六年级英语下册Unit3 B Let's talk and let's learn教案六年级英语下册Unit3 B Let's talk and let's learn教案六年级英语下册Unit3 B Let's talk and let's learn教案


六年级英语下册Unit3 B Let's talk and let's learn教案

                 unit 3b let’s learn and let’s talkteaching aims: be able to read and write this phrases:went to a park/ went swimming/read a book/went fishing/went hikingbe able to use: did you read books? yes,i did../no,i didn’t.

the important points:be able to remember this phrasesbe able to use this sentences

the difficult pointsbe able to use this words : went /readthe pronunciation of read

teaching steps: preparationgreetinglet’s chant                                          did you go to a parkrevision this phrases : watched tv /washed the clothes /cleaned the room/played football/visited grandparentsfree talk:what do you do on the weekend?                                                  i usually visit my grandparentswhat did you do last weekend?                                                  i visited my grandparentst---ss, t---s1---s2work in pairs                                         act

presentation i often go to a park on the weekend.i went to a park yesterday       wentwent to a parki went to a park yesterday.read after me read togetherread by yourself                                              went                                           went to a park                                           i went to a park yesterday                                          

点出went 是go 的过去式what did you do yesterday?                                         i went to a park .work in pairs                                         make a dialoguedid you go to a park?read after me read togetherread by yourself                                            did you go to a park?ask me                                           did you go to a park?yes ,i did.work in pairsmake a dialoguelet’s read this phrases:                                           go swimming    went swimming                                           go hiking        went hiking                                           go fishing       went f(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ishing read togetherwho can make a sentence?i went (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)(        ) yesterday.did you go swimming ? yes, i did.did you go hiking?no ,i didn’tt—s1,t—s2.work in pairs                        make a dialoguelook at the picturewhat did she do yesterday?she read a book yesterday .   read a bookread after meread togetherread one by one                                          read a bookshe read a book yesterday点出read 的过去式形式不变而发音改变了did you read a book?yes, i did.did you read a book?no i didn’twork in pairsmake a dialoguepracticelisten to the tape                           just listen                                        listen and repeat                                       read by yourself                                                                                                                                listen and circlewhat did john do yesterday?did he go swimming?which one is right?listen and finish this questionswhat did mike do yesterday?did he read book s?                                                              read together                                         read by yourselfproductionmake a surveymodela: did you go swimming on the weekend ?b:yes , i did went swimming read a book wen(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)t fishing went hiking went to a park played football ……me no       my partner yes       do exsprogress1sum-up go –went  read—read , pay attention to the pronunciation of read,音变而形不变.本节课我们学了两个不规则的动词过去式did you ------?yes, i didno ,i didn’t注意一般疑问句的回答前后要一致2 home workread and write this phrases five timesmake a dialogue with your friend.write a short passage about you family last weekend.                       


六年级英语下册Unit3 B Let's talk and let's learn教案
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