Nelson Mandela教案Nelson Mandela教案Nelson Mandela教案


Nelson Mandela教案

unit 5 nelson mandela

reading学案ⅰ.find the expressions on the right that mean the same as the left.  1 equala. money paid for going to school2 feeb. the same in size, number, value, rank,  etc.3 votec. rough treatment; use of physical force on others4 guidance                     d. not have a job5 violencee. an act of making a choice on a matter by means of voting 6 out of workf. help and advice given to someoneⅱ.fast reading1.true or false questions.(  ) (1)elias met nelson mandela at school.(  ) (2)nelson mandela was a black lawyer.(  ) (3)elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy.(  ) (4)nelson mandela helped him keep his job.(  ) (5)elias was happy blowing up government buildings.(  ) (6)nelson mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in south africa.(  ) (7) nelson mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.(  ) (8) the government was happy with nelson mandela and the anc.2. read again and find how many parts can the text be divided into? give the general idea of each part. (3 minutes)partparagraphmain idea12…3. detailed reading.  answer the following questions.(1). why did elias support nelson mandela?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2). what problems did the black people like elias have?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3). why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. find out all the attributive clauses in reading,and underline them using your pen.5. retell the passage with the help of the following hints:elias                   elias’ timeblack worker            life for the blacks south africa            hard       rightslittle education          choose       unequallydifficulties              anc youth leagueat the age of 12          equal rights  joinmandela               peaceful  waywith sb’s help           law(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) not allowmoved                 violence with violencekindness                dream________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________language points1. quality n. 质量(  不可数  )   (人的)品质;特性( 可数 )the products of their factory are all of good quality and so the supply fails to meet the demand every quality of this plastic is that it is almost unbreakable .※quantity  量   a large /small quantity of                    large /great quantities of(以上两词组后加可数名词复数和不可数名词都可以,谓语动词取决于quantity的形式)quantities of water are in the glass.a large quantity of water is in the glass.quantities of books are on the desk.a quantity of books is on the desk.2. mean   adj.吝啬的 , 自私的,卑鄙的    be mean to sb    对某人吝啬,自私,卑鄙    it is mean of sb to do sth   某人做---真卑鄙    be mean with/over/about sth    对---很吝啬eg.  he is mean to everyone.    it is mean of you to tease her.     he is mean about money .※means n. 手段,方法  mean vt. 意指, 意味着,意思是   meaning n. 意思,意义,含义 mean to do sth .打算     mean doing sth . 意味着3. active   adj  积极的,活跃的  actively    inactively        activity    be active in      在----方面很积极活跃   take an active part in      积极参加----eg.  he is active in sports.      she used to take an active part in physical labor.4 generous     adj   慷慨的  大方的   be generous to do sth  做某事很慷慨,大方   be generous with  对----慷慨,大方eg.   your uncle is very generous to buy that car for you.        he is generous with his money.5. devote    vt       devote+名 +to 名   奉献(人生,时间,劳力等)于--, 把---致力  于,专用于eg.he devoted his life to promoting world peace.he devoted his life to the promotion of world peace. devoted    adj      忠实的,深爱的be devoted to     对---忠实,对---深爱a devoted friend       she is devoted to her husband.6.die for     为----而死    be dying for    (口语)渴望,很想he was dying for a drink.  be dying to do    很想做,渴望做she is dying to see you.  be dying to go abroad7.fight for    为事业,自由,权利,真理而战fight against     为反对---而斗争;与---搏斗/对抗 fight with     a. 与----并肩作战 b. fight against      they are fighting for liberation.they fought with the italians in the last war and against them in this.they fought___________________the enemy fiercely.he fought ________________ cancer and lived to be eighty. the soldiers fought bravely _______ the enemy ___ the liberation ____ their comrades.8  free from       摆脱(不好的东西)的;无------的   free------from     使------摆脱,免除   a sentence free from mistakes   they freed the birds from the cages.9.put sb. in (into) prison把……关进监狱throw sb. into prison= send /take sb. to prisonprison表示蹲监狱时, 其前不用冠词be sent to prison           (被送进监狱)be in prison                   (被监禁)be thrown into prison  (被投入监狱)break prison                 (越狱) he has been in prison for 20 years . the man was put in prison for stealing a car. anyone who breaks the law should be thrown into prison. they all went to the prison to visit the prisoners. 类似: bed, church, class, college, hospital, school, university, market10. be out of work= lose one’s job = be unemployed失业, 没有工作his mother has been out of work for half a year. in work  有工作   is her husband in work? ※out of 意为“在…之外”,“向…外”;表示失去,没有,用完;不再处于某种状况。反义词为into或in。翻译 the little boy ran out of the room.   &nbs(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)p; he took my books out of my schoolbag. don’t run into the room. can you put your raincoat in your pocket? 