English around the world教案English around the world教案English around the world教案


English around the world教案

 unit2   english around the world一. 学习目标和要求1. 掌握以下单词和习惯用语1)单词nancy; bathroom; towel; landlady; closet; karen; pronounce; thompson; broad; repeat; dave; ketchup;  majority;  native; total;  tongue; equal; government; situation; pakistan; nigeria; the philippines; international; organization; trade; tourism ;global; communicate; communication; exchange; service; signal; movement; peg; (各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)commander; tidy; stand  independent; fall; expression; tornado; spanish; southern; statement; president; european; florida; howl; cookbook        2)习惯用语make yourself at home; forget to do sth; in total2. 功能意念项目 了解并掌握美式英语和英式英语的区别。3. 语法1) 学习直接引语和间接引语(2)。2) 学习ask/tell sb. to do sth结构。4.语言运用运用所学语言,围绕英语学习这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的各项任务;阅读课文 “english around the world”并联系生活中的实际进行书写练习。二.学习指导1.单词和习惯用语的用法1)flight  n.[c]飞行;航班did you have a good flight?你乘飞机一路愉快吗?they made a successful flight across the ocean.他们成功地飞越了这个大洋。a  non-stop flight不着陆飞行a  round-the–world flight环球飞行2) directly  adv. 直接地;一直地;直截了当地he looked directly at us.他直瞪瞪地看我们。he speaks very directly to people.他跟人们讲话很直率。3) majority  n.[c](大)多数the liberal party has a majority in the house.自由党在议院中占多数。the company holds a majority of the stock.该公司拥有大多数股份。the majority of people seem to prefer tv to radio.大多数人似乎都喜欢看电视,而不喜欢听收音机。4) native  adj.本国的;本土的;n.[c]本国人;本地人;土著人 (1) adj.本国的;本土的native customs 当地风俗his native language is german.他的母语是德语。potato is native to america.马铃薯是美洲产的。many foreigners have gone native in china.许多外国人在中国已入乡随俗。(2) n.[c]本国人;本地人;土著人a native of london(wales/india/kenya)  伦敦人(威尔士人/印度人/肯尼亚人)5)equal  adj. 相等的;同等的;平等的women demand equal pay for equal work.妇女要求同工同酬。not all men are equal in ability.不是所有的人都有同样的能力。one kilometer is equal to five eighths of a mile.一公里等于八分之五英里。n.[c]相等的事物;(地位)相同的人as an artist, she knows no equal.作为艺术家,她是无以伦比的。let a be the equal of b.设 a 等于 b  。6) situation  n.[u]位置,地点;地位;地势;measures must be taken to meet the situation.必须采取措施以应付这种局面。 the country is in a critical situation.国家处于紧急状态。a dangerous situation   difficult situation困难的处境              危险的处境economic situation      sb’s financial situation 经济状况                某人的经济状况the geographical situation   a good situation地理位置                      好的形势                      the international situation   the domestic situation国际形势                     国内形势7) international  adj.国际的;世界的they signed an international agreement on nuclear waste.他们签定了关于核废料的国际协议。international bomber    international date line洲际轰炸机              日界线international law       international call国际公法                国际长途international conventions国际惯例8) organization [c]组织,团体;机构;机制he had been engaged in the organization of a strike.他一直从事组织罢工工作build up /establish/form an organization建立起一个团体a charity organization         a commercial organization慈善机构                       商业团体an international organization   a religious  organization国际组织                        宗教组织 a social organization           a  woman organization社会团体                        妇女组织  9) tourism  n.[u]游览;观光;观光事业some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism.有些国家靠观光事业赚取大量外汇。10) communicate  vi. 交流;传递;传送      communication n. [u] 交流;传递     deaf people communicate by sign language.聋人用手势交流 。the two friends haven’t communicated with each other for years.这两个朋友已经多年没有联系了。communicate clearly    communicate directly清楚地表达             直接交流communicate officially (unofficially)正式[非正式]地交流;官方[非官方]地交流11) knowledge  n. [c]知识;学识we must broaden and enrich our knowledge.我们必须扩展和丰富我们的知识。he has a wide knowledge of history.他具有丰富的历史知识。absorb knowledge                   acquire knowledge吸取知识                            获得知识accumulate knowledge               demand knowledge积累知识                           需要知识spread knowledge                    actual knowledge传播知识                             实际知识all branc(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)hes of knowledge        background knowledge各门学问                          背景知识common knowledge                 an elementary knowledge常识                               基础知识extensive knowledge               general knowledge广阔的知识                         一般知识12)make yourself at home 请不要拘束,随便一些13)forget to do sth.表示忘记要做某事 i forgot to tell her about it.我忘记告诉他这事了 。he forgot to buy a newspaper.他忘了买报纸了。forget doing sth. 忘记曾做过某事  i forgot telling her about it .我忘记了曾把这事告诉过他。14)in total 总共;总计how many people took part in the activity in total ?15) mother tongue 母语what is  your mother tongue?chinese is my mother tongue.你的母语是什么?是汉语2.语言要点1)you must be very tired.表示肯定推测一定正在做某事must +be doing sth. 一定正在做某事he must be writing a letter to his parents.she must be waiting for him.he must be telling lies.must have done sth.  对过去的事情的肯定推测it must have rained last night.you must have seen this play before.

