


1.accuse / chargeaccuse 和charge都有“指责,控告”之意,有时可通用,但结构不一样。accuse不一定针对重大过失或罪行,其结构为accuse sb of sth。而charge一般用于重大过失或罪行,其结构为charge sb with sth,此结构还有“使某人负有……责任”之意。例如:例1:my father accused me of my being too careless. (父亲责备我太粗心。)例2:he accused me of neglecting my duty. (他指控我玩忽职守。)例3:he charged me with neglecting my duty. (同上)例4:jimmy was charged with murder. (吉米被控谋杀。)例5:he was charged with an important task. (他担负有一项重要任务。)2.add / add to / add up / add up toadd:增加,把……加上。add…to…:把……加到。例如:例6:at the end of the party, we added another program.例7:you needn’t add any water to the medicine.add to:增添。指增添喜悦、悲伤、麻烦等。例如:例8:his coming added to our trouble. (他的到来给我们添了麻烦。)add up:加起来。例如:例9:have you added up all the numbers?add up to:总计。表示加起来的结果,无被动结构。例如:例10:all the numbers added up to 100.3.advise / suggestadvise:建议,劝说。例如:例11:i advised (his) trying again.  (= suggest)例12:i advised that we (should) try again.  (= suggest,虚拟语气。)例13:i advised him to give up smoking. 例14:i advised him not to smoke. 例15:could you advise us on how to learn english? 例16:could you give us some advice on how to learn english?suggest:建议,表明,暗示。例如:例17:we suggest having a meeting at once. (= advise)  例18:we suggest that a meeting (should) be held at once. (= advise,虚拟语气。)例19:his pale face suggests that he is in poor health. (他那苍白的脸色表明他身体欠佳。)  4.agree with / agree to / agree on  agree with:同意,赞成(后接“人”或what从句作宾语);适合,适应;一致。例如: 例20:i don’t quite agree with you.例21:nobody agreed with what he had said at the meeting.例22:the weather here doesn’t agree with most of us. (这里的天气我们多数人不适应。)例23:your words do not agree with your actions. (你的言行不一。)agree to:同意,赞成。指一方同意另一方的意见、建议、观点、想法等。例如:例24:john can’t agree to joe’s idea.agree on:对……达成共识。指双方或多方对某事取得一致意见。例如:例25:finally john and joe agreed on the plan.5.allow / permit / let / promiseallow:允许,许可。指听任或默许,也可用来表示客气的请求。例如:例26:who allowed you to leave the camp?例27:smoking is not allowed here. 例28:please allow me to introduce myself (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)to you.

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permit:允许,许可。通常指正式的许可。例如:例29:he declared that he would permit me to do so. allow 和 permit 的含义虽然有所差别,但实际运用中两者常通用。 let:允许,让。其后的宾语补足语应是不带to的不定式。一般不用于被动语态。例如:例30:don’t let this happen again. 例31:this is not allowed to happen again. (不说:this is not let to happen again.)promise:答应,允诺。用于主动答应自己要做什么的场合。例如:例32:they promised an immediate reply.例33:he promised to start at once. 例34:i promised him to see to the matter right away.  (我答应他马上处理这件事。不定式to see to 是主语i发出的。)6.announce / declareannounce:宣布,宣告。常指首次公开或正式宣布人们关心的某件事情。例如:例35:the government announced that the danger was past. 例36:it was announced that the national science conference would soon be held in beijing. 另外,要表达“向某人宣布某事”,应用announce to sb sth。后接to sb的动词还有say,explain等。例如:例37:he announced to us the news and then said to us, “now let me explain to you in details.”(他向我们宣布了这个消息,然后对我们说:“现在让我详细给你们解释吧。”)declare:宣布,声明。指以正式的话语公开宣布某件事。例如:例38:the chairman declared the exhibition open. (主席宣布展览会开幕。) 7.answer / replyanswer:回答,回应。例如:例39:“tom!” no one answered.例40:please answer the door-bell. (请去开门。)例41:he answered that he knew nothing about it.例42:no one was able to answer him a word.reply:回答,答复。作不及物动词时,后需接to再接宾语;作及物动词时,后直接接that从句或what从句,或用于倒装句。例如:例43:he replied to me, “i need the answer to the exercise.”例44:he replied that he would not go.例45:not a word did she reply.(她一句话也不应。)answer当名词用时,与reply一样,要接to。例如:例46:he made no answer / reply to his questions.8.appear / look / seem  appear:显得,好像。有时含有表面上显得,而事实未必的意味。例如:例47:this kind of apples appears good, but in fact it tastes sour.(这种苹果看起来好,实际吃起来酸。)seem:好像。暗示判断有一定根据,往往接近事实。例如:例48:you seem to have made the same mistake again this time. (你这次似乎又犯了同样的错误。)例49:it seems that it is going to rain soon.look:好像。表示凭感觉作出的判断。例如:  例50:what’s wrong with you? you look pale.例51:it looks like rain. (看来要下雨了。)9.argue / quarrelargue:辩论,争论。指提出理由或论据以支持或反驳某种意见或主张,着重说理。如:例52:what are you arguing about? 例53:i argued with him the whole day.
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  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
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  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

