们的好班长。a pc with a 17 inch color monitor带有17英寸彩色显示器的个人电脑。858. monkey(n)猴, man and the monkey have many things in common.人和猿有许多共同之处。859. month(n)月, 月份; 一个月的时间he learnt english in ten months.他用十个月时间就学会了英(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)语。there are twelve months in a year.一年有12个月。860. moon(n)月亮, 月球,月光there’s no moon tonight.今晚看不见月亮。【补充】卫星how many moons does jupiter have?木星有多少颗卫星?* moon cake (n) 月饼861. more(a. ad. n)另外的,较多的;再,另外,而且,更;更多的量,另外的一些。only two more days to go!仅仅剩下两天了。he has more chance than ever. 他从来没有这样的大好机会。 if you still feel hungry, there is more food in the kitchen. 如果你还饿,厨房里还有东西。 instead of fewer accidents, there were more. 意外事故非但没有减少,反而增多了。he is the more careful of the two boys.他是这两个男孩当中较认真的一个。 he read the letter more carefully the second time.他把那封信又更仔细地看了一遍。could you repeat it once more?你能再重复一遍吗?what’s more.而且more and more people are using the internet.越来越多的人在使用互联网。i’ve more or less finished the book.我差不多已读完这本书【经典试题】--do you have enough men to carry these chairs?--no. i think we need _______ men. a. another     b. other twoc. more two     d. two more there are a lot _______ people today than yesterday. a. of  b. /    c. most  d. more the summer palace is really beautiful. in fact, i doubt whether china has ___park. a. a more beautiful      b.a most beautifulc. a beautiful         d. the most beautiful 862. morning(n)早晨, 上午see you tomorrow morning.明天上午见。she woke every morning at the same time.她每天早上同一时间醒来。he was born on the morning of may 1st, 1994.他出生在1994年五月一日的早上。863. most (a. ad) 最多的,大部分的;最which of you has made the most mistakes? 你们当中谁错得最多?。 most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞。most of her books were stolen她的大部分书都被偷走了。it was the most exciting holiday i’ve ever had.那是我经历过的最令人兴奋地假日。of the three questions, this is the most difficult. 三个问题中这是最难的。it was what she wanted most of all.这就是她最想得到的。what did you enjoy most?你最欣赏的是什么?at most最多(most+of+名词用作主语时,其谓语动词的数须根据该名词的数来决定)【安徽中考试题第46题】--it seems that alice never wants to do anything except draw pictures.--right. that’s what she likes to do _____.a. more    b. less   c. most    d. least864. mother(n)母亲, 妈妈; i want to buy a present for my mother and father.she’s the mother of twins.* motherland (n) 祖国865. motorcycle(n)摩托车* motor (n) 发动机,马达866. mountain(n)山, 山岳, 山脉we spent a week walking in the mountains.我们在群山中走了一个星期。to climb a mountain.爬山* mountainous (a.) 多山的。867. mouse (mice) (n)鼠, 鼠标a mouse is a small animal.老鼠是一种小动物。you should know how to use the mouse before learning playing the computer.868. mouth(n)嘴, 口don’t speak with your mouth full.嘴里塞满东西时不要讲话。* mouthful (n) 满口,一口* from mouth to mouth人传人,口口相传869. move(v)使移动,搬动 使感动,迁移;搬家that chair is in the way, move it please. 那把椅子挡着路,请把它移开。they were much moved by her story. 他们被她所说的深深打动。the news moved him very much.消息使他很感动。when are you moving to shanghai? 你们什么时候搬到上海去?870. movie(n)电影; 电影院direct a movie导演电影he is going to the movie.他打算去看电影。have you seen the latest movie?你看过最新的带你应吗?871. mr. (mister) (n)先生(后须跟姓)mr brown布朗先生mr and mrs brown布朗夫妇【补充】mr. right如意郎君,白马王子i’m not getting married in a hurry---i’m waiting for mr.right to come along.我不想匆忙结婚----我在等着白马王子的出现。