注意:反义疑问句的形式   it must have rained last night, didn’t it?he must have finished his experiment,  haven’t he?  虽然must  表示肯定推测,但mustn’t  却一定不能表推测。表示不可能的时候我们采用 can’t。

2)in china students learn english at school as a foreign language, except for those in hong kong.除了香港以外,中国学生都把英语当成一门外语学习。except for结构:表示对一个人或事物先做一个总体评价,然后就其局部提出一点看法,意为“除去……一点以外”,“只是……”your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.你的作文很好除了有一点拼写错误以外。the carpet is good except for its price.地毯很好,只是价钱太高。excep(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)t for john, the whole class passed the test.除了约翰以外,全班考试都通过了。3) with so many people communicating in english every day,we can see that it will be more and important to have a good knowledge of english.with +宾语+形容词/副词he slept with the window open.他开着窗户睡觉he was working there with only a shirt on .他只穿一件衬衫在那干活。with+宾语+介词短语the teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.老师手里拿着书走进了教室。with+宾语+doing with night coming on, we started for home .夜幕降临我们就动身回家了.the meeting ended with all singing the international.会议以全体高唱国际歌结束。with+宾语+donehe went away without a word more spoken. 他没再说一句话就走了。he stood for an instant with his hand still raised.他站了一会,手依然举着。with+宾语 +to do with nothing to do, i went out for a walk.由于没有什么事可做,我便到外面去散步。with machinery to do all the work, they will soon have got in the crops.由于所有的工作都由机器进行,他们将很快收完庄稼。3.语法说明1)学习直接引语和间接引语(2):(1)祈使句:直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语时,在原祈使句前加 to 或否定的加 not to 。人称的变化he said , “i like it very much.” 他说:“我非常喜欢它” he said that he liked it very much. 他说他非常喜欢它。he said to me , “i’ve left my book in your room.”他对我说:“我把书放在你的间了”he told me that he had left his book in my room.他告诉我他把书放在我的房间了。时态的变化:如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时。直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要做相应的变化。如主句的谓语动词是现在时,从句的时态则无需变化。   直接引语转换成间接引语时态的变化 例         句 直接引语 间接引语一般现在时        一般过去时

现在进行时         过去进行时

现在完成时          过去完成时

一般过去时       过去完成时


一般将来时          过去将来时 he said , “i’m afraid i can’t finish this work”he said , “i’m using the knife”she said, “i have not heard from him since may .”

he said , “i came to help you.”he said, “i had finished my homework before supper.”zhou lan said, “i ‘ll do it after class” he said that he was he was afraid he couldn’t finish that work.he said that he was using the knife.she said that she had not heard from him since may.he said that he had come  to help me.he said that he had finished his homework before supper.zhou lan said that she would do it after class.


