Fine Arts单元学案Fine Arts单元学案Fine Arts单元学案


Fine Arts单元学案

fine arts单元学案module 4 fine arts- western, chinese and pop arts单元学案i. word study1. paint vt. vi. to put paint on a surface; to make a picture, design etc. using paint粉刷;刷漆;(用颜料)绘画 e.g.we painted our house white. 我们把房子粉刷成白色。i wear old trousers when i’m painting. 当刷漆时我穿旧裤子。do you know who painted this picture? 你知道是谁画的这幅画吗?构词解析:paint vt. vi. 粉刷;刷漆;(用颜料)绘画 n. [c] [u] 油漆;绘画颜料 painter画家;油漆工painting n. [u] 绘画,画法 [c] 画,油画,水彩画practiceput the following sentence into english.1.他以画风景画而著称。_________________________.2. 她当时正在油漆一把木椅子。_________________________.key for reference1. he is famous for painting landscapes.2. she was painting a wooden chair.2. alive adj. still living and not dead; active and happy; continue to exist;be full of;be aware of活着的;有活力的;现存的;充满……的(常与with连用);注意到的(与to连用); catch sb/sth.. alive活捉……e.g. many people think he is the greatest artist alive today.许多人认为他是现今在世的最伟大的艺术家。it was a really bad accident-they’re lucky to be alive. 那真是一场很严重的事故-他们能活下来很幸运。my grandmother is still very much alive, more alive than many young people.我祖母仍然很有活力,比许多年轻人更活跃。the party really came alive when the famous singer appeared on the stage..当那个著名的歌唱家出现在舞台上的时候,晚会气氛活跃起来。ancient traditions are still very much alive in some parts of the country.在这个国家的一些地方,一些古老的习俗仍然保留着。xi’an is a city alive with tourists.西安是一个游客不断的城市。the company is alive to the threat of foreign imports.公司注意到了外国进口商品的威胁。practicetranslate the following sentences into english1. 很多人认为他已死于那场交通事故,但事实上他依然活着。   ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________________________________________2. 公园里到处都是老人和小孩。¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬   _____________________________________________________3. 他没有意识到那项工作的危险。   ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________________________________________4. 你今天看起来很活跃。   ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________________________________________key for reference1. many people thought he died in the road accident. but in fact he is still alive.2. the park was alive with old people and children. 3. he wasn’t alive to the danger of the job.4. you seem very much alive today.3. observe vt. vi. to see and notice; to act in accordance with;  to make a remark 观察;注意到; 庆祝;遵守;陈述(意见)e.g.he observes keenly, but says little. 他观察敏锐,但是很少说话。 he observed his actions with interest. 他很感兴趣地观察他的行动。i observed that several students were asleep.我注意到几个学生在睡觉。the woman was observed to follow him closely. 有人看到那女子紧跟着他。 the police observed the man entering / enter the bank. 警方监视着那男子进入银行的情况。 when driving, you must observe the speed limit.驾车时,一定要遵守速度限制规定 chinese all over the world observe the spring festival.全世界的中国人都庆祝春节。“the book isn’t wort(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)h reading,” he observed. “这本书不值的一读,”他说。构词解析:observe vt. vi. 观察;注意到; 庆祝;遵守;陈述(意见)observer n. 观察者;遵守者;评论者 observant adj. 善于观察的,机警的 observation n. 观察,注意 observatory n. 天文台;气象台;观察台practicecorrect the following sentences.1. i observed several girls to practice singing and dancing there.2. the boy was observed send short-text messages by mobile phone.key for reference1. 将to去掉,observe作感官动词时,其后接不带to的不定式作宾补。2. 在send前加to,在observe的被动语态中,作主补的不定式要带to。4. adopt vt. take over and have or use sth. as one’s own, accept ; take sb. onto one’s family, esp. as one’s child; choose 采纳;采用;过继e.g.they adopted my suggestion.他们采纳了我的建议。the poor child was adopted by the couple. 那个可忴的小孩被那对夫妇收养了。practiceput the following sentence into english.1. 我们学校采纳了一种新的教学法。  ________________________________________.2. 保尔不是他们的亲儿子。他是被收养的。  ________________________________________.key for reference1. our school has adopted a new teaching method.2. paul isn’t their real son. he is adopted.5. aim (1) vi. vi. to choose the place, person etc. that you want to hit and carefully point your gun, etc. towards them.; to try to achieve something以……为目标;打算;意欲  aim sth at sth 用某物瞄准某物i aimed at the door but hit the window. 我瞄准门却打中了窗户。the program is aimed at young teenagers. 这个节目是面向青少年的。i aim to be a top student in our class.我立志要在班里做一个优秀的学生。he aimed the gun at the dog.他用枪瞄准狗。(2). n. [c] 目的,目标 [u.] 瞄准what’s your aim in working so hard? 你如此努力地工作,目的是什么?the main aim of the course is to improve students’ communication skills. 这个课程的主要目的是提高同学们的交流技巧。he took careful aim at the target.他小心地瞄准目标。构词解析:aim vt. vi. 以……为目标;打算;意欲n. [c] 目的,目标 [u.] 瞄准 aimless adj.无目标的 aimlessly adv. 无目标地 aimlessness n. [u] 无目的practicemultiple choice1. he aimed the ball ___ the goal, but missed.a. at    b. in    c. to    d. upon2. my son aims ___ a doctor.a. being b. having been c. to be d. to have been key for reference1 a . aim 作“瞄准”讲时,无论是动词还是名词,都与at搭配;作名词“目标”解时通常与of, in搭配,如:the aim of the book这本书的目的;his aim in life他的人生目标。2.c6 realize vt. to know and understand the importance of something; to achieve something that you were hoping to achieve认识到;了解;实现e.g.he didn’t realize his mistake until the next day.. 直到第二天,他才认识到自己的错误。he realized that he was going to lose his best friend for ever.他意识到就要永远失去最好的朋友了。we didn’t realize how important it was at that time.我们那时没有意识到它是多么的重要。she has finally realized her dream of becoming an actress.她最终实现了当演员的梦想。构词解析:realize vt. 认识到;了解;实现 realizable adj.可实现的,可换成现款的 realization n. [u] 领悟,认知,理解key for referencemultiple choice1. only when class began ______ that he had left his book at home.a. will he realize  b. did he realize  c. he did realize   d. should he realize2. he ____ his wildest wish when he was 60 years old.a. realized b. had realized c. was realized d. had been realizedkey for reference:1. b 本句意为“直到上课时,他才意识到他把书留在家里了”。 “only +状语”置于句首时, 主句要部分倒装,即将助动词置于主语前。2. a7. destroy vt. to damage something so badly that it cannot be repaired or so that it no longer exists.破坏;毁坏;粉碎e.g.the fire destroyed most of the building.大火毁掉了这座建筑的大部分。their traditional way of life has been destroyed.他们的传统生活方式被完全破坏了。all hopes of peaceful settlement were destroyed by his speech.所有和平解决的希望都被他的演说粉碎了。构词解析:destroy vt. .破坏;毁坏;粉碎 destroyer n. [c] 破坏者,驱逐舰  destruction n. [u] 破坏;毁灭 destructive adj.破坏的;毁灭性的practice:put the following sentences into english.1. 吸毒毁掉了那个艺术家。  _______________________.2. 我刚才画的水彩画被我的小狗毁掉了。  _________________________________.key for reference1. taking drugs destroyed the artist.2. the watercolor i painted just now was destroyed by my dog. ii. backgroundthe subjects of traditional chinese paintingsthe most popular subjects of traditional chinese paintings have been landscapes, human figures, animals, fishes, birds and flowers-the last two being frequently combined as “flower and bird painting”. figure painting, which reached maturity during the warring states period, flourished against a confucian background, illustrating moralistic themes. from the han dynasty to the end of the tang dynasty, the human figure occupied the dominant position in chinese painting, as it did in pre-modern european art.landscape painting is called shanshui hua in chinese. shanshui means mountains and rivers, which stand for nature. landscape painting is thus called because mountain and water occupy the most important place in a piece of landscape painting, while non-essential elements of landscape and people are either omitted or painted as embellishment. nature is predominant, and human beings are only part of it. this concept of man’s relationship with nature was especially executed in the paintings of the song dynasty, which greatly influenced later landscape painters up to the present.