


在英语里是一项重要的语言表现形式,它与汉语动词的使用方法习惯很不一样,是不少中国学生容易混淆出错的知识能力要点。 非谓语动词有四个特出的特点:

一,它不能当谓语,因此在同一句子中一定还会另有谓语动词。象“i running in the morning every day.he named liping." 就是没有谓语动词的错误的句子。 

二,非谓语动词和谓语动词都表示动作,但两者的性质,地位不同。这是中国学生最不容易理解的地方。对句子往深层次分析,我们就应该领悟到这一点:与谓语动词的动作对比,非谓语动词的地位是次要的,从属性质的:(1)此动作有时已不是具体的动作,而是概括抽象的一件事,相当于一个名词了;(2)此动作有时即使是具体的动作,但却是从属性的,次要的动作:比如表示原因,条件,时间,目的,临时性的不稳定的伴随动作状态等。在汉语中,不使用连词也可以在一个句子中连用用几个动词;但在英语中,一个句子只能用一个谓语动词,除了用and 连接的两动词外,其它的两个动词一定要分清主次,从属等内在逻辑关系。表示原因,条件,目的,时间,临时性的不稳定的伴随动作等动词必须用非谓语或从句来表示。句子的重心应用作主句谓语动词,句子的次要,伴随,补充的说明部分必须用非谓语或有连词引导的从句。下面列举一些例句对比说明: 

1."为了健康,他天天喝牛奶。为了健康"是目的,是次要动作,“喝牛奶”才是唯一的谓语动词;to be more healthy, he drinks milk every day.

2."喝牛奶对他有好处,他爱喝牛奶"这两处的“喝牛奶”明显地不是具体的"(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)喝",而是概括抽象的一件事。“喝牛奶”在此处就近似地相当于名词“牛奶”.应用"drinking milk"动名词来表示。

3,“我喝牛奶肚子痛。”“喝牛奶”在此处虽然是具体动作,但它和"肚子痛"有内在逻辑关系,它表示的是原因,是从属地位,“肚子痛”才是主要的谓语动词。可以用"having drunk some milk, i have some trouble with my stomach."来表示。 

也可以用从句“since i have drunk some milk,i have some trouble with my stomach." 4,“喝牛奶,人健康”,“喝牛奶”与“健康”有逻辑联系,它显然是条件,可以用"drinking milk every day, one will get more healthy"来表示。

5,“我喝牛奶呛着了。”“喝牛奶”和“呛着”也有逻辑联系,它表示时间,可以用“drinking milk, i choked."来表示。 

6,“他坐在那里喝牛奶.”“坐”是稳定的长背景动作,应做谓语动词,而“喝牛奶”却是变动不稳定的的伴随动作,是补充说明,可用非谓语动词:“he sat there,drinking some milk."



7,"the girl standing there was crying."standing 就是the girl 的定语。 

8,"i found him running in the street." running 就是 found 的宾补。

非谓语动词还可以当表语。当表语的现在分词和过去分词都相当于形容词,表示特征,状态或人的情绪,情感;当表语的动名词相当于名词,表示一件事情或现象。例如:  9,the book is tiring , while the film is exciting. 

10.the excited audiences were moved at the exciting play. 

11.her job is raising pigs ,she finds that living is working. 

三,非谓语动词前不需要形式主语和连词。 1,除了独立主格结构外,非谓语动词都没有形式主语出现在它的前面,如出现了多余的主语那反而是错的句子。但主语不出现不等于没有主谓关系。非谓语动词肯定与主句的主语存在着隐含的逻辑主谓关系,如找不出这种关系那一般都是错误的句子。如“从山上看下去,我们的城市很美丽。”主句的主语“城市”不会“看”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,只存在动宾关系。因此不能用“seeing",而只能用"seen from the mountain , ..." 被动的形式来表示。或用独立主格:“anybody seeing it from the mountain ,the city looks very beautiful."又比如“听到这个消息,她的眼泪流出来了。”“眼泪”不会“听”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,因此不能象中文一样直译:hearing the news,her tears came along her check.应该说:hearing the news ,she had tears coming along her check. 

2,非谓语动词不需要because,as,if,when,while 等连词,但它却已经含有连词的意思。象 because not having prepared my lesson,i can't answer the question.就是错的,应删去because。 

反之,如不用非谓语而用从句,那表示原因,条件,时间,伴随,目的的从句前又必须有连词。而中文却是可以省连词的,如上文的“喝牛奶肚子痛”“喝牛奶,人健康。”“喝牛奶呛着了”都可以加用连词也可以不用连词。因此中国学生往往把表示原因,条件,时间,伴随的从句不用连词,不用句号,却要与主句并列在一起,出现“少连词混淆主次”的错误,如:i am poor, i can't buy the house. "i am poor"显然与后面的句子有逻辑因果关系,应加连词since或变成“being poor,i can't buy the the house.

