外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案


外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案

外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案

module 1 how to learn english

unit 1 try not to translate every word.






一课时教学设计教学内容unit1 try not to translate every word.

课型listening and speaking

教材分析this unit is the first part of module 1 and it is focused on practicing the students' listening and speaking abilities by reading the conversation. the vocabulary as well as the sentence structures is sufficient examples and drillings are necessary. also the students should be able to give advice about studying.

教学办法bottom-up approach and task-based approach

教学目标1知识目标:to learn some key vocabulary, understand conversations involving advice on learning english and get information about how to learn english from the conversation; to understand the way of giving advice and practice giving advice on english learning2 能力目标:to be able to talk about the problems in learning english and understand the conversation in activity 33 情感目标:to understand how to talk with others by learning the way of giving advice

教学重点和难点to learn the vocabulary, especially the key points: translate, translation, correct, grammar, pronunciation, spelling and try to do and the sentence structures: why don't you do …?  how about do …?  you should do …  it's a good idea to … try (not) to do …

教学手段practice the students' listening and speaking abilities by reading the conversation.

设计思路1. encourag(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)e the students to talk with each other to practice the sentence structures elicited by the listening materials. 2. task-based acting out activity 3 is a good way for students to practice speaking.

教具tape recorder教师活动


程1.情景导入ⅰ.greet with the whole class as usual.ⅱ.ask the students to introduce themselves first.ⅰ.individual work:get a student to have a duty report.ⅱ.pair work:



ⅲ.tell them the importance of learning english and how to learn english.work in pairs to introduce themselves by using: my name is … i'm from …ⅲ.whole-class work:students should listen to the teacher carefully.




ⅰ.key vocabulary:translation, pronunciation, translate, correct,  spelling,grammar, try to doⅱ.key structures:why don't you do …? you should do… how about doing …?it's a good idea to do …try (not) to do…ⅲ.ask the students to finish activity 1.ⅳ.play the tape of activity 2 and check with the whole class.ⅰ.whole-class work:read the new words and expressions loudly and make some sentences by using the vocabulary.共2页,当前第1页12

外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案

ⅱ.pair work:match the words with the headings, and then check in pairs.ⅲ.whole-class work:listen to the tape, and then check with the teacher.



ⅰ.play the tape for them to listen and read.ⅱ.get them to try to act out activity 3.ⅲ.ask them to do activity 4 and write notes about learning english.ⅳ.play the tape for the students to listen and repeat t(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)he sentences in activity 6.ⅴ.ask the students to work in pairs and finish activity 7.ⅰ.whole-class work:listen to the dialogue and read it loudly.ⅱ.group work:act out the dialogue in groups.ⅲ.individual work:finish  activity  4  andwrite notes about learning english.ⅳ.whole-class work:read the sentences with the whole class with the tape recorder.  ⅴ.pair work:work  in  pairs to finishactivity 7. read the wordsto let the partner check ifthe words are pronouncedin a correct way.




read through the key vocabulary and sentence structures on the board with the whole class again.read through the conversation with the whole class again if time is enough. whole-class work:ask the students to repeat them together.have the students read through the conversation with the teacher.

module 1 how to learn english

unit 1 try not to translate every word.

key points           key structurestranslate           why don't you do …?                translation         how about doing …?correct             you should do …grammar             it's a good idea to do …pronunciation       try (not) to do …spellingtry to do

置1. ask the students to learn and remember the new words and expressions of this unit.2. ask the students to read and act out the conversation on  page 2 and grasp some important sentences.3. prepare for the task 1 and 6 of unit 3. try to finish them by themselves.4. do exercises 1- 4 of workbook.

思1. it's hard to improve the students' listening and speaking skills. 2. it's a good idea to encourage the students to talk and share their thinking in english.3. it’s easy for students to give advice about learning english by using the sentence structures.4. encourage the students to read conversations and articles in english every day.5. pay particularly attention to the students' pronunciation and spelling of words and expressions.共2页,当前第2页12

推荐站内搜索:2015高考答案、研修日志、反腐倡廉演讲稿、真没想到 作文400字、山西特岗教师报名入口、成人考试网、招警考试网、小学优秀作文网、最精辟人生短句、成都师范学院录取分数线、

外研版八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1教案
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