ⅲ. language study1. this is a painting by the spanish artist, pablo picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.= this is a painting painted by the spanish artist, pablo picasso, who is thought to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗•毕加索的一幅油画, 他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。consider(1). vt. vi. to think about something仔细考虑,思考  其后接动词时,需用动词的ing形式。e.g.many students in our school are considering studying abroad.我们学校的很多学生都在考虑出国留学。we considered where to get enough water.我们考虑到哪儿去弄足够的水。consider carefully before you decide.要慎重考虑后再做决定。(2). vt. to think of someone or something in a particular way;remember to think of把……看作;认为;考虑到,顾及e.g.i always consider you (to be/ as ) my best friend.我一直把你看作我最好的朋友。he considered founder laptops (to be) very good.他认为方正手提电脑很好。considering the strength of their team, we did very well to score two goals.考虑到他们队的实力,我们进两球已很不错了。if you consider that he has only been studying english for six months, she speaks it very well.考虑到她才学英语六个月,她说得相当好了。构词解析:consider vt. vi..考虑,思考,认为considerable  adj..相当的,可观的,重要的considerably adv..非常地,很, considerate adj..体贴的,体谅的,顾虑周到的considerately adv.体贴地consideration n.[c] [u] 考虑,体谅considered adj.考虑过的,受尊重的considering prep. 考虑到,就……而论 practice1. mr. zhang is considered ______ an excellent teacher in our school. which of the following is wrong?a. to be    b. as  c. 不填   d. for2. tom said he was considering ____ his job.a. to change  b. changing  c. of changing  d. being changedkey for reference1. d 2. b consider表示“考虑,思考”时,后面的动词需用ing形式。2. he is most famous for his lively paintings of horses.= he is most famous for the horses he painted, which look alive.他以擅画生机勃勃的马而著称(1) “most+形容词或副词”结构前不加定冠词the时,表示“非常”。e.g.the lady is most experienced in dealing with children.那位女士在照顾小孩方面很有经验。this is really a most interesting story. 这真是一个非常有趣的故事。(2). lively adj. full of quick and often cheerful movement, thought, activity, etc. vivid; bright; exciting 活泼的;生动的;栩栩如生;强烈的e.g.she’s a lively child and popular with everyone.她是个活泼的孩子,大家都喜欢她。our teacher gave us a lively description of the event.老师把那个事件给我们做了生动的描述。the subject produced a lively discussion in our class.那个主题在我们班里引发了热烈的讨论。构词解析:live adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的livelihood  n. [c.] [u]生计;营生;生活 liveliness n. [u] 活泼;快活;热闹 lively adj. 活泼的;生动的;栩栩如生;强烈的 livelily  adv.生气勃勃地;活泼地;快活地practiceput the following sentences into chinese.1. i received a most unusual gift from my uncle.   ___________________________________________。2. the professor gave us a most interesting talk on japan.  ___________________________________________。3. he has a lively mind.   ___________________________________________。4. he can draw a lively cat in five minutes.   ___________________________________________。key for reference1. 我从我叔叔那儿收到了一份非常特殊的礼物。2. 教授给我们做了一场有关日本的非常有趣的报告。3. 他的思想很活跃。4. 他能在五分钟之内画出一只栩栩如生的猫。3. … although i can get tired of looking at pictures all the time.= …although i sometimes lose interest in looking at pictures because i have to do that always. 虽然总是看图(有时)可能会使我厌烦。be/ get/feel/ tired of...: be bored with...对……感到厌倦,厌烦; be/get/feel tired from...因……而感到疲劳e.g.i’m tired of watching television; let’s go out for a walk.我看腻电视了,让我们出去散步吧。i’m very tired from walking such a long way.走了这么长的路后我感到很疲劳。practiceput the following sentences into english. 1. 我讨厌听他的演讲。  _____________________________________。2. 他因长时间上网而感到疲劳。  _____________________________________。key for reference1. i’m tired of listening to his speech.2. he felt tired from surfing the internet for a long time.4. but i can’t stand that picture of a golden-haired girl. = but i don’t like that picture of a golden-haired girl at all.