Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)


Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)

Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)

Chapter 5 Look it up 篇1

  more practice章节分析(一)综述本章节是补充阅读材料,是对中国的国宝熊猫的描写。对于程度较好的学生来讲,这一部分的内容非常重要,可以补充许多英语知识,也可获得许多科学知识,是很值得学习的部分。本课的任务有三个:1、学生通过学习可以加深对熊猫的了解。2、通过学习课文,进一步了解怎么样抓住重点,获取信息。3、通过查找百科全书或英特网,强化学生的能力。(二)阅读目标知识目标学习课文中的单词、词组,理解句意。能力目标进一步掌握怎样记笔记,使用百科全书的办法,提高学生的阅读理解能力。情感目标通过对熊猫的了解,使学生强化自豪感,因为这是世界稀有动物,是我们国家特有的动物。通过对名人生平事迹的了解,可以使学生懂得成功的不易,更加刻苦努力学习。(三)教学办法采用整体阅读办法,帮助学生强化对文章的整体理解,以达到预期教学效果。(四)重点和难点生词的学习和记忆,句子的理解。教学设计(teaching designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考pre-reading 先讲一些描绘熊猫的句子,请学生猜一猜。然后请学生根据已有的知识自己描述一下熊猫的特征。网上的资料和图片。while-reading 这里的生词是比较难的,比如slope,chubby,clumsy等,句子也比较长,难以理解,可以请学生翻译个别句子,以加深理解。当然听录音朗读也是必须的。然后再填空。post-reading 可以带学生到电脑房去查找资料,可以分组进行,然后小组讨论,再向全班汇报。本文是一篇关于保护熊猫的文章。protect pandathe giant panda is known as the national treasure of china. the panda was a kind of ordinary animal in china long ago. however, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. so the number of them is falling quickly. at present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. people want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in sichuan province,which is called "pandas' home. "there pandas can enjoy their life happily. there is a bamboo forest near the pandas' home. so the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much. because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. we hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again. pandas are good friends of man. man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like! 保护大熊猫大熊猫被称为中国的“国宝”。很久以前,大熊猫是中国的一种很普通的动物。然而,由于种种原因,熊猫大量地死亡,所以它们的数量也急剧下降。目前,人们正采用一种重要的手段来拯救熊猫。人们想给它们找一个自己的家,近来已经在四川省建成了一所自然公园,叫做“熊猫之家”。在那儿,熊猫们愉悦地享受着它们的生活。“熊猫之家”附近有一片竹林,所以熊猫不用费力就能找到它们爱吃的竹子。 由于受到良好的保护,近些年来,熊猫的数量逐年增长。我们希望在将来的某一天,当我们有足够多的熊猫时,我们便还它们以自由,让它们重返自然。 熊猫是人类的好朋友,人类应该保护它们,让它们过上随心所欲的生活。一篇关于爱因斯坦的生平简介。albert einstein albert einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. his discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields. einstein was born in 1879 in ulm, a city in germany. as a boy, he was slow to learn to talk, but later in his childhood he showed great curiosity about nature and ability to solve difficult mathematical problems. after he left school, he went to switzerland, where he graduated from the university with a degree in mathematics. in 1905, einstein began to publish a series of papers which shook the whole scientific and 英特尔lectual world, and for the theories he established in the papers he won the nobel prize for physics in 1921. because einstein was jewish, when hitler took over germany in 1933, he had to leave the country and finally settled in the united states. there he continued his study on the structure of the universe until his death in 1955. among the several important discoveries einstein made in his life, the greatest is the creation of his famous theory of relativity.一篇关于华佗的简介。hua tuohua tuo was a famous doctor who lived 1,700 years ago during the three kingdoms period. he not only read widely but travelled extensively in his medical practice. his keen powers of observation, tireless penchant for research and ability to accurately sum up his experiences enabled him to perfect his healing art bianque* before him, he had a talent for making diagnosis by observing the patients' outward symptoms. once he found a group of people drinking in a tavern and was struck by the complexion of one of them. he went over to ask the man how he felt. the reply was that he felt quite alright, just as usual. hua warned him that he was seriously ill and that he must not drink any more. the man died soon afterwards.a versatile practitioner, he was expert in acupuncture. the discovery of jiaji, an acupoint on the spine frequently used today, is attributed to him. he wrote hua tuo's book on acupuncture, which remained one of the most authoritative works on the subject for many years after his of his great contributions was the development of an oral anaesthetic for use in surgical