牛津英语8B Unit 6导学案牛津英语8B Unit 6导学案牛津英语8B Unit 6导学案


牛津英语8B Unit 6导学案

8b unit 6 导学案welcome to the unit 【背景知识】慈善步行是一种为慈善机构募捐较为普遍的途径。参与者要找到赞助人,并由该赞助人承诺捐赠一笔钱或按距离捐赠一定数额的钱。步行结束之后,步行者就像自己的赞助者收取赞助款并交给慈善机构。慈善步行的路程可以从几千米到数百千米。参与者的数量也是变化不定的。有时一个人就会走很长很长的路,比如穿越一个洲,目的是为了为了某个事业筹款并引起人们对这一事业的关注。【自学探究】 一、预习p92—p93,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1. 为一次慈善远足训练                  2.  支持慈善机构 3. 再需要一些食物                      4. 组织一次慈善演出 5. 设计一个网页                        6. 支持某人 7. 需要帮助的人们                      8. 帮助他们穿过马路   9. 残疾人                              10. 无家可归的人  二、完成p93, parts a、b练习。 三、完成句子 1 我奶奶过去是一位历史老师。   my grandmother _______ _______ _______ a history teacher. 2 他习惯于早起。   he ________ _________ _________ _________ up early. 3 你知道学生们是怎样花零用钱的吗?   do you know _______ students _______ their _______ ________? 4 帮助需要的人是很有意义的。   it is __________ _________ _______ people in need. 5 我认为你不能在半小时内完成作业。   i _______ ______you ______ finish the work ______ half an hour. 【教案】


8b unit 6 welcome to the unit



教学目标1.       了解不同种类的残疾和需求 2.       讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人 3. (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)      初步了解慈善步行

教学重难点1.       关于帮助处于困境当中的人们 2.       大致了解一些慈善步行的需求







step 1 warming up ss ask questions about each other and the teacher. e.g. s1→s2, ss→t: what’s your hobby?      are you ready to help people in need?       are you generous?      do you donate money to charities? step 2  revision review some chinese and international charities. t asks ss about their favourite charities. t shows some signs and names of the charities on the screen, e.g.oxfam, project hope unicef, orbis, world vision, world wide fund for nature., save china’s tigers project green hope, spring bud project. step 3 lead-in t reminds ss of the ways of raising money they have learned and asks them to guess which way hobo will use to raise money. then t presents a picture of the charity walk, the new phrase ‘charity walk’ and the new word ‘trailwalker’ (毅行者) on the screen, then explains them. step 4  comic strip  1.   t plays the tape and asks ss to listen to the conversation between eddie and hobo.2.   t asks some questions about the conversation.(questions on the screen)◆  what is hobo doing? why?◆  what does eddie think of charities?◆what does hobo need during the walk? ◆ eddie thought that hobo couldn’t finish     his walk, do you think so? 3.  ss read the conversation and act it out in pairs. (two pairs act in front of the class.) step 5 group work t asks ss: “what things people should take with them on the charity walk?” t gives each group a piece of paper and asks them to make a list of the things which trailwalkers need. then t shows some of ss’ notes on the epidiascope, e.g. torch, matches, umbrella, sleeping bags, sticks, medicine box… step 6  welcome to the unit 1.   t: “lots of people need help. do you know which people need help?” t presents new vocabulary on the screen. ss are asked to match the new words with their meanings:◆a person cannot see           blind person◆people cannot hear           deaf people◆a part of a person’s body        disabled person does not work properly ◆a person has no home          homeless person ◆a person has little money.      poor person t points out that ‘blind’, ‘deaf’, ‘disabled’, ‘homeless’ are all new words. we have learned ‘poor’ before. ss read the new words after t.2.  t tells the ss to look at page 93 of the textbook. ss label the posters in part a using the words from the box and tell which people they have helped. 3.  t reminds ss: “some people with difficulty also try their best to lead a meaningful life.” t shows the pictures of some people on the screen, e.g. beethoven(贝多芬), helen keller(海伦·凯勒), 张海迪,邰丽华(舞蹈《千手观音》的领舞演员)ss are attracted by these pictures and eager to say something about these people’s trouble. t uses these examples to encourage ss to work hard. step 7 a conversation in part b on page 93divide the class into pairs. ask ss to read amy and daniel’s conversation in part b. then ask them to talk about the people in part a and how their lives might be made easier. less able ss can use amy and daniel’s conversation as a model and replace the underlined words with their own ideas. more able ss can create their own conversations. step 8  give ss a few minutes to practice their conversation. remind them that they should practice as much as they can. then ask some pairs to act out their conversation.通过用师生之间的自由对话来引出本课的主题“慈善”展示一些图片,主要复习了第五单元的一些慈善机构提醒学生一些他们所学过的募集钱的方式,要求学生猜猜hobo会一什么样的方式来募集钱。教师呈现慈善步行图片,并向学生解释毅行者播放录音,让学生根据hobo和eddie之间的对话回答问题要求学生两人一组表演对话鼓励学生开动脑筋想想人们在慈善步行是应该带些什么东西介绍不同种类的需求和残疾,引导出本课的生词blind, deaf, disabled和homeless要求学生完成书本p93,part a部分练习通过一些身残志不残的名人画像,鼓励学生努力学习要求学生两人一组表演page93 part b部分的对话学生和老师互动进行free talk学生积极思考募捐的各种方式学生听课文录音,回答有关漫画的问题学生进行小组练习,准备短剧表演(可以竞赛)学生根据客观事实列出在慈善步行中可携带物品清单学生根据提示初步了解本课生词,并跟读生词学生完成书本练习学生接受情感意志教育学生进行小组练习,准备对话表演