但是我受不了那幅金发女孩儿的画。stand (stood, stood) vt. accept, bear; to be done or made well enough 接受,忍受;经得起(考查,时间的考验等)  多用于疑问句或否定句中e.g.he can’t stand this hot weather. 他无法忍受这种热天气。that teacher can’t stand to see/seeing his students smoking. 那位老师无法忍受看到他的学生抽烟。how can you stand such rude behavior?你怎么能容忍如此精鲁的行为?his work can hardly stand close examination.他的工作经不起仔细检查。practiceput the following sentence into chinese.1. he can’t stand the life without the internet.   __________________________________________________。2. i think the prime minister’s decision will stand the test of time.  __________________________________________________。key for reference1. 他不能忍受没有网络的生活。2. 我想首相的决定/决断力经得起时间的考验。5. my parents are fond of going to art galleries and often take me with them, so i’ve developed an interest in art.= my parents love going to art galleries and often take me with them so i’ve come to have an interest in art.我父母喜欢去美术馆,他们常常带我一起去,我由此对艺术产生了兴趣。(1). be fond of like something very much 对……产生兴趣e.g.though she has many faults, we are all very fond of her.虽然她有很多缺点,我们都很喜欢她。the child is fond of playing the piano. 那个小孩很喜欢弹钢琴。(2). developed an interest in...: come to have an interest in... she has developed an interest in collecting stamps. 她对集邮产生了兴趣。practicemultiple choice1. he is fond of _____ to music while he is doing his homework.a. listen   b. listening  c. to listen  d. listened2. jim developed an interest ____ the performing arts and performed at some theatres.a. on b. for c. in d. withkey for reference1. b 2. c iv. grammar exploration语法:本单元的语法项目为不定式和动词的ing形式。不定式和动词的-ing形式都属于非谓语动词,都可以在句中作主语,表语,宾语,定语,宾补和状语。本单元将主要讨论一下它们(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)在使用中的异同。1.作主语时(1)表示一般情况时,两者皆可。   e.g.   to learn english well is not easy. = learning english well is not easy.学好英语不容易。 (2). 表示具体的,特定情况下的或有待于完成的动作时,通常用动词不定式。   e.g.   to finish reading such a long novel will take me several days.   读完这么长的小说要花去我好几天时间。(3) 当it 作形式主语,动词不定式和动名词通常可以互换。但当表语是necessary, important等形容词时,后面只接不定式,而当表语是no use, no good, a waste of time等词时,则用动词的-ing形式。   e.g.   it's bad manners to spit in public. = it’s bad manners spitting in public.在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的。it’s quite impossible for us to finish the work in time with so little money.我们用这么少的钱及时完成工作是不可能的。it’s no use asking him for help. 向他寻求帮助是没有用的。(4) there is no 结构后只接动词的-ing形式。   e.g.   there is no knowing whether he is alive or dead.   不知他是死是活。2. 作表语时(1) 表示一般情况时,两者可以通用。    e.g.his work is to paint houses. = his work is painting houses.他的工作是粉刷房子。(2). 表示具体的,特定情况下的或是未来的动作,通常用动词不定式。e.g.our homework today is to finish the exercises 1 and 2 on page 25.我们今天的家庭作业就是完成25而的练习1和2。(3) 主语与表语形式通常保持一致。 do this is to cut the foot to fit the shoe.doing this is cutting the foot to fit the shoe.这样做无异于削足适履。3. 作宾语时(1) 有些动词后只能用不定式作宾语,常见的此类动词(短语)有: ask, agree, beg, decide, determine, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, set out, want, wish, expect, demand     e.g.    i want to ask him a question. 我想问他一个问题。    she decided to help her sister.    她决定帮她的妹妹。    as a student, he can’t afford to buy a car now.    作为一个学生,他现在买不起轿车。(2) 有些动词后只能用动名词作宾语,常见的此类动词(短语)有:    admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, deny, endure, enjoy, excuse, escape, face, fancy, finish, forgive, give up,imagine, keep, keep on, mind, miss, mention, pardon, permit, practice, put off, risk, resist, suggest, understand等。    e.g.    the doctor advised taking more exercise. 医生建议多锻炼。 i suggest doing it in a different way. 我建议用不同的方法做。     尤其要注意一些含有介词to的动词短语,不要和不定式中的to混淆。此类短语主要有:    be used to, come to, devote to, get down to, lead to, look forward to, pay attention to, refer to, stick to等。     