Unit 3 Going to a Movie(精选9篇)Unit 3 Going to a Movie(精选9篇)Unit 3 Going to a Movie(精选9篇)


Unit 3 Going to a Movie(精选9篇)

Unit 3 Going to a Movie(精选9篇)

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇1

  lesson 3 一. 重点解析:一般将来时态 概念:指发生在现在以后任一时点、时段,一次或经常的动作。 构成方式:will/shall+动词原形(shall 常与第一人称i, we连用); be going to+动词原形。   二. 用法: 1. 表示未经事先考虑的将来时间内的动作或状态: 例:he will come to see you next week.他下周将来看你。     sooner or later you will understand it. 迟早你会明白的。   2. 表示说话者的观点和对未来的推测: 例:perhaps we will find him in the park.或许我们会在公园中找到他。   3. “be going to+动词原形的用法”: 表示计划好、打算好要发生的动作,或即将、必定要发生的动作: 例:it’s going to rain this afternoon.今天下午要下雨。 例:she is going to be eighteen next year.她明年将18岁了。 例:what are you going to do to help him? 你要帮他点啥?   4. “be to+动词原形”可以表示按计划、安排、命令、职责、要求即将发生的动作,也可以表示命令、禁止等。 例:you are not to cheat in the examination.考试中不许作弊。 例:they are to be back by 5 o’clock.他们5点钟必须回来。   5. “be about to+动词原形”也可以表示即刻就要发生的动作。 例:the train is about to start.火车就要开了。 例:the jury is about to announce the windowsners.评委即将宣布获胜者。

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇2

  一. 教学内容:

  unit 3 going to a movie

  二. 教学重点、难点:

  words, phrases and sentences


  lesson 1

  一. 大声读单词

  1. on time  准时,按时

  2. wallet    n. 钱包,皮夹

  3. id card  身份证

  4. watch     n. 表,手表

  5. later     adj. 迟一些,更晚的

  二. 重点词汇

  1. on time 


  at a correct time or the time that was arranged 准时,按时

  the train arrived on time. 火车正点到达。

  in time 及时

  i wish you would come in time. 我希望你及时赶到。

  at a time 一次,一下子

  for a long time 很长时间

  have a good time 过得愉悦

  in a few years’ time 几年后,几年内

  at times = sometimes 有时候,有时

  2. wallet   


  n. a flat pocket-sized folding case, usually made of leather, for holding paper money, cards, or photographs; a billfold.


  sam benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post-office.


  词义辨析:wallet, purse, handbag

  wallet 表示“皮包”、“钱夹”,指男士用的放纸币的皮夹子。

  purse 表示“小钱袋”,指女士用的开口处有金属卡子的皮包。

  handbag 女用手提包

  3. id card 

  an identity card身份证

  4. watch    


  n. small instrument showindowsg the time 表,手表

  it was a big pity that i lost the watch bought by my father.



  v. intr.

  (1)to look or observe attentively or carefully; be closely observant:


  watching for trail markers  注意路标

  (2)to look and wait expectantly or in anticipation:


  watch for an opportunity  等待机会

  he watched to see what i would do. 他等着看我要做啥。

  (3)to act as a spectator; look on:作旁观者旁观;旁观:

  stood by the road and watched  站在路边旁观

  (4)to stay awake at night while serving as a guard, sentinel, or watcher:守卫:作为警卫、哨兵或守夜人而在晚上保持清醒

  v. tr.

  (1)to look at steadily; observe carefully or continuously:


  watch a parade  看游行

  do you often watch television?  你常看电视吗?

  (2)to keep a watchful eye on; guard: 看守;保卫:

  watched the prisoner all day  整日看守犯人

  (3)to observe the course of mentally; keep up on or informed about:


  watch the price of gold  对金价保持关注

  watch the development of affairs 注意局势的发展

  5. later    


  adj. (late 的比较级)更(较)迟的; 更后的

  later edition 较近的版本

  adv. 后来,过后

  “many years later, in washington, d.c., he spoke to a crowd of 250,000 people.”


  later, the crystal palace was moved to south london.