有时中国学生又会犯两个分句都用连词的错误,如:“因为我病了,所以今天我不能上学”译成:because i am ill, so i can't go to school today.在英语中有连词的句子都是次要,从属地位的从句,如两个分句象中文一样都用连词,那就没有表示句子主要意思的主句了。这便是“多连词导致无主句”错误。同理,如非谓语动词短语后的句子用连词,也等于犯了“无主句”的错误。


1,及物的非谓语动词后要带宾语,是双宾动词还要带两个宾语,象上面的句子如用"anybody seeing from the mountain, ........"就是不好的句子,因为及物非谓语动词seeing没有带宾语。


3,过去分词后不能出现宾语,因主句的主语就是它的逻辑宾语。象"heated the water ,it will turn into stream."就是错的,the water 应删去。 

当然,带双宾的非谓语动词后还需带一个宾语:“told the students many times, the importance is paid attention to."  

以上知识能力要点都是要靠理解,领悟,不是靠死记硬背的。下面让我们做一点练习来加深理解。注意两动作的主次逻辑关系,注意“无形式主语”“无连词”“不能多用连词 ”等非谓语动词特点。  


1. 我钱不够,不能买这房子。

a.my money is short , i can't buy the house.

b. i'm short of money , i can't buy the house. 

c. being short of money , i can't buy the house.

d.short of money , i can't buy the house. 


a.i'm stronger than you,i can run faster than you.

b.i being stronger than you,i can run faster than you. c.being stronger than you,i can run faster than you. 

d.you being weaker than i, so i can run faster than you. 3,你见到他就叫他到这来吧。 

a. if you see him ,ask him come here please.

b.if you see him and ask him to come here please. 

c.you seeing him ,ask him to come here please.

d.seeing him , you ask him to come here please 


a.you have time and you come to help me. 

b.you have time you come to help me. c.if you have time and you come to help me please. 

d. having time , you should come to help me. 5,你觉得不舒服就别去游泳了。 

a.you don't feel well, you'd better not go to swim.

b.because you don't feel well, you'd better not go to swim. c.you not feeling well, you'd better not go to swim. d.not feeling well, you'd better not go to swim. 


a.if you have too much meat, and you'll get fatter. b. you have too much meat, and you'll get fatter. 

c.you have too much meat, you'll get fatter. 

d. having too much meat, you'll get fatter. 


a.yesterday he went to play football, breaking his leg.

  b.yesterday he went to play football, broke his leg. c.yesterday he going to play football,he broke his leg. 

d.playing football, he broke his leg yesterday. 


a.seeing me dressed in rags, the assistant showed me the cheapest suit. b.he saw me dressed in rags , the assistant (各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)showed me the cheapest suit. 

c.because he seeing me dressed in rags, the assistant showed me the cheapest suit. 

d.i dressing in rags , the assistant showed me the cheapest suit. 


a.if water too much, the flower will die. b. if you watered too much, the flower will die.

c.watering too much, the flower will die.

d.watered too much, the flower will die.


a.i was caught in the rain,i get a bad cold now. b.having caught in the rain,i get a bad cold now. 

c.i caught in the rain,i get a bad cold now. 

d.caught in the rain,i got a bad cold now.


a.they talked ,laughed and went to us. 

b.going to us, they talked and laughed.

c.they went to us ,talked and laughed. 

d.they went to us ,talking and laughing. 


a. he read a book, lying there.

b(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容).he lay there ,reading a book.

c.he lying there and reading a book.

d.he lay there ,read a book.


a,the girl dancing there sings well.

b.the girl danced there sings well.

c.the girl was dancing there sings well. d.the girl was dancing there was a good singer. 


a.i entered the room, saw he was watching tv. b.i entered the room, seeing him was watching tv. 

c.entered the room, i saw he was watching tv.

d.entering the room, i saw him watching tv.


a.he came ,making us laughed. 

b.he came to make us laughing.

c.coming,he often makes us laughing. 

d. came here,he often makes laughing. 

16.今天他病了,没来学校. a.he is ill,he doesn't come to school today. b.he is ill,not coming to school today. c.being ill,he doesn't come to school today. d.he being ill,he doesn't come to school today.






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