operations. the prescription consists chiefly of datura blossoms and certain other wild poisonous herbs, all of which grow abundantly in china's southern regions. his method later spread to the arab world.a famous patient operated on by him was general guan yu (see stories from the romance of the three kingdoms). in a battle guan yu had been injured in the arm by a lethally poisonous arrow. invited to give treatment, hua tuo cut open the lesion and scraped the poison off the bone. all the while, the general went on playing chess without a windowsce. his wound soon healed and the patient suffered no disability whatever.with the use of his oral anaesthetic, he is said to have performed many successful major operations involving internal organs. he must have had a fine grasp of anatomy and physiology.he was also an early exponent of physical exercise for its curative and preventive value. by observing and imitating the movements of certain animals (like the tiger, bear, monkey and deer) and birds, he designed a set of callisthenics which he called "the game of five animals". whit this, he cured certain chronic diseases, notably disorders of the digestive system, and the game became quite popular in certain regions of the country during his lifetime.but this giant in chinese medicine did not come to a happy end. called in by cao cao, the prime minister, to treat his migraine, the doctor relieved him of his pain instantly with the application of a single acupuncture needle at the effective point. cao cao wanted him to remain at court as his personal physician. unwilling to spend his time in the service of a handful of people, hua tuo declined on the excuse of an ailing mother who needed his constant attention. when cao cao found out this was an evasion, he had him arrested and finally put to death.while in prison, the doctor asked his gaoler to help smuggle his medical works to the outside world for the benefit of the people. unable to persuade the gaoler, who was afraid to take the risk, hua tuo committed his works to the flames. this was a great loss to the medical heritage of the country.一篇关于秦始皇的简单简介。qing shi huangqing shi huang was one of the most brillant politics through chinese history ,whose name was ying zheng. at the age of 13 ,he became the king of qing. in 221bc he finally nuited china after beating other 6 countries - qi yan chu zhao wei han .at the age of 39 he became the emperor of the qing empire .during his time ,the great wall was built,which is known as the eighth mir in the world. in 207bc he died.一篇关于爱迪生的事迹简介。thomas edisonthomas edison was a famous american scientist. he was born in 1847. when he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. he was in school for only three months. he asked his teacher a lot of strange questions. most of them had nothing to do with his lessons. the teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth teaching. when he told this to edison’s mother, she took her son out of school. as she had been a teacher, she taught him herself. the boy read a lot. soon he became very interested in science. at the age of ten, edison had already built a chemistry lab for himself. ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things. thomas edison was born on february 11, 1847 and died on october 18, 1931. he was an inventor and businessman who developed many important devices. "the wizard of menlo park" was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production to the process of invention. in 1880 edison founded the journal science, which in 1900 became the journal of the american association for the advancement of science. edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name. most of these inventions were not completely original but improvements of earlier patents, and were actually works of his numerous employees. edison was frequently criticized for not sharing the credit. nevertheless, edison received patents worldwide, including the united states, united kingdom, france, and germany. edison started the motion picture patents company, which was a conglomerate of nine major film studios