  but some time later it began to rain. 但过了些时候开始下雨了。

  later on其后, 以后     no later than不迟于     sooner or later迟早

  词语辨析:late, lately, later

  late   adv. 指“晚”、“到很晚”

  you have come too late. 你来得太晚了。

  lately  adv. “最近”

  the song is written lately. 这首歌是最近才写的。

  later adv.:晚一些,迟一些;较迟,较晚

  twenty minutes later, she found her husband. 20分钟之后,她找到了她丈夫。

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇3

  unit 3 going to a movie课    题unit 3 going to a movie lesson 3 授课类型grammar能力办法目标to train four drills.知识技能目标to grasp the usage of “be going to” and “will”.情感态度价值目标to let the students express their opinions actively.教学重点agree to / agree on / agree with; spend / take / pay / cost; etc.教学难点will / be going to; etc教学办法presentation-practice-production媒体使用tape, computer教  学  流  程  设  计教学活动设计设计意图revision    go over what we learnt in this unit.words and phrasesactivity aask the students to find the other part of each sentence to make it sense.t: we will have to match the two parts to have the sentences completed.to check the answers, have the students read out the sentences together as a group. correct the errors, if any.t: why don’t we read the completed sentences together? let’s start with number 1.activity bask the students to write the letters in the parentheses in the right order. they need to consider the context of the sentence.t: you should complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the given words. but first, you need to unscramble spellings of the words.have them check the answers with their partners.pronunciationactivity ahave the students listen to each word. ask them to find the sound that is common in the three words and write the symbol of it.t: what sounds are common in the sets of three words? write the phonetic symbol of it.if possible, write the followindowsg set of three words on the board: pair, pare, and pear. ask them to pronounce the words so that they can recognize that those words have the same sound.activity bt: circle words with the above sounds.if time allows, have the students think of more words which have the same sounds. they can work in pairs.. air, bare, dare, fare, hair, mare, rare, tear, wear. back, bat, candle, candy, cat, ham, hat, patch, matchactivity clet the students read the nursery rhyme. ask them to say it with their books closed. review the sounds discussed in a. if time allows, introduce the full nursery rhyme.structurehave students read the sentences in the box and think about how will and be going to are differently used.t: we are going to learn about auxiliary verbs for talking about future. these auxiliary verbs are will and be going to.patterns in use. will1. we use will for actions that we decide at the moment of speaking.example:a: the tomato sauce splashed all over my shirt.b: don’t worry, i will clean it for you.2. we use will to talk about things that we think or believe will happen in the future.example:a: it’s time for the news on tv.       b: let’s watch it. i think it will be interesting.. be going to1. we use it for actions that we have already decided to do.example: i am going to clean the floor.2. we use it when talking about something in the future that will be a result of something in the present.example: i want to watch the news. i am going to turn on the tv.activity at: in a, you have a dialogue to complete. you need to choose one of the followindowsg auxiliary verbs: want to, will, won’t, be going to, or be not going.t: check your answers with your partner and practice the dialogue.activity bt: first underline “will” and “be going to”. you are to check whether the statement is an opinion / idea or a plan with evidenceactivity ct: you are to make your own sentences of opinion or attitude. also make sentences of plan or fact. as we have learned in a and b, use will when you are talking about your opinion or attitude. for plans of facts, use be going to.   practice spelling ability.            practice reading the sounds correctly.              practice how to use “will” and “be going to”.                       问题预测应对措施语法学习困难。通过“认知-研讨-应用-总结”学习“一般将来时”,尤其是区别be going to与will.be going to + do表示一个事先考虑好的意图,相当于中文的“打算、计划、准备”he is going to teach in beijing next year. it is going to rain. etcwill / shall + do表示未经事先考虑的意图some day people will go to the moon. when will mike arrive here tomorrow? etc.shall i …? shall we …?常用来征求对方意见。而在问对方是否愿意,或者表示客气的邀请或命令时,常用will you …?同时这两种情况的回答比较灵活。作    业make up some sentences using will and be going to.板书设计unit three lesson three    will                                     be going towe will have fun.          i am going to enjoy our school trip to the movies.i won’t be late.            we are not going to meet in the classroom.教学反思   

