英语:Unit 8 Section A (1a—2)教案英语:Unit 8 Section A (1a—2)教案英语:Unit 8 Section A (1a—2)教案


英语:Unit 8 Section A (1a—2)教案

英语:unit 8 section a (1a—2)教案  i.教学内容:1a,1b,1c,2cii.教学目标:1、知识目标:words: comment  suggestion  album  personal  special   sentences: what should i get…?  how/what about…?  why don’t you …?   that’s /they’re….2、情感目标:关心别人,学习使用礼貌语言,学会感恩 3、技能目标:运用目标语言提高英语听说读写的能力。iii.教学重点:表示提建议的句型:how/what about…?  why don’t you …?   iv.教学难点:运用what should i get…?  how/what about…?  why don’t you …?进行语言交流。v. 教法与学法:引导式,启发式,小组互助,归纳总结vi. 教具:多媒体vii.教学设计:step 1 presentation1. ask: whose birthday is it today?  let them listen to the happy birthday song and sing the song together.let students watch the big screen and guess the picture,( it’s a gift box). and ask students: “have you received any gifts on your birthday? what gifts have you received on your birthday?” let students write down the words in the exercise books.( let students review the words by asking them questions)2. show a boy and a photo album and says: jim’s teacher’s birthday is coming, he wants to get an album for him. but his classmates have different ideas. show their differents ideas on the screen.      ( lead in the following sentences: that’s too boring/cheap/expensive/person in 1b and  that’s not special enough/ creative enough in 2b.)  ask : “what do you think of your gifts”  and let them fill in the chart in 1a 3. let students watch a short video and find out how to ask the advice and show the advice. play the video again and let students listen and look at the conversation.  say: if you want to ask suggestions about gifts, you can use: what should i get her ?      if you show suggestions, you can use: what about/how about ….? why don’t you get her ….?( lead in the target languages: what should i get her ? what about/how about ….?why don’t you get her ….?)step two: practice1. let students read the conversations with pictures on the screen together.2. make similar conversations using the target languages and the pictures in groups.3. let some stand up to act out the conversations.step three: listening practice1. let students listen to the tape in 1b and number the comments in the order they hear. 2. let students act out the conversation in 1b according to the messages in the chart.3. let students look at the pictures on the screen and listen to the tapes in 2a and 2b. finish 2a and 2b. 4. let students act out the conversation in 1b according to the messages in the chart.5. let students act out the conversations in 2b according to the messages in the chart. step four skills practise 1. say: now let’s listen to an english to relax. and ask students when is mother’s day? mother’s day is coming, what gift will you get for your mother? let students ask and answer with the target languages in groups.2. let some stand up to make the conversations.3. say: i think every mother in the world is great. we have many ways to show loves to mothers. as a son, i often go home to chat with my parents, sometimes talk on the phone. as a stuedent, the gift for your mother isn’t only the expensive thing, at home,you can help your mother do some housework, wash some clothes. let your mother have more time to rest. at school, you shuold study hard. if so,  your mother will feel very very happy, that’s the best gift for her. ( use the topic of mother’s day to practice the target languages can not only improve their speaking skills, but also educate the students to know the thanks-giving.)step five:homeworka) make conversations using the target languages.b) write a short passage about your different gifts and your comments.step six :blackboard designunit 8  why don’t you get her a scarf?album      a:what should i get my mom for her birthday?personal    b:how/what about a scarf? why don’t you her a …..?special enough  a:no,that’s too boring. / that’s sounds good. 


英语:Unit 8 Section A (1a—2)教案
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文章名称:英语:Unit 8 Section A (1a—2)教案