1.       背诵本课的单词与词组 2.       完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业 3.       预习reading,完成预习作业


                     8b unit 6 welcome to the unit 1.  train for sth. 为……而训练     all the players are training for the olympic games.2.  it’ s meaningful to do sth. 做某事有意义   it’ s meaningful for us to help people in need.


【当堂巩固】1. write out the words with the meanings of the sentences and the first letters. 1)a b________ person: when he is in the street, others help him cross the road. 2)a p________ person: when i met him, i have him some food and clothes. that made him feel warm. 3)a d________ person: when i met them, i tried to understand them by their gestures(手势) and gave them help. 4)a d________ person: when i met him, i helped to push his wheelchair(轮椅) and helped him go upstairs. 5)a h________ person: when i met him, i took him to a refugee(收容所) and helped him to find a home. 6)an e________ person: when i met her on the bus, i gave my seat to her at once. 2. complete the sentences according to the chinese given. 1)we can help blind people ________________________________(过马路). 2)we can help deaf people ________________________________(学好英语). 3)we can __________________________(好好照顾他们) when homeless people are ill. 4)we can ____________________(给他们让座) when we see elderly people on the bus. 5)we can _______________________ (为他们募捐钱) when poor people need our help. 6)we can ________________________ (向他们伸出援助之手) when disabled people want to climb up the steps. reading 【阅读准备】一、阅读方法 1.  用30秒的时间看一下文章标题,猜测文章的大致内容。这对快速理解和整体把握文章内容以及推测出生词的词义范围有积极的意义。2.  在对文章的整体内容有了基本认识的基础上,再用3-5分钟的时间把这篇文章读两遍,说出每段主要内容是什么,为把握文章的细节内容做准备。 3.  用5分钟的时间完成书后的习题,看自己是否真正理解慈善步行这件事。 4.  用1分钟的时间思考一下,假如自己想要帮助一些慈善机构,会以哪种方式,如用英语讲应该如何表述。 二、背景知识

乐施会毅行者(oxfam trailwalker)是为募捐而进行的一种慈善步行,每年举办一次,由香港乐施会组织。路线是100公里的麦理浩径,从东到西穿越8个乡村公园。这种活动原先是英国军队中廓尔喀兵的一种耐力训练,不过现在已经成为深受各界人士欢迎的团队活动,全程必须在48小时内跑完。每队有4个人,挑战开始之前以及在进行过程当中,要求每个人做好计划,相互支持,相互帮助。团队精神至关重要,因为整个队必须一起跑完全部路程。每个参加的队可以从后勤人员那里得到食物、饮料以及又干又保暖的衣物。每个队需募集到至少6000港币的赞助。这些赞助款用来帮助穷人,实施发展项目和救济计划。    乐施毅行者是一项别具意义的筹款活动四人八腿一条心,毅行百里为扶贫,从1981年以来,为香港最大捐赠项目之一。于每年11月举行。自1986年以来,先后有五万八千多民参加者为这项活动共筹得超过两亿七千万港元,以支持乐施会在香港、中国内地、非洲和亚洲其他地区推行扶贫发展及救灾工作,帮助贫穷人改善生活,自力更生。 【自学探究】 一、预习p94—p97,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1. 为……募捐                          2. 至少 3. 把……组成四人一小组                           4. 尽力做                            5. 做完……                                              6. 在48小时以内 7. 不得不    &nbsp(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容);                       8. 团队精神 9. 需要帮助的人                      10. 开始做…… 11. 让你保持舒适                     12. 越过高山 13. 一份你永远不会                    14. 忘记的经历 15. 走两天两夜不睡觉                  16. 需要一起走完这个17. 徒步旅行

