



ⅰ. 单词拼写1. i take it for granted that everybody knows the famous  ________(音乐家)mozart,but it’s surprising that tom shouldn’t know. 答案:musician2. there were so many people at the station that the company had to put on  ________(额外的,附加的)buses. 答案:extra3. he isn’t a stranger to me;on the contrary,he looks so  ________(熟悉的),though i can’t remember his name. 答案:familiar4. when i came in,he  ________(假装)to  be reading. but i knew he actually was watching tv. 答案:pretended5. he said,“thank you for your encouragement,which made me more ________(自信的)of my future. ”答案:confident6. events in early childhood help to ________(形成)our personalities in later life. 答案:formⅱ. 选词填空stick to;rely on;be based on;sort out;to be honest;in cash1. now that you are grown­up,you should not  ________ your parents for everything. 答案:rely on2. “no matter how busy you are,you must ________ the good oranges from the bad ones,”he said to me. 答案:sort out3.  ________,she doesn’t like to go shopping with her sister every weekend. 答案:to be honest4. whenever he buys something in the shop,he will pay  ________ instead of by cheque. 答案:in cash5. once he has made his plan,he will  ________ it and nobody can persuade him to change it. 答案:stick to6. as everybody knows,theory ________ practice and serves practice. 答案:is based onⅲ. 翻译句子1. 有时候你只需要相信自己的判断。(rely on) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________答案:sometimes you just need to rely on your own judgement. 2. 说实话,我对他说的不感兴趣。(honest) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________答案:to be honest,i am not interested in what he said. 3. 我们不会走错路的,因为我对这儿的街道非常熟悉。(be familiar with) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________答案:we won’t go wrong,because i’m quite familiar with the streets here. 4. 他喜欢开别人的玩笑,但是不喜欢别人开他的玩笑。(play jokes on) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________答案:he likes playing jokes on others,but dislikes being played a joke on. 5. 孩子们需要很多东西,但最需要的是关爱。(above all) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________答案:children need many things but,above all,they need care and love. ⅳ. 语法专练本单元语法——定语从句1. for many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further, ________new york is an example. a. for which       b. in whichc. of which               d. from which解析:选c。句意:世界上有很多城市都没有进一步拓展的空间了,纽约就是其中的一个例子。of which引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于new york is an example of many cities in the world。2. by nine o’clock,all the olympic torch bearers had reached the top of mount qomolangma, ________ appeared a rare rainbow soon. a. of which     b. on whichc. from which   d. above which解析:选d。句意:到九点止,所有的火炬手都登上了珠峰峰顶。很快一道奇特的彩虹(祥云)显现在山顶的上方。从题意可知rainbow应显现在山顶上方,故用介词above。b选项on不对,on表示“在……上面”,往往和所指物体表面接触,above指在某物的上方。3. the growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, ________are beyond our control. a. most of them  b. most of whichc. most of what  d. most of that解析:选b。句意:一种植物的生长速度要受很多因素的影响,大多数因素都不在我们的控制当中。先行词为the factors,代入定语从句后为:most of the factors are beyond our control,由此可知关系代词用which。4. the man pulled out a gold watch, ________were made of small diamonds. a. the hands of whom  b. whom the hands ofc. which the hands of  d. the hands of which解析:选d。句意:那个人拽出一块金表,表的指针是用小钻石做成的。先行词为the gold watch,代入定语从句后为“. . . the hands of the gold watch were made of small diamonds. ”由此可知关系代词应用which。5. (XX年成都第二次诊断)as a coach,you should know clearly about the direction ________your team should develop. a. to which  b. in whichc. on which  d. for which解析:选b。考查“介词+关系代词”结构。在英语中,表示“朝……方向”时,名词direction要与介词in连用,故b项正确。 


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