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  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

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quarrel:争论,争吵,吵架。例如:例54:it’s unwise to quarrel with your boss about that. (为那件事同你老板争吵是不明智的。)

10.arrive / reach / get arrive,reach和get都有“到达”的意思。arrive通常与介词at或in连用,它和reach是比较正式的用语;reach是及物动词;get通常与介词to连用,在口语中常用。arrive和get后接副词(如here, there, home等)时,不用介词。reach和arrive at还有“达成(协议),作出(决定)”的意思。例如:例55:when we arrived at the station, the train had left.例56:at five, they arrived in beijing.例57:the letter didn’t reach me until yesterday.例58:at what time did you get to the post office? 例59:the two sides failed to reach / arrive at an agreement after several hours’ discussion.(几个小时的讨论后,双方还是没能达成一致意见。)11.ask / inquire / question ask:问(ask sb sth或ask sth of sb);请求(ask sb to do sth);要,索取(ask for sth)。例如:例60:may i ask you some questions? 例61:why did he ask you to come again? 例62:did he ask for anything?inquire:问,询问。它与ask同义,但是比较正式的用语;与into连用时,表示“查究,调查”的意思。例如:例63:i have inquired of him whether he could help me. (我已经问过他能否帮我。)  例64:we must inquire into the matter. (=look into,我们必须调查此事。) question:提问,质问,审问,怀疑。例如:例65:at first the girls read a chapter from their books, and then the teacher began to question them.例66:i question whether he was once questioned by the police.(我怀疑他是否曾被警方审问过。)12.be about to do sth / be to do sthbe about to do:即将,正要做……。不加任何时间短语。例如:例67:we were about to start when suddenly it began to rain.be to do:计划,约定;应该。例如:例68:we are to start tomorrow.  例69:what is to be done next?(下一步做什么?)13.be careful of / be careful withbe careful of:小心,当心,留神,注意。例如:例70:the public were warned to be careful of rats. (公众被警告要当心老鼠。)be careful with:细心,注意。指细心地处理或对付某人或某事。例如:例71:you’d better be careful with your work / pronunciation. (你得注意你的工作/发音。)14.be familiar with / be familiar tobe familiar with:对……熟悉。例如:例72:most of us are familiar with the pop star.例73:john was very familiar with this kind of situation.be familiar to:对……来说是熟悉的;为……所熟知。例如:例74:the pop star is familiar to most of us.例75:this kind of situation was all too familiar to john.  (=very familiar)15.be known for / be known as / be known to be known for:因……而出名。例如:

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  • units 13~14healthy eatingfestivals ⅰ.单项填空1.john was ________ to spend his summer holidays in that mountain village.a.suggested b.advised c.demanded d.hoped解析:此题考查advise sb.to do sth.句式的被动语态。...

  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 That must be a record!Crossing limits知识点复习
  • units 1~2that must be a record!crossing limits ⅰ.单项填空1.exhausted ________ he was, we decided not to disturb him.a.like b.as c.what d.since解析:as引导让步状语从句时,常把形容词、副词、名词等提前。...

  • 2024高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit3 Art and architecture
  • XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit3 art and architecture自助式复习板块知识搜索 a. 单词1.(总称)建筑物;建筑业;建筑风格(n.)________________2.偏爱;喜好;优先(n.) ________________3.(总称)家具(n....

  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

  • 2024年高考英语选修七Module 1知识点单元总复习教案
  • XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版选修七module 1知识详解① holdv.拿,握;保持;占据;容纳;举行n.抓;握(回归课本p2)which record do they both hold?他们两个人保持了什么记录?【归纳总结】【例句探源】①the movie...

  • 2024届高考英语单项选择
  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

  • 高考英语7选5补缺题新题型精品教案
  • 阅读填空题详解分析分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇(discourse)通常是由句子和语段(sentence group)构成的,语段是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多...

  • 2024届高考英语常见词及短语辨析
  • 高中英语常见词及短语辨析 ( i )1 .about; around; round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:look about四处看。...

  • 2024届高考英语特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)
  • 特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)【考点分析】强调句替代1.do/does/did替代动词;2.so和not分别代替肯定和否定的从句.省略1.主语的省略;2.谓语或谓语的一部分的省略;3.宾语的省略;4.不定式的省略;5.宾语从句和状语从句中的省略;6.虚拟条件...

