高二英语Science versus nature教案高二英语Science versus nature教案高二英语Science versus nature教案


高二英语Science versus nature教案

高二英语science versus nature教案verb-ed form一、v-ed分词具有形容词和副词性质,在句中可充当定语、表语、宾语补语、状语。1.作定语过去分词作定语,表示已经完成的被动的动作或状态,但不及物动词构成的过去分词只表示完成,而不表示被动意义。例如: 完成+被动:  a polluted river      a locked room   a well-educated man       只有完成:   a retired worker &(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)nbsp;   a fallen leaf     boiled water作定语的v-ed分词也有前置和后置两种情况。单个过去分词作定语,常常位于被修饰的名词前;而过去分词短语作定语时,常常位于被修饰的名词后面,相当于一个定语从句。eg. 1).you should improve your spoken(speak) english.   2).what’s the language spoken (speak) in that area?=.what’s the language which/that is spoken (speak) in that area?3).the firemen were trying to rescue the people trapped in the fire.=the firemen were trying to rescue the people who was trapped in the fire.4).the meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. = the meeting, which was attended by one thousand students, was a success.2.作表语作表语的v-ed分词大多转化成为形容词,通常用于联系动词之后(例如be, seem, appear, look, sound ,feel, remain, stay, become, get等),表示主语所处的状态 1).edison became interested (interest) in science when he was very young.2).she looks very excited(excite) at the news. 3). when i was cleaning the window, my finger got cut(cut) unexpectedly.3.作宾语补足语如果宾语与后面作宾补的动词构成被动关系,则使用v-ed分词作宾补。可以带v-ed分词作宾补的词有:with, see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, feel, sense, find, leave, keep, get, have, make.1).i had my money stolen(steal) on the bus. 2).as he knows little english, he finds it difficult to make himself understood (understand).3).in the morning, people woke up and found the world outside their houses completely changed(change).4.作状语作状语的v-ed分词与主句之间常有逗号隔开,在句中可表示时间,原因,条件,让步,伴随等情况,并可转化为相应的状语从句。作状语的v-ed和主句的主语常有被动关系。1) 时间状语seen from space, the earth looks blue.= when the earth is seen from space, it looks blue.

asked what had happened, he lowered his head.= when he was asked what had happened, he lowered his head.2) 原因状语born into a poor family, he had only two years of schooling.=as he was born into a poor family, he had only two years of schooling.because they were moved by the story, they decided to help her. =moved by the story, they decided to help her. 3)条件状语given more time, we are sure to finish it.=if we are given more time, we are sure to finish it.compared with other professors, she is an excellent speaker.=.4)让步状语laughed at by everybody, he had my sympathy. =though he was laughed at by everybody, he had my sympathy.   even though he was defeated by his opponent, he still is a hero in my heart.=defeated by his opponent, he still is a hero in my heart.5)伴随状语the boy sat at the table buried in his homework.= the boy sat at the table and he was buried in his homework.the girl lay in bed lost in thought.= the girl lay in bed and she was lost in thought.i will spend the night locked(lock) in your room.she left the restaurant, disappointed (disappoint) with the bad service.二、转化为形容词的v-ed有一些过去分词已转化为形容词,失去被动意义,仅表状态。如:hidden, dressed, lost, seated, determined, absorbed, injured, based, surprised, satisfied, bored, tired…e.g what made you so frightened?the dog, bored with the game, will not play any more.= the dog, which is bored with the game, will not play any more.much interested, he agreed to give it a try.=as he was much interested, he agreed to give it a try.seated in the car, the president waved to the crowd.= while he was seated in the car, the president waved to the crowd.三、连词+v-ed过去分词有时和连词(when, while, whenever, until, if, unless, once, though,although,even though/if)一起用,相当于状语从句的紧缩式。(注意:before/after后不直接跟v-ed分词,而用before/after+being done,因为此时分词前的before/ after是介词。)if accepted(accept) for this post, you will be informed by may 1st.unless changed (change), this law will make life difficult for farmers.i will not give up my plan even if told(tell) to.these machines must be checked before being used(use).

