Unit 4  Body Language第二节Unit 4  Body Language第二节Unit 4  Body Language第二节


Unit 4  Body Language第二节

Unit 4  Body Language第二节

period 2第二节(一)明确目标1. develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.2. read the reading passage and know about body language3. learn to communicate with body language.(二)整体感知step 1 presentationtoday we come to the reading. it’s about body language.  read the passage "body talk", and let the students know people from different parts of the world use different body language. (三)教学过程step 2 pre-reading discussionsget the students to read the text and discuss pre-reading and post reading questions.(1) how is body language different from spoken language? what do they have in common?(2) sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. why does this happen? can you think of any examples?answers:1 various answers are possible. ask the students to give reasons and examples to support their answers. pos¬sible answers include:yes: a person's body language can tell us what he or she is feeling. for example, if someone is nervous, his or her hands may shake. if a per¬son smiles but his or her eyes don't look happy, we can guess that there is something wrong.no: it is difficult to tell what a person is thinking by looking at their body language. people use body language in different ways and gestures may have different meanings in different ar¬eas. people don't always think about their body language, so we may misunderstand them if we try to guess what they are thinking or feeling. it is also possible for people to learn to use their body language to hide what they are really feeling or thinking.2 yes, they do, but not always. some body language is the same in any culture. that is also the case in china. various answers are possible as china is a multicultural country.3 answers may vary but ss should give a reason why they communicate the way they do. introduction learning a foreign language requires more than knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar, idi¬oms, and informal expressions. it also requires aware¬ness of its gestures and facial expressions since they can differ so much from culture to culture. summary1 both words and body language can express how we think and feel.2 gestures, a kind of body language, have different meanings in different cultures.3 the way people greet each other varies from culture to culture.4 some gestures, however, have the same meaning in most cultures.5 smiles may be the most commonly understood fa¬ cial expression in the world. step 3 reading共2页,当前第1页12

Unit 4  Body Language第二节

read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations. step 4 listening to the reading passage    play the tape for the students to listen and follow. pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation.step 5 post-readinganswers:1 various answers are possible. situations where body language is important include: a job interview, a visit to a foreign country, a meeting, a speech, etc.2 various answers are possible. body language is in some ways more limited than spoken language. some things would be very difficult to express using body language (see integrating skills in the wb). it is per¬haps easier to misunderstand body language. body (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)language tends to support and add to spoken lan¬guage. both body language and spoken language use symbols to represent meaning; in the case of spoken language, we use sounds and sound combinations to represent words and meanings. both depend on our ability to interpret what we see or hear.3 various answers are possible. the listening exercise describes lying, but there are several other situations where a person's body language may not match what he or she is saying: a speaker who is trying to sound confident but whose hands are shaking; a person who says that he or she is interested in what we are say¬ing but who looks away or taps his or her feet, etc. it probably happens because it is more difficult to con¬trol one's body language than to control what one says.4 gestures in china:waving one's hand(s); shaking one's head or hand; same as in the us; open one's eyes and mouth wide; same as in the us; no chinese gesture; no chinese gesture; moving one's hand up and down with the palm facing down (四)总结扩展step 6 summary 小结 step 7 homework共2页,当前第2页12


Unit 4  Body Language第二节
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