直接引语转换成间接引语的变化 例         句

 直接引语 间接引语this          that这个          那个

these        those 这些         那些

now          then现在         那时

today       that day今天         那天

yesterday   the day before昨天           前一天

tomorrow  the next (follo(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)wing) day                 第二天           

here          there 这里          那里

come           go 来             去she said , “i will come this morning”

he said , “these books are mine.”

he said , “it is nine o’clock now.”

he said , “i haven’t seen her today.”

she said , “i went there yesterday.”

she said , “i’ll go there tomorrow.”

he said , “my sister was here three days ago.”

she said , “i will come here this evening.” she said that she would go that morning

he said that those books were his .

he said that it was nine o’clock then.

he said that he hadn’t seen her that day.she said that she had gone there the day beforeshe said that she would go there the next (following )day.he said that his sister had been there three days before.

she said that she would go there that evening.注:直接引语如果是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变。he said , “light travels much faster than sound.”he said that light travels much faster than sound.  2)代词用法复习:种类:人称代词 、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词、用法:物主代词形容词性物主代词有: my your his her its our your their   一般作定语。

名词性物主代词有: mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs一般作主语宾语和表语。

反身代词: myself  yourself  himself  herself itself ourselves yourselves  themselves一般作宾语、表语、同位语


指示代词 英语中的指示代词有  this that these those it  such  same等指示代词一般作主语、宾语、表语和定语

注意:一般指以后要说的事,this是对下文而言。而 that 一般指已说的人和事物,对上文而言。

疑问代词: 疑问代词有 who whom whose what which whoever whatever whichever .疑问代词一般位于句首,构成特殊疑问句。

不定代词不定代词有 both、either、neither、all、none、 each、every、some 、any、 another、other、no   both表示两个人或事物(所修饰词和谓语动词为复数形式)具有形容词和代词的特征,可做主语、宾语、定语和同位语either表示两者中的一个,这个或那个,所修饰的谓语动词为单数。具有形容词和代词的特征,可作主语、宾语和定语注意:  还可作副词在否定句中意思是“也”neither  表示两者中的任何一个也不,所修饰词和谓语动词为单数,具有形容词和代词的特征,可作主语、宾语和定语all 表示三者以上的人或事物译为全体或都,所修饰词和谓语动词为复数。注意:有时表示不可数的东西,谓语动词用单数。none 表示没有一个人和东西的意思,多表三者以上的人或事物。只有代词特征,故不能作定语。可作主语(如想到所有人的情况,谓语动词用复数形式,如谈每个人的情况,谓语动词用单数形式),还可做宾语和同位语。如:none of us are perfect.none of them has  that kind of experience.a friend to all is a friend to none. we none of us said anything.no 这一不定代词是没有的意思,只有形容词的特征,只能作定语。time waits for no man.no man is born wise.it’s no trouble at all.each 表示每一、各、各自的意思。具有形容词和代词的特征,所修饰词和谓语动词为单数形式。可作主语、宾语、定语和同位语。如:each of us has something to say on the subject.each of the rooms is sixteen feet square.our class teacher had a talk with each of us .each month we had a meeting .we each have an english book. every 是每一个的意思,具有形容词的特征,只能作定语。如:every room is bright and tidy.we have an english class every day.注意:all every  both 的句子中如有not 出现,为部分否定;如表示全部否定含义则需使用 none 或 neithernot all the animals hibernate in winter.不是所有的动物都在冬天冬眠。2)both of us are not diligent。我们不都勤奋。3)every boy isn’t here .不是所有的男孩儿都在这。4)none of them are here.他们都不在这。

