上海牛津1A教案 Unit 2 Numbers上海牛津1A教案 Unit 2 Numbers上海牛津1A教案 Unit 2 Numbers


上海牛津1A教案 Unit 2 Numbers

unit 2 numbers1、  teaching aims: using formulaic expressions to greet people.e.g.hi,may.hello,i’m may.this is tim.2、  teaching aids: tape recorder3、  teaching period: 1 [1]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      greeting”(1)say ‘hello”to the students.prompt them to return the greeting ‘hello,miss……’(2)encourage the students to say’hello’ to as many classmates as possible.3.say ‘hi’ to the students.prompt them  to (3)respond’hi’.explain that ‘hi’ is informal and for use between students.they must say ‘hello’when they greet you and other adults. 2.      introducing yourself(1)   hold up a muppet.say’hello,i am……’then point to myself and say’hello,i’m miss ……’(2)   say ‘hello’to individual students,to elicit’hello,i’m……’(3)   encourage the students to greet each other and introduce themselves to each other.3.      introducing your friends:(1)   introduce the muppet to the students.say’this is ……’(2)   ask who’s your friend?can you introduce him/her to me?prompt individual students to introduce their friends.(3)   incourage the students to introduce their friends to each other.while-task1.      put up the wallchart on the board so that all the students can see it.2.      play the cassette tape for page 8.students listen and follow in their books.3.      divide the class into groups of three.have each student choose a character.practise the dialogue with the character names.4.      select groups to act the model dialogue for the class.before performing the role-play,each student may introduce his/her own character.  post-task1. extend the task by having the same group practise the dialogue substituting with their own names  students return the greeting ‘hello,miss……’    individual ss repeat     response                say ‘hello’     greet each other and introduce themselves to each other.                   introduce their friends to each other.           listen and follow     practise the dialogue     select groups to act the model dialogue        practise the dialogue substituting with their own names 用打招呼的方式,可以激发学生兴趣,消除学生的紧张。          鼓励学生在生活中多用英语。       用木偶和学生打招呼让学生觉得趣味盎然,引起学生学习的兴趣。           要鼓励每个学生开口与其他学生打招呼。                                                   学习的目的最终是为了现实生活中的运用,所以要注意实践。  [2]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      revise the classroom objects vocabularys.ask the class to put their personal items on the desks2.      put up the wallchart on the board and ask students to help each other.3.      learn the rhyme. while-task1.        playthe cassette tape for’give me a rubber,please’.ask some students to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.2.        open the student’s book to page 7 and ask the studentsto say the two sentences.3.        divide the class into groups of four to practise acting the story.4.        select groups to act the story out to the class post-task1.      let pairs of students substitute ‘ruler’ and ‘rubber’ with some  other words they have learnt and act the dialogue.2.      distribute white drawing paper to each student.tell them that they can use their pencils and rulers,etc.to draw a picture of their classroom.if they need to borrow sth,they must say’give me……,please’to ttheir classmates.  put their personal items on the desks        learn the rhyme.      act it and judge right or wrong.          practise acting the story.       substitute and act the dialogue.      draw a picture and practise.  通过活动让学生复习旧知识外还能使学生把精力集中到学习上来。 利用挂图做图意描述,使学习比较直观,符合低年级学生的特点     通过问答,使每个学生都有简单交际、练习对话的机会。               。             通过动手画画做一个巩固,避免枯燥 [3]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      learn how to say 1-62.      have six six rulers ready.hold up the first ruler and ask ‘what’s this?’to elicit ‘a ruler’.3.      introduce the new number words by adding the rulers one by one.count slowly’one,two,three,four,five,six’.repeat. encourage the students to count together.4.      repeat steps 2 and 3,this time using rubbers.5.      put the number cards on the board.then put the word cards next to them and read.students repeat.  while-task1.      do excerises of student’s book(page 9)2.      put the same number of objects on a table in front of the class.use a pointer to point and count with students.3.      