Chapter 5 Look it up 篇2

  language章节分析(一)综述本章节的语法点主要是帮助学生掌握this和these,that和those用法,其实学生在小学就已经学习过,在这儿只是复习和归纳。此外,还要进一步学习可数名词和不可数名词的用法。并说出一样物体是由何种原材料制成的。(二)目标帮助学生掌握this和these,that和those用法;进一步学习可数名词和不可数名词的用法;并说出一样物体是由何种原材料制成的。(三)教学办法     归纳法和例举法。(学生对这两个语法并不陌生,所以主要是帮助他们总结和归纳。)(四)重点和难点可数名词和不可数名词的用法。学生须掌握如下词汇:concrete拓展的词汇: banknote, id card教学设计(teaching designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考lead –in 1.    present this,that,these,those2.    present countable nouns and uncountable nounsoxford englsih 课本practice understanding the languageoxford englsih 课本exercises and homework课本上的练习以及牛津练习册和语法训练。oxford englsih 课本以及课后练习

Chapter 5 Look it up 篇3

  reading章节分析(reading section )(一)综述本单元的阅读部分是三个生动有趣的小故事,独立成篇。学生通过对课文的学习。掌握一些核心词汇,比如:amusement,article,deliver,describe等。通过学习课文,不仅学到了英语,而且了解了百科知识,增进了学生的求知欲。并为自己编写小故事做好准备。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标通过阅读进一步加深对百科全书的了解,促使学生自己查找百科全书。3 情感目标帮助学生知道环境对地球生物的影响,可以让学生强化环保意识;对第欧及尼斯的了解可以使学生更注重精神建设;迪斯尼的生平事迹会让学生知道刻苦的可贵。(三)教学办法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论,表演等活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1词汇学习1) 核心词汇amusement   article   behind   deliver   describe   die of   evenfrance   hurt   in the end   look up   mail   secret   united   stateamerica   while   character   create   disease   exist    fierce   harm   real2)拓展词汇belongings     disease   disneyland   encyclopaedia greece   harmless   jar   kneel   lastly   peacefully     secret skeleton tame   thinker   unlike2句型学习some were as small as chickens.they were as gentle as sheep and ate plants.the way to be happy was to own as few as possible.

  教学设计(teaching designs)



  教学资源参考pre-reading 可以从卡通部分引入。因为每个卡通的内容都对正式的阅读有一个暗示。短短的两句话中出现了百科全书这个词,使学生预知阅读文章的内容和百科全书有关。因为只有两句话,可以请学生当场背出并表演,强化记忆。 阅读前的小测试可以花五分钟的时间进行,既是对学生所掌握知识的测试,也是新课的一个引子。牛津英语教学参考。while-reading 这是本课的重点部分。 1.三篇课文独立成篇,可以独立教学。 a. 听课文的录音,并跟读。 b. 生词及词组的讲解。 c. 重点句型讲解并操练。 2. 可以把编写小故事放在这里进行,尤其可以让学生编写关于恐龙的故事,猜测恐龙为何会突然灭亡。为后面的writing埋下伏笔。多媒体的图片资料来自网络。post-reading 同时推荐学生阅读补充材料:比如学生很感兴趣的卡通故事。因特网。说明: 初中英语学科教学基本要求规定,学生能根据上下文推测词义,并能不借助词典读懂含有3%生词的语言材料。这类题有的是检测学生对词汇的熟练掌握程度,有的是检测对词语搭配的了解、一词多义或转义现象,词语的解释往往暗含 课本巩固练习:p64b and p65c,d 恐龙这篇文章在上到本教时的结尾时,可以让学生编写恐龙灭亡的故事,把writing的内容插进去上。对程度好的学生来讲,编出的故事会趣味盎然。 地欧及尼斯是希腊古代哲学家,我们在此处找出一个中国古代哲学家孔子来做相应的对照。one of the most famous people in ancient china was a wise philosopher named confucius (circa 551-479 bc). he sometimes went by the names kong zi though he was born - kong qiu - styled zhong ni. he was born in the village of zou in the country of lu.this chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human's behavior, the rules that you should follow to make a successful life, and about the government. in other words, it's about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient china that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. he also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully. confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 b.c., and he was born in the state of lu. his original name was k'ung ch'iu. his father, commander of a district in lu, died three years after confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but confucius nevertheless received a fine education. he was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters. he worked as a keeper of a market. then he was a farm worker who took care of parks and farm animals. when he was 20, he worked for the governor of his district.迪斯尼一生创作了许多卡通人物,学生对这些角色都很熟悉,我们可以从学生所熟悉的动画片中引出课文。在上本篇时,可穿插上怎样查找百科全书。