  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 Good friends English  around the world知识点复习
  • units 1~2good friendsenglish around the world ⅰ.单项填空1.she is a very kind woman, loyal ________ her friends, intelligent and amusing.a.to b.at c.for d.in解析:(be) loyal to意为“忠诚于……”。...

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例76:our town is known for its stones.be known as:作为……而出名。例如:例77:the town is known as a stone town.be known to:被……知晓,了解。例如:例78:the hot spring city is known to every one of them.16.be made of ( from / out of ) / be made into / be made up / be made up ofbe made of:由……制成。用于由产品可以看出原材料。例如:例79:the desk is made of wood.be made from:由……制成。用于由产品看不出原材料。例如:例80:paper is made from wood.  be made out of:由……制成。例如:例81:the desk / paper is made out of wood.  be made into:制成……。例如: 例82:wood can be made into desks / paper.be made up:由……编成。例如:例83:don’t believe him; the whole story was made up. (别信他的,整个过程都是捏造的。)be made up of (=consist of):由……组成。例如: 例84:this desk is made up of / consists of twelve pieces of wood.17.be tired of / be tired from / be tired out be / get tired of:对……厌倦。例如:例85:i am really tired of your words! (你的话我听腻了!)be tired from:因……疲倦。例如: 例86:i was so tired from climbing the hill that i fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. (我爬山太累了,所以头一碰枕头/一躺下就睡着了。)be tired out:筋疲力尽。相当于be worn out。例如: 例87:we were tired out when we climbed over the high mountain. 18.believe / believe in / depend on believe:相信(指信某人的言语);认为(相当于be sure)。例如:例88:don’t believe him; he’s lying. (别听他的,他在说谎。)例89:i believe they’ll succeed in the end.believe in:信任(指胜任某人);信仰(指信仰真理、主张、宗教等)。例如:例90:don’t believe in him; he’s always lying. (不可信任他,他老说谎。)例91:i believe what she said, but i don’t believe in her. (我相信她所说的,但我不信任她。)例92:we must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.(我们得工作,最重要的是我们得信任自己。)例93:most of them believe in god.depend on:信任(相当于believe in或trust);依靠(相当于live on);取决于。例如:例94:he is a man to depend on / believe in / trust. (他是个可信任的人。)例95:do you still depend on / live on your parents? (你还靠父母吗?)例96:everything depends on the weather tomorrow. (一切取决于明天的天气。)19.borrow / lend  borrow:借,借用。指借入,不带双宾语。结构:borrow sth from sb。例如:例97:can i borrow your pen?例98:he borrows money from me frequently.lend:把……借给。指借出,可带双宾。结构:lend sb sth =lend sth to sb。例如: 例99:could you lend me your pen?例100:will you lend your bike to me?20.bring / take / fetch / get / carry 
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  • 2024高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit3 Art and architecture
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  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

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bring:带来。例如:例101:bring the book here tomorrow.take:拿走。例如:例102:don’t take the magazines out of the reading-room.fetch:去拿来。例如:例103:go downstairs and fetch me some water.get:去拿来。与fetch同义,但较口语化。例如:例104:she got him a good doctor. (她为他请来了一位好医生。)carry:携带。指随身携带,如捧、抱、扛、运等。例如:例105:he carried a bag of rice on his shoulder.例106:he often carries a pocket dictionary when he goes out.(他出门时经常带着一本袖珍词典。)21.build / put up / set up build:建设,建筑。常用于建造房屋、桥梁、道路等,也用于建设国家、城市等。如:例107:a new bridge was built in this village last month.例108:we are building a socialist country.put up:建设,搭建。侧重于搭盖临时性的建筑物;在现代英语中,可与build通用。还有“张贴,挂起,举起”等意思。例如:例109:they had to put up the tents before dark.例110:if you have any questions, please put up (=raise) your hands.例111:why not put up a notice on the wall there?set up:建设,创建。常用于创立组织、机构、团体、学校、工厂、公司等。例如:例112:another night school was set up. (又一所夜校建起来了。)例113:they set up a committee to look into the matter.  (他们成立了委员会来调查这件事。)22.care / mind care:关切,忧虑,在乎。care about:在乎,关心。care for:喜欢,照顾。例如:例114:he failed in the exam, but he doesn’t seem to care (about it).(他没能通过考试,但他似乎一点也不在乎。)例115:tom doesn’t care what they say.例116:he cares about nothing but money. (他只在乎钱。)例117:would you care for another drink? (想再来一杯饮料吗?)例118:the children are being well cared for (=looked after).mind:当心,注意(用于肯定句);介意,反对(用于疑问句或否定句)。例如:例119:mind your own business.例120:would you mind my/me turning on the radio? (介意我打开收音机吗?)23.catch / catch up withcatch:赶上。尤指赶车。例如:例121:he got up early in order to catch the first bus. catch up with:赶上。指经过努力赶上同类水平,与keep up with同义。例如:例122:we must double our efforts to catch / keep up with the developed countries.(我们必须加倍努力以赶上发达国家。)24.catch / seize / hold / catch hold ofcatch:抓住,捉住;赶上(车)。常指从空中抓住某物,或指捕捉等。如:例123:he caught the ball and shot the basket. (他抓住球,投篮。)例124:we caught lots of fish today. 例125:i got up early so that i could catch the first bus.seize:抓住(指用力猛抓);捉拿,逮捕。例如:例126:it’s a pity that i didn’t seize the chance.例127:immediately the thief was seized and sent to the police station.
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  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

