


新目标英语八年级上册学案 unit 2  what’s the matter? (1)       审核              日期

学  习  过  程一.课前反馈dictation: once  twice  how often  hardly ever  exercise  skateboard  junk food high school  active  as for      ask and answer:1.what do you usually do on weekends.2. what does he she usually do on weekends?3. how often do you/we/they exercise/shop/watch…? 二.自主学习1.自主学习1a里面的单词 a.找出新单词,边读边写两遍。. b.初步掌握句型: —what’s the matter?   —i have a stomachache. 2.熟读1b中的人名。 3.自主练习1c中的对话,并做人称代词的替换练习—what’s the matter? —i have a sore throat. (they, you, he,she, xiaoming and i, we) (注意:-ache和sore都表示疼痛。-ache表示隐隐作痛,如: headache stomachache  toothache.  sore表示一触就痛,如:sore throat,sore back,sore leg.) 三.合作探究1.把1a中的这些词与图片中的[a--m]进行搭配. 2.听听力,完成1b. 3.分组练习1c的对话,. 四.一课多练写出下列生词和词组。 1.胳臂_____ 2.后背_____ 3.耳朵_____ 4.眼睛_____ 5.头_____ 6.脚_____7.脖子_____ 8.胃_____ 9.嘴巴_____ 10.牙齿_____11.手_____ 12.腿_____13.鼻子_____ 14.头痛_____ 15.喉咙疼_____ 16.背疼_____ 17.牙疼_____ 18.胃疼_____19.感冒_____  五.总结延伸  本节课我学到了_____________________________________。 六.新知提示  预习教材8、9页,圈出不认识的单词.并完成3a

新目标英语八年级上册学案   unit 2  what’s the matter? (2)         审核              日期

学  习  过  程一.课前反馈1.dictation: matter,cold,stomachache,arm,back,ear,eye,foot,hand,head,leg,mouth,neck,nose,stomach,tooth,sore throat2.ask and answer: what’s  the  matter?i have a headache/stomachache/toothache….sore throat,sore back,sore leg….do you have a cold/sore arm….?  no ,i don’t.二.自主学习1.自主学习教材8、9页的单词,找出新单词,读写两遍。2.熟悉2c、3a的对话内容,并自己试读试做。三.合作探究1.一起完成2a、2b的听力练习。2.自由练习2c中的对话。3.小组讨论并完成3a,然后练习对话,并利用3b的图片编造新对话,再分组展示。4.小组完成4的表格。四.一课多练a.根据下列健康问题,填写合理的建议。illnes(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sadvicecoldtoothachesore throatstomachachefeverheadacheb.完成下列对话。a:______ _______ _______? b:i have a toothache.a:when did it start?    b:about an hour _______. a:______ ______ ______ ______. b:yes,i think so.a:i hope you ______ ______ soon.五.总结延伸   本节课我学到了__________________________。六.新知提示  1.预习教材10页,熟记本页的单词.2.完成1a,1b,的练习.新目标英语八年级上册学案 unit 2  what’s the matter? (3)         审核              日期

学  习  过  程一.课前反馈1.dictation: should,dentist,ago,so,illness,advice,fever,rest,honey.you should drink some tea.that sounds a good idea.i have a sore back.that’s too bad. i hope you feel better soon.2. ask and answer: what’s  the  matter?do you have a cold/sore arm….?  no ,i don’t./yes i do.you should….二.自主学习1.自主学习教材10页的单词,找出新单词,并写下来. 2.小组讨论2c的对话. 三.合作探究1.完成1a、1b,并熟读单词。2.完成听力练习后,跟读一遍。 3.小组讨论并展示2c中的对话。 四.一课多练a.用方框里的单词完成下列句子。tired, hungry, thirsty, stressed out, has a1.i’m very______ ,i should go to bed early.2.he drinks a lot of water because he’s very__________.3.you’re_________________ ,you should listen to music.4.amy goes to see a dentist because he_________toothache.5.if you’re__________ ,you should eat more food.b.用should/shouldn’t完成下列句子。a:she’s tired.        b:she________________go to the party.a:sally is stressed out.  b:he____________study.a:they’re thirsty.     b:they_____________eat more pizza.a:alice has a headache.  b:she___________go to bed.五.总结延伸本节课我__________________________________。六.新知提示  预习p11,熟记单词,要求下节课默写。新目标英语八年级上册学案 unit 2  what’s the matter? (4)        审核              日期

学  习  过  程一.课前反馈1.dictation:traditional, way, believe, balance, weak, herbangry, medicine, popular, western,important, diet, everybody, a few, stay.2. ask and answer:  what’s the matter?do you have a cold/sore arm….(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)?  no,idon’t./yes i do.you should….二.自主学习1. 默读p11  3a、3b的短文,找出其中的新单词,并写下来. 2. 再读短文,并按要求完成3a、3b的练习。 三.合作探究1.齐读3a、3b的短文一遍。2.小组讨论并完成 。 3.分小组展示3c的写作内容并作出评价。 四.一课多练a见教材p12 1。b.写作练习,见教材p12 2。五.总结延伸本节课我__________________________________。六.新知提示  预习unit 3,的单词。


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