Chapter 5 Look it up 篇4

  上师大附外中 沈玮教案设计说明1、教材的理解和教学内容、目标的确定本章课文中的三篇短文摘自少儿百科全书,内容引人入胜,可以激发学生阅读的兴趣,提高阅读能力,也可以学到利用工具书查询资料和信息的初步知识。本课时是本章节的第一课时。鉴于学生对其中两篇文章(dinosaur、walt disney)有所了解,也更感兴趣;同时,本课时旨在导入新课,激发学生的学习热情,因此,在引导学生了解百科全书的基础上,本课时主要通过听、说、读认识这两篇文章中的重点词汇、整体理解文章内容,为后面的检测性练习和对原文的细细研读,以及对重要词语和结构的讲解、训练和掌握作铺垫。另外,通过本课时的学习,激发学生的读好书、不断拓宽知识面的热情。本课时的教学重点之一是exist, skeleton等的词汇教学(harmless, fierce,amusement等在sbs中学过,在本课教学中只作复习处理);教学重点之二是对两篇文章内容的整体理解。本课时的教学难点是在一定量信息输入的基础上,怎样引导学生较顺利地进行信息的加工和输出,以达到英语学习的真正目的。2、教学对象的分析   本课时的教学对象是我校初二(2)班甲班学生。他们大多都热衷于英语学习,思维活跃、有良好的英语学习习惯。近两年半两套英语教材的学习(oxford和side by side)和小班化教学,他们已经掌握了相当多的词汇,同时具有相对较强的听、说、读、写能力。但由于多数学生知识面较狭窄,因此在设计教学过程时,教师还要尽可能地注意信息的输入,为学生提供更多用英语进行交际的素材。3、教学思路    牛津英语教学是以任务型学习为基础,以学生为主体,培养学生语言交际能力的新型教学模式。因此,在整个教学设计的过程中,一方面,通过以学生为中心的师生间、同学间的互动式教学,以教导学;另一方面,注重语言输入的层次性,由易到难、由点到面,为学生创设成功和发展的机会,进而进一步调动和发挥学生的主体性,提高他们的语言交际能力。    1) 通过一个quiz使学生初步了解百科全书的内容,也调动了他们学习课文和以读书增长知识的积极性。同时quiz结合了学生前一阶段学习的话题——space, 由易到难,有助于缓解学生紧张情绪,营造轻松愉悦的学习气氛,进而提高学习效率。    2) 利用自然的过渡,结合两篇文章的特点,通过听、读、说等多种形式,全面地了解文章内容,。    由于“dinosaur”中有几个较难的生词,因此采用由词到句、由句到篇的方式,即,借助图片解决生词,排除理解障碍——在听的训练中,强化句子的理解——把握关键词,增强文章整体理解——通过自读、质疑,检查课文理解效果。    结合学生喜欢看卡通片、对disneyland极感兴趣的特点,“disney, walt”的教学更注重信息的输入和输出:在热烈轻松的谈话气氛下,集思广益;通过自读课文后的互问互答,增加信息,培养快速阅读的能力;在教师问题的引导下,获得更全面、系统的信息;借助板书,在简单输出中强化。    3) 以interview的形式,提升学生对课文内容的理解,并为学生提供用英语进行有意义交际的机会,增强英语学习的实践性,同时也是对本课时教学效果的检查。4) 为了能在下一课时更深入地引导学生学习课文和提高英语综合能力,教师鼓励学生利用多种途径去查阅更多的资料、激发他们热爱读书、不断提升自身素养的积极性。answer sheet 1t or f:1. the dinosaur lived on earth more than sixty thousand years ago.  (    )2. long time ago, people could see dinosaurs. (   )3. all the dinosaurs lived on the land. (   )4. some of the dinosaurs were huge, but some were small. (   )5. dinosaurs were always harmful to the animals around them.  (   )6. not all the dinosaurs ate meat. (   )7. some dinosaurs died out suddenly.  (   )8. people can know dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints they left behind. (    )answer sheet 2blank filling:dinosaurs lived on earth more than sixty _______ years ago. this was a long time ________ people existed. there were millions of dinosaurs. they lived ___________. some were as ______ as chickens. others were as big as ten elephants. some dinosaurs had windowsgs and could_____.many dinosaurs were ________. they were as _______ as sheep and ate plants. others were harmful. they were______ than tigers and ate meat, unlike most other dinosaurs.dinosaurs all died _________. ________ knows why. we know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and ________ they left behind.teaching designteaching contents: oxford english 8a, chapter 5 (look it up!) the first periodteaching aims:1. to find and understand the information given from encyclopaedias.2. to develop students’ ability of listening, speaking and reading.3. to develop students’ ability of observation, imagination and cooperation.4. to stimulate students’ interest in studying english and reading books.teaching focus:1. to learn and understand some new words (exist, skeleton, etc.)2. to get a general idea of the passages.teaching difficulties:how to express what they’ve learned in their own words.teaching aids:1. powerpoint2. videosteacher: shen weiclass: class two (a), junior twoteaching time: december 4, XXteaching procedure:i. warming-up:  do a quiz.ii. while-task procedure:1. dinosaurs:1). learn some new words with pictures.2). listen to the tape and do t or f and blank filling.3).tick out some words you think important in the passage.2. disney, walt1). talk about your favorite cartoon characters with pictures. 2). ask and answer the questions in pairs while reading.3). say something about the passage with the expressions given.iii. post-task procedure:carry out an interview. (interview the tourists in the museum or in the disneyland park according to the information in the short passages.)assignment:1. copy the new words and phrases.2. find more information about dinosaurs, disneyland and walt disney in magazines, books or on the internet.  

