



spring [误] i'll visit america in this spring.[正] i'll visit america in spring.[正] i'll visit america this spring.[析] 英语一年四季前如果有that, this, last, next等词,则其前面不要再加介词。这样的用法还有周、月、年等。请看下面句子中的用法有何不同: he told me that she did it on the next day. 这时是指过去某一天的第二天,所以才有这种用法。如果以现在为时间基点的第二天应为i'll do it next day.start [误] what time will you start to san francisco?[正] what time will you start for san francisco?[析] start与leave一样,其后接"for+目的地"。begin start begin与start在很多场合下是一样的意思,如: we started/began to study english two years ago. 但在如下场合则不能用begin: ① 作为"启程"讲,如: i think we ought to start at six. ② 表示"开始工作",如: the car won't start. (车子发动不起来。) ③ 作为"开动"、"启动"讲,如: do you know how to start this machine.still [误] oh, it is still raining now.[正] oh, it is still raining.[析] 因still即包含有现在仍然怎样,所以now是多余词。still yet already still一般与动词连用,可放于句子中间用以说明过去开始的动作现在仍然在继续,特别用来表示我们希望它早点停止。如: i've been thinking for hours, but i still can't decide. yet一般放于句末,用在疑问句与否定句中。如: has the postman come yet? already则与动词连用,可放于句中表示某事的发生比预期的要早,如: i've already finished my homework.stop [误] when the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped to talk.[正] when the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped talking.[析] stop to do something是"停下来去做某事",而stop doing something是"停止做某事"。street [误] there is a narrow windowsding street from our village to the next one.[正] there is a narrow windowsding road from our village to the next one.[析] street一般指城市中两旁有建筑物的"街道",而road多指乡间的"路"。strict [误] you ought to be strict to him.[正] you ought to be strict with him.[析] be strict with是"对……严格的"。such [误] do you want to have such a dictionary?[正] do you want to have such a good dictionary?[正] do you want to have a dictionary like that?[析] such作强化语气时一般是"such+(冠词)形容词+名词",如: it's such a good book. 但如果名词前没有形容词则要看其名词是否具有"能显示程度的含意",如: i've got such a headache. you are such fools!否则在such与名词之间一定要有形容词。sure [误] i am quite sure for that answer.[正] i am quite sure of that answer.[析] sure用于句中表示"对……事有确实把握"时应跟of或about,而不跟for,如: i'm sure about (of) his ability to control this machine.共8页,当前第1页12345678


sweet [误] honey tastes sweetly.[正] honey tastes sweet.[析] sweet可以作为名词,意为"糖果",是可数名词,如: may i have a sweet?作形容词,如: the child looked very sweet. 而sweetly为副词,意为"甜美地"、"悦耳地"。要注意taste为感观动词,其后面要接形容词而不是副词。ttake [误] this year i want to take the driver's license.[正] this year i want to get the driver's license.[析] take可以作为动词,意为"拿"、"取",如: i want to take my mail. 而要获得某种证书、证明,要用get而不用take, take在学校范围内意为"参加"或"选修"某些课程,如: this term i want to take both french and spanish.[误] the accident was taken place at the street corner.[正] the accident took place at the street corner.[析] take place与happen一样作为"发生"讲时没有被动语态。[误] do you take me as a fool?[正] do you take me for a fool?[析] take…for…意为"以为是……"、"错当作……"、"误认为",而这一意思还可以用于i took you to be the best friend. (我把你认作是最好的朋友。)[误] my english teacher was ill. who will take place her?[正] my english teacher was ill. who will take the place of her?[析] take the place of…意为"取代"。talk [误] yesterday i met an old friend. we talked many things.[正] yesterday i met an old friend. we taked about many things.[析] talk是不及物动词。team  [误] our team likes seeing film.[正] our team like seeing film.[析] team与family,class等词一样,指整体时为单数名词。如: our team is excellent, 而指集体中的个体时要用作复数。than [误] they made fewer mistakes this term than they made last lerm.[正] they made fewer mistakes this term than they did last lerm.[析] 当一个动作在同一个句子中重复时,第二次要用do来代替,以避免重复。[误] you make me do more then anybody i know.[正] you make me do more than anybody i know.[误] i got into the restroom than someone knocked at the door.[正] i got into the rest room then someone knocked at the door.[析] than与then不要误用。then [误] we went to the cinema, then went to a chinese restaurant.[正] we went to the cinema, and then went to a chinese restaurant.[正] we went to the cinema; then went to a chinese restaurant.[析] then作"然后"讲时,在then前应加分号而不用逗号,或加逗号用and then,但是呢如果是倒装句则要用逗号,如: first come tom, then mary.think [误] i think you are not right.[正] i don't think you are right.[析] think在肯定句中与中文的习惯用法是一致的,如: i think you are right. 但在宾语从句是否定意思时,要否定think,如: i don't think you are right.共8页,当前第2页12345678