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇4

  unit 3 going to a movie课    题unit 3 going to a movie lesson 4授课类型review能力办法目标to master the writing skills and the improvement of the writing ability.知识技能目标to grasp the words and phrases.情感态度价值目标to let the students express their opinions actively.教学重点learn / study; learn to do; learn…from…; will; etc教学难点to finish group work; etc教学办法learning by doing媒体使用tape, computer教  学  流  程  设  计教学活动设计设计意图revisionrevise the knowledge in lesson 3. ask the students what they want to be in the future. also ask what their detailed plans are. they are to use will or be going to.t: i want to hear about your future plans. what is your dream? what do you want to be? and to make your dream come true, what are you going to do?s1: i want to be a reporter. and to make my dream come true, i am going to read the newspaper every day, and always be aware of what is happening.s2: i will be a violinist. to accomplish this, i am going to practice playing the violin every day. i am also going to listen to classical music whenever i have free time.sample questions. how old will you be next year?. what grade will you be in next semester?. will your brother be angry with it?. what are you going to prepare for the project?on your ownt: now, read each question and write your answer.  now, would you like to share your ideas with partners?possible answers1. stay home and rest / play soccer with my friends / visit my uncle with my sister / study for the test2. be my friend / my mom / a mail delivery3. rain / be sunny / be cloudy / be hot4. talk to my friends / make any noise / turn on the cell phonepair work1. announce that we use be going to when we talk about plans or facts. let them think about the words they should put in the blanks of the sentences in the box.2.ask the students to read the dialogue and make a dialogue of their own. they should work with their partner.t: after deciding what you want to do, substitute your own ideas for the underlined parts of the followindowsg dialogue. when you are ready, talk to your partner and tell your partner what you want to do.model dialoguea: what do you want to do this summer?b: well, i want to study english.a: how do you plan to do that?b: i’m going to watch movies in english and practice listening and speaking.a: that’s a wonderful idea!b: i’m also going to read novels in english and keep a diary in english.group workactivity astudents will work in groups of six. ask them to think about what they want to do this year. they will write their ideas in the box on the left. after that, they should write two or three plans for the idea.t: write the things you want to do this year in the box on the left.t: now think about the parts of your plan to accomplish what you want to do. write the details of your plan in the box on the right.activity bstudents should tell their plans to a new partner. new partners should guess what their partner’s idea is.t: you will work with a new partner. the person on the right in each group should tell the detailed plans to the partner. then, the partner should guess what he or she wants to do this year. when your guess is right, change the role.model dialoguea: i am not going to watch tv.b: do you want to be a hard-working student?a: not exactly. well, my second plan is that i am going to visit the local library often.b: will you get good grades?a: you are not quite there yet. i am going to save at least one hour for this.b: i think i have it. you will exercise to be healthy, right?a: no, you are totally off track. well, here is the biggest hint. i am going to keep a diary on this.b: you want to take up reading, right?a: yes, i will start reading books and i will cut down watching tv. i watch tv too much. i won’t watch much. go over what we have learnt in unit three.           answer the questions correctly.     practice acting the dialogue out.              work with a group. talk abut what the students want to do this year.             问题预测应对措施本课的内容为:going to the movies is a common social activity in any culture. watching movies from different countries and in different languages help the students experience the culture and language of another country.作    业revise the whole unit.板书设计unit three lesson four    the usage of will and be going to    knowledge points 教学反思