Chapter 5 Look it up 篇5

  readinglook it up!disney,walt                                                 teaching aim:1. finding and understanding information,especially from encyclopaedias2. studying the paragraph “disney, wal”teaching aids: computer, multi-media, encyclopaedia and so on.teaching procedures:1. review the paragraph “dinosaurs”,ask some questions.2. ask the students what their favourite things are, and help them to find the information from the encyclopaedia. (the teacher put several articles into the computer before)3. let the students know how to find the information from the encyclopaedia.4. learn “disney, walt”1) listen to the cassette and read after the recording.2) the students read the paragraph.3) the students ask and answer some questions about the paragraph.homework: get some information from the encyclopaedia at home or in the library.链接5是一份《白雪公主》的中英文对白,可以在最后请学生朗诵。很久以前,在一个遥远的王国里住着一位叫白雪的可爱公主。long ago ,in a faraway kingdom, there lived a lovely young princess named snow white.皇后是白雪公主的继母。为人冷酷无情而且极爱虚荣。好嫉恨每一个比她美丽的人。因此,她总是用愤怒及妒忌的眼光看着白雪公主。her stepmother, then queen, was cruel and vain. she hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, and she watched her stepdaughter with angry, jealous eyes.皇后会施展魔法及拥有一只巨大及能说话的魔镜。每天她都会站在魔镜前问道:“墙上的魔镜啊,你说谁是最美丽的!”而魔镜每天都回答说:“天下最美丽的人是皇后。” the queen had magic powers and owned  a wonderous mirror that spoke .every day she stood before it and asked:magic mirror on the wall,who is the fairest one of all?and every day the mirror answered:you are the fairest of all, o queen,the fairest our eyes have ever seen.日子一天天过去,白雪公主越来越漂亮,而皇后也越来越嫉妒她了。于是,皇后逼迫白雪公主穿着破烂的衣服,在厨房里从早到晚不停地干活。白雪公主尽管干活干得很累,但她还是那么甜美、温柔、可爱。她一天接一天不停地洗啊,拖啊,擦啊。她常常幻想有一位英俊的王子来到她身边,并把她带回王子的城堡。as time passed, snow white grew more and more beautiful-and the queen grew more and more envious, so she forced the princess to dress in rags and work in the kitchen from dawn to dusk.despite all the hard work, snow white stayed sweet, gentle, and after day she washed and swept and scrubbed. and day after day she dreamed of a handsome prince who would come and carry her off to his castle.有一天,皇后也照例去问魔镜。然而,她听到了最令她害怕的回答:“夫人,你仍然很美丽,但我看到了一位更可爱的小姐。她比你更漂亮,她的嘴唇像玫瑰一样红艳,头发乌木一样乌黑,皮肤像雪一样洁白。”皇后一听,愤怒得连声音也发抖了,大声说:“是白雪吗?哼!我决不会放她!”one day when the queen spoke to her mirror, it replied with the word she had been dreading:fair is thy beauty, majesty,but hold-a lovely maid i see,one who is more fair than thee.lips red as a rose, hair black as ebony,skin white as snow…“snow white?” shrieked the angry queen. she must be destroyed! 皇后召来了一个猎人,命令他说:“你必须依照我的吩咐,把白雪带到森林里杀掉!”悲哀的猎人哀求皇后饶恕白雪,皇后当然不会听猎人的话。她警告猎人:“记住,我有魔法。你一定要服从我,否则你和你全家都要受难。”the queen sent for her huntsman.“take snow white deep into the forest,” she asked, “and there ,my faithful one, you will kill her”the unhappy man begged the queen to be merciful, but she would not be persuaded “remember my magic powers,” she warned. “obey me, or you and your family will suffer!”第二天,白雪公主跟随猎人出去,丝毫没有想到自己已处于危险之中。他们进入森林里,猎人拔出了刀。可是,猎人突然跪了下去。他哭泣着说:“亲爱的公主,我不能杀你。请原谅我吧。这完全是皇后的命令。”白雪听了,吃惊得张大嘴巴,疑惑地问:“皇后要杀我?”the next day snow white ,never suspecting that she was in danger, went off with the huntsman.when they were deep in the woods ,the huntsman drew his knife.then suddenly ,he fell to his knees.