Unit 7 Environment学案Unit 7 Environment学案Unit 7 Environment学案


Unit 7 Environment学案

unit 7 environmentreading aobjectives1     to learn the cause of the greenhouse effect2     to learn how to be a green consumerteaching procedurewarming-up1.       cartoon talk2.       show some relevant pictures about the pollution. before readingask the questions below: 1. what do you think of these behaviors to the environment?2. do you know what other behaviors human beings harm the environment? during the process, some new words, such as greenhouse effect, atmosphere, cause, food, soil, environmentally friendly, can be imbedded. while reading1.       ask students to read the first paragraph and the headings in the review. then try to answer four questions:1. what is the name of the book?2. a consumer buys and uses things. what do you think a green consumer is?3. what do you think the main topic of the book is?4.how many topics does the review cover?  key:1. the young green consumer guide.2. a consumer that only buy(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)s and uses “environmentally friendly” things. 3. the main topic of the book is to save earth.4. 4.2.       scan the rest of the text and then answer the questions below:1. what lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out?2. what is making the greenhouse effect worse?3. what will create mountains of rubbish and pollute our land and seas?4. what is the book asking us to become?   key:   1. the atmosphere around earth.   2. the burning and cutting down of trees.   3. our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.   4. the book is asking us to become “green consumers”.after-reading:1. do the exercise in a3.2. questions: how can we act as green consumers to protect the environment?3. explain some language points.学案

reading a1.根据短文和首字母提示,写出短文中所缺单词的正确形式。   the young green c_____ guide says that our world is in danger because we have many e_____ problems.our first problem is the greenhouse effect.it will c_____ the level of seas to rise and d_____ cities and even whole countries.the second one is the act that people d    rainforests.it will cause f_____ because trees can help hold the s_____ .our last problem is people’s bad habits of using thing s.they throw away everything after they use it once.and this c _____mountains of rubbish and it p_____ our land and sea. 2.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1)the professor’s talk was so_____ that i nearly fell asleep.(1ife). 2)the factory near our school lets out a lot 0i_____ gases every day.(harm) 3)people create mountains of rubbish and this causes lots of(pollute). 4)think it over before you take_____ .(act) 5)the act of destroying rainforests is making the greenhouse effect much_____ (bad). 6)we should only buy and use“environmentally friendly”things to_____ our world.(safe) 3.根据中文意思填写所缺的单词,每条横线限填一个单词。 1)为了学好英语,我们要做大量的练习。 _____ _____ _____ learn english well,we must do lot of practice. 2)树木对我们很重要,因为它们吸收二氧化碳而释放氧气。 trees are important to us because they_____ _____ carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)and let out oxygen(氧气). 3)早睡早起的习惯使我舅舅很健康。 _____ _____ _____    sleeping early and getting up early keeps my uncle healthy. 4)我希望每个人都能成为“绿色消费者”。 i hope everyone can be a_____ _____ . 5)现在我们使用环保袋,因为它们不会污染和破坏环境。 now we use “environmentally friendly’’ bags because they won’t_____ or _____ the environment. 6)他爸爸费了很大劲才阻止了他放弃学习英语。 his father tried very hard to_____ him _____  _____ up learning english. reading bobjectives1   to learn the expressions of different kinds of pollution2     to learn how to convey one’s own view on environment and pollutionteaching procedurereview:the teacher reviews what have been taught in reading a.pre-task:1.       ask students to describe the picture in b1; 2.       look at the words and phrases and label the picture with the correct letters; 3.       check the answer in b1. while-task:1.  before reading, ask students to look at the title “head to head” and predict what the article in b2 is about. 2.       fast readingread the article and answer the questions:1) this article probably comes from___.    a. a website             b. a newspaper for students   2) what do forest smith and john green do? do you think they will have the same ideas? check the answers.3.       (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)detailed readingread the article again and complete the table below.forest’s viewjohn’s viewthe futureit looks (1)______we’ll have a bright future.factorieswe must (2)______ them.cars and public transportwe must give up all cars. we must (3)_____ public transport.we don’t need to give up cars but we need to (4) ____. we need (5) _____.recyclingwe must (6) ____more.we should (7) _____.populationit is a (8)______.life in the pastwe must get back (9)_____.we can’t (10) _____.4.       explain some language points.post-reading-- discussion: which view do you support? please give your reasons.homework:1.       make a research on the people who contribute to the environmental protection.2.       do a survey about the view on our pollution problems. interview at least eight students. use the form in b3 to help you. make notes of their answers and report your findings to the class. 3.       do the relevant exercise.学案

reading b1.翻译下列短语。 1)丢垃圾_______________       2)呼吸空气_______________ 3)太多物品_______________     4)生产无用的产品_______________ 5)减少垃圾和空气污染__________    6)改善公共交通_______________ 7)住在国外_______________      8)在某人四十多岁时_______________ 9)同到……上_______________    1 0)交通堵塞_______________ 2.用适当的介词填空。 1) could you tell me the answer_____ the question? 2) some scientists say we must give_____ big cities and factories,and get back_____ a simple way_____ life. 3) the government is trying many ways to stop the problem_____ traffic jams in guangzhou. 4)our new school is large and modem—much different_____ the old one. 5)trees take_____ lots of harmful gases,so they are very important_____ people. 6) people live much longer now, but a hundred years ago most people died_____ their 40 7)someone thinks our future_____ earth looks very bad,but others think we will have bright future. 8) do you believe that our world is_____ danger? 3.选词并用其适当形式完成句子。      dump  breathe  reduce    improve    invent pollute drown 1)open the doors and the windows to let the air in.it’s difficult to_____ in such a terrible room.  2)everyone of us has the duty to protect our world,such as asking people not to_____  rubbish everywhere. 3)we still have a long way to go if we want to_____ our environment. 4) cars will be better and better in the future because we_____ better and clear engines. 5)he_____ his weight by 1 0 pounds. 6)we can’t drink_____ water. 7) do cats_____ easily?


Unit 7 Environment学案
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