872. mrs (mistress) (n)夫人,太太873. ms. (n)  女士, (未知婚否,后须跟姓)874. much(a. ad)许多的,大量的; 非常,很,十分i don’t have much money with me.我没带多少钱。how much water do you need?你要多少水? how much is it?这东西多少钱?thank you very much for the flowers.you worry too much.你过于担心了。she’s much better today.她今天好多了。i’m not much good at tennis.我不太擅长打网球。he is much too careless.他太粗心大意。we have too much homework我们作业太多。if you like the chicken, you may have as much as you can.你若喜欢这鸡肉,尽管吃。875. murder(n)谋杀, 谋杀案murderer谋杀犯,凶手876. museum(n)博物馆you won’t see live animals in a museum.在博物馆里你不会看到活的动物。a history museum历史博物馆878. music(n)音乐, 乐曲, 音乐作品, 乐谱i listened to the music on the radio。我收听广播中播放的音乐。many people like his music.许多人喜欢他的乐曲。* musical (a.) 音乐的,爱好音乐的* musician (n) 音乐家,乐师879. must (modal v ) 必须,应当;一定是you must do as you are told. 你必须遵嘱行事。 we must be home by six我们必须在六点以前回家。 this must be your room. 这一定是你的房间了。 he must be eighty now. 他现在八成有八十岁了。 if you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。 --may i take this magazine out? --no, you mustn’twe mustn’t waste our time.我们不应该浪费时间。--must i leave now?--yes, please./ i’m afraid so.--no, you needn’t / no, you don’t have to880. my (pron) 我的881. myself (pron我自己; (加强语气)亲自i am teaching myself french. 我在自修法语。 i myself wrote the report. 我自己写的报告。 i'll talk to him myself. 我自己去和他说。 【补充】正常情绪;常的健康状况i am feeling myself again. 我觉得健康如昔。i haven’t been feeling myself recently.我最近感觉不太好n882. name( n)名字, 名称do you know the name of the flower?你知道这是什么花吗?please write down your name and address.请写下你的姓名地址。补充:(v)命名,给…取名he was named after his father.他的名字和他父亲的一样。they named their son john.他们给儿子取个名字叫约翰。883. national (a.) 国家的, 民族的, 国民的a national flag国旗i8 love the national culture very much.我非常喜欢民族文化。* nationality (n) 国籍* nationwide (ad.)全国范围的884. natural(a.)自然的, 天然的the natural world自然界my hair soon grew back to its natural color.我的头发很快就恢复了本色。it’s natural to worry about your children.为孩子操心是和你自然的。he’s a natural leader.他天生是个领袖。885. nature(n)大自然, 自然界;种类;本性nature is at its best in spring.春天的大自然是最美好的。the beauties of nature自然界中美好的东西。it’s the nature of tigers to kill other animals. 残杀别的动物是老虎的本性。886. near(a,.prep)近的; (关系、程度上)接近的;近似的the post office is quite near. 邮局很近。 can you tell me the nearest way to the station?你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗?the near bank of the river 较近的一边河岸the small child was afraid to go near the dog.那小孩不敢靠近那条狗。it’s near five o’clock现在将近5点。* nearby (a.) 附近的887. nearly几乎, 差不多nearly everyone knows it.几乎人人都知道此事。888. necessary(a.)必须的,必要地it may be necessary to buy a new one.也许有必要买个新的。it doesn’t seem necessary for us to meet.我们似乎没必要见面。【安徽中考试题第48题】--dad, it’s such a long way from our home to the park !--you mean it’s _____ to take a taxi?a. popular  b. necessary  c. possible  d.important889. neck(n)颈, 脖子he tied a scarf around his neck.他脖子上围着围巾。he broke his neck in the fall.他摔断了脖子。neck and neck势均力敌,不相上下。* necklace(n) 项链890. need  (v, n, modal v )需要;必要;需求;we have no need to be afraid of them.我们不必怕他们。there is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必起早。the garden needs wate(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ring. 花园该浇水了。i’m in need of fresh air.我很想呼吸一点新鲜空气。i don't think you need to worry about this. 我认为你不必为这事担心。 they need our help. 他们需要我们帮助。need you go so soon? 