“i can’t kill you,” he sobbed.“forgive me, sweet princess. it was the queen who ordered this wicked deed.”“the queen?” gasped snow white.猎人说:“皇后嫉妒得快发疯了,她会不顾一切地伤害你的。快,你赶快跑,不能再回去,我会想办法回复皇后的。走,现在就走,救救你自己!”白雪公主听后,立刻惊恐地跑向森林的深处,杂乱的树枝勾破了她的衣服;尖利的小刺刮伤了她的手臂和大腿;黑暗中到处闪动著野兽们可怕的目光。白雪公主感到周围隐藏着危险。她不停的跑啊跑啊,终于筋疲力尽地倒在地上,开始哭泣起来。“she’s mad with jealousy,” said the huntsman.“she’ll stop at nothing to destroy you. quick –run away and don’t come back.. i’ll think of something to tell the queen. now go! run! save yourself!”frightened, snow white fled through the woods. tangled branches tore at her clothes .sharp twigs scratched her arms and legs. strange eyes stared from the shadows. danger lurked everywhere.snow white ran on and on.. at last she fell wearily to the ground and began to weep.森林里许多的善良的动物围着她。想尽办法安慰她。然后,这些小动物们叽叽喳喳地说笑着把她带到了一个小木屋前。白雪公主一见小木屋,高兴极了,说:“噢,多可爱的小房子,简直像一所娃娃屋!”但是呢当进去就发现屋子里的家俱上积满了灰尘,水盆里堆满了脏碟子。白雪公主说:“让我们把一切都收拾干净吧,也许住在这里的小孩们会让我留下来照顾他们的。”the gentle animals of the forest gathered around and tried to comfort her. chirping and chattering, they led her to a tiny cottage.“oh.” said snow white “how sweet !” “it’s just like a doll’s house.”but inside, the tiny furniture was all dusty, and the sink was filled with dirty dishes.“let’s tidy everything up,” said snow whit“maybe the children who live here will let me stay and take care of them.”小动物们都乐于助人,不一会儿,小房间里的一切都整理得也干净也整齐了。这时,小木屋的主人——七个小矮人正从他们工作的矿山往家走着。他们边走边唱:“嗨——哟,嗨——哟,我们收工回家唼!” the animals all helped ,and soon the place was spick-and-span.meanwhile, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage were starting home from the mine where they worked .on their way they sang:heigh-ho ,heigh-ho,it’s home from work we go…他们进入屋子后对屋内的干净整齐感到惊奇。使他们更惊奇的是当他们踮着脚尖到楼上时发现睡着的白雪公主。白雪公主被惊醒了。当她看到七个小矮人时,也觉得非常惊讶,说:“嗨,原来你们不是孩子,而是小矮人!”这时,小矮人都围上来。白雪公主说:“我坐在床上读到了你们的名字。让我来猜一下:你一定是万事通,你嘛,是害羞鬼,你们分别是喷嚏精、瞌睡虫、开心果、湖涂蛋,而你一定是爱气。”the dwarfs were amazed to find their house so neat and clean. they were even more amazed when they tiptoed upstairs and saw snow white!snow white woke up with a start.“why, you’re not children,” she said when she saw the dwarfs.“you’re little man!” the dwarfs gathered around her.“i read your names on the beds, ”  said snow white.“let me guess who you are ? you must be doc.and you must be bashful. then there’s sneezy, and sleepy, and happy, and dopey…and you must be grumpy!” 白雪公主告诉了小矮人们皇后要杀她的经过。小矮人们决定让白雪公主和他们住在一起。爱生气不高兴地说:“我们会惹麻烦的。”万事通说:“但是呢我们不能眼看着白雪公主被邪恶的皇后抓去呀!”其他小矮人都点头表示赞同万事通的话。when snow white told dwarfs of the queen’s plan to kill her,they decided that she should stay,with them.“we’re askedin’ for trouble,” huffed grumpy.“but we can’t let her be caught by that  kwicked queen-i mean, wicked queen!” said doc. the others all agreed.当天晚饭后,白雪公主和小矮人们跳起了欢乐的舞蹈,并还演奏悦耳的音乐。害羞鬼拉起了手风琴,开心果敲打着小鼓,瞌睡虫吹着喇叭,爱生气弹着琴,万事通和喷嚏精弦琴。糊涂蛋既不会唱歌也不会演奏,但他也有一个本领:他能灵活地摆动一对耳朵。白雪公主非常喜欢这些新朋友。她始终觉得找到了一个安全的地方。that night, after supper, snow white and the dwarfs danced and made merry music. bashful played the concertina. happy tapped the drums. sleepy tooted the horn. grumpy pumped the organ.doc and  sneezy  played stringed instruments. dopey didn’t know how to sing or play a tune, but he was very good at wiggling his ears!snow white loved her new friends. and she felt safe at last.