e.g.     i really must get down to considering it seriously.  &nbs(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)p; 我真地必须认真考虑一下这件事了。    i am looking forward to seeing you again.   我期盼着再次见到你。(3) 有些动词后既可跟动不定式也可跟动名词,意义相差不大。常见的此类动词(短语)有:   can’t stand, prefer, learn, continue等。   e.g.   i can’t stand seeing/to see good food going to waste.   我无法忍受看到好好的食物被浪费。   she continues to work/working after having a baby.   有了小孩后她继续工作。(4) begin, start后跟不定式或动名词皆可,通常可以互换,但在下列情况下,只用不定式。① start, start本身为进行时态。   e.g.   the boy noticed that his father was beginning to get angry, so he ran away.   那个男孩注意到他的父亲生气,所以就跑开了② 当主语为非生物名词或it时。   e.g.   a strong wind started to blow. 一阵强风开始刮起来。③ begin, start后接表示心理活动的词时,如understand, realize, know, see等。   e.g.   he began to realize the importance of foreign languages.   他开始意识到外语的重要性。(5) 在hate, like, love后,表示经常性,习惯性的动作,通常用动名词;若表示特定,具体的或一次性的行为则用不定式。   e.g.   i don’t like bothering him when he’s busy.   当他忙得时候我不喜欢打扰他。   i usually like staying with him, but i even hate to see him that night.   我通常喜欢和他呆在一起,但是那天晚上我甚至不愿看到他。(6) 在remember, forget, try, go on, regret, mean, stop, want, need, require等动词后既可接不定式,也可接动名词,但含义不同。    ① remember to do 记着去做(尚未做的)某事;remember doing 记得做过某事② forget to do 忘记要去做某事;forget doing 忘记曾做过某事 ③ go on to do 接着又做另一件事;go on doing 继续做同一件事 ④ regret to do 遗憾将要做某事;regret doing 后悔做过的事 ⑤ mean to do 打算/想要做某事;mean doing 意味着⑥ stop to do 停下来(正在做的事)去做另一件事;stop doing 停止正在做的事 ⑦ try to do 努力做某事; try doing 尝试做某事 ⑧ want to do 想要做某事;want doing需要(被)⑨ need/require to do 需要/要求做做某事;need/require doing需要(被)e.g. please remember to turn off the light when you leave.离开时请记得关灯。certainly i posted your letter—i remember posting it.我当然给你寄过信了-我记得寄过它。4. 作宾语补足语时(1)常见的用不定式作宾补的动词。   allow, help, warn, ask, force, tell, expect, promise, wish, want    e.g.   we expect him to win an olympic gold medal.   我们期盼他赢一枚奥运金牌。(2) 不定式和动词的-ing形式都可在感官动词和使役动词(feel(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容), make, let, see, hear, watch, listen to, look at, notice, observe)后作宾补。不定式强调动作发生了,即结束了;而动词的-ing形式则强调动作正在进行。   e.g.   i saw a man walk into the garden and pick some flower. (动作已完成)   我看到一个男人进了花园,摘了一些花。i saw a man walking into the garden.(正在进行)我看到一个男人正走进花园。 (3) 不定式在感官动词和使役动词后作宾补时,在主动语态中, to要省掉,而变为被动语态,即作主补时要加上to。   e.g.   i saw him steal my money. 我看到他偷了我的钱。   he was seen to steal my money.他被看到偷了我的钱。5. 作状语时(1) 不定式作状语通常表示目的,结果,有时也放在形容词,过去分词后作状语表示原因;动词的-ing形式作状语则通常表示时间,原因,条件或伴随等。e.g.i’ve taken some money out of the bank to buy a laptop. 为了买电脑,我已从银行里取了钱。(目的)he hurried to the school (only) to find nobody there. (结果)他匆忙赶到学校却发现那儿没人。i am glad to hear that.听到那件事我很高兴。(原因)seeing those pictures, he couldn’t help thinking of those memorable days. (时间)看到这些照片,他忍不住想起那些难忘的日子。not knowing his address we couldn’t get in touch with her.不知道他的地址,我们无法和取得联系。(原因)working hard, you will get what you want. (条件)努力工作,你会得到你想要的东西。the baby was lying in bed crying. (伴随)那个幼儿躺在床上哭着。(2) 动词的-ing形式表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前时,则要用其完成式,即having+过去分词。  e.g.  having solved the problem, they decided to have a party.  解决了问题后,他们决定举行一个宴会。practice1. the boy was seen _____ model planes in the classroom.  a. make   b. made    c. makes    d. to make2. we learn a language by making mistakes and _____ them.  a. correct   b. correct       c. correcting   d. to correct3. the patient was warned _____ oily food after the operation.  a. to eat not   b. not eating   c. not to eat   d. eat not 4. he decided to give up _______ within two weeks.  a. smoke   b. smoked   c. to smoke   d. smoking5. nowadays more and more students look forward to _______ abroad.  a. studied   b. study     c. studying   d. be studying key for reference1. d  感官动词和使役动词作宾补时,在主动语态中要把不定式的符号to省掉,但在被动语态中要带上。