高中英语说课稿《the West Lake》高中英语说课稿《the West Lake》高中英语说课稿《the West Lake》


高中英语说课稿《the West Lake》

  本文是本站小编为大家整理的高中英语说课稿《the West Lake》,希望对大家有所帮助。

  一、 本课在教材中的地位

  我说课的课题是人教版职高英语第二册Unit 9 Lesson 34阅读课文“the West Lake”。这是一篇叙述性的说明文,介绍了有关西湖的地理位置、景色和传说等内容。在知识上与第一册Unit 8 Travel和Unit 10 in the country 有一定的联系。这是一节阅读课,阅读课是每单元教学的重要环节。

  二、 教学目标与要求

  1、 根据大纲“巩固、扩大学生的基础知识”和关于词汇方面的要求,以及英语学科的语言特点,我确立本课的知识目标是:要求学生掌握以下词汇:attract\attraction , landscape , paradise , charming , surround ,historical, site, scenery, generation, romance, imprison, pearl, exposition , cultural, theatre, beach, make up , add /to , compare/ to , there’s no doubt.并且要求学生了解西湖美景,人文地理等。

  2、 根据大纲“侧重培养阅读能力”的要求和高一学生阅读能力的发展水平,我确立的能力目标是训练学生的Skimming 和Scanning两种阅读能力,使学生学习归纳文章主题和段落大意。同时通过让学生课前上网搜索有关西湖这个名胜古迹的知识,培养学生获取获取信息处理信息以及表达的能力,从而渗透给学生网上学习的意识。

  3、 为了贯彻“寓思想教育于语言教学之中”的教学原则,我对学生提出的智育目标是培养小组合作意识,培养热爱自然,热爱家乡和情感,增强保护文化遗产的意识,强化学生的公民意识。

  三、 教学重难点

  教学重点:通过对西湖相关知识的探究,使学生感受合作学习的新理念,培养个体学习及协作互助的优秀品质。本课的阅读容量不大,阅读材料是一个西湖概况,语言相对简练。教师可能引导学生寻找表达段落主题的关键词。下列关键词可供参考: one of the most famous tourist attractions in China / lie/ scenery/ stories/ like a pearl ,训练学生的阅读能力。


  四、 教法与辅助手段



  多年的英语教学使我感到让学生学会并不难,难的让学生会学,讲授知识并不难,难的是培养学生运用知识的能力。英语学科无论教学还是考试都注重阅读能力,所以在本课中,我注重指导学生的阅读能力,主要体现在三个方面:一是Fast Reading.它对提高阅读速度和质量很有帮助,尤其是大纲要求学生能在较短时间内阅读相当篇幅的阅读材料。为达到上述教学目标,我运用任务型教学途径,即课堂导入——参与任务——学习新知——巩固新知——操练运用,课堂设计采用“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式(pre-task, task cycle, post task)。二是问答法。它可能帮助学生理解文章的细节。三是讨论法,通过pair work, group work,让学生得到口语训练的机会。教师应精心设计一些问题,分层教学,使每个学生都有话可说。

  五、 学习策略的指导

  1、 指导学生预习,熟悉文章中出现的新单词和短语,疏通文章的意思,完成Pre-reading部分的练习。

  2、 将学生分成若干组,要求他们按照各自的特长和兴趣选择组内的角色并适当进行一些技术训练和指导。抽签选取本组的主题(预习题)。每个小组学习使用Internet 查寻资料方法和窍门,把搜寻到的有关西湖的资料保存。(学生在信息技术课上已学过了基本方法)

  3、 学会倾听他人的意见,并主动参与课堂上各种活动,培养学生开放性思维能力。

  4、 确立“学用英语相结合”的思想,用英语开展思维,分析复述课文,发表个人看法,提出独到见解。

  六、 教学步骤


  Step One Lead in (show pictures )

  We all know,Xishi or Xizi is one of the most beautiful ladies in ancient times in China.

  In Song Dynes

  ty, a poet named Sushi wrote a poem. Do you know what is compared to Xizi in this poem?(the West Lake)

  Did you visit the West Lake? Have you ever visited or heard of the following scenery spots of the West Lake?(show pictures)

  How do you enjoy the beauty in each picture ?

  They are : Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

  Melting snow at Broken Bridge

  Autumn Moon on Calm Lake

  What do you learn more about the West Lake?

  Today let’s continue to learn about the West Lake.Turn to page 109.

  Step Two: Skimming reading

  Listen to the tape and think :Which of the following subjects are included in the passage?

  Climate location landscape people art

  History culture size sports products

  Step Three Scanning reading

  Answer the following questions according to the passage:

  1 What do the words in bold refer to ?

  Them: the lake and the hills

  Its :the lake’s

  Which:the story about Lady White and Mr Xuxian

  2 Why is Hangzhou called “ Xizi”?

  Because Hangzhou is as beautiful as the young lady called “xizi”in a poem of sushi’s.

  3 What stories are used here? Why does the wrier use these stories?(show the picture of Lady White and Mr Xuxian.)

  The story about White Lady, Mr Xuxian and Fahai can add the romance of the Lake.They can also show a way of its culture. Besides, stories passed from generation to generation make the lake more famous.

  4 How do you know the West Lake is quite popular with tourists?Why is it so popular?

  Every year there are a large number of tourists coming to the West Lake. It’s so popular mainly because of its beautiful landscape.

  5 What happened to Leifeng Tower and how is it now? (show the picture of Leifeng Tower)

  Leifeng Tower was broken down in 1924,and in 2024 it was rebuilt and it’s in good condition.

  6 What do you think of the future of the West Lake? Why ?(show the picture of the West Lake Exposition)

  The West Lake will have a bright future . The tourism in Hangzhou is developing very fast. Many activities are held every year to attract tourists all over the world and make the city known to all .

  Step four Further reading

  Discuss the following questions

  1 What do you think of the city or town which you live in ? Discuss and find out some ways to make it more charming.(show the picture of the East Lake in Shaoxing)

  2 Do you think it’s necessary or unnecessary to spend a lot of money rebuilding historical sites? Why or why not .




  1 The cultural site is important .

  2 We can learn the past according to the cultural site .

  3 Many people visit it every year. If it’s destroyed, the tourists won’t come and we’ll lose a lot of money.

  Step five homework

  1 The first week of May 1 is coming.Many foreign friends will visit Five Falls.Please write a short passage to introduce Five Falls.

  2 Workbook from page 78 to page 80


高中英语说课稿《the West Lake》
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