A Great Young AthleteA Great Young AthleteA Great Young Athlete


A Great Young Athlete

a great young athletelesson 11.you win a trophy in track and field / volley!trophy n. (pl. trophies) 奖品,奖杯  he won a trophy in the 200-meter race.他在200米比赛中获得了一个奖杯。2.how did you lose / win this medal?win n.(winning, won, won)(在比赛,赛跑,战斗等中)获胜,赢france won by six goals to two against denmark.法国队以六比二战胜丹麦队。she likes to win an argument 他喜欢在辩论中获胜。they are trying to win support for their proposals. 他们在努力争取人们支持他们的建议。辨析 win, beatwin 一般指赢得比赛,奖品,奖金等。beat 一般指赢了某人,某队we won the football macth . 我们赢了足球赛。we beat them. 我们赢了他们。3.i got first prize in a singing game / contest.辨析race, match, game, competition, contest五者都有“比赛”之义,但适用的范围有所不同。race通常指短跑比赛,如百米赛跑、接力赛等;match一般指代表队之间的大型的公开比赛,尤指球类比赛;game通常指为了娱乐和锻炼、根据某种规则以胜负为主的比赛,即可是体力的,亦可是脑力的;competition 指对力量、技术和能力的比赛,如:a beer drinking competition ;contest 与competition 用法非常接近,有时可互换,只是contest 是一种更正规的竞赛,一般要有评委班子。并要评出几等奖。4.mike began his sport when he was young.sport是名词,指体育运动, 体育比赛do sport做运动sports可以是名词,指运动会,但也可以是形容词,此时解释为运动的,体育运动的,与体育有关的,比如体育新闻就是“sports news”,是指跟体育相关的新闻。5.i want to be a famous athlete one day.①want 1)want  v.,意思就是“想要、需要、要、想、希望”。(ⅰ) want + n.i want a hat dog, please. 我想要一个热狗。(ⅱ) want +to dohe wants to help you。他想帮助你。 (ⅲ)want+ sb. + to doshe wants you to come in.她想让你进来。(ⅳ)sth . want(=need)+doingmy coat wants washing. 我的衣服需要洗了。2)want   n.,意思是“缺乏、需要、愿望”。the villages have a want of water. 这些村庄缺水。learning english well is our want.学好英语是我们的愿望3)want 用于成语:want for nothing 什么也不缺(be)wanting in 缺乏(not)want for(不)缺乏want in (out)想进(出)去 in want 穷困,生活困难【拓展】would like与want同意,但其语气较want委婉一些。②famous adj.著名的1)be famous for =be known for  “以……出名或著称”france is famous for its wine .法国以其葡萄酒出名。2)be famous as = be known as “作为……出名或著称”he is rather famous as a writer .他是著名作家。3)famous是一个语气很强的词,通常指在很大范围内为人所知,它一般不用于小有名气的普通人或物,此时可用well-known。如:he is a well-known businessman in our town.他是我们镇一位有名的商人。(此句不宜用a famous businessman)4)infamous的意思是“声名狼藉的”“臭名昭彰的”等,不要认为它是famous的反义词。 7.i have won three medals since i joined the track and field team.①join v.1)(常与to,together连用)结合;连接tie a knot to join those two pieces of rope.打个结,把这两根绳子连上。this road joins the two villages.这条马路把两个村庄给连接起来了。2)使结交;联姻  to join people in marriage 联姻3)(与in,for连用)伴;随同;与…一起will you join me in a walk? 你愿和我一起散步吗?will you join us for coffee? 你愿意和我们一起去喝咖啡吗?4)参加;加入(一般指参加某一组织、团体或某群人)to join the party 入党he joined the army.他参军了。everyone joined in the game.每个人都参加了游戏。when did he join the cult? 他何时成了一名狂热的信徒?5)会合;交接where does the path join the road? 这条小路在那里与大路相交?where do the two roads join? 这两条马路在哪儿会合?6)常用词组:join in 参加(一般指参加某项活动)②现在完成时+ since从句(从句一般用过去时)he has lived here since he was four years old.自从他四岁,他就住在这。kate has learned to play the violin since she was a primary student.自从凯特上小学她就学习拉小提琴。 


A Great Young Athlete
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