U4  We Like Your FarmU4  We Like Your FarmU4  We Like Your Farm


U4  We Like Your Farm

U4  We Like Your Farm

u4  we like your farm (第一课时)i. teaching aims 1. words: pig, cow, bull, horse, duck, chicken, goat, sheep, goose ( geese ) 2. pl. of noun 3. 初步感知u4 dialogueii. processes: 1. leading-in   t: shows pictures of animals   t: today we’ll learn module 2 animals 2. while-task(1) t  shows picture to teach the words one by one.  ( read → spell → remember → feedback )   pig, cow, bull, horse, duck, chicken, goat, sheep, goose (geese)(2) pl. of n3. post-task(1) review the new words.(2) ps listen to the tape ( dialogue ) for 2 times.   know about the dialogue.homework:1. ①②抄新词(10)2.跟录音读单词,预习u43.p19 ex.2

板:   module 2   animals       unite  4   we like your farm

   big         ball                  chick   pig   cow   bull   horse   duck   chicken   ship    tooth     teeth goat   sheep   goose    geese

   u4  we like your farm (第二课时)

i. teaching aims: 1. words: farm, do, has, have, any, dog, eat 2. dialogue i 3. usage of have & has;   do you have…..?   yes,……do.&n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp;  no,……. don’tii. processes 1. revision   cow    goat    horse    goosebull    sheep   duck     geese 2. presentation   have & has (1) t  shows a book     t: i have a book      i have two books(2) point to a student’s pencil – case.   t: you have a pencil –case.(3) point to jacky’s ruler.   t: jacky has a ruler.3. summing up   have  has  (有)   i  have…..   you  have…..   they have……   he   has…..   she    it   jack 4. presentation  do you have…..?  yes, i do.  no, i don’t.(1) t: shows a book   t: i have a book. do you have any books?  引导学生说:yes, i do.   t: do you have any pencils / rulers?   ps: yes, i do.   t: do you have any cats?共3页,当前第1页123

U4  We Like Your Farm

   引导: no, i don’t.          = do not    t: do you have any cows / horses?   ps: no, i don’t.

 5. summing up: words 6. ps listen to the tape first ,  then repeat after it.(7. develop p18 song )

homework:1. 抄新词2. 用have或has填空(1) i _____  a dog(2) you _____  two geese.(3) they ______  five sheep.(4) sally and tim _____ a farm.(5) she _____  a cat.(6) mike _____ a bag.(7) the cat _____  two big eyes.

3. 准备表演u4

板:   u4  we like your farm

i have……        have     has  do         do  you  have…..?you have….       any      farm           yes, i do.they have…..     dog       cat            no, i don’t he she  hasit    (用第三人称单数)jack

   u4  we like your farm (第三课时)

i. teaching aims 1. words: this  horn  some 2. dialogue i 3. usage of some & any

ii. processes 1. revision : words of animals 2. presentation (1) show a bullt: what’s this ?ps: it’s a bull.t: the bull has horns.teach “horn”   (2) t shows a pig      t: do u have any pigs ?      ps: no, i don’t.      t: if you have a farm.  do you have any pigs?      p: yes, i do.      t: yes, i have some pigs.  teach “some”   (3) t: do you have any goats ? (show sheep)      ps: no      t: no, but i have some sheep.      teach “this”   (4) 观察any与some的异同与用法3. summing up4. practice (1) read after the tape for twice.          (2) whole class read the dialogue.          (3) practice in group5. development  role playhomework: 1. activity book u4          2. read the dialogue  (name)

板:  unit  4   we like your farm

   horn  some   this      do you have any pigs?共3页,当前第2页123

U4  We Like Your Farm

                         yes, i have some pigs.                                 用于肯定句                         do you have any goats?                 &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp;       no, but i have some sheep.                             bus



U4  We Like Your Farm
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