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  • XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版选修七module 1知识详解① holdv.拿,握;保持;占据;容纳;举行n.抓;握(回归课本p2)which record do they both hold?他们两个人保持了什么记录?【归纳总结】【例句探源】①the movie...

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  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

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  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 Good friends English  around the world知识点复习
  • units 1~2good friendsenglish around the world ⅰ.单项填空1.she is a very kind woman, loyal ________ her friends, intelligent and amusing.a.to b.at c.for d.in解析:(be) loyal to意为“忠诚于……”。...

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hold:握住,手持,抱着。例如:例128:she was holding an umbrella.例129:at that moment i held him by the arm. (就在这一刻我抓住了他的手臂。)catch hold of:抓住,抓牢。指抓住某物不放手,相当于get hold of。例如:例130:be sure to catch hold of the rope.25.catch fire / be on fire / cause fire / set fire to sth / set sth on firecatch fire:着火(指自然着火,无被动结构)。be on fire:着火(指状态)。cause fire:起火(引起火灾)。set fire to sth / set sth on fire:放火,纵火(指人为的)。例如:例131:the store caught fire at 5:00 this morning, and it was on fire for nearly half an hour. nobody knows what caused the fire or who set it on fire / set fire to it. (商店早上5点着火,烧了近半个小时,没人知道是什么引起这场火灾或是谁放了这把火。)26.collect / gather gather:收集,聚集;采摘。指把零散的东西集中到一起。宾语通常可以是人,也可以是物。例如:例132:she is gathering wild flowers in the field.例133:please gather the students for me.例134:he wants to gather money for a motorbike. (他想攒钱买一辆摩托车。)collect:收集,集合。指精心地、有选择地收集;作为该意思时,其宾语只能是物。例如:例135:are you fond of collecting stamps?例136:they are collecting money for the kids in those poor areas.(他们正在为贫困地区的孩子们集资。)注意:作为不及物动词时,两者可以互用。例如:例137:we’ll gather / collect at the gate of the school at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.27.compare with / compare tocompare with:把……和……相比。例如: 例138:can you compare this word with that one?compare to:比喻为,把……比作;把……和……相比。例如:例139:young people are usually compared to the rising sun. (年轻人常被比作初升的太阳。)例140:don’t compare your toys to / with others’ all the time.(别老是把你的玩具和别人的比。)compared to / with:比起来,与……相比。过去分词短语作状语,介词用to / with均可。例如:例141:compared to / with other people, you were indeed very fortunate.(比起其他人,你算够幸运的了。)28.contain / includecontain:包含(全部),容纳。include:包括(部分)。例如:例142:senior book one contains twelve units, including two (units) chosen from the old textbook.例143:this atlas contains forty maps, including three of great britain.(这地图集含有四十幅地图,包括英国地图三幅在内。)例144:how much does this bottle contain? (这瓶能装多少?)29.cost / spend / pay / buy / charge / sellcost:花费,付出代价。通常以事物作主语,即sth+ cost + (sb) + 金钱、时间、劳力或其他代价。例如:例145:the book cost me $10.例146:careless driving cost him his life. (粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。)
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  • i. 重点单词1.adolescence n.青春期,青春 2. adolescent n.青少年,adj.青春期的3. adopt v.采用,采纳,收养 4. advocate v.拥护,主张,提倡 5. aggressive adj.侵略的,好斗的 6. allergic adj.对….过敏的 7. anxiety n焦虑,忧虑 8....

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  • 2024届高考英语Units 13~14 Healthy eating Festivals知识点复习
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  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

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  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