但是呢,皇后从她的魔镜里得知白雪公主还活着。她咬牙切齿地说道:“这次我要亲手杀了她!”于是,她念了一个咒语,把自己变成了一个卖东西的老太婆。她装了一个篮iPhone,把放在上面的iPhone涂上了毒药然后她恶狠狠地:“只要让白雪公主吃一口,她就会永远睡着。到那时,我就是世界上最漂亮的人了。”but the queen had learned from her mirror that snow white was still alive.“this time,” she hissed,“i’ll finished myself!”with a magic spell, she turned herself into an old peddler woman .she filled a basket with apples, putting a poisoned apple on top.“one bite,” she cackled,“and snow white will sleep forever. then i will be the fairest in the land!”第二天早晨,小矮人们要去矿山工作了。他们告诉白雪公主好好看好门户。万事通说:“要当心陌生人。”爱生气说:“对,不要让任何人进屋。”白雪公主说:“噢,爱生气你真关心我。”她吻了爱生气和其他小矮人道别。小矮人们便高兴地去工作了。next morning, before the dwarfs left for the mine ,they warned snow white to be on her guard.“beware of strangers,” said doc.“right,” said grumpy.“don’t let nobody or nothin’ in the house.”“oh, grumpy”, said snow white ,“you do care! i’ll be careful, i promise.” she kissed him and the others good-bye, and the dwarfs went cheerfully off to work. 几分钟后,皇后来到了厨房的窗户下。“亲爱的姑娘,你在烤馅饼吗?”她装作热情地说:“人们最喜欢吃iPhone馅饼的。来,尝尝我的iPhone吧。”说着,她把那只有毒的iPhone递给了白雪公主。白雪公主想起了小矮人们的警告。但她也想,“这可怜的老太婆怎么会伤害人呢?而且那粒iPhone看起来是很美味啊。”于是,她咬了一口这只有毒的iPhone。只听到“啊”的一声,白雪公主就倒在地板上了。a few minutes later, the queen came to the kitchen windowsdow.“baking pies, earie ?” she asked.“it’s apple pies the men love. here, taste one of these.” she held the poisoned apple out to snow white.snow white remembered the dwarfs’ warming.“but what harm can a poor old woman do?” she thought “and that apple does look delicious.”she bit the poisoned apple. then, with a sigh, she fell to the floor. 小矮人得到了鸟儿和动物的报告,知道家里出了事。他们飞快地跑回木屋,看到皇后正在逃跑,连忙追了上去。这时,天上乌云密布,下起了大雨。小矮人们追着皇后来到了一座高耸入云的大山上。他们拼命地一直追到山顶。猛然间天空传来一声巨响,一道耀眼的闪电划过并击中了邪恶的皇后,把她摔到山脚下,得到了应有的报应。alerted by the birds and animals that something was wrong, the dwarfs raced back to the cottage. they saw the queen sneaking off, and they ran after storm clouds gathered and rain began to fall, the dwarfs chased the queen up a high, rocky mountain. up, up they went, to the very top.crack! there was a flash of lightning , and the evil queen fell to her doom below.但是呢小矮人已经来得太迟,不能及时救到白雪公主。他们把白雪公主没有生气的身体从木屋地板抬了起来。白雪公主是那样美丽,小矮人们不忍心和她分开,于是建造了一个黄金水晶棺材,日日夜夜陪伴着这们可爱的公主。but the dwarfs seemed to be too late to help snow white. they lifted her lifeless body from the floor of their cottage. she was so beautiful, however ,that the dwarfs could not bear to part with her. they built her a coffin of glass and gold, and day and night they kept watch over their beloved princess.有一天,一位英俊的王子骑着马来到森林。他一见到美丽的白雪公主就深沉地爱上了她。他跪在她身边,忍不住。轻轻地吻了她一下。奇迹出现了!白雪公主坐了起来,闪动着美丽的大眼睛甜蜜地笑了。原来,白雪公主并没有死,王子的亲吻解除了皇后的邪恶的咒语!七个小矮人欢乐地起舞。王子把白雪公主带到了他的城堡。从此,白雪公主和王子一起过着幸福美满的生活。 one day a handsome prince came riding through the forest. as soon as he saw snow white ,he fell in love with her. kneeling by her coffin, he could not resist kissing her.snow white sat up, blinked her eyes, and smiled. snow white wasn’t dead after all. the prince’s kiss had broken the queen’s evil spell! as the dwarfs danced with joy,the prince carried snow white off to his castle, where they lived happily ever after.

