Unite3 Back to the pastUnite3 Back to the pastUnite3 Back to the past


Unite3 Back to the past

unite3   back to the past-reading学案i. words:civilization 文明              lecture讲座                 volcano 火山erupt (火山等)爆发            ash 火山灰;灰,灰烬        rock 岩石unfortunately 不幸地          bury 埋,埋葬;安葬         stone 石,石头director 主管,负责人;主任   mud 泥,泥浆,烂泥         body 尸体destroy 毁坏,摧毁            house 收藏;储藏            wealthy 富有的;富裕的commercial 商业的,贸易的    gradually 渐渐地,逐渐地     sandstorm沙尘暴,风沙cultural 文化的               institute 机构;研究所        swedish 瑞典人/语ruin 废墟,遗迹              remains 遗迹,遗址          paint 油漆pot 罐,壶                   material 材料;物质         document 文献;文件temple 庙,寺庙              workshop 作坊;车间       enormous 巨大的,庞大的 ii.phrases:  ancient civilizations古代文明 cultural heritage 文化遗产 in the past 过去,过去的 think of 思考,想出        be made director 被选为指挥   the similarity between a and b a与b之 间的相似性 be covered with 被……覆盖 be known as 作为……而出名 such as 诸如,像……之类 lost civilizations 失落的文明 pour out of 涌出,喷射 be buried alive 被活埋 stepping stones 踏脚石 a pair of binoculars 一副望远镜 a stopping point 歇脚点 too...to... 太……而不能…… by the time 不迟于,到……时(为止) keep a diary 写日记 take over 夺取;接管 prevent...from...阻止某人做……;   使(某事)不…… neither...nor... 既不……,也不……  as well as 除……之外还…… together with 又,还,连同 iii. language points:1.                          be made director 被选为指挥      make+o. +o.c.; make 一词常用复合宾语形式,宾语补足语通常由名词,不定式(不带to),形容词,过去分词,副词等充当。(1)paul does not have to be made __b______ .he always works hard.          a. learn      b. to learn    c. learned     d. learning     (2)she managed to make herself ___c_____ in english.           a. understand   b. know   c. understood    d. knew2.                          be known/famous as 作为……而出名be known/famous for 因……而出名be known/famous to 对……来说出名              (1) qingdao is famous ____for____ its beautiful scenery.      (2) lu xun is famous/known ___as______ a writer.       (3) as is known ____to____ us, the great wall is one of the seven wonders in the world.3.                          take over 接任;接管;接收take on 呈现;雇佣take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞take in 吸收,领会take back 撤消……,收回(所说的话以示道歉)take...for granted 认为……理所当然(1) our teacher sometimes takes us to the airport _______ take off _________ (看飞机起飞).(2) sorry, i will ___ take back what i said_______ (收回我说的话).(3) we have decided to take _on______ a new clerk in the accounts department.(4) he took _on______ art talent when he was six years old.  4.                          such as 用来列举事物,对前面提到的名词进行部分列举for example 强调举例说明。take...for example 以……为例namely 即,也就是。放在被列举事物前,要把前面的名词所应包含的事物全部列出。(1)       i have been to many beautiful big cities such as ____ hangzhou and nanjing. (2)       take the polynesian cultural centre in hawaii ___ for example __________.(3)       the government has reduced spending money in several areas, for example .(4)       education and health.(5)       he can speak 3 languages, namely____ english, french and russian.(6)       books of references, _such as___________ dictionaries and handbooks, are not allowed to be taken out of the library.5.                          ① too+adj./adv.+to do 太……而不能……he is too young to go to school.        ② too+adj.+to do 有时有肯定意义,这些形容词主要是表示心情的,如:glad, surprised, happy, eager, willing等,或描述性的,如:good, kind, true等。        ③ too...to...结构和never, not连用时,表肯定意义,意为“非常”。        ④ 凡在too前加上only, but, all, simply或just时,此结构表肯定,且带有赞赏的感情色彩。(1) you can never be __d______ careful in the street.            a. much      b. very      c. so     d. too        (2) the question was ___d_______ difficult to answer that i had to ask others for help.             a. too       b. very      c. much    d. so6.                          as well as 除……之外还……;和……一样也 ……    通常连接两个对等的成分,前后在词性和形式上应保持一致。连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数应与前面的主语保持一致。若连接两个谓语动词,则其后的动词可使用 v.–ing的形式.(1)                                        the teacher, as well as a number of students, _____a____ asked to attend the party last sunday.a. was        b. were       c. is        d. are        (2) john plays football____b_____ , if not better than, david.           a. as well                  b. as well as            c. so well                  d. such well        (3) as well as ___c______ the books, he publishes them.a. printed   b. printing   c. to print   d. have printed7.                          