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spend:花费。主语是人,可以指花金钱,也可以指花时间。spend的用法:sb + spend +时间+ (in) + v-ing / sb + spend +金钱 (时间) + on sth。例如:例147:i spent $10 on the book.  例148:i spent two hours (in) finishing the composition. 比较:例149:it took me two hours to finish the composition.pay:付款。例如:例150:i paid $10 for the book.buy:买。例如:例151:i bought the book for $10.  charge:收费。例如:例152:they charged me $10 for the book. (买这本书,他们收我十美元。)sell:卖。例如:例153:they sold me the book for $10.30.cure / treat / heal cure:治愈(疾病),后常接介词of。例如:例154:the new medicine cured (him of) his heart trouble. (这种新药治愈了他的心脏病。)treat:治疗。强调用药物或医疗手段进行医治的过程,并不表示治疗的结果。后常接介词for。另外还有“对待”的意思,后常接as。例如:例155:it was difficult to treat patients (for their diseases) because of a shortage of medicine.(由于缺少药物,所以很难给病人治疗。)例156:he treats the orphan as his own son. (他把那个孤儿当作自己的亲生儿子看待。)heal:治愈(外伤)。例如:例157:it took three months for my arm to heal properly.31.die of / die fromdie of:死于。常指由于疾病、饥饿、情感等原因而死亡。例如:例158:many of them died of hunger during the voyage.例159:the old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s death. die from:死于。常指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡,及因某种具体疾病造成的死亡。例如:例160:in big cities during cold winter months, many old people die from the polluted air. 例161:it is said that he died from / of heart attack.32.discover / invent / create discover:发现(它的对象原来就存在)。invent:发明(被发明的东西原来不存在)。create:创造。例如:例162:it is well known that madame curie discovered the element radium.例163:as is known to all, thomas edison invented the electric lamp. 例164:as we know, shakespeare created quite a number of wonderful characters in his plays.33.disturb / interrupt / troubledisturb:打扰,扰乱(使无法正常进行)。例如:例165:the loud noise disturbed his thought.interrupt:打扰;打断,中断。例如:例166:sorry to interrupt you, but i have an urgent message.trouble:使麻烦(指心情上苦恼或行动上带来不便)。例如:例167:never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. (别自寻麻烦。)34.dress / put on / wear / have on / be in dress:穿衣,穿着。可用作及物动词,“人”当宾语;可用作不及物动词;可用be dressed表示穿着状况。例如:例168:the baby isn’t old enough to dress itself. (这孩子还小,无法自己穿衣服。)例169:he rose, dressed quickly and hurried to school.
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  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 That must be a record!Crossing limits知识点复习
  • units 1~2that must be a record!crossing limits ⅰ.单项填空1.exhausted ________ he was, we decided not to disturb him.a.like b.as c.what d.since解析:as引导让步状语从句时,常把形容词、副词、名词等提前。...

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  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

  • 2024年高考英语选修七Module 1知识点单元总复习教案
  • XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版选修七module 1知识详解① holdv.拿,握;保持;占据;容纳;举行n.抓;握(回归课本p2)which record do they both hold?他们两个人保持了什么记录?【归纳总结】【例句探源】①the movie...

  • 2024届高考英语单项选择
  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

  • 高考英语7选5补缺题新题型精品教案
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  • 2024届高考英语特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)
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例170:she is well dressed today.例171:the girl was dressed in pink last night. (昨晚这女孩穿着一身粉红色的衣服。)例172:the girl dressed herself in pink last night.put on:穿上(衣服),上演。表示动作。例如:例173:better put on your coat; it’s cold outside.例174:a new play will be put on at the grand theatre.wear:穿着,佩戴。表示状态,包括穿着衣物、佩戴首饰以及留头发、胡须等。例如:例175:can you recognize the woman wearing sunglasses over there?(你能认出那边那个戴太阳镜的妇女吗?)例176:i don’t understand why he wears long hair now.have on:穿。表示状态,穿着衣物,不用于进行时态;也意为“有事;有约会”。如:例177:the foolish emperor had nothing on that day.不说:we’re having on school clothes today.例178:sorry, i can’t help you this weekend. i’ve too much on already. (对不起,这周末我不能帮你,我有很多事。)be in:穿。表示状态,其后常接表示颜色或服装、眼镜的词作宾语。例如:例179:the boy in white is one of my classmates.例180:he is in uniform today. (他今天穿着制服。)35.employ / hire / rent employ:雇用。较正式用语,指较长期雇用,宾语一般是人。例如:例181:karl was employed by a car rental agency. (卡尔受雇于一家汽车出租公司。)hire:雇用,租用。较普通用语,指短期雇用、租用。例如:例182:the store-keeper hired 10 girls for the christmas rush.(为应对圣诞节前的购物热,店主雇用了十个女孩来帮忙。)例183:during the holiday they hired a boat and went fishing.rent:出租。指长时间租用、出租房屋、场地等。例如:例184:she has rented the house to a young couple. (她已把这房子出租给一对年轻夫妇。)36.fall / drop fall:下落,下降;重伤死亡或倒下(用作不及物动词)。drop:滴落,掉下;疲劳倒下(用作不及物动词或及物动词)。例如:例185:he suddenly fell / dropped to the ground.例186:the price of oil has fallen / dropped by $ 2 each barrel. (油价每桶下降了两美元。)例187:hundreds of soldiers fell in this battle. (数以百计的士兵在这次战斗中牺牲。)例188:he dropped in the chair the moment he got home. (他一到家就累倒在椅子上。)37.feed on / feed withfeed on:靠……为生。相当于live on。例如:例189:sheep feed mainly on grass. (绵羊主要吃草。)feed with:喂养。指喂养的具体动作。例如:例190:he is now feeding his sheep with grass. (他在用草喂羊。)38.fight against ( with) / fight forfight against:与……战斗, 反对……的战争,可与fight with互用;但fight with还可表示“和……并肩作战”。例如:例191:they are making great efforts to fight against / with pollution.例192:in world war ii, the british fought with the french and the americans against the germans.(在第二次世界大战中,英国人同法国人、美国人一起与德国人交战。)
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  • i. 重点单词1.adolescence n.青春期,青春 2. adolescent n.青少年,adj.青春期的3. adopt v.采用,采纳,收养 4. advocate v.拥护,主张,提倡 5. aggressive adj.侵略的,好斗的 6. allergic adj.对….过敏的 7. anxiety n焦虑,忧虑 8....