[误] i think he will come here, do i?[正] i think he will come here, wont he?[析] think加宾语从句时,反意疑问句的主语应用宾语从句中的主语,助动词要用宾语从句中的助动词,而肯定还是否定要看主句中的情况决定:如主句用肯定句,则反意疑问句用否定句,反之亦然。[误] people think very high of his work.[正] people think very highly of his work.[析] think highly of为"对某人某事评价很高"。[误] when we talk about chinese people we always think the yellow river.[正] when we talk about chinese people we always think about the yellow river.[析] think about意为"想起"、"想到"。thousand [误] he got thousand of books from a secondhandbook shop.[正] he got thousands of books from a secondhandbook shop.[析] 虽然two thousand, three thousand在thousand后都不加s,但thousands of则为"数千",该结构中一定要加s。through [误] i had a long distance call with john throught the telephone.[正] i had a long distance call with john on the telephone.[误] it took us two hours to walk across the forest.[正] it took us two hours to walk through the forest.[析] across是表示在一平面上进行的动作,而through则是用在三维虚拟主机的动作。如: the river was frozen, so we could walk across it. i pushed through the crowds to the entrance.throw [误] he threw a stone to me.[正] he threw a stone at me.[析] "扔"这个词表示方向时要注意他向我扔石头是at me,我向他(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)扔石头则为to him,但throw at还有寻衅之意,如: stop throwindowsg stones at the cars. 这时不要误用to.time [误] the doctor came on time so she was saved.[正] the doctor came in time so she was saved.[析] in time为"及时赶到",如: do you think we can get there in time for the first act. 而on time 意为"准时",如: the train arrived on time.[误] it is time we go home.[正] it is time we should go home.[正] it is time we went home.[析] "是该作某事的时候了",其句形为: ① it is time for somebody to do something. ② "it is time+从句",从句中用"should+动词原形",或直接用动词的过去式。[误] let's hurry. we haven't many times.[正] let's hurry. we haven't much time.[误] i have been to america two times.[正] i have been to america twice.[析] time作为"时间"讲时为不可数名词,而作为"次"讲时则是可数名词。但"一次"不是one time,而是once;"二次"不是two times,而是twice;"三次"则是three times.too [误] this box is too heavy to lift it.[正] this box is too heavy to lift.[析] 在too…to这一结构中,如果主语和不定式的宾语是一致的,则不要重复。共8页,当前第3页12345678


[误] the child is too young not to go to school.[正] the child is too young to go to school.[析] too…to这一结构用来表示"太……以致于不能……",但下面的句子则不能照此翻译: i'm too glad to meet you. 应译为"我见到你真太高兴了"。[误] there is much too noise.[正] there is too much noise.[析] "much too+形容词",而"too much+不可数名词"。[误] you have bought too much tomatoes.[正] you have bought too many tomatoes.[析] too many后才加可数名词。also as well too 这三个词是近义词,但其用法各有不同。其一,too和as well通常用于句末,如: she went to the cinema and her brother went too. 而also则不用于句末,如: i've also read her other novels. 其二,这三个词都不用于否定句中,否定句中用not…either,或neither/nor…,如: he isn't here either.trousers [误] my trouser is getting smaller and smaller.[正] my trousers are getting smaller and smaller.[析] 英语中trousers, pants, shorts(短裤),glasses(眼镜)都要用复数形式。[误] this pair of glasses are very good.[正] this pair of glasses is very good.[析] 有了量词a pair of,其后的谓语动词要与量词相一致。如: two pairs of…的谓语动词就要用复数。try [误] i tried to send her flowers but it didn't have any effect.[正] i tried sending her flowers but it didn't have any effect. (我试着给她送花,但没有啥结果。)[误] please try understanding it.[正] please try to understand it.[析] "try+动名词"的意思是"试一试",或"做某事看看会发生啥情况",而"try+不定式"表示为达到目的要去做的事。uunder [误] the lake is two meters under sea level.[正] the lake is two meters below sea level.[析] under的意思是在某物的下面,而below=lower than, 即"低于"。[误] under the help of our teacher, all of us passed the exam.[正] with the help of our teacher, all of us passed the exam.understand [误] i think it is diffcult to make myself to understand.[正] i think it is diffcult to make myself understood.[析] 这句话的意思是"我想让别人理解我太难了"。[误] i am understanding the lesson now.[正] i understand the lesson now.[析] understand一词没有进行时态。类似的词还有belong, find, hear, love, like等。until [误] we walked until the edge of the forest.[正] we walked as far as the edge of the forest.[误] our school bus can hold until twenty children.[正] our school bus can hold up to twenty children.[析] until与till两词的意思一样,但两个词都只能用于时间,如: i'll wait until i hear from you.[误] i waited for my mother to seven o'clock, but she didn't come.共8页,当前第4页12345678