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇5

  unit 3 going to a movie课    题unit 3 going to a movie lesson 2 授课类型reading能力办法目标to improve the ability of reading connected materials frequently.知识技能目标to grasp the words and phrases.情感态度价值目标to let the students express their opinions actively.教学重点without; promise / allow; will; enjoy; other; etc.教学难点retell the text: going to a movie.教学办法task-based language teaching媒体使用tape, computer教  学  流  程  设  计教学活动设计设计意图revisionrevise the questions in lesson one and ask some everyday english, for example, “what is the date?”then teach the new words in this lesson, such as promise, classroom, playground, allow, without, stuff, plan, etc.review the dialogue from the students learned from the previous class.t: let’s talk about the dialogue from the previous class. amy was talking with her mother. why is amy going to the movies?s: she is going on a school trip.t: what does amy need to bring to her school trip?s: amy does not know what to bring.t: so what will she do?s: she will ask liu chang.t: you did very well. in the reading passage today. amy and liu chang are talking about their school trip. we will get to know more about their school trip.readingbefore readinghave the students answer the question under the title box. “what will you do tomorrow?” “i will study for the english test. / i will visit my grandparents. / i will help my mom clean the house.”vocabulary previewbefore having the students start reading, go over the sentences in vocabulary preview. have the students fill in the blanks.reading1. briefly talk about the picture of amy and liu chang. have the students listen to the main text, and encourage them to try to understand the content.t: amy and liu chang seem to be going home after school. they also seem excited about something. can you guess why they are so happy?s: because they are going to a movie.t: yes, the title of the reading passage give us the clue.  let me play the tape for you to follow. see what amy and liu chang are talking about.2. let the students read the main text to themselves.t: while you are reading, i’d like you to underline any words or expressions that you don’t know.3. ask students what words they did not understand and explain the meaning of the words.t: what words or expressions did you not understand?after readinga check the students’ understanding by having them answer the questions.t: what is the answer for question 1 and why?s: the answer is b. amy and liu chang talk about the school trip which is planned for the followindowsg day.1. the clues are…2. ( line 18-19, second column, page 20 ) “the trip will be fun, even without popcorn.”3. ( line 8-9, second column, page 20 ) “will i need my backpack or my other stuff?”b ask students to check t or f. t is for true statements and f is for false statement.t: read the passage again. i want you to figure out if each sentence is true about the passage or not. if it is true, put a check in t, and if it is not true, put a check in f.c students should ask their partners about their plans for next weekend and also about the weather. they are to use will, won’t, be going to, or be not going to.t: ask your partner the given questions in turn. you should use will, won’t, be going to, or be not going to.model dialoguea: what are you going to do on the weekend?b: i am going to stay home and study over the weekend.a: study? are you serious?b: yes, my math teacher says we will have a test next week.another dialoguea: what will the weather be like?b: i think it will rain tomorrow.   learn to use the new words in this lesson.                  practice the students’ reading ability.           to know more about the text.                modals: will, be going to.  问题预测应对措施课文的背诵不太容易。可以把本文分两部分,然后找出关键词,小组竞赛,调动学生背诵。如:关键词:1. told, tomorrow. - amy told liu chang, “our class will have fun tomorrow.”2. agree, will, enjoy, interesting. - “yes”, liu chang agreed. “we will have fun. i am going to enjoy our school trip to the movies. the movie will be interesting.”3. trip, ask - “this is my first trip like this,” amy said. “can i ask you some questions about it?”4. sure - “sure,” said liu chang.5. time, meet? - “great! my first question,” amy began, “is about the time. what …?”作    业retell the text: going to a movie.板书设计going to a movie    what will you do tomorrow?    will / be going to    language points教学反思  