destroy damage   1). an atom bomb would destroy a city.   2). smoking can damage your health.8.                          house v.收藏、储藏;供给住所1).we can house these magazines in the store room.2).we can house you for the weekend.9.                          remain to do sth. 尚待做/留待做……remain + n.       仍然是……remain +adj.      保持某种状态1).one thing remained to be done.2).nothing remains to be said.3).the weather still remains cold in march.4).they remain good friends even though they entered different high schools.5).i spent 120 yuan on my coat and bought a pen with remaining money.10.                      to have done sth.(不定式的完成式)to do sth.(不定式的一般式)1).this book is reported to have been translated into many different languages2).he is believed to pass the entrance examination next year.11.                      alive 做表语、补足语和后置定语,不能用作前置定语。指人或物。living 多作表语和前置定语。指人或物。   live 活生生的,现场直播的。常作前置定语。不指人。   lively 活泼的,生动的。可用作表语、 定语和补足语。指人或物。   1).keep him alive, please.   2). he is the only man alive in the accident.   3). what a lively lecture!  4).they are living things.  5).a live tiger/show/broadcast12.                      cover 30 milescover 10 pagescover the eventcover an area ofiv. sentence patterns:1. the city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it.这座城市已被遗忘了好多年了,直到18世纪,一个农民发现某一块石头上刻着有关这个城市的字迹。该句含有一个when 引导的时间状语从句。意为“当……的时候”或“这时”,而且句中还含有with 的复合结构。with+n./pron.+介词短语with+n./pron.+副词with+n./pron.+不定式with+n./pron.+现在/过去分词with+n./pron.+形容词             2.unfortunately all the people were buried alive, and so was the city!        很不幸的是,所有的人都被活埋了,包括这座城市!        本句含有一个so 引起的倒装句。        so( 用于肯定句),neither/nor( 用于否定句)引起的句子中,表示前面的情况也适应于另一人或事物时,用部分倒装。        so/neither/nor+助动词或情态动词或系动词+第二个主语。        so it is with.../it is the same with ...v.reinforcement:1. the headmaster wants to make the papers _________ in formal style at once.a. typing        b. to be typed       c. typed        d. type 2. the business of the company was growing so fast that the manager had to ________more clerks.a. take in       b. take on           c. take down    d. take out 3. wang ping as well as other students _________ physics and chemistry.a. like          b. likes             c. is liking    d. have liked 4. he is the student ________ in the report.a. referring to   b. referred to      c. refering to   d. refered to  5. ________ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.    a. it             b. as               c. that          d. what  6. --david has made great progress recently.    --________, and ________ .    a. so he has; so you have             b. so he has; so have you    c. so has he; so have you             d. so has he; so you have 7. the boy stood there with his eyes _________ on the picture.    a. fixed         b. fix           c. to fix       d. to be fixed 8. he looked around and caught a man _________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.    a. put             b. to put         c. putting       d. to be putting 9. now young boys and girls have to learn a lot of subjects at school, _________    politics, chemistry and so on.    a. for example     b. such as        c. as            d. likely 10.mr smith had taught for many years, and all the students __________ him.    a. looked up to    b. looked up      c. looked to     d. looked up and down 11.we should do all we can _______ the forests from ________.    a. prevent; cutting                  b. to prevent; cutting    c. prevent; being cut                d. to prevent; being cut 12.i will help you, _________ i don’t sleep for a night.    a. because         b. but            c. even if       d. if 13.we were still reading in the room ________ the lights went out.    a. while           b. when           c. what          d. as 14.i quite agree _______ you, for my opinion is similar ________ yours.     a. with; to        b. to; to         c. with; with    d. on; as 15.what do you think of the ________ that a meeting be held at once to discuss    the tree-planting program.    a. discussion      b. opinion        c. explanation   d. suggestion  cbbbb   bacba   dcbad


Unite3 Back to the past
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