二、完成课本p96—p97, parts b、c、d练习。【教案】


8bunit 6 reading



教学目标4.       熟悉并理解一篇报纸上的文章里的信息。 5.       能通过图片、标题和上下文语境猜测课文大意。 6.       理解相关细节和信息。 7.       能会用正确的语言介绍一项具体的慈善活动。 8.       通过完成一个对话来检测理解力。

教学重难点1.词汇:group, tough, within, hill, mountain, excellent, chance, spirit, record, training, 2.词组:group…into, team spirit, at least, of course, in need, take place3.句型:oxfam trailwalker has been one of hong kong’s biggest fund-raising events since 1981.          it’s an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.          it’s necessary for you to support and help people each other before and during the event.       it’s useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks.       warm and dry clothes are also necessary to keep you comfortable during the walk.        it’s necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.       why not try your best to help people in need?4.如何用自己的语言介绍一个慈善活动






个性化补充step 1 introduction1. background music :sung by weiwei. 2(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容). ask the ss: have you heard of the song? do you know how it was created? 3.  show some pictures of famous stars like wangfei, li yapeng and li lianjie. ask the ss: do you know that they like charity activities? do you know the names of charity organizations organized by them? 4. show some pictures of people in need and revise the words in welcome to the unit. (ask the ss to answer) 5. ask the sts: do you want to help people in need? how can you help them? ask the ss to give the answers. step 2 presentation1. ask the ss: do you remember what hobo is training for ? the t says: yes, he is training for a charity walk. ask the ss: what does a charity walk mean? the t says: yes, they walk to raise money for the people in need. today we will learn a charity walk called oxfam trailwalker. 2. show a logo of oxfam trailwalker and ask the ss: what does the logo look like? the t says: yes, it looks like many people walking together. 3. ask the ss: how many charity organizations have you learned? what are they? show some logos of the organizations and revise them. step 3 extensive reading

1. the t says: lily is an exchange student from hong kong. she showed amy and daniel an article about a fund-raising event called oxfam trailwalker. i will give you some minutes to read the passage and tell “t” or “f”.   (  ) oxfam trailwalker has been a fund-raising event for more than 30 years. (  )oxfam hongkong organized oxfam trailwalker to raise money for helping disabled people in hongkong and other parts of asia and africa. (   ) the trailwalkers have to walk through eight country parks and more than twenty hills and mountains. (   ) it is necessary for all the team members to support and help each other before and during the event. (   ) during the walk you can carry everything you need with you. (   ) each team must raise no more than hk$6,500. (   ) the trailwalkers usually have a year’s training before the walk. (   ) the walk itself is hard. the oxfam trailwalkers often feel very tired. 2. ask the ss to listen to the tape and answer some questions, and explain some language points. (1) how long has oxfam trailwalker been in hong kong? (2) what is it organized by? (3) what is it organized for? (4) when is it held every year? (5) why do we say the charity walk is tough? (6) what can we learn by joining the charity walk? (7) what is it necessary for people to do during the charity walk? (8) what should people do before the walk? 3. present new words the t asks if the ss can tell the main idea of the walk, and say together with the ss: it is a tough walk. the walkers have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours. it is an excellent chance to learn team spirit. if you want to join in it , you must start training a few months before the walk. new words:  tough  trail  excellent  chance  team spirit  training 4. ask the ss to finish the exercises on page96, b1. (1).trail__________   a. very good (2).excellent_______   b. a suitable time or situation for you to do something. (3).chance_______  c. the process of learning skills to do something (4).team spirit_____   d. the willingness of people to work together and help each other as part of a team. (5).training______    e. a route that is followed for a special pu(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)rpose. 5. ask the ss to read the passage and then finish the exercises on page 96, b2. 6. ask the ss to read the passage again ad finish the exercises on page 97,c1. heading                                          paragraph (1)oxfam trailwalker is a long, difficult walk.           ______ (2)support  teams            (3)what is oxfam trailwalker? ____             (4)fitness and training  ______       (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)                      (5)team spirit and support ______                           7. read the passage again and finish exercises on page97, c2. (ask the students to work in pairs and act out the dialogue.) 8.feed back (to check students’ understanding of the text) what do you know about oxfam trailwalker? why do people join the charity walk? what do you think the money is spent on? step 4. student activity divide the students into some groups and discuss the following questions  what do you think of the walk? do you like it? why or why not? what can you learn from it?  like dislikestep 5. homework创设情境,引出与慈善有关的词汇并提出疑问,怎样帮助困境中的人们