any和 some  意思是一些、任何,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 通常用于疑问句、否定句和条件句。i have some questions.there is some water in the bottle.if you have any questions, please ask.注意:但在疑问句中表示问对方想吃什么时,通常用some.另外some 修饰单数可数名词。译为:某一、某个other  意思是“另外的 ”,作定语,表示两个人或事物通常用 one…the other 。others  是 other 的复数形式,等于other 加复数名词,译为剩下的或其他的。如果表示剩(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)下的所有的,则前面加 “the”he has two sons; one is a work ,the other is a doctor.some students went to the street and others stayed at school.there are forty students in our class. ten of them are girls the others are boys.三、课文理解 根据课文内容判断正误(true or false)(  )1.most native speakers of english are found in the united kingdom, the united states of america, canada,  australia, south korea ,and ireland.(  )2.in total, for less than 375 million people english is their native language(  )3.everywhere in the world children go to school to learn english.(  )4.in only 20 years, english has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.(  )5.businessman and tourists who come to china often come here being able to speak chinese well.四.语法知识训练:a. 把下列直接引语的句子变成间接引语。1.“bob, be sure to lock the window before you go to bed. ” mother said.2. the teacher told his students, “watch me carefully when i do this experiment.”3.“please pass me the sugar” mary asked her sister.4.“don’t forget to turn off lights before you leave the room.” mrs. green told her son. 5.“please don’t go to school until you have no fever” the doctor said to the patient.6.“don’t drink too much.” the wife asked her husband.7. he said ,  “don’t look out of the windows while the train is moving.8.“could you please show me how to use the computer,” he asked.9. the teacher said to us, “the earth is round.”10.mr. wu often says, “you must speak english as often as possible.”11.“i prefer maths to physics.”  he said.12.“are you interested in history and biology?” she asked them.13.“how often do you visit your home village?” i asked him.14. he said to us, “follow your teacher’s instructions”15.“don’t punish the children.” the woman said to him.b.用代词填空16. lao li is my good friend. he thinks more of ______than————.(他总是考虑别人比自己多)17. doesn’t she feel lonely all by ________? (难道她一个人不感觉孤独吗?)18. do they have great concern for _____work? (他们彼此关心对方的工作吗?)19.____who want to go to the cinema may sign up here.(那些想要去看电影的人可以在这里签名)20. ________ of the answers is right.(这两个答案中没有一个答案是对的 )21. everything _____ ready and all _______ eager to enjoy the christmas party?(所有的事情都已经准备好了,所有的人都在渴望着圣诞晚会。)22. please help ______ to some fish. (请随便吃一些鱼)23. after he came to ______, he tried to rise to his feet.  (在他苏醒以后,他想努力站起来。)24. because of my poor english, i am afraid  i can’t make_____ understood in english.(因为我的英语不好,我恐怕不能让别人明白我的意思)25. let’s exchange _________ gifts.(让我们彼此交换礼物)26. we are going to stay at _____ hotel as we did last year.(我们将呆在去年住的同一所旅馆里)27. my parents _____ in on sunday evening.(我们父母亲在周日晚上都在家了)28. _______ of us is perfect, we all may make some mistakes.(我们没有一个人是完美的,我们都会犯一些错误。)29. one of his parents is a doctor._____ is an engineer.(他的父母一位是医生,另一位是工程师。)30. some people like to stay at home on sunday, but ______ like to go to the cinema.(一些人在周日喜欢呆在家里,而另外一些人却喜欢去电影院)五.综合知识训练i.基础知识运用a.单向选择1 women were engaged in the strike for ________ pay with man .a. right  b. high   c. equal   d. value2 can you tell us some ________ customs in your country? i am deeply interested in it.a. popular b. wonderful c. native  d. advanced3. besides the major, you should also consider your financial _______. a. organization   b. situation c. reputation d. support 4.according to ______ conventions, the meeting will be held  every other year.a. common  b. ordinary c. international d. special5.thailand obtain large sums of foreign exchange from _________.a. industry  b. agriculture  c. advertisements d. tourism6.the two friends haven’t _____ with each other for years.a. talk b. tell c. speak  d. communicate7.studying is a  process of ___________ knowledge.a.remembering  b. accumulating c. demanding d. spreading 8. the carpet is very good ______ its colour.    a. besides  b. except that  c. except for d. but9. those reformers always pay close attention to ________ development.a. globe b. global c. the earth’s d. rapid10.