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇6

  unit 3 going to a movie


  1. need my textbooks                                      需要我的教科书

  2. be going to do sth                                       打算做某事

  3. wear my watch                                         佩带手表

  4. take my lunch                                          带午饭

  5. go on a school trip                                       去参加学校郊游

  6. on time                                               按时

  7. sound like + n.                                         听起来象……

  8. after school                                            放学后

  9. have class                                             上课

  10. talk to sb                                             和某人谈话

  11. on the playground                                      在操场上

  12. allow sb to do sth                                       允许某人做某事

  13. promise to do sth                                       许诺做某事

  14. a lot of stuff                                           许多杂物

  15. agree to do sth                                         同意做某事

  16. watch a movie                                         看电影

  17. have fun                                              玩的高兴

  18. go to a movie                                          去看电影

  19. like this                                               象这样

  20. what time                                             啥时候

  21. after lunch                                            午饭后

  22. at 1:00 p.m.                                           在下午1点钟

  23. don’t be late                                           别迟到

  24. don’t worry                                           别担心

  25. walk to some place                                     走着去某地

  26. the movie theater                                       电影院

  27. any of …                                             ……中任何一个

  28. at the movie                                           在看电影期间

  29. i don’t think so.                                        我不这样认为。

  30. on the weekend                                        在周末

  31. get there                                             到那

  32. in france                                             在法国

  33. have basketball practice                                 进行篮球训练

  34. in the library                                         在图书馆

  35. plan to do sth                                        计划做某事

  36. take an art class                                       上美术课

  37. every day                                            每天

  38. do well in…                                          擅长……

  39. math problems                                        数学难题

  40. get help from…                                       从……那得到帮助

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇7

  lesson 4一. 重点解析:词义辨析:learn, study1. learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味。learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门技能等。 如 learn music, learn new words, learn to skate, learn from experience, learn from lei feng  2. study为“学习,研究”,强调学习的过程,指深入系统地学习,带有努力,勤奋的意味。其学习对象往往是科学,艺术和需要深入探讨,研究的问题及学科,不是单纯地获得技巧。如:study medicine, study science, study a map, study engineering, study painting。 下列句子中的learn 和 study均不能互换: if you study hard, you’ll learn the language well. 如果你努力学习的话,你会把这门语言学好。 he learned traditional chinese medicine from a famous chinese doctor. 他跟随一位著名的中国医生学习中医。 she studied late at night. 她晚上学习到很晚。 he is studying the problem of x-rays. 他正在研究x射线的问题。  3. 在指某学科的“学习”时,或在不需要强调两者的区别时, learn 和study可以换用。如: how long have you learned/ studied japanese? 你学习日语有多久了? we must keep on learning/ studying if we do not want to lag behind the times. 如果我们不想落在时代后面的话,就必须不断学习。 【典型例题】(   )1. there __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. a. will be going to                          b. will going to be      c. is going to be                              d. will go to be (   )2. charlie ________ here next month.      a. isn’t working                              b. doesn’t working      c. isn’t going to working                   d. won’t work (   )3. he ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.      a. will be; is          b. is; is                 c. will be; will be          d. is; will be (   )4. there ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. a. was                                             b. is going to havec. will have                                     d(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容). is going to be (   )5. —________ you ________ free tomorrow?     —no. i ________ free the day after tomorrow.      a. are; going to; will                       b. are; going to be; will c. are; going to; will be                     d. are; going to be; will be 答案:1. c    2. d    3. d     4. d     5. d   

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇8

  lesson 2

  一. 大声读单词

  1. promise      


  v. & n. 允诺,答应

  2. classroom      n. 教室

  3. playground     n. 操场,运动场

  4. allow          v. 允许,承认

  5. without        prep. 缺乏

  6. stuff          n. 许多不同的物品,东西

  7. plan           n. & v. 计划

  二. 重点词汇

  1. promise      


  v. assure (sb.) that one will give or do or not do sth. 允诺,答应

  promise to do 答应做某事

  “it is not so simple, i promise you.” “我敢向你保证,事情并不那么简单。”

  she has promised me to come this afternoon. 她答应我今天下午来。

  promise me not to forget it. 答应我不要忘了。

  n. 允诺,答应

  he broke his promise and did not come to see me. 他不遵守诺言,没来看我。

  he is not a person whose promise you can build on.他不是那种你可以信赖他诺言的人。

  2. classroom     


  n. a room or place especially in a school in which classes are conducted: 教室

  there are twenty four pupils in the classroom. 教室里有24个学生。


  3. playground    


  n. an outdoor area set aside for recreation and play, especially one containing equipment such as seesaws and swindowsgs.


  all the schoolchildren ran about in the playground. 所有的小学生都在操场上跑步。

  4. allow  



  (1)to let do or happen; permit:,容许:允许做或发生:准许

  we allow smoking only in restricted areas.我们只允许在指定的地点吸烟。

  allow me to introduce miss mary. 请允许我简介一下玛丽小姐。

  (2)to permit the presence of: 允许……的进入:

  no pets are allowed inside. 宠物不准入内。

  (3)to permit to have: 允许拥有:

  allow oneself a little treat   允许自己有小小的享受

  allow for考虑;顾及

  we must allow for his inexperience. 我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。

  it takes about two hours to get to their office building, allowindowsg for possible traffic delays.


