Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案


Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

unit 11 what time do you go to school? 教案section b(p69-70) p+c学习目标:(dec.11)                                      (1’)通过读、译p69-70内容,能熟练地用英语谈论自己及他人的作息习惯。预习导学过程:一、单词、词组、句型加油站  ( 温 故知新,可以为师矣!)a、单词   (办法指导:先根据自己的记忆完成,不会的再翻看课本。)      信                 大约                开始              书写             告诉                不久               最好的             希望                                       b、词组  翻译下列词组并造句want to do 译:               例:                                    get up译:            例:                                                                           do one’s homework译:         例:                                                                   共7页,当前第1页1234567

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

eat breakfast译:           例:                                        go to school译:          例:                               tell sb about……译:           例:                                      in fact译:           例:                                      best wishes 译:           例:                                                       6:30译:                                                               二、课本点击:                                  1.thanks for your letter.因为你的来信而感谢。/谢谢你的来信。用英语表示“因某事感谢某人”要用 “thanks for sth.” 或 “thanks for doing st h.”。比如:“谢谢你的帮助。”可译为“thanks for your help.”或“thanks for helping me.”。 巩固练习:thanks for ___________(tell) us the news(消息).           thanks a lot __________ the birthday cake.共7页,当前第2页1234567

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

2.school stars at nine o’clock.学校在9点钟开始上课。拓展:star是动词,译为“开始”,相当于begin,后面可以接名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。即:star doing sth 或者star doing sth.  巩固练习:class __________ at 8:25 in our school.  let’s start __________ (read) the text(课文).   what time does the party __________?3.write to sb=write sb a letter=write a letter to sb给某人写信  巩固练习:she often _________(写) to her aunt in america.            please write a letter to ________(he) soon.4.tell动词,译为“告诉,讲述”。 拓展:常用的短语有:tell a story讲故事;tell sb sth告诉某人某事;tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事;tell sb (not) to do sth告诉某人(不要)做某事。 巩固练习:mother always tells us __________(work) hard(努力学习).5.best wishes最好的祝愿 wish在此句中式名词,译为“祝愿”,用复数。拓展:常用的句型有: 给某人最好的祝福:best wishes to sb.  为某事做最好的祝福:best wishes for sth.  巩固练习:best __________ to you and your family.三、解决不了的疑难问题:__________________________________unit 11 what time do you go to school? section b(p69-70) p+p学习目标:(dec.12)                                       (1’)通过展示,能听、说、读、写、译p69-70单词、能熟练地用英语谈论自己及他人的作息习惯、能熟练地询问和表达时间。  展示导学过程:1.、读3a简写给莫娜的书信,将时间与jane所做的事情匹配并回答下列问题。       (5’)  ①what time does jane do her homework?_________________________________[②what time does school start?________________________________________2、再读3a短文,自己读、译它。                                            (4’) 3、小组内讨论通过疑难句子,并将含有主语i的句子改写为主语jane的句子.          (5’)  ①jane usually gets up at around six fifteen. ②____________________________________  ③____________________________________ ④___________________________________3、 展示读、译3a。                                                       (5’)共7页,当前第3页1234567

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

4、 分层展示3a课文(a层背诵课文,b层可根据下列短文口头填空.)        (5’)dear mona, ________ _______(因……感谢) your letter.do you ______  ______ ______(想知道)about my morning?well,i usually _______ _______(起床) at ______(大约) six fifteen.i _____ ______ ______(做作业)a t six thirty,and then i _______ ______(吃早餐) ______(大约) seven thirty. ______(大约) eight o'clock,i_____ ______ ______(去上学).school _______(开始) at nine o'clock, please write and ______ _______ _______(告诉我关于) your morning.                                                                love,                                                        jane6、根据68页2b关于tom的早上活动信息,补全tom写给蒋民的信。          (2’)7、结对活动:假设你是a movie star(一位电影明星),在时间表上填出你通常做的事情,然后写出你一天的活动,题目为“my  busy weekend”,不少于八句话。   (5’)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8、70页3a,小组内调查“周末你的同学都干啥”,并完成填写调查表,然后分组在班上口头汇报,也可以事先写出来。        (5’)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9、做日日清习题:

三、日日清习题:                                       (8’)共7页,当前第4页1234567

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

ⅰ. 单项选择:(  )1. jack usually gets up at six ______ the morning ______ sunday. a. on, at  b. in, at     c. at, on  d. in, on(  )2. —i am sleepy (瞌睡的). —why not go to ______? a. work    b. bed     c. school    d. movie(  )3. i often do ______ homework before dinner.   a. i b. me c. my d. our(  )4. do you have a pen? i want to ______ a letter. a. write b. buy c. work  d. tell(  )5. saturday and sunday are our ______. a. clubs  b. weekends   c. birthdays  d. games (  )6. what time does she ______ school and ______ home every day? a. get, get    b. get, get to  c. get to, get to  d. get to, get (  )7. the music is great. do you like to ______ it?a. listen to  b. have a look at  c. help with  d. play with (  )8. ______ a sweater, june goes to huaxing clothes store. a. buy  b. buys         c. to buy  d. buying(  )9. —do you know ______? —he is f ifteen. a. how old is he   b. what he is c. how old he is  d. what is he(  )10. —what’s the time now?—______.a. it is fine   b. it is seven-thirty  c. it is monday  d. it is may 5thⅱ.句型转换  根据要求改写下面句子:(10分)11. he gets home at five in the afternoon. (就划线部分提问)   __________ __________ __________ he __________ home in the afternoon?12. i think tom is at home. (否定句)   i ______________ think tom ____________ at home.13. now it’s five thirty. (同义句)   now it’s _____________ _____________ _______________.14. she goes to work by car.(就划线部分提问)   _____________ ______________ she _____________ to work?15. jack’s family has one shower. (就划线部分提问)   ____________ ___________ ___________ does jack’s family ____________?

阅读写作课dear student,my name is bob smith. i come from america. i want a pen pal(笔友) in china.i think china is a very interesting country(国家).i'm 13 years old and my birthday is in november.i can speak a little english. i have a sister,anna.she has a c hinese pen pal.i like going to the movies  with my friends and playing sports.my favorite subject is p.e. it's fun.but i don't like math.it's too(太) difficult!can you write to me soon(不久以后,很快)?                                             bob共7页,当前第5页1234567

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

阅读写作课dear student,my name is bob smith. i come from america. i want a pen pal(笔友) in china.i think china is a very interesting country(国家).i'm 14 years old and my birthday is in november.i can speak english and a little chinese. i have a sister,anna.she has a chinese pen pal.i like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.my favorite subject is p.e. it's fun.but i don't like math.it's too(太) difficult!can you write to me soon(不久以后,很快)?                                             bobguidance case for december 29  (p+p)learning aims:1. learn some useful language sentences.(学习一些有用的语句。)2. read and retell the text.(读并复述课文。)3. rewrite according to the text.(根据课文内容仿写一篇短文。)ⅰ.read the text and find out the followindowsg phrases.(读课文并找出下列短语。)2’1. 来自……___________________   2.一个中国的笔友___________________3.在11月___________________      4.说一点儿汉语_____________________ 5.和……去看电影_________________ 6.做运动___________________   7.给……写信___________________ⅱ.read the text again,then answer the followindowsg questions.2’(再读课文,回答问题。)1. where is bob from?________________________ ______________2. what’s bob’s father’s last name?___________________________3. what does bob want?_____________________________4. what does bob like doing?______________________________ⅲ.let’s go into our “task supermarket”.(让我们进入任务超市。)  6’task one:( 7-8号直接读课文加3分,看下列短文读并填空加6分)dear student,my name is bob smith. i _________ __________(来自) america. i_____(想要)a pen pal(笔友) _________ __________(在中国).i think china is a very_________(有趣的) country(国家).i'm 14 years old and my birthday is _________ __________(在11月).i can _________ _________(说英语) and _________ _________ _________(一点儿汉语). i have a sister,anna.she has a ________(中国的) pen pal.i like_________ _____ _____ _________ __________(去看电影) with my friends and _________ __________(做运动).my favorite subject is p.e. it's fun.but i don't like math.it's too(太) difficult!can you ______ _______(写信给……) me soon(不久以后,很快)?                                                          bob共7页,当前第6页1234567

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案

task two:(4-6号根据下列提示仿写短文,能顺利完成者加6分)pen pal’s name: tom king  age:  13     from:australia(澳大利亚)language: english  favorite subject: music favorite sport: running favorite movie: rush hour family: a brother and a sister task three:(1-3号口头用(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)英文简介你笔友的情况。6分)



Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案
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