  • 2024届高考英语第一轮单元考点复习:SBIII Units 11~12 Key to success & Education
  • sbiii units 11~12 key to success education女理发师成功的秘诀 素材新挖掘 考点1. suspect vt. 怀疑;不相信n. 嫌疑犯after an investigation by the police, another colleague who is known to have stolen things in the past is...

  • 2024届高考英语Units 13~14 Healthy eating Festivals知识点复习
  • units 13~14healthy eatingfestivals ⅰ.单项填空1.john was ________ to spend his summer holidays in that mountain village.a.suggested b.advised c.demanded d.hoped解析:此题考查advise sb.to do sth.句式的被动语态。...

  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 That must be a record!Crossing limits知识点复习
  • units 1~2that must be a record!crossing limits ⅰ.单项填空1.exhausted ________ he was, we decided not to disturb him.a.like b.as c.what d.since解析:as引导让步状语从句时,常把形容词、副词、名词等提前。...

  • 2024高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit3 Art and architecture
  • XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit3 art and architecture自助式复习板块知识搜索 a. 单词1.(总称)建筑物;建筑业;建筑风格(n.)________________2.偏爱;喜好;优先(n.) ________________3.(总称)家具(n....

  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

  • 2024年高考英语选修七Module 1知识点单元总复习教案
  • XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版选修七module 1知识详解① holdv.拿,握;保持;占据;容纳;举行n.抓;握(回归课本p2)which record do they both hold?他们两个人保持了什么记录?【归纳总结】【例句探源】①the movie...

  • 2024届高考英语单项选择
  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

  • 高考英语7选5补缺题新题型精品教案
  • 阅读填空题详解分析分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇(discourse)通常是由句子和语段(sentence group)构成的,语段是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多...

  • 2024届高考英语常见词及短语辨析
  • 高中英语常见词及短语辨析 ( i )1 .about; around; round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:look about四处看。...

  • 2024届高考英语特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)
  • 特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)【考点分析】强调句替代1.do/does/did替代动词;2.so和not分别代替肯定和否定的从句.省略1.主语的省略;2.谓语或谓语的一部分的省略;3.宾语的省略;4.不定式的省略;5.宾语从句和状语从句中的省略;6.虚拟条件...

  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 Good friends English  around the world知识点复习
  • units 1~2good friendsenglish around the world ⅰ.单项填空1.she is a very kind woman, loyal ________ her friends, intelligent and amusing.a.to b.at c.for d.in解析:(be) loyal to意为“忠诚于……”。...