复习welcome to the unit 当中的内容快速阅读,了解课文的基本信息 细节阅读,做一些判断题,进一步了解乐施毅行者的事情









4.       背诵本课的单词与词组 5.       完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业


                     8b unit 6 reading1.        be known as “被称作“、”被认为“,be known for “因……而著名”,be known to “为……所知“2.       group……into a team of four people 把…..组成四人小组 3.       join 通常参加某个组织、群体。如入团、入党等, take part in 通常指参加某项活动join in 后面宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词 4.       through 表示”通过一个三维空间“  across 表示”通过某一个平面“ 5.       (1)be used to do sth. 被用来做某事,be used是被动语态,to do是不定式,作目的状语。(2)used to do sth. 表示“过去常常做某事”,只表示过去,不可能表示现在和将来;否定式为didn’t use to do sth.或usedn’t to do sth. (3)be used to sth. 表示“习惯于某事”,be used to doing sth. 表示“习惯于做某事”,to 是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词,但不可以跟动词原形。 6.       (1) provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物(2)也可以表达为 provide sth. for sb.  


【当堂巩固】ⅰ根据句意和首字母完成各单词 1. trailwalker has been one of hong kong’s biggest f________ events. 2. it is very important to r__________ money for the poor people in southeast asia. 3. our monitor has been asked to g___________ us into a tem of eleven to play football against class seven. 4. before liberation, jack lived a very tough life. he often worked days and nights w__________ sleep. 5. every year our school provides many excellent chances for students to learn team s___________. ⅱ请用下列括号中的词或词组的适当形式填空 group…into…  in need    finish walking    carry…with…   (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)without  sleep 1. now let’s ___________ ourselves _________ a team of four and play games. 2. kate worked two days and nights _________ for the exams. 3. the disabled people are required to _________ ten miles within fifteen minutes. 4. on rainy days we had better __________ raincoats ____________ ourselves. 5. we should do something to help the people __________ in the southeast asia. ⅲ根据课文内容回答下列问题 1. what is trailwalker? ______________________________________________________ 2. who organized trailwalker? ______________________________________________________ 3. how far(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) does the charity have to go? ______________________________________________________ 4. is it a good chance to learn team spirit? ______________________________________________________ 5. they don’t need to plan everything together, do they? ______________________________________________________ 6. what should you plan to do during the walk? ______________________________________________________ ⅳ用所给词的适当形式填空 1. in the old days wood ___________(use) for cooking and keeping warm. 2. it is necessary that you start _____________(train) a few months before the walk. 3. trailwalker ____________(be) one of hong kong’s biggest fund-raising events since 1981. 4. can you finish __________(read) the book within three days? the text _________(it) is not easy, but it is interesting and educational. 6.       it is an excellent chance for people __________(learn) team spirit. ⅴ翻译下列句子 1.    看不起穷人是不对的。    ____________________________________________________________ 2.    对我们来讲,按时完成作业是很重要的。    ____________________________________________________________ 3.    团队精神在我们工作中是必要的。    _____________________________________________________________ 4.    周末去爬山真是好极了。    _____________________________________________________________


牛津英语8B Unit 6导学案
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