1B Unit3 Nice to meet you教案1B Unit3 Nice to meet you教案1B Unit3 Nice to meet you教案


1B Unit3 Nice to meet you教案

教学目标:1、能听懂、会说人物名称grandpa,grandma,uncle和aunt,发音准确2、学习诗歌《i love you》,并能够用不同的人物名称替代。3、能学习歌曲《i love you》,用不同的人物名称以两只老虎的调子唱出来教学重难点:能听懂、会说grandpa,grandma,uncle,aunt教学过程:step1:warm-up1,sing a song2,greetingt:good moring!ss: good moring!t:my name is helen.(头戴helen的帽子) what’s your name?ss: my name is ...t:how are you?ss:i’m fine,thank you.t:nice to meet you.t show the sentence pattern: nice to meet you.read the sentence and read the titlestep 2 presentension1t:hello,my name is helen.look, this is my dad.ppt:dadt:dad,dad,i love you .ss read after tt-d:do you love me?d:yes,i love you.t-ss: do you love me?ss:yest:you love me ,too.read the sentence one by onerhyme:dad, dad,i love you . dad, dad, you love me ,too.2ppt:mum mum,mum, i love you . mum,m(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)um, you love me ,too.competition  3,ppt:show grandpa’s pictureask ss to guess who is the manteach:grandpa   先分解读,然后爬梯读,两两读t:this is my grandpa.grandpa,grandpa,i love you. grandpa,grandpa,you love me too.ask ss to act it with actions and give rewards4ppt:show grandma’s picture 遮住一半的脸 学生猜,引出单词。分解读单词,两两读,高低声读,让学生自己想出小诗:grandma,grandma,i love you. grandma,grandma,you love me too.5,sing a song(1),read the words: grandpa,grandpa,/ grandma,grandma,i love you.i love you. you love me too. you love me too. i love you.i love you.(2),learn to sing it  6,ppt切换到家族谱图上的uncle 示意学生改编歌词唱出来,引出新单词uncleread the new word   pay attention to the letter “u”ppt:uncle,uncle, i love you.i love you. you love me too. you love me too. i love you.i love you.sing it together7,ppt:auntlearn the word aunt同法step 3:consolidation1,ppt闪现图片,吸引学生注意力 2, (1)出示人物头饰,引导学生唱歌,会唱的可以戴上头饰站到黑板上所对应的单词下面。  (2)四个人物都站好后,老师指到哪个单词其他学生读出来,代表该人物的小[朋友就蹲一下,错的换人step4:listen and number 1,看图认人2,听录音,表序号3,check


1B Unit3 Nice to meet you教案
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