



module 4 colours

一、teaching aims: 1.have them hold the reading of unit 1.2.hold the colours:red/blue/yellow/green/black.3.hold the main sentence pattern of unit 2:it’s a black/red/green cat.4.listen and sing a song—a rainbow.5.finish the exercises on the activity book.二、teaching emphases:1.the holding of the new words.2.the main sentence pattern of unit 2.三、teaching difficulties:the correct pronounciation of the words:chameleon.四、teaching ideas:have the students know different colours.五、teaching tools:colour pens,pictures,tape recorder,cassettes六、teaching sources:the different colours.七、teaching periods:   4 periods八、teaching course:   period 1teaching aims:have ss hold the introductions of the dialogue in unit 1.teaching course:(一)organization:1.sing an english please stand up.2.do the actions..point to the windowsdow/door/flower/desk…  (二)wamerthe teacher has the students stand up and point to the chair/blackboard.then have the students order like the teacher and do the actions.(三)new lessons:activity 1:listen and point:show the pictures of this unit and encourage them to tell the story with imagination as much as they can.the students can find out some colours in this unit quickly.red-红 blue—蓝 yellow—黄 green—绿 black—黑learn to say the new words and expressions:chameleon—变色龙 panda—熊猫have them know the meaning of them.read them after the teacher.read them one by one and match the reading spead of them.check the reading up and correct the pronounciations.activity 2:read the new sentences and act them out.--i’m a chameleon. what’s your name?--my name is panpan.i’m panda.--it’s red/green/blue.have ss hold the meaning of them above.try reading them followindowsg the teacher.pratise them in deskmates.read them one by one for 2 times.play the tape recorder and have them follow it.check up and correct the pronounciation.read them together on books.act the dialogue out in groups.(四)summing up:we’ve got much wonderful colours this class and enjoyed ourselves,right?(五)homework:read the new sentences folloing the tape recorder and make a new free talk.九、boardwords design:module 4 unit 1 colours----i’m a chameleon.----i’m a panda.

period 2teaching aims:have ss hold the dialogue in unit 2teaching course:(一)organization:1.sing an english song.2.act it out:say the colours in the classroom.  (二)warmer:play a game:the teacher explains that he/she is going to say different greetingsand farewells.the students have to respond with similar greetings of farewells.共3页,当前第1页123


the game continues with the teacher saying the greetings faster and faster.(三)new lessons:activity 1:listen and point:have them look at their books.the teacher asks the students to describe the pictures in chinesethen close your books,please and listen.play the tape and repeat it.the teacher plays the tape again,pauses it after each utterance and the students repeat the statements.open the books and point and say.the teacher plays the tape again and the students point to the appropriate pictures and say the sentences.it’s a black dog.-------now,it’s a blue dog.it’s a red cat.------now,it’s a green cat.it’s a yellow cap.-----now,it’s a red cap.the teacher has another student say the sentences.activity 2:act it out.t:look at activity 1 again,please.now point and say.read the dialogue after t.listen to the tape and follow.work in pairs amd act it out.(四)summing up:we’ve got more sentences this class.(五)homework:read the new sentences folloing the tape recorder and make a new free talk.九、boardwords design:module 4 unit 2 it’s a black dog.-------now,it’s a blue dog.it’s a red cat.------now,it’s a green cat.十、summing after the class:

period 3teaching aims:1.learn to sing a new song: a rainbow.2.learn to say a new chant.teaching course:(一)organization:1.sing an english song:one two three four song.2.act it out.(二)revision:free talks:have two or three groups of class have a free talk to review the sentences learned before.read the dialogue learned in last class.(三)new lessons:activity 1:listen and say,then sing .before singing the song:the teacher asks the students to describe the pictures.the teacher explains that they are going to listen to a song.read the song first and have them know the meaning of it.while singing the song: the teacher plays the tape once or twice.then have class listen and follow it.after singing the song:the teacher have some students draw a beautiful rainbow.then sing it more times..activity 2:listen and say,then chant.bob,bob,bob is an orange dog.have them know the meaning.read it after the teacher.listen to the tape recorder and follow it.chant it.(四)summing up:we’ve learned a very sweet new song and a new chant,do you like them?(五)homework:sing the new song to your parents and listen to the tape twice.九、boardwords design:module 4 unit 3a rainbow---彩虹.it’s purple and blue.it is green and yellow.十、summing after the class:

period 4teaching aims:1.play the game on the sb and act them out.共3页,当前第2页123


2.finish the exercises on the ab.teaching course:(一) organization:1.sing an english song:a rainbow.2.do the actions to review the words.  (二)warmer:free talks:have two or three groups of class have a free talk to review the dialogues.review the whole dialogue and check the reading up one by one.(三)new lessons:activity 1:game:play and say.:open the students’ books and the teacher has the students watch their books.the teacher explains the game.s1:good morning! what’s your name?s2:my name’s lele.i’m a black dog.then have them work in groups of four.play the game.activity 2:listen and match:the teacher asks the students to describe the pictures.the teacher asks the students what they think they have to do.listen to the tape and do.if it is too difficult to get the students to identify the characters initially,the teacher should point and say the names and the students can repeat them.listen again and match the pictures.activity 3:act it out.have ss watch the pictures on page 16 on their books.explains to the students and have them clear them.read the sentences after the teacher.then prepare to act it out in groups.act it out.(四)summing up:we’ve finished doing some interesting exercises and acted it out wonderful.(五)homework:review the whole module,read the dialogue and listen to the tape.九、boardwords design:module 4 unit 3good morning! what’s your name?my name’s lele.i’m a black dog.十、summing after the class:茎



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