


module 4 fine arts ----western, chinese, and pop artsreading and language pointsi. fill in the blanks according to the texthere are some paintings by famous artists from home and abroad. one is by picasso, __________to be the greatest artist of the 20th century, with whom another painter, braque, _____ cubism, one of the modern art ______.cubist artists painted objects and people _______ different aspects of the objects or person ________ at the same time. the painting by roy is a famous example of _____  _______, which _____  ______show ordinary 20th-century city life. the other 2 are qi baishi and xu beihong. chinese painting ____ ______ _______its brush drawings in black inks and natural colors. qi ________ the world of nature ________and his paintings are special ______ ______ this. xu believed that artists should ____ ________but not just imitate it. _______,a picture should try to _____ ______ _____ of its subject.ⅱ . word spelling 1. they made every attempt and at last s____________ in achieving their goal.2. at first he i__________ picasso’s style then he developed his own.3. painting is a good way for young people to e_________ their feeling.4. i found p________ with watercolors a lot easier than with oil.5. several ways were a_______ and the problems were settled eventually.6. the artists in spain started one of the modern art _____________, cubism.7. my c__________ school life consists of varieties of games, exercises and so on.8. i like pictures which show r________(which are r_________) ,the way sth really is.9. the c____________ american artist roy is famous for his pop art.10. it’s nothing special really and it is quite o___________.ⅲ . translation1. tom _____________________________(对…着迷)the painting of qi baishi, which gives him ____________________.(爽心悦目的图画)2. i can’t _________________________________(忍受他再次迟到)(stand)3. i’m told the tickets have been sold out but_______________________________________  (我还在盼着买到票呢)(look forword to)4. the man ____________________________________________(成功地获得100米赛奖)(succeed in)5. he ___________________________________(厌烦了在教室走来走去). he wanted to sit down.(be tired of)6. sarah can_______________________________________________(把这些画区分开来) by the style.  (tell)7. in this painting picasso __________________________(表达了对…的情感)what had happened to the town. 8. he read many more stories,________________________________(目的想扩大视野) (aim)9. _____________________________(如何开发艺术方面的兴趣) is the most important of all.10. my parents ____________________(喜爱去美术馆)and liked the paintings of picasso.they thought _____(他的画是如此的生动,它是不寻常的画家) multiple choice 1.---i’ve been told that the sports meet might be ____. ---it all depends on the weather.   a put on   b put down  c put back  d put off2. ---i think the idiom “you don’t say” means “really”. it is an expression of surprise.---______a. you’ve got it right   b my pleasure  c yes, that’s right.  d i’m not half as good as you.3.i can’t ____ being kept waiting, for i have to go to the airport to see my friend off.a consider  b  suffer  c stand  d  experience4.emily, ____to be on(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)e of the finest novelists in the english language, lived a short while after the publication of the book.  a. considered  b considering  c having considered  d to consider5.xubeihong went to europe to study western classical realist painting and then combined it with _____chinese painting methods. a. traditional  b. real  c. remote  d past6.the pop group, ____for ____other singers, are going to visit china to give concerts next month.    a. knowing; studying  b. known; copying  c. knowing; following d. known; imitating7.both my parents are____song zuying’s songs,which are in the classical chinese_____.a.crazy about; style b. fond of; expression c.agree with; way  d.good at; group  .. 8.______is forbidden here. who allowed______here?     a. smoke; you to smoke b. to smoke; you smoke c. smoking; you smoking d.smoking; you to smoke9. the exhibition he’d been looking forward to______was_______until next sunday.  a. visit ;put off  b. visiting; put off c. visit; put on  d. visiting ;put on10.books mustn’t be taken out of the library without______a. to permit  b. being permitted  c.to be permitted d. to have been permitted                                                                                    11. ----why were you so late for work today?    ----______to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.a. driving      b. i drive    c.to dr(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)iving    d. that  i  drive          12. have you forgotten______a ruler from betty? please remember_______it to her tomorrow.a. borrowing; to return   b. borrowing; returning  c. to borrow, to return  d to borrow ;.returning13. the student_______in the exam was strictly punished by the school.a. catching cheated  b. caught cheating  c.caught cheated  d.catches cheated 14. the boy _____the piano again and again every day.     a. is tired in playing  b. gets tired to play c. gets tired of playing  d. was tired at playing 15. i would appreciate_______back this afternoon.     a. you to call  b.you call  c.your calling  d.you’re calling ⅳ  reading :    read the story and answer the questions:1.who is hunting and killing the tibetan antilope?2. why are we humans part of this problems?3. how did life improve for the farmers in zimbabwe?4. how did it improve for the animals?5. in what ways does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection?6. why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves?7. what must happen if wildlife protection is to succeed?                        how daisy learned to help wildlifenot long ago there was a girl called daisy. one day she woke up and found a flying chair by her bed.“where do you want to go?”it asked .daisy hurried to get dressed and put on her jeans and sweater. “i’d like to see the animals that gave fur to make this sweater,”she said. the chair began to rise. it flew away to tibet in china faster than a bird. “but where are the antilopes?”cried daisy. “there are only mountains and people”. she turned around and there was an antilope with a sad face looking at her. the antilope said, “our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours. we are killed for the wool that is taken from under our stomachs. every year over 29000 of my friends are killed and now there are only 7 of us left. in 3 years we may all be gone!” daisy began to cry. “i didn’t know that.” she said,”flying chair, please show me some place where there is some wildlife protection.” the chair flew away so fast that you could not see it. next minute they were in zimbabwe. daisy turned around and saw she was being watched by an excited elephant. “have you come to take my picture? or would you prefer a rhino?”it asked .daisy laughed. “ i wait here because we are becoming endangered in zimbabwe. farmers used to hunt us and the rhinos. they didn’t want to protect us even though tourists love to see us. they said we destroyed their farms, and money from the tourists used to go to the big tour companies in harare. so the government decided to help.the asked the tour companies to bring tourists to the areas to take photos or to hunt, and they set the number of animals to be hunted. the tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers. as a result,farmers like us and no longer to hunt us. now please be quick! i’m ready now for my photo!”daisy took it quickly . then she smiled.”that’s better, but i’d like to help as the wwf suggests.”the chair rose again and almost at once they were in thick rain forest . a monkey watched them as it rubbed itself. “what are you doing?”asked daisy. “ this protects me from mosquitoes,”it replied. “i find a millipede insect and rub it over my body . it contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. it might help you if you pay attention to the rain forest where i live and understand how the animals live together here. no rain forest, no animals and no drugs.”daisy was amazed. “flying chair, take me home so i can tell wwf and begin producing this new drug . monkey ,come with me to help .” the monkey agreed. the chair rose and flew home. as they landed, thing begao to disappear. two minutes later everything was gone----the monkey ,too. so daisy was not able to make her new drug. but what an experience! she had learned so much! and there is always wwf…    language points:1. as a result :1).he had a road accident. as a reslt,he had to stay in hospital for a whole month.2.)people held completely different views,and as a result,the discussion came to nothing.2. get dressed :1.) he quickly got dressed and ate a sandwich on the way to school.2.) his mother asked him to get dressed quickly and follow her to the school.3. be used to do :1.) this kind of scissors is used to cut wool.2.) can this pan be used to fry potatoes ?used to do :1.) the boy used to get up early in the morning.2.) the girl used to go to school by bike. 4. pay attention (to sb /to sth) :1.) pay attention when i am talking to you.2.) pay attention to your handwriting.5. contain :1.) sea water contains salt and 11other minerals.2.) the hall can contain 500 people.3.) she couldn’t contain herself for joy.6. protect ……from1.) you need warm clothes to protect you from the cold.2.) in summer,people wear glasses in order to protect their eyes from the sun.              suggest sth to sb