四、to be done, being done, done, having been done 作定语的区别:以上四种形式都表示被动,都可作定语。to be done 表示即将被…;being done表示正在被…;done表示被做过了…;having been done作非限制性定语,和被修饰词用逗号隔开,强调在谓语动词的动作之前完成。the question to be discussed(discuss) tomorrow involves pollution.the question discussed (discuss) yesterday involves pollution.the question being discussed (discuss) now involves pollution.the question, having been discussed (discuss) for years, involves pollution.五、done, having been done 作状语的区别:being done一般在句中不作状语,而用done代替之。having been done强调动作在谓语动作之前完成,或已经持续一段时间的动作,常用作时间和原因状语,done则不强调时间先后和持续一段时间。 led (lead) by the local guide, we went further into the forest.having been taken(take) good care of for half a year, the patient became far better.having been translated (translate) into many languages, the novel is well-known throughout the world.

练习:1. the managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _______the next year. a.carry out    b.carrying out  c.carried out   d.to carry out2. as we joined the big crowd i got _________from my friends.  a. separated    b. spared     c. lost      d. missed3. it shames me to say it, but i told a lie when______ at the meeting by my boss. a. questioning b. have questioned c. questioned    d. to be questioned4. you should understand the traffic rule by now. you've had it____ often enough. a. explaining         b. to explain       c. explain        d. explained5. the research is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it. a.begins     b.having begun c.beginning  d.begun6._____in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the police. a. having been lost      b. lost     c. being lost       d. losing 7. ______ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. a. dressed      b. to dress      c. dressing    d. having dressed8. i sat before the desk until after mid-night, _____ in writing.a. being absorbed     b. absorbed     c. to be absorbed     d. absorbing9. laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents________.a. worried        b. to worry   c. worrying        d. worry10. ______with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big (各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)at all a. compare   b. when comparing    c. comparing    d. when compared11. when ______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.  a. compared     b. being compared     c. comparing     d. having compared 12. ______ into use in april , the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. a. put     b. putting    c. having been put      d. being put13._________by the beauty of nature, the girl from london decided to spend another two days on the farm.   a.attracting     b.attracted   c.to be attracted      d.having attracted 14. when first______ to the market, these products enjoyed great successa. introducing     b. introduced     c. introduce       d. being introduced 15. ____ and happy, tony stood up and accepted the prize. a. surprising      b. surprised    c. being surprised     d. to be surprising16. is this the watch you wish _____?a. to have repaired   b. to repair it   c. to have it repaired   d. will be repaired17. _____ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.a. having been told            b. though he had been toldc. he was told                d. having told18. ______ behi(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)nd the door, i wasn’t found by the fellow.a. hidden      b. to hide      c. hide      d. having hidden19. helen had to shout _____ above the sound of the music.  a. making herself hear      b. to make herself hearc. making herself heard     d. to make herself heard20. the pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ___as the plane was making a landing.   a. seat    b. seating   c. seated   d. to be seating21. you’d better have your sports jacket _____. it’s too dirty.a. to wash       b. washed      c. washing      d. wash22. most of the guests _____to the christmas party were college students from foreign countries.a. being invited   b. inviting   c. invited   d. to be invited23. the car _______ in germany in the 1960s looks old now.a. produced     b. producing   c. to produce   d. which produced24. i will go to the party ________. a. if invited    b. if having invited    c. if i was invited    d. if i will be invited25. the students, ____ at the way the question was put, didn’t know how to answer it.a. being surprised   b. surprised   c. surprising   d. having surprised26. _____their study, many chinese students overseas return to china.a. having been completed  b. completed  c. having completed  d. completing27. swan lake is a famous ballet in four acts, _____ on a german fairy tale.a. basing   b. based    c. to base    d. bases 28. ______ from other continents for millions of years, australia has many plants and animals not found in any country in the world.a. being separated  b.having separated c. having been separated  d. to be separated29. _____ such heavy pollution, the river is unlikely to be cleaned up in such a short time.a. suffer   b. having suffered   c. being suffered   d. to sufferkeys: 1-(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)5cacdd  6-10aabad   11-15cabbb   16-20acadc   21-25bcaab26-29cbcb


高二英语Science versus nature教案
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