先锋英语3B Unit12 Review教案先锋英语3B Unit12 Review教案先锋英语3B Unit12 Review教案


先锋英语3B Unit12 Review教案

3b  unit12  review一、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:(1)初步感知故事,理解课文大意。(2)能够初步朗读故事,在此基础上尝试表演课文。(3)结合课文故事,复习以往所学知识点。2. 过程与方法: 运用整体故事故事教学的方法,教师通过提问,引导学生观察、想象、描述和阅读,在共同构建故事的过程中,达到接触、体验、理解语言的目的。在此基础上,对以往所学知识点进行梳理,通过课文学习讲起几个单元的知识有效串联起来。主要教学环节有:谈话导入、整体感知、逐图学习、适当扩展、体验练习、情感渗透。3.情感态度价值观:(1)教育学生乘车注意安全,不要将头伸出车窗外。(2)在教学过程中向学生渗透主动帮助、关爱他人的情感教育。

二、教学重点、难点:1. 教学重点:理解、感知、体验故事;在故事的学习中,复习前面所学内容。2. 教学难点:物主代词our 发音与词义的理解。

三、教学用具:ppt,头饰,录音机、flash 课件。

四、教学过程:step1: warm-up1. greetings:t: how are you today?ss: i’m fine. t: what’s the weather like?ss: it’s sunny.t: yes, it’s a sunny day. let’s go to macdonald’s farm.2. sing a song: old macdonald has a farm3. free talk:t: macdonald’s farm is very beautiful. let’s go to the farm. but his farm is far from our school. how do we go there?we can go there by bike. what else?s: we can go there by bus. ( by bus, by train, by car…)

step2: presentation1. lead in t: look! it’s really a good day. our friends go outing, too. ken invites them to his house to have a dinner. now, i have a question: how do they go there? (first, guess it.)2. 第一遍听读:找问题的答案。ss: they go to ken’s house by train.3. 讲读:p1:t: before getting on the train, what do they do? now look at the picture.where: ticket officewhat is bobby doing? bobby is selling the tickets. 引入学习ticket.                  bobby is selling the tickets. he is the seller.what is danny doing? danny is buying the tickets. he is the buyer.                  how many tickets does he buy?how do they sell and buy the tickets? now, who wants to be bobby/danny?学生进行表演,复习购物相关句型。听读第一幅图:let’s listen to the story carefully, what do they say in the story?

p2、p3:now they are in the train station.what can they see in the train station?what color is their train?is this their train? 复习一般疑问句及回答。

p4、p5:where are they? they’re in the train.what does mocky see?how are the cows?

p6—p10there is something wrong with mocky. now guess what is the matter with mocky? 复习句型:his ear hurts. his eye hurts.how is mocky now?he is better.

扩展故事:now the train is still going. at last it arrives at ken’s house. at that time, they are hungry. ken prepares so many delicious food and drink for them. what do they like?model: mocky likes bananas. it is very fresh.通过扩展故事,复习句型以及描述事物特征的句型及单词。


step3: practice1. follow the tape to read the story.2. read by oneself.3. act out the story.4. do the exercise5. retell the story.

五:板书设计ticket office    seller      buyer

train station:     red train

train:         cows (big)      his eye hurts.    he is better.

ken’s house:    mocky likes bananas. they are very fresh.


自我反思:1. 本节课是课文教学,但是同时也是复习课型。在课文教学的基础上,本课尽可能多地结合了以往所学知识,有针对性地充分地复习了重点句型以及重点单词。2. 由于本课是前几个单元知识的总结,并没有什么新知识,在结尾我扩展了这个故事,目的是使故事更完整,并且在扩展阶段复习了mocky likes bananas. they are very fresh. 这两个句型,复习了描述食物特征的重点单词以及重点句型。3. 本节课作为课文教学抓住了课文的主要线索,即地点的变化,在讲述过程中使课文思路更为清晰,更容易理解。板书的设计正是遵循了地点的变化,用图片这种更为生动的方式显示地点的变化。4. 本节课的不足是我还应该提高驾驭课堂的能力,在课堂上更为生动活泼,语调生动一些,让学生感受到故事的趣味性,在这一点上还应该加强。

吴娜的评课:听完王琳老师的这节故事教学课,我认为有以下几方面的特点:1、 情景创设连贯,完整,故事性比较强。本节课中教师创新性的为本篇故事创设了主人公去ken家做客,自然引出主人公怎么去,同时拓展了句型i go there by…之后创设情景引出乘坐交通工具要买票,怎么买票。火车上发生了什么?最后拓展到达ken家之后,ken为朋友们准备了丰盛的食物,猜一猜朋友们喜欢吃什么。每一个情景的创设都能够激发学生去思维,让学生有的说,能够充分的说,创新的说。不断给学生搭建手脚架,学生就可以更容易一步一步往上爬。 2、 有明显的故事主线,故事思路清晰,主次分明。整堂课中教师把故事发生的场景划分为ticket office, at the train station 和in the train. 在不同的场景中充分发散学生的思维,使学生置身于故事场景中,并且主次分明,体现了复习课的特点。3、 激发学生朗读兴趣,培养英语朗读能力和语感。本课中教师引导学生通过模仿cow, mocky, danny, lulu等不同角色的语言,让学生把自己溶入到角色当中去朗读和表演,让他们从模仿中体验学习英语乐趣,在朗读练习中培养朗读的能力和语感。 4、  以故事为载体,以语言的运用为目标。在本节课中教师尝试通过板书的设计和match the picture,两个途径有意识的领学生复述故事,初步尝试和培养学生讲故事的能力。复述故事是讲故事的一种形式,也是语言运用的一种方式。学生在对故事内容理解之后,学生就在老师的板书的提示下和老师一起复述故事,初步进行尝试,同时也是对故事内容的梳理。


先锋英语3B Unit12 Review教案
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