7.            suggest one’s doing sthsuggest                    suggest  that  sb (should )do sth1.) what did you suggest to the manager ?2.) i suggest his doing the job by himself.3.) the teacher suggests that we (should)study english well.8. even if/though :1.) i enjoy working with him,even though i don’t agree with him on some points.2.) she came even though she didn’t know me.

    i    keys:ⅰ considered , started, movements, with, showing , pop art, aimed to , is known for, observed, carefully ,because of ,show reality ,instead, show the lifeⅱ 1 succeeded  2 imitated  3 express 4 paintings 5 adopted  6 movements   7 colorful  8 reality / realistic  9 contemporary  10 ordinaryⅲ 1 is crazy about, delightful pictures  2 his being late again 3 was looking forward to getting some   4 succeeded in winning the 100-meter race prize   5 was tired of walking up and down the classroom   6 tell the pictures apart  7 expressed (showed)the feelings about  8 aiming to broaden his horizon   9 how to develop the interest in art  10 was fond of going to the art gallery,his pictures were so alive and he was an extraordinary artist.multiple  choice:1.d  2.a   3.c  4.a  5.a  6.d 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.b 11. a 12 a. 13. b 14. c 15. civ. reading1. we  humans are hunting and killing the tibetan antelope. 2. because every year over 29,000 antelopes are killed and now there are only 72,000 of them left.3. with  the  help  of  government.4. life improved for the animals by being protected and hunted in a correct way.5. in the way of paying attention to the rain forest and understanding how the animals live together there. 6. because human beings don’t care about them.7. human beings and animals live happily and in peace.高一必修二第4模块语法学案

学习目标:掌握动词不定式和动名词的用法。学习重点:动词不定式和动名词在题中的应用。学法指导:记忆,练习。学习难点:会运用动词不定式和动名词探究过程:动词不定式和动名词句法功能比较一览表                   功能 主语 表语 宾语 定语 状语不定式 √ √ √ √ √动名词 √ √ √ √ ×1. 动名词与不定式作主语(1)表示一般抽象概念均可。reading/ to read good books enriches our mind.(2). 表具体的特定情况或有待于完成的动作,常用不定式。swimming is good for health, but to swim in such a polluted river is harmful to health.(3)在it作形式主语的句中,若表语是necessary, important等形容词时,后面只用不定式,若表语是no use, no good, a waste of time 时,常用动名词。① it is necessary___________( spend) enough time on english if you want to learn it well.② it is no use at all ___________(argue) with him about it.(4)在there is no后只加动名词面。不知道他来不来there is no knowing whether he will come here or not.2.动名词与不定式作表语(1)通常可以互用。his habit is having/to have a walk after supper.(2). 指具体的、特定情况下或未发生的动作,常用不定式。your work today is to carry these things upstairs.(3). 主语的形式要和表语保持一致。to see is to believe.seeing is believing.3.后面只跟 ing 形式作宾语的动词:admit, allow, avoid, delay, dislike, miss, finish, advise, mind, consider, practise, suggest, keep, excuse, enjoy, permit, escapehe tried to avoid ___________(answer) my question.would you mind ___________(close) the door?she suggested ________(go) to the cinema.4.后面常跟ing形式作宾语的动词词组:give up, put off, carry on, keep on, feel like,  get used to, insist on, look forward to, succeed in, think of, dream of, can’t help, be worthdavid has given up ___________(smoke).do you feel like ____________(go) out tonight?i’m looking forward to __________(meet) her.the picture isn’t worth ____________(look) at.5.只能跟不定式作宾语的动词   promise, demand, ask, aim, pretend, wish, hope, expect, manage, can afford, offer, agree, learn, prepare, claim, dare, decide, determine, refuse等。① he failed_______( pass) the driving test.② he offered __________( take) the child home.③ i can’t afford __________( buy) a car.6.有些词后跟不定式或动名词意义不同:remember, forget; try; mean; stop, go on; regret; want, need, require regret doing sth 对已经发生的事感到遗憾。regret to do 对将要说的事感到遗憾。i regret telling/ having told her what i thought.译:___________________________________________i regret to tell you that you failed in the exam译:___________________________________________________wainnt dog/ want to be done 需要被做the classroom really wants/needs/ requires cleaning. 译:_________________________________________my car needs repairing/to be repaired.译:_____________________________________________课堂检测:用斜题字单词完成下列句子draw, practise, spend, step, listen, send, have, control, move, work, help 1.he is so interested in english that he will never get tired of _________ speaking it with his classmates. 2. the astronaut hopes ______ out of his space- ship and walk in space. 3. at the end of the term, all the students look forward to _______ some holiday. 4. would you please turn down the radio? i can’t stand ________ to such noise all the time.draw, practise, spend, step, listen, send, have, control, move, work, help 5.china has succeeded in _______ up many satellites into space.6. the boy attempted ________ the boat all by himself, but failed.7. the man went on ________ until late night every day because he had to complete the task in time.8. once i have promised ______ you, i will try my best.9. the artist likes _______ in ink.


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