2. c 本题中,动词的-ing形式作介词宾语。注意and连接的动词要在形式上保持一致。3. c warn sb. not to do 警告某人不要做某事,warn需接不定式作宾补。4. d give up doing 放弃做某事5. c look forward to期盼, 注意此短语中的to为介词,不是不定式的符号,因而其后的动词应为-ing形式。v. language skills1. multiple choice1. ---i usually go to dalian by train.  ----why not ______ by ship for a change?  a. trying to go  b. to try going    c. to try and go   d. try going2  ---oh, i feel so bored; i have nothing to do.    ---have you finished your homework?    ---oh, i forgot that.    --you always forget_________ your homework. then why not do it now?    a. to do   b. doing    c. having done   d. to have done  3. there is ______ what will happen in the future.   a. no knowing  b. not knowing  c. not known    d. no known4. i feel very happy ______ a chance to visit your school.   a. to have given b. to give    c. to be given    d. to be giving5. the book gave a _____ description on puyi’s early life.   a. live   b. living    c. lively     d. alivekey for reference1 d why not后接动词原形,try 接动词的-ing形式表示“试着做某事”,接不定式时,表示“努力做某事”。2. a forget to do忘记要做的事;forget doing忘记已做过的事3. a there is no knowing +wh- 无法知道......  4. c 根据句意,我应当是被给机会,故用不定式的被动语态。5. c 本句意为“这本书生动地描述了傅仪的早期生活”。lively活泼的;生动的;栩栩如生;强烈的2. complete the dialoguem: _______________1_____________________w: i like them---especially those by xu beihong and qi baishi.m: _______________2______________________w: ______3______ sometimes i find it hard for me to understand them.m: ______4______ do you like music?w: yeah----pop music.m: what do you think of classical music?w: i listen to some of it.m: what about modern jazz?w: modern jazz? __________5___________a. i can’t stand modern jazz!b. do you like paintings by picasso?c. do you enjoy qi baishi’s paintings?d. very much. e. what do you think of chinese paintings?f. not too much.g. what about music?key for reference1. e 2. b 3. f 4. g 5. a vi. task designtask: design at least 6 questions on students’ likes and dislikes in arts. then work in a groupof six. ask your questions and write down answers.question 1: ___________________________________________________________________?answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________question 2. ____________________________________________________________________?answer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________question 3: ____________________________________________________________________?answer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________question 4: ____________________________________________________________________?answer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________question 5: ____________________________________________________________________?answer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________question 6: ____________________________________________________(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)________________?answer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________vii. comprehensive test第一卷(两部分)

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. the streets are ____ with people.     a. live    b. lively     c. living    d. alive 2. many people observed the thief ______ something from the lady’s bag, but no one stop him ____ that.  a. steal; to do  b. to steal; doing   c. stealing; do   d. steal; doing3. during his stay in china, tom _______ a great interest in chinese kungfu.  a. invented b. developed c. made d. discovered4. the students ______ in the exam will be strictly punished in our school.  a. caught cheating b. catches cheated c. caught cheat d. catching cheating5. have you any difficulty in ______ the problem?


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