Getting to Know You教案Getting to Know You教案Getting to Know You教案


Getting to Know You教案

getting to know you教案lesson 3 getting to know you! [课前预习•快乐体验]  well begun is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。  一、根据课本p4的对话,你能快速回答下列问题吗? many questions does danny ask?        _(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)_______________      2.does danny like to eat many different foods?        ________________      3.what colour does sandra like?        ________________      4.what does sandra like to do after school?        _________________      5.does sandra like to comb her hair?        _________________   二、试着将下列短语译成英语。      1.一些新的东西___________      2.散步___________________      3.拉小提琴_______________      4.对……感兴趣___________      5.下一个问题_____________      6.写下___________________      7.三四个_________________      8.另一个问题_____________      9.逐渐了解_______________   三、“也”考考你,用too, also或 either 填空.      1.he_____watches tv in the evening. mother is a teacher,_______.      3.he doesn’t go to work by bus,________.      4.she is _______ a careful girl.                                                                       [课堂练习•高效提升]  you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.粗瓷碗雕不出细花来。  四、考考你的记忆力,根据句意首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。 my s_____, they won the game.      2.everyone is here, b______ not jim.      3.he doesn’t know the answer, e_______.      4.miss gao isn’t m_____.       5.i am i ______ in the tv play .      6.don’t forget to c_______ your hair before you go out.       7.i like listening to m _______.       8.she a_______ reads english every morning.       9.i r_______ don’t know how to do it.      10.look,she is playing the v______. it  sounds nice.   五、慧眼识珠,单项填空。        1.there isn’t ______ in this lesson.          a. something difficult        b. difficult something          c. anything difficult         d. difficult anything        2.the sentence(句子)is good, so let’s_______.          a. write down it      b. write it down      c. write down them    d .write them you want ______to the movie?a. g(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)o     b. going      c. to go      d. goes 4.the little girl can play______ piano.a. a      b. the        c. /          d. an5.what are your _______?a. interesting        b. interested        c. interest   d. my ________,he passed the exam this time.a. surprising      b. surprised       c. surprise       d. surprises7.-do you know the boy next to _______?-sorry, i don’t know.a. i    b. mine    c. me      d. my his school bag _______ the floor or _______ the wall?a. on; in      b. on; on     c. in; on     d. at; at9.there is a bridge ________ the two villages.a. among       b. in         c. between      d.across10.______ does your brother often go on sundays?a. where       b. what       c. how often    d.when 六、看看你的应变能力,用所给的单词的适当形式填空。1.i want you _ ______(answer) the question.2.here______(be) my homework.3.the book is very_____ and i’m______(interest)in it.4.they were______ (marry) last year.5.what do you hate _______(do)?七、这些句式你掌握了吗?按要求改写下列句子。1.she is called mary.(改为同义句)we___ ___ mary.2.he also watches tv on sundays.(改为否定句)he ____ watches tv on sundays,____.3.there are some new things in today 's newspaper (改为同义句)there is _____ _____ in today’s news-paper.4.he dislikes taking a bus.(改为同义句)he _____ _____ a bus.5.what’s the matter with you ,tom? (改为同义词)______ ______with you ,tom?  6.i have trouble others.(改为一般疑问句) ______ you ______to trouble others?7.he has to stay at home because his mother is ill.(就画线部分提问)______ ______ he have to stay at home?8.i have one more que stion.(改为同义句)i have _____ _____.

      [课后巩固•知能升级]       long talk makes short work.话多活少。       八、情景交际,补全对话。        a: 1 do you usually 2 on weekends?        b: i usually play 3  violin.         a: what’s you 4 sport?          b: i like 5 football best.        a: 6   7  do you play it?         b: three 8 a week.        a: who do you often pla y 9 ?        b: my friends. how 10 you?        a: ...    1._____ 2._____ 3._____     4._____ 5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______   9._____ 10.______      九、小医生,下 列各均有一出错误请找出并改正。        1. there is a book on the desk, either.           ___________________________________        2. the girl is playing violin.           ___________________________________        3. she combs her hairs carefully.           ___________________________________        4. the book is interested. i like it.            ____________________________________        5. she is married. you can call her miss zhang.           ____________________(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)_________________       十、完形填空。       sports and games are good 1 our health. they can 2 us strong, stop us from getting  3 fat and keep  4 and happy. es -pecially(特别是),they can help the people who work with their brains(大脑) 5 of the day to stndy better, for sports and games let people 6 their body.       they make our li fe richer and more colour-ful. if we 7 not have a strong body, we can 8 do things persons of all ages  enjoy 9 and taking part in 10 kinds of sports like swimming, skateboarding and ball games.        1.a. at        b. for      c. to        2.a. make        b. find             c. do         3.a. to          b. too              c. a lot of         4.a. health      b. healthy          c. unhealthy         5.a. all         b. most             c. some                 6.a. exercise    b. to exercise      c. exercising        7.a. are         b. do               c. don’t        8.a. always      b. hard             c. hardly        9.a. seeing      b. watching         c. to watch        10.a.difference  b. different        c. difficult

keys:一、  2. yes.he does.  4. she play the violin, and she loves music, and she also likes going for walks.  5. no,she doesn’t.二、1.something new/some new things  2. go for a walk the violin  4. be interested in...  5. the next question  6. write down  7. three or four  8. one more question  9.  get to know三、1.also  2.too  3. either  4. also 四、1. surpise  2. but  3. eith er  4. married  5. interested  6. comb  7. music  8.  always  9.reslly  10. violin五、1.c  2.b  3.c  4.b  5.d   6.c  7.c  8.b  9.c  10.a六、 answer  2. is  3. interesting, interested  4. married  6. doing/to do七、1. call her  2. doesn’t, either  3. something new  4. hates taking  5. what’s wrong, have  7.why does  8. another question八、1.what  3.the  4. favourite  5. playing  6. how  7. often  8.times  9.  with  10. about九、1. either 改为too 在肯定句中用 too,否定句 中用either.2。 在violin 前加 the  “play the +乐器”是固定用法。 3。 hairs 改为hair  hair是不可数名词,无复数形式。4inteested改为mrs  对已婚妇女的称呼应用mrs.十、1.b  be good for ... 是固定用法。2.a  “make+宾+宾补”结构3.b  4.b  and前后词性应一致,后面是形容词 happy.  5.a  由第一句推知。  6。a  let 后面省略to的不定式。7。b 后面有实义动词 have,主语是we 应在have 前用don’t构成否定句。8。c 由前一句推知 。9。 b enjoy+n/v.-ing看某项运动或比赛用 watch..10. 名词kinds 之前用形容词,而diffcult 与前面内容不符。


Getting to Know You教案
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