2A (上海牛津英语) Unit 5 Crossing the road(1)
一.教学目标1.听说读单词:stop, light, go, fast, slow .wait2.听说读句型:look at the light, the light is ….3. 学唱歌曲:《crossing the road》二.教学重点6个单词2个句型三.教学难点学唱《crossing the road》四.教学准备磁带,图片,小iPhone等五.教学过程1.greeting2.free talksay some rhymes: 《i’m cat cat cat, in the cap cap cap》《 bob,bob,bob, it’s blue dog》 《long lizard long, lying on the log look at the lizard, lying on the log》《上下大小,长短多少》sing some english songs<one two three…><number song>introduce yourself3.presention投影出示图片导入crossing the road这一课,让学生理解题目的含义。sing a song <crossing the road>导入teach: light, slow, wait, slow, stop, go形式:用各种语气读,做动作读,节奏读等。。。teach: look at the light. the light is red…形式:做动作说句子,运用语气读句子,个别读,小组读,齐读。单词句型游戏:看嘴型猜单词句型,中英文互译,做动作猜单词,蹲游戏(学生作小老师)4.consolidationchant and sing通过表演唱来巩固单词句型。推荐站内搜索:学习雷锋精神演讲稿成人高考成绩查询时间、四川成人高考成绩查询、日记大全、泰戈尔《生如夏花》广东公务员考试试题、二级建造师考试试题下载、云南自考成绩查询八省联考历史答案、江苏成人高考成绩查询、