divide the class into six groups.add on or take away objects but always keep the number within the range of 1 to 6.have each group count a different kind of object.the quickest to call out the correct number will be the winner. post-taskdivide the class into groups.prepare some boxes with various kinds of objects inside.ask each group to choose one kind of object and count.  learn how to say 1-6  count    listen and say.           play a game. 联系实际,进行数字操练。       既进行了数字操练,又复习了单词,还提高了学生将数词与名词连用的能力,一举三得。    通过竞赛活动调动学生学习的热情。   [4]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      say a number.ss show the numer with their fingers and repeat as it is being read out.2.      prepare some cardboard rectangles for small group activity.on each drqw six rows across and vertical line parallel to the right margin.inside the long rectangle spaces,draw 1 to 6 small objects.let ss count and invite individuals to come up and put the correct word card for each number onto the board near the margin.3.      ask can you show me the numbers?can you clap?can you say the numbers from 1 to 6. while-taskact:1.      put up one finger and say ‘show me one’.students copy.continmue with 2-6 with ss copying.2.      without doing the action,randomly select ss and say ‘show me……’ss respond by doing the action and saying the number.3.      clap and count.4.      select ss and say.5.      invite individual ss,groups or the whole class to say and act following your commands.guess:put a numer of objects into a big box.ask ss ‘how many’post-task1. ask each student to take out a pen and a book. divide the class into pairs and let them compose another verse by substituting “ruler” and “rubber” in the second verse with “book” and “pen”. help the less able ss while you walk around the classroom2. ask individual pairs to act out this third verse.3. play the cassette tape for the whole rhyme while ss look at the pictures in their ss’ book and repeat. act       ss count and invite individuals to come up and put the correct word card for each number onto the board near the margin.                     say and clap hands             clap and count.                          act out this thir(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)d verse. 通过做动作让学生手脑结合学习,便于记忆,效率更高。      通过游戏加深印象。                          采取拍手、说、用手指表示等多种方法来学习,使学生更感兴趣。            集体练与个人说结合                    [5]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      hold up number cards 1 and ask ss to say it in english.then say ‘show me one’.continue with 2 to 6.2.      ask ss to clap/say any number from 1 to 6.3.      flash word cards for them to read and ask them to show their fingers to indicate the actual number.4.      say to day we will learn a rhyme about numbers. while-task1.            put up the wallchart on the board.point to the tree in the picture.ask and answer yourself’what’s this?it’s a tree’.2.            point to a stick and say is this a tree?then learn ‘pick up sticks’.3.            ss listen to the tape and clap hands4.            learn to say the rhyme. post-task1.      act the rhyme in group.the best group will be the winner.2.      play a relay race.read the rhyme from the last student to the first one.the fastest team is the winner.  clap/say/show numbers                  answer questions.              learn to say.    say the rhyme.   play a game.      用多种形式复习数字的同时让学生熟悉三个动词                     通过看图片、回答问题来学习儿歌,使学习变得有趣味。            通过学习激发学生的兴趣。 [6]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarksfinish workbook1.      page 5: listen and respond quickly.2.      page 6: listen and circle the number you hear.3.      page 6: listen and write the numbers.4.      page 7: how many triangles?colour the correct number.5.      page 7:draw the correct number of things you like best. revision of unit 11.      play the game: simon says in order to review the commands 2.      throw a toy to a student and say “how are you”. after the student respond to the sentence, he can throw the toy to his friend and ask him the question3.      show the ss the word cards and ask them to judge. if what the teacher said is correspond to the picture, ss repeat. otherwise, don’t.4.      ask ss to act the rhyme  ss finish the workbook             ss play the game : simon says  ss greet to each other, using the toy       ss judge and repeat the right word      ss act the rhyme and the song 通过完成练习册,巩固学生听和认读的技巧               借由各种各样的游戏,来复习本单元所学的所有的知识点,真正做到寓教于乐。 


上海牛津1A教案 Unit 2 Numbers
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