Chapter 5 Look it up 篇6

  listening, speaking, using english, writing章节分析 (section analysis ) (一)综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,强化他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。听力部分简介的是中山陵的概况,有很强的爱国教育意义;说的部分是教学生辨认音节,这既可以帮助学生朗读单词,也可以帮助学生记住单词;运用部分是教学生查英语百科全书;书写部分是教学生编写小故事.(二)目标listening 听力部分的任务是教会学生记简单的笔记。speaking 帮助学生学会对单词中音节的辨认,并学会表达想要的物。using english 帮助学生学习使用百科全书,掌握以字母顺序开头的办法和按类别分类的办法。writing 学会编写小故事。(三)重点和难点listening 学生须掌握如下词汇:government   pay   repair   republic   拓展的词汇: attraction   bury   hectare   memorial本篇听力生词较多,所以较难听清;且要填的空格中有好些数字,也增加了一定的难度。speaking 多音节的辨认using english 按照类别分类writing 自己编写小故事。学生须掌握如下词汇:appear   dream   later   visitor教学设计(teaching designs)教学内容教学实施教学资源参考listening 1)pre-listening 在听之前,先简介一些孙中山先生的生平事迹.有学生去南京旅行过的可以请他简要地简介一下.2) while-listening本篇听力较难较长,指导学生先看一下须完成的练习,猜测一下所要填的内容。3) post-listening 两遍听完以后请学生讲答案.《牛津英语教学参考》speaking 学生在朗读时要边念单词边数音节.using english 准备一本百科全书运用实物进行教学writing 可以分为两步:1.根据书上的广告补充完故事。2.根据课文的内容,尤其是恐龙的故事,接着往下编故事。     恐龙故事的编写可以放在上reading的时候进行,既加深了对课文的理解,也增强了趣味性。听力和写作的简案。listening 1. pre-listening (page 66) 1) help students to get familiar with the new words,especially the name ‘dr sun yat-sen’ 2) introduce the task to the students, that is, to complete the sentences. 2. while listening 1) ask students to read the sentences.2) help students to listen to the recording, and fill in the gaps. 3) play the recording again and check the answer with the students.3. post-listening after listening, ask students to say something about the memorial.     writing1. pre-writing --- make sure the students understand everything required by the exercise。students should first read through the instructions. students should find out the meaning of the passage.2. while-writing 1) students should follow the instruction and complete the gaps.2) students should read the story by themselves.3) students discuss the story to make it perfect.3. post-writingstudents write an interesting story by themselves and exchange the stories.


Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)
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文章名称:Chapter 5 Look it up(通用6篇)