  • 查看更多>>


fight for:为(争取)……而战斗。例如: 例193:the slaves were fighting for freedom.例194:he said he would fight for his motherland.39.find / find out / look for find:发现(无意识地);找到(有意识地,是look for的结果)。例如:例195:when i got there, i found my pocket picked. (当我到那里时,发现口袋被扒了。)例196:scientists have found new ways to clean waste. (科学家已找到清理废物的新途径。)find out:查明,查出。指经过探听、询问、调查之后查明、弄清。例如:例197:please find out who broke the window. (请查清楚是谁打破窗户的。)look for:寻找。例如:例198:i have been looking for my pocket dictionary, but i haven’t found it yet.(我一直在找我的袖珍词典,但是还没找到。)40.forget / leave / remainforget:忘了(带某物)。例如:例199:oh no, i’ve forgotten my key to the office.leave:把(某物 / 某人)忘 / 留在某地(后面要跟地点)。例如:例200:oh no, i’ve left my key at the office.例201:don’t leave your child alone at home.remain:(某人)留下来;仍然(保持)。例如:例202:the refugees were allowed to remain in that area. (允许难民留在那个地区。)例203:the boy remained silent.41.go out / be out / put outgo out:熄灭(自然熄灭,无被动结构)。be out:熄灭(表示状态)。put out:扑灭。例如:例204:the light went out suddenly, and it has been out for quite a long time.例205:the big forest fire was put out at last.例206:nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to go out.(没人注意到小偷溜进了房子里,因为当时灯刚好熄灭。)例207:when the firefights arrived, the fire had gone out / been put out.(消防队员到达时,火已经熄灭/被扑灭。)42.happen / occur / take place / come abouthappen:发生。带有偶然、未能预见的意思,主语为事;当针对人时,意为“碰巧”。例如:例208:this happened on a december evening.例209:what happened to him?例210:i happened to meet tom in the street when i went shopping today.例211:it happened that i met tom in the street when i went shopping today.occur:发生(既表示偶然地,也表示必然地);被想到。例如:例212:when did the accident occur?例213:the tide occurs this time every year. (潮水每年这个时候出现。)例214:a fresh idea suddenly occurred to me. (我突然有个新主意。)take place:发生。指事先布置或策划好而后发生。例如: 例215:the may 4th movement took place in 1919.come about:产生。指自然产生。例如:例216:how do the differences between british english and american english come about?43.hear / listen  hear:听见;听说。它既可以表示偶然听见,也可以表示有意识听的结果;用作“听说”的意思时,后接宾语从句。listen:听,倾听。它是不及物动词,常与to连用;侧重听的过程。例如:
  • 2024届高考英语一轮复习精品学案――重点词语辨析900例 相关内容:
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  • i. 重点单词1.adolescence n.青春期,青春 2. adolescent n.青少年,adj.青春期的3. adopt v.采用,采纳,收养 4. advocate v.拥护,主张,提倡 5. aggressive adj.侵略的,好斗的 6. allergic adj.对….过敏的 7. anxiety n焦虑,忧虑 8....

  • 2024届高考英语第一轮单元考点复习:SBIII Units 11~12 Key to success & Education
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  • 2024届高考英语Units 13~14 Healthy eating Festivals知识点复习
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  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 That must be a record!Crossing limits知识点复习
  • units 1~2that must be a record!crossing limits ⅰ.单项填空1.exhausted ________ he was, we decided not to disturb him.a.like b.as c.what d.since解析:as引导让步状语从句时,常把形容词、副词、名词等提前。...

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  • XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit3 art and architecture自助式复习板块知识搜索 a. 单词1.(总称)建筑物;建筑业;建筑风格(n.)________________2.偏爱;喜好;优先(n.) ________________3.(总称)家具(n....

  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

  • 2024高考英语一轮复习Unit 1-Unit 2
  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

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  • XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版选修七module 1知识详解① holdv.拿,握;保持;占据;容纳;举行n.抓;握(回归课本p2)which record do they both hold?他们两个人保持了什么记录?【归纳总结】【例句探源】①the movie...

  • 2024届高考英语单项选择
  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

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  • 高中英语常见词及短语辨析 ( i )1 .about; around; round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:look about四处看。...

  • 2024届高考英语特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)
  • 特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)【考点分析】强调句替代1.do/does/did替代动词;2.so和not分别代替肯定和否定的从句.省略1.主语的省略;2.谓语或谓语的一部分的省略;3.宾语的省略;4.不定式的省略;5.宾语从句和状语从句中的省略;6.虚拟条件...

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例217:i was walking along the street when i heard my name called. (此处是无意识听到)例218:i hear (that) he’ll be back in an hour. (此处是听说)例219:he listened but could hear nothing. (此处是有意识听的结果)例220:speak louder so that everyone can hear you clearly.例221:speak louder to make yourself heard. (讲大声点,以便能使你的声音让别人听到。)例222:the music is well worth listening to.44.hear of / hear from  hear of:听说(人或事)。其后常接名词或代词。例如:例223:i’ve never heard of such a man.hear from:得到(某人的)音信,收到(某人的)来信。例如:例224:have you heard from him recently?  例225:i’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.45.help / aid / assist help:帮助,帮忙。是普通用语,常用在日常谈话中。例如:例226:may i help you with your luggage? 例227:we helped him (to) mend his bicycle. aid:帮助,援助。是比较正式的用语。例如:例228:the flooded areas were aided by many countries. (灾区得到许多国家的援助。) assist:帮助,协助。是比较正式的用语,强调起协助作用;其名词assistant是“助手”的意思。例如:例229:she assisted me in the experiments. (她协助我做实验。) 46.hope / wish / expect / long / desire  hope:希望。常用词语,其后不能接不定式复合结构。例如:例230:i hope to visit china again.例231:i hope you’ll visit china again.不说:i hope you to visit china again.wish:盼望。常用于比较难于实现的愿望。例如:例232:i wish to visit china again!例233:i wish you to visit china again!例234:i wish you would visit china again! (此处有虚拟的含义)expect:期盼,期待。例如:例235:i am expecting you to visit china again!long:渴望。例如:例236:i am longing to visit china again!例237:i am longing for you to visit china again! (意思同235)例238:she is longing for the chance to speak to him in private.(她渴望有机会能私下里跟他交谈。)desire:愿望,欲望。相当于hope for,wish for,long for。例如:例239:we all desire happiness and health.47.hurt / injure / wound / harm / damage / destroy hurt:伤害(常用词,包括外伤和感情伤害);疼痛(此时用作不及物动词)。例如:例240:i hurt myself in the leg when i fell off the bike the other day, and it still hurts now.(前几天我从自行车上摔下,伤着腿,现在还疼着呢。)例241:i am afraid your words have hurt him.injure:受伤。常指意外或事故伤害。例如:例242:several people were injured in the traffic accident.wound:受伤。常指战争场合的伤害,如枪伤、刀伤等。例如:例243:his father was wounded in the war 30 years ago.harm:危害。例如:例244:in my point of view, the rain will harm our crops.
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  • 2024届高考英语Basketball教案
  • module 1 basketballperiod 3 grammarmodule 1 basketballgrammar i.grammargrammar---activity 1 read the sentences and answer the questions.a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what...