[正] i waited for my mother until seven o'clock, but she didn't come.[误] can you return this book until monday?[正] can you return this book by monday?[析] 当我们谈目前正在进行而将来某一时刻才停止的事件时用until,而用by来表达将来某一时刻会发生的动作。[误] we arrived home until it became dark.[正] we didn't arrived home until it became dark.[析] until用于肯定句时表示"某动作直到……为止",如: they worked until 5∶00 p. m. 用于否定句中时意为"直到……才"。所以用于肯定句中要使用延续性动词,但截止性动词却可以用在否定句中。upstairs [误] he went to upstairs.[正] he went upstairs.[析] upstairs一词可用作副词,如: we all hurried upstairs to see what happened. 也可用作名词,如; the upstairs of the house needs painting. 同时也可以用作形容词,如: a house with three upstairs rooms is quite good.use [误] it is no use to ask her.[正] it is no use asking her.[析] it is no use…与there is no use…后通常用动名词,而不用不定式。[误] i'll get used to treat the students this way.[正] i'll get used to treating the students this way.[析] be used to与get used to后要接动名词表示"习惯于"做某事。[误] i used to getting up early in the morning.[正] i used to get up early in the morning.[析] used to表示过去习惯的动作,其后要加动词原形。[误] oil was used to cooking.[正] oil was used to cook.[析] 这里的句型虽然也是be used to但这里不是积极态,而是被动态,所以不能接动名词而应接不定式。[误] we used to go to the great wall three times.[正] we went to the great wall three times.[析] used to只能用来表示一种习惯,而不能用来表达某事发生的次数。  vvery [误] thank you indeed.[正] thank you very much indeed.[析] indeed用来修饰very much, 但要放其后面,而且也不要单独使用。[误] the 宝宝 was very asleep.[正] the 宝宝 was fast asleep.[析] 不是所有的形容词都可以用very来修饰,如: i'm wide awake. (我全醒了。)再如: all alone(十分孤独),much afraid等。[误] the thing seems to be very improved.[正] the thing seems to be much improved.[析] 有些语法书讲very修饰现在分词,而much修饰过去分词,这要分别对待。如果过去分词是指一个具体的动作,而且是句中主要动词的一部分就必须用much,而某些形容词化的过去分词,还是要用very来修饰的,如: i am very tired.[误] there is very less water in the river than usual.[正] there is much/far less water in the river than usual.[析] very不能修饰形容词或副词的比较级,而要用far, much等来修饰。 