你需要这么早走吗 ? you needn’t finish it today.你不必今天完成。【经典试题】--shall i book some seats for the concert?-- _____. i’v done that.a. yes, you may    b. no, you mustn’t c. no, you needn’t  d. i’d rather not891. neighbour(ame neighbor) (n)邻居; 邻人we’ve had a lot of support all our friends and neighbours.我们得到了朋友和邻里的很多帮助。our next-door neighbours are very noisy.我们隔壁的邻居非常吵。* neighbourhood=neighborhood邻近地区892. neither (a.) 两者都不neither answer is correct.两个答案都不对。neither of them has / have a car.他们两个都没有汽车。--which do you like?--neither, i think they’re both ugly.【补充】(ad.)也不;既不…..也不he didn’t remember and neither did i 他没记住,我也忘了。--i don’t know我不知道。--me neither我也不知道。their house is neither big nor small.他们的房子不大也不小。【经典试题】we have got two tv sets, but ____of them works well.a. any   b. both   c. either   d. neither【安徽中考试题】--are jim and bob playing outside?--____. they are doing their homework in the study.a. either  b. both   c. neither  d. none893. nervous(a.)神经质的;紧张不安的i felt really nervous before the interview.面试前我感到惶恐不安。he’s nervous of strangers.他见到陌生人就感到紧张不安。【安徽中考试题】 --i’m really ____ before the competition.--take it easy.  sure you are the best.a. cool    b. serious   c. nervous    d. patient894. never (ad.)决不,从来没有he will never go there again.他再也不会去那里了。 i have never done that before. 我从未做过那个。 never mind. 没关系--eating carrots is good for our health.--but i don’t like them at all and i never eat them.895. new(a.)新的;新鲜的he has bought a new dictionary. 他买了一本新字典。 are you new here, aren’t you?你是新来的,是吗?i’d like to learn a new language.我想学习一门新的语言her name is new to me.她的名字对我来说完全陌生。896. news(n)新闻, 消息what’s the latest news?有什么最新消息?a piece of news一则消息no news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。897. newspaper(n)报纸i read about it in the newspaper.我在报上看到了这事。898. next(a, ad.)下一个, 紧接的, 贴近的; 然后,随后do you know the woman in the next room?next time i’ll bring a book.下次我带本书来。next, i heard the sound of voices.接着,我听到说话的声音。 899. nice(a.)好的;美好的,宜人的; 好心的,友好的 it's a nice day.天气真好。did you have a nice time?你玩的痛快吗?you look very nice.你看上去真好。nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。it’s nice that you can come with us.你能和我们一起去真是太好了。it was nice of them to invite us.他们真是很好,邀请了我。have a nice day!(与顾客道别时)再见。nice work!干得好!you did a good job today. nice work, james!干得不错,好样的,詹姆斯!it was nice and warm yesterday.昨天的天气暖洋洋的。(nice and加另一个形容词不可用于名词前,如不能说:a nice and quiet place)900. night(n)夜晚the accident happened on friday night.事故发生在星期五的夜里。these animals only come out at night.on the night of january 10.在一月十日的晚上i saw her in town the other night.前两天晚上我在城里见过她。i’m working late tomorrow night.明天晚上我要工作很晚。good night ! see you in the morning.晚安,明儿见。the machines are kept running day and night.这些机器夜以继日地运转着。* night-club. (n)夜总会901. nine(num)九nine to five九点至五点,正常上班时间i work nine to five.我九点至五点上班a nine-to-five job朝九晚五的工作902. nineteen(num)十九903. ninety(num)九十the nineties  九十年代in your nineties  90多岁904. ninth(num)第九mr. brown lives on the ninth floor.布朗先生住在九楼905. no (ad, a)不,不是,没有,无,不--are you ready ?准备好了吗?--no, i’m not没有,没准备好--another drink?再来一杯?--no, thanks.不要了,谢谢--she’s had an accident她发生了意外--oh, no !怎么会呢 (表示惊讶)he has no friends in this city. 在这个城市里他没有朋友。


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