Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.


Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

unit 10 by the time i got outside,the bus had already left.ⅰ. learning objectives 教学目标skill focus▲narrate past events▲learn past perfect tense▲write and talk about a joke in the past▲learn to classify words into nouns, verbs and adjectives

languagefocus功能句式narrate past events(p76)by the time i got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.by the time i got to the cinema, the movie had already begun. when i got to school, i realized i had left my backpack at home.词汇1.重点词汇rush, lock, empty, describe, farmer, marry2.认读词汇gotten, oversleep, ring, fool, costume, embarassed, announce, mars, convince, authority, relative, broke, exhausted, reveal, april fool’s day, panic, girlfriend, embarrassing, hoax, fled, spaghetti, thrill, ending, orson wells3. 词组go off, run off, on time, give sb. a ride, break down, show up, set off, get married, a piece of语法past perfect tense: by the time i got outside, the bus had already left.strategyfocus1. sequencing2. classifyingculture focuspunctuality.learn about april fool’s day.ⅱ.teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1.教材分析本单元以“bad days”为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容:section a 该部分有4个模块:第一模块以讨论有关“morning”的两个问题(1a)引入单元话题,通过听力练习(1b)和对话练习(1c)让学生掌握一个过去完成时的句型;第二模块继续就第一模块的听力材料进行内容和时态练习(2a-2b)以及口语训练(2c);第三模块以一个“hurried morn(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ing”的故事展开训练,训练形式为阅读排序(3a)和回答问题(3b)以及口语练习(3c)。section b该部分有4个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习(1a)与运用(1b);第二模块围绕“april fool’s day”继续对过去完成时进行听力(2a-2b)和口语训练(2c);第三模块继续围绕三个“stories”展开阅读(3a)和写作(3b-3c)训练;第四模块就“tell a funny story”展开小组活动,进行口语训练(4)。self check该部分有3个模块:第一模块以填空形式对所学词汇进行自我测试(1);第二模块就“ming’s day”进行写作练习(2);第三个模块以“circle”的形式判断词汇类型(3)。2.教材重组和课时分配period 1  (section a: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c)new function presenting period 2  (section a: 3a, 3b, 3c; section b: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c)  practiceperiod 3  (section b: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4)reading and writingperiod 4  (self check: 1, 2, 3)   integrating skillsiii. teaching plans for each periodstep i  revision and lead-inask two or more ss to show their work.t: in the last unit, you were asked to write a passage about how to protect the environment using present perfect tense, such as have done / have been ... since / for ... now who’d like to display your project to the class? 共5页,当前第1页12345

Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

a sample version:       as we all know, the environment is very important to us. we students should do our best to keep the world clean. i have never spat since two years ago. i often pick up some rubbish on the ground. and i have always put rubbish in a plastic bag since one year ago. i have collected things like bottles, plastic lunch boxes for 6 months. i have also tried to recycle some things, but it is really a hard job. anyway, i think i have made some contributions to the protection of our environment.t: you have done a good job. there is a chinese saying: 一日之际在于晨。in english, there is a similar saying: your morning thoughts may determine your conduct for the day. these sayings tell us about the importance of morning. that is to say, a well-organized morning will be followed by a good day. and if you get up late or oversleep, you may have a bad day. don’t you agree?ss: i agree. but it’s really difficult to get up early.t: what time do you usually get up in the morning? s1: i usually get up at six.t: that’s very early. when did you get up this morning?s1: i got up at half past six.t: oh! what happened?s1: my bother got in the shower. t: ok. by the time you got up, your brother had already gotten in the shower, right?write this sentence on the blackboard. by the time you got up, your brother had already gotten in the shower.t: what else happened? s1: my mother cooked in the kitchen.t: ok. by the time you got up, your mother had already cooked in the kitchen. write this sentence on the blackboard. by the time you got up, your mother had already cooked in the kitchen.t: what did you find when you got up this morning, s2?s2: my father had left home.t: so by the time you got up, your father had already left home.write the sentence on the blackboard.by the time you got up, your father had already left home.t: look at the three sentences on the blackboard. they contain the structure we are going to learn today — past perfect tense structure. now will you give some sentences by using this structure? s: by the time i got to the cinema, the film had already begun.by the time i got to the bus station, the bus had already left.when i finally arrived there, she had already gone....t: good. you really did a great job. next, you’ll listen to tina telling her story in the morning. but before that, let’s look at the pictures on page 76. what can you see in the pictures?s1: i can see a girl getting up. i think she gets up later than usual because she looks worried.共5页,当前第2页12345

Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

t: very good. what else can you see?s2: someone is taking a shower in the bathroom, so she has to wait.t: what else?s3: by the time she got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.t: very good. i am very glad that you used the structure we just learnt. thank you for your wonderful work.step ii  listening listen to the tape and finish 1b.t: now let’s listen to the tape and see what happened to tina. i will play it twice. for the first time, try to get a general idea of her story. and for the second time, complete the sentences. play the tape and give the ss 2 minutes to finish the task. then check the answers.step iii  pairwork (1c: p76)t: we heard tina telling us her story this morning. as we know, different people may have different mornings. then what about yours? pretend you are tina in the picture. look at the pictures above and tell your partners what happened to you this morning. first, who’d like to read the example in the box?ask two ss to read the example in 1c on page 76 first.t: now work in pairs. tell your partner what happened to you this morning. move around the classroom and check their work. offer language help if needed.after a few minutes.t: now who’d like to share your stories with us? sample dialogue 1:s1: what happened this morning?s2: i overslept. and by the time i got up, my brother had already finished his breakfast.sample dialogue 2:s3: what happened to you this morning?s4: well, i got up late. by the time i finished my breakfast, my mother had left home.step iv  listening (2a, 2b, 2c: p77)t: from 1b and 1c we know that tina overslept and she could not take a shower on time. by the time she got up, her brother had already gotten in the shower. what do you think will happen after that?s1: i think she will have breakfast late.t: i think so too. what about you?s2: i think she will miss the bus.t: that’s really terrible. and what’s your idea?s3: i think she will be late for school and her teacher will be angry....t: well done. as we know, tina’s getting up late brought her a lot of trouble. we’d better get up early, so that we can get to school on time. now let’s listen to another material about tina and see what happened later. before we do this, let’s look at the pictures on page 77 first. what can you see in the pictures?s1: i can see tina is looking for her keys.s2: i can see she is rushing to school. i think she will be late.s3. by the time she got to school, class had already begun.t: now listen and find out what happened to tina. for the first time, just listen and get a general idea.共5页,当前第3页12345

Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

play the recording for the first time.t: listen again and number the pictures in the correct order.play the recording for the second time.t: lisa, what’s your order?...check the answers.t: you’ll listen to the conversation again. this time fill in the blanks in 2b with the correct verb forms.play the recording again. after the ss fill the blanks, check the answers.t: after listening, we know that the teacher had already started teaching by the time tina walked into class. now make up an ending for the story and share it with the class. tell what happened to tina when she entered the classroom. sample endings: 1. when tina walked into class, the class had already begun. the teacher looked at tina and asked why she was late. her face turned red and told the teacher that she got up late and missed the bus and she had to walk to school. the teacher told her to get up earlier and never to be late again. 2. when tina rushed into class, the teacher had already started teaching. the teacher looked at tina and asked why she got to school late. she told her teacher that the traffic was heavy and it took her a long time to get to school. the teacher looked at her and said, “i believe you are a good and honest student.” tina’s face turned red and she realized she was wrong and told the truth to her teacher.step v  grammar focus (p77)t: look at the gr(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ammar focus box on page 77. now who’d like to read the sentences to the class?ask a student to read the sentences in the box.t: well done. now we know that when we talk about things that happened before past events, we often use past perfect tense. well, do you know the differences between present perfect tense and past perfect tense?show the followindowsg to the ss.(1)    she has taught english for 6 years.(2)     “where is susan” “she has   gone to america”.表示过去某时发生的动作,这动作可能刚刚停止,也可能还在进行。(1)    she said she had taught english for 6 years.(2) by the time i got to london, she had gone to america.表示过去某时之前发生的动作。 point out the differences between the sentences above.t: from the above examples, we can see the differences between present perfect tense and past perfect tens. so we can reach the followindowsg conclusion:show the followindowsg to the ss.现在完成时: 主语 + have / has done过去完成时: 主语 + had donet: now read the followindowsg examples aloud. and observe how past perfect tense is used in them. and then translate them into chinese.共5页,当前第4页12345

Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

show the followindowsg to the ss and ask them to read aloud.1. by the time she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.2. by the time i woke up, my father had already been into the bathroom.3. when she got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.4. when the doctor arrived, the patient had died.t: who’d like to translate them into chinese? volunteer?s: 1. 她到学校以后才意识到把背包落在家里了。2. 我早上醒来的时候父亲就已经在浴室洗澡了。3. 当她赶到车站的时候,车已经走了。4. 当医生赶到的时候,病人已经死了。t: good translations. now look at the followindowsg sentences on the screen. can you put them into english?show the followindowsg sentences on the screen.1. 到那时,他已经交了一些朋友。2. 到那时她已完成了那项任务。3. 在我见到她以前,她认识我哥哥已经两年了。4. 我到火车站时,火车已经开了。sample answers:1. by that time, he had already made some friends.2. by that time, she had already finished the job.3. she had known my brother for two years before i met her.4. when i got to the railway station, the train had already left.step vi  homework共5页,当前第5页12345


Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.
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