wwait [误] tomorrow i will wait you at the bus stop.共8页,当前第5页12345678


[正] tomorrow i will wait for you at the bus stop.[析] wait是不及物动词,"等人"要用wait for somebody;而wait up为"不睡觉等候某事",如: i'll wait up tonight.walk [误] i think she went a walk yesterday.[正] i think she went out for a walk yesterday.[析] 散步在英文中要讲have a walk, take a walk.如果用go要用go for a walk.want [误] the flowers want to water.[正] the flowers want watering.[析] want在这里作为"需要"讲,其后加动名词。这句话的意思是"这花需要浇水。"[误] do you want someone go along with you?[正] do you want someone to go along with you?[析] want somebody to do something为一固定用法。wash [误] are you going to mak washing this weekend?[正] are you going to do washing this weekend?[析] do washing为"洗衣服",是固定搭配。watch [误] your watch is what time?[正] what time is it by your watch?[析] 一定要记住英文的习惯用法。[误] the mother want to watch the children to play on the grass.[正] the mother want to watch the children play (playing) on the grass.[析] watch的用法同see, hear等词。way [误] please move the chair, it is on the way.[正] please move the chair, it is in the way.[析] in the way 为"挡道",而on the way为"在路上",如: on my way home (在回家路上),on his way to the station(在他去火车站的路上)。而by the way是"顺便说",如: by the way, have you heard from joan recently?[误] the students were on their way to home.[正] the students were on their way home.[析] home在这里为副词。wear [误] the little girl is old enough to wear herself.[正] the little girl is old enough to dress herself.[析] wear后接衣物而不接反身代词。what [误] i want to know what to do it?[正] i want to know what to do? [误] i wan(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)t to know how to do?[正] i want to know how to do it?[析] what是疑问代词,而how是疑问副词。要注意它们用法的不同。when [误] i'd cook you nice meal when you'd come home in the evening.[正] i'd cook you nice meal when you came home in the evening.[析] 在when引导的状语从句中,要用一般时表示将来,即主句中是将来时,从句中应用一般现在时,如主句中是过去将来时,从句中应用一般过去时。如: i'll be back when you come back from school.[误] when in the second grade, his mother bought him a bike.[正] when tom was in the second grade, his mother bought him a bike.[析] 复合句中只有当主句的主语与从句的主语一致的情况下,才有可能省略,如: when young he had to work all day.[误] we'll go to the park when it doesn't rain tomorrow. 共8页,当前第6页12345678


[正] we'll go to the park if it doesn't rain tomorrow.[析] if用来表示不能肯定的事如果发生会怎样;而when用来表示肯定会发生或很可能会发生的事情,如: i'll see you in september when i come back. [误] i don't know when he comes home tomorrow.[正] i don't know when he will come home tomorrow.[析] when所引出的宾语从句如果是表示将来的动作要用将来时,而不是像时间状语从句中用一般时表示将来。 where [误] i don't know where to go to.[正] i don't know where to go.[析] where是疑问副词。whether [误] it is unknown if he will come.[正] it is unknown whether he will come.[析] if不能引导主语从句。上句中it是形式主语,其后的从句才是真正的主语从句。要注意以下各种情况不宜用if而要用whether: ① i didn't know whether you'll go or not. (因句中有or not选项。)② he didn't know whether to visit the old man. (因用于不定式前。)③ i'm interested in whether he'll go. (因作介词的宾语从句。)④ i want to know the news whether our team will windows. (同位语从句。)⑤ let me know whether you can come. (此句如用if则含意有所不同,其意就变为"如果你能来请通知我"。而用whether则意为"让我知道你是否能来"。)who [误] whom do you think would like to come for a game of football?[正] who do you think would like to come for a game of football?[析] 在这个句式中"do you think"应看作插入语,所以原句应为who would like to come for a game of football?[误] from who was the gift?[正] from whom was the gift?[正] who was that gift from?[析] 在句首时现代英语常用who取代whom,而在紧跟介词时则不能用who来取代whom.why [误] why not to go to the park?[正] why not go to the park?[析] why not后面接不带to的不定式,也可以用why don't you go with her?windows [误] we have won your class.[正] we have beaten your class.[析] windows 是及物动词,其后的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金,如: which team won the football match?而beat是指"打败"对手、敌人,如: my brother beat me at poker. (请注意,beat是不规则动词,其过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten. )wish [误] i hope you to be a good student.[正] i wish you to be a good student.[析] hope不能加宾语再加宾语补足语,而wish则可以,如: i wish you luck. (我祝你走运。)without [误] i can't do this work well without you help me.[正] i can't do this work well without your help.[析] without其后接动名词或名词而不接从句。work [误] this girl is looking for a work at the bank.[正] this girl is(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) looking for a job at the bank.[析] "找工作"一般应为to find a job,而works作为"工作"讲为不可数名词,不能加不定冠词,也不可用复数。当work作为"作品"、"著作"讲时,为可数名词,如: this painting is one of his great works. 而works作为"工厂"讲时单复数形式相同,如:an iron works或two iron works. 作主语时其谓语动词可用单数,如: the steel works is closed for the holidays.共8页,当前第7页12345678


write [误] you may write with ink.[正] you may write in ink.[正] you may write with a pen.[析] "用……写"这一表达法要看用的是啥: 如果用钢笔则应用with, 如: please fill in this form with a pen. 但讲用墨水时则要用in.yyesterday [误] i came across my old friend yesterday night.[正] i came across my old friend last night.[析] "昨晚"应译为last night.


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