类似短语out of breath   上气不接下气    out of patience不耐烦out of petrol汽油用完了          out of use      没用了out of order   出故障了          out of control      失控了out of danger脱离危险了          out of sight   看不见了out of fashion  不时兴            out of date过时out of repair无法修葺             out of sight, out of mind.      眼不见,心不烦11. as … as+主语+can/could  尽可能, 尽量= as … as + possiblehe was running as fast as he could. =he was running as fast as possible. you must speak english as often as you can. =you must speak english as often as possibletry to make as few mistakes as you can. =try to make as few mistakes as possible。12. the last 30 years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权利, 阻挡我们的进步,直到今天我们已经到了几乎没有任何权力的地步.see  在此句意为“见证,目睹”;(在某段时期)发生(某情况),经历,经受; 为某事发生之时,主语为时间   the last few months has seen more and more traffic accidents.   the city has seen many changes.※某些动词(see, find, witness等)主语有时不是人而是物, 即拟人用法, 使句子生动。1) dusk (黄昏) found a boy crying in the street.2) oct 1,1949, saw/ witnessed the foundation of the people’s republic of china.13.only+副词介词短语状语从句置于句首,主句用部分倒装形式(即把主句的情态动词,系动词或助动词提到主语前面) only then did i realize the importance of learning english.only in this way can you solve the problem.only when the teacher came in, did the students stop shouting.    only by practising a few hours every day will you be able to master english.only yesterday did his father tell him the truth, which was a big surprise to him.注意(1)如果句子为主从复合句,则主句部分倒装,从句不倒装。    (2)only修饰主语时,不用倒装。only her mother can help her to solve the problem.14. equal adj       相等的,平等的,胜任的fight for equal rightsbe equal to        与-----相等;  胜任tom is equal to john in height.he was equal to the work.he felt equal to carrying out the plan.15. be in trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸中get into trouble 陷入困境he has got into /is in trouble. we must help him. 补充:make trouble           制造麻烦put sb. to trouble     给某人添麻烦have trouble (in) doing sth.  做某事有困难take trouble to do sth.   费心做某事※in trouble   在危险,受罚,痛苦,忧虑等的处境中,为介词短语,多用于 be之后,表示人或物处于某种状态。trouble前可用great, deep等形容词修饰,表示程度,但trouble前不可有冠词。its unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.the boy is always in trouble with the police.16.willing    adj      乐意的,自愿的willingly    adv      will    n   意志, 意志力 , 意愿be willing to do sth     愿意做某事be willing that sb (should )do sth     乐意让某人做某事i’m very willing to vote for the plan.he is willing that his little son should join the army.17.  turn to  求助于,致力于 you can turn to the peoples police for help, no matter what kind of  trouble you are in. i have turned to all the well-known reference books for help, but so far without success. 18. warm-hearted    adj.  热心肠的他是一个热心肠的人。he  is  a  warm-hearted  man .easy-going     adj.  随和的;温和宽容的他是一个很好说话的人he  is  an  easy-going  man .属于复合句形容词,在句中作定语。复合句形容词的构成形式:属于复合句形容词,在句中作定语。复合句形容词的构成形式:1)数词+名词单数a  ten-speed bike     一辆十速自行车2)数词+名词单数+形容词 a   60-storey-tall  building    60层高的大厦3)数词+名词+eda  three-legged  table   一张三条腿的桌子4)形容词+普通名词  a   spare-time  job一份兼职工作5)形容词+名词+eda good-tempered  man  一个脾气好的人6)形容词/副词+分词an  ordinary-looking  man     一个长相一般的人19.short forms  缩略语s           subject           主语p           predicate         谓语o          object             宾语att         attribute          定语adv        adverbial          状语com        complement       补语pre         predicative        表语c          clause             从句1.     baefcdⅱ.fast reading1.true or false questions.   (2,4, 5  true)2. read again and find how many parts can the text be divided into? give the general idea of each part. (3 minutes)partparagraphmain idea1paragraph 1-2the life of elias’ life before he met nelson mandela.2paragraph 3-5the change of elias’ life after he met nelson mandela and what mandela did3. detailed reading.  answer the following questions.(1). why did elias support nelson mandela?       because nelson mandela used to help him in johannesburg. and elias joined the anc youth league which was organized by nelson mandela.(2). what problems did the black people like elias have?black people had no vote and could not choose who ruled them. the parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people. they could not get jobs they wanted. the places they were the poorest areas in south africa. no one could grow food there.(3). why did he support violence when he did not agree with it? because he wanted to realize their dream of making black and white people equal. 5.   elias was a black worker in south africa. he just received little education when he was young. so he had some difficulties in his work.  when he was at the age of 12, he met mandela  and solved his problems with his help. he was greatly moved by his kindness.    during elias’ time, life for the blacks was hard. they had no rights to choose and were treated unequally. so when mandela organized the anc youth league to fight for the equal rights of the blacks, elias joined it as soon as he could. at first they tried some peaceful way to break the law but it was not allowed. as a result, they had to answer violence with violence to realize their dream of making black and white people equal.教学资源集散地。" type="#_x0000_t75">教学资源集散地。" type="#_x0000_t75">

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