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  • XX高考英语一轮教学案大纲版senior book 1aunit 1-unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare...

  • 高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 14
  • unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1.demand讲:v. n.要求;诘问;需要;需求 用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。例:she demanded an immediate explanation. 她要求立即给予解释。...

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  • 高考英语易错题解题方法大全:单项选择(上)【示例1】_____ jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. a. the, 不填 b. 不填, a c. the, a d. a. a【错解分析】典型错误b....

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  • 2024届高考英语特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)
  • 特殊句式(强调、替代、省略和倒装)【考点分析】强调句替代1.do/does/did替代动词;2.so和not分别代替肯定和否定的从句.省略1.主语的省略;2.谓语或谓语的一部分的省略;3.宾语的省略;4.不定式的省略;5.宾语从句和状语从句中的省略;6.虚拟条件...

  • 2024届高考英语Units 1~2 Good friends English  around the world知识点复习
  • units 1~2good friendsenglish around the world ⅰ.单项填空1.she is a very kind woman, loyal ________ her friends, intelligent and amusing.a.to b.at c.for d.in解析:(be) loyal to意为“忠诚于……”。...

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(依我看来,这雨对我们的庄稼有害。)例245:reading in dim light will harm your eyes. (在昏暗的灯光下看书会损害眼睛。)damage:损害。常指不完全地破坏;侧重人为过失;不用于指人。例如:例246:the car was slightly damaged in the accident.destroy:毁坏。常指严重地,甚至毁灭性地摧毁;侧重外界力量;可用于指人或物。也可以指希望、计划等破灭。例如:例247:thousands of houses were destroyed in the earthquake.例248:his hope of being a writer was destroyed.  (他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。)48.interview / cover / report / broadcastinterview:采访(某人);面试。例如:例249:the winner was interviewed by a lot of reporters there.例250:we’re interviewing six candidates(候选人)for the job.cover:采访,报道(某事)。例如:例251:he was sent to cover the whole event.report:报告,报道(某事)。例如:例252:we aim to report news to the people as fairly as possible.(我们旨在尽量公正地向人们报道新闻。)例253:journalists in cairo reported that seven people had been shot.broadcast:广播。例如:例254:the interview was broadcast live across europe. (这次采访在全欧洲现场直播。)49.join / join sb in / join injoin:参加。指加入某种团体、机构等。例255:when did you join the party? (你是什么时候入党的?)join sb in:参加。指和某人一起参与某种活动。例256:will you join us in the party? (要不要和我们一起参加晚会?)join in:参加。指参与某种活动。例257:will you join in our party? (要不要参加我们的晚会?)50.know / get to know / recognizeknow:认识,了解。既可以表示“认识”的那一刻,也可以表示“认识”的过程。get to know:认识,结识。表示“认识”的那一刻。recognize:认出。例如:例258:i got to know him three years ago, that is, i have known him for three years. but strange enough, i couldn’t recognize him the other day when i met him. (三年前我认识他,也就是说,我已认识他三年了;但很奇怪,那一天我遇到他时,却认不出他来。)51.lie / lay(注意动词变化形式)动词原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 中文意思lie lay lain lying 躺下;位于lie lied lied lying 说谎lay laid laid laying 安放;下蛋例259:the boy who lay on the table lied to me that the hen lying there laid two eggs that day.(躺在桌面上的那男孩对我撒谎说,蹲在那里的母鸡当天下了两个蛋。)

52.lie in / lie on / lie tolie in:位于(属于,包含其中)。lie to:位于(不属于,隔开)。lie on:位于(接壤,比邻关系)。例如: 例260:fujian lies in the southeast of china, to the west of Chinese Taiwan, and on the east of jiangxi.53.lose / misslose:丢失,失去;迷路。例如:

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