  5. without 


  prep. with something absent or lacking: 没有;缺乏

  the day passed without accident. 这一天平安无事。

  she used to complain without good cause. 她过去常常无故抱怨。

  6. stuff   



  (1)household or personal articles considered as a group



  green stuff 蔬菜

  there’s some white stuff on this plate. 这个盘子上有些白色的东西。

  7. plan    



  (1)a scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective: 计划:在完成某一目标之前订立的计划、方针或办法:

  (2)a proposed or tentative project or course of action:


  they had no plans for the evening. 他们没有今晚的安排。

  v. to have as a specific aim or purpose; intend:计划;有特定的目标或目的;打算:

  they plan to buy a house. 他们打算买一幢房子。

  the government plans to build a bridge. 政府计划建一座桥。

Unit 3 Going to a Movie 篇9

  unit 3 going to a movie课    题unit 3 going to a movie lesson 1授课类型listening能力办法目标to train four drills.知识技能目标to grasp the words and phrases.情感态度价值目标to let the students express their opinions actively.教学重点on time / in time / at times; late / later / latest; sure; etc.教学难点listening part教学办法learning by doing媒体使用tape, computer教  学  流  程  设  计教学活动设计设计意图revisiontalk about everyday english. eg. what is the weather like today? what weather do you like? why?then teach the new words in this lesson: on time, wallet, id card, watch, later, etc.after that, discuss the questions:t: what do you want to do after school?s: i want to play soccer after school. / travel around the world.t: what will you need to do it?s: a ball is okay, i think. / i will need a lot of money to travel around the world.warm-uphave the students guess what this unit is about.t: let’s look at the title of unit 3. what is it? ( going to a movie. )t: can you guess what we will be talking about? what does the title – going to a movie – suggest?s: are we going to talk about some interesting movies?t: if we have enough time, let’s do that. in this unit, however, we will mainly talk about the things we plan to do in the future. do you know what the word future means?s: yes, it is the time that will come after the present.t: exactly!activity ahave the students look at the pictures and read the speech bubbles. ask them to match the thoughts with the right students.t: look at the pictures and read the speech bubbles. what do you see in the picture on the upper left?s: the teacher announces that the class is going on a school trip. the students are thinking of what to bring.t: exactly. what about the picture on the lower right?s: two students are coming out of the classroom. the girl is asking the boy if they need their wallets or id cards.t: good.activity bt: based on a, put a check in the box of the thing that students will take on the school trip. if they will not take it on the trip, put an x. if you are not sure whether they will bring it, put a question mark.listeninglanguage to know – let the students take a look at language to know at the bottom of the page. mention that underlined expressions may change. how nice!t: the sentence is the same as saying “that’s very nice!” this is to show how strong you feel about something. i am not sure what i need to bring.t: you can use this expression when you don’t exactly know about something. i’ll ask liu chang today.t: you can use this expression when you are willing to do something.activity ahave the students to listen to the dialogue. as they listen, they should match the speakers and the sentences.before having the students listen again, check the students’ understanding of the dialogue.t: where is amy’s class going for a school trip?s: they are going to the movies.t: amy does not know what she needs to bring. what will she do?s: she will ask liu chang?activity bhave the students listen to the dialogue again.t: this second listening requires you to rephrase what you have heard. you need to complete each sentence in a way that is consistent with the dialogue.t: tell me. where will amy go tomorrow?s: she will go to the movies.activity c    have the students work in pairs. they should ask what their partners want to do after school and what they need to do it. the teacher can demonstrate a model dialogue with a student.getting ready for class.        look at the picture. match the thoughts with the right student.                     practice listening ability. talk about things that have to be done           问题预测应对措施本课提到了外出看电影,学生可能只学习课本内容:看电影要带啥,看啥等问题。如果时间允许的话,可以探讨一下怎样在英文电影中学英语。当然,首先要学会选择哪些电影比较适合用来学习外语:语言含量,内容贴近生活,发音清晰地道。其次,要注意看电影学习四部:硬着头皮看电影,边看边研讨剧本,反复精听,背诵。推荐电影:sound of music / finding nemo / lion king / beauty and beast.作    业revise the words in unit 3.板书设计unit 3 going to a movielesson one    -what do you want to do after school?    -i want to travel around the world.-what will you need to do it?-i will need a lot of money to travel around the world.教学反思   


Unit 3 Going to a Movie(精选9篇)
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