______cars were parked outside the school.a.the big number of   b. the large number of c.big number          d.a large number of将下列英语译成英语11. 你乘飞机一路愉快吗?__________________________________12. 她跟人们讲话很直率__________________________________13. 该公司拥有大多数股份__________________________________14. 大多数人都喜欢看电视,而不喜欢听收音机。__________________________________15. 并非所有的人都有同样的能力。__________________________________16. 必须采取措施以应付这种局面。__________________________________17. 聋人用手势交流。__________________________________18. 我们必须扩展和丰富我们的知识。__________________________________19. 我忘了去邮信了。__________________________________20. 除了有一些拼写错误以外,你的作文写的很好。__________________________________ii.完形填空:paul had long promised to marry clara, but at thirty –three he met and married alice. clara was made (21)d______ in this way. paul was taken before a judge. and he had to pay 600 pounds because of the broken promise. paul had (22)b______  the money. he agreed to pay back 5 pounds a month.  paul and alice were poor but not unhappy. they had little food, certainly, even before the children began to arrive. they worked very hard,(23)n_______ taking a holiday .in time, there were seven mouths in the family.   the years of hard work and little food changed the family so much. after 12 years of family time , paul was alone in the world . and the 20 years ended, paul paid off all the debts.  one day it was a holiday, he went to the park. he sat down on a seat . a middle- aged woman came and sat down near him. it was (24) c_______. she said, “the 600 pounds has been in a bank since the day it was paid to me, paul. it is now 6000 pounds, and i have kept it for you .will you let me share it with you?”    “no,”said paul. “each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us. it can never bring me any (25)h______.”iii.阅读理解:ain the 20th century many new nations have been set up. though their peoplemay be free to vote and to elect their leaders, yet unjust opinions, unusual and harmful customs take a long time to die out. there was a good example of this recently. in a newly republic when a girl offourteen refused to marry a sixty-year-old man who had bought her for 40 pounds. her father had agreed to the marriage when the girl was only four years old and had sold her to a man who already had at least six wives .just before the marriage ceremony, the girl ran away and wrote to the president of the republic. in her letter, she pointed out that although her country was independent, its people were still not truly free. some human beings were like slaves, she said, and women could be bought and sold like cows or sheep. she asked the president if he thought this was right. the president felt sorry for her and he immediately changed the cruel law which allowed women to be bought and sold.in a way ,the girl had won a victory but she still had a big problem. shehad to find 40 pounds to repay the man who might have  become her husband. there seemed to be n way of finding so much money. luckily, however, the girl’s story was told on a radio program in europe and nearly  2,000 pounds poured in from listeners.  the buyer got his money back and the girl was free to marry anyone she chose. she had true freedom for herself and for others like her.根据短文内容判断正误(true or false)。(   )26. in most countries, unjust opinions and harmful customs died out easily (   )27. a girl of fourteen in a newly founded country refused to attend the old man’s           marry the man much older than her. (   )28. upon receiving the girl’s letter, the president of the country helped her father repay the man.   (   )29. before the republic was founded, most women there were freely bought and sold.  (   )30. in the end, the girl was free to marry anyone but was in debt.bforeign language are widely taught. in every big city in the united states, as well as in most small and middle-sized cities, you can find instruction in at least seven foreign languages. of course, the so-called commonly  taught languages ,such as french, spanish, and  german are popular. finding more exotic language may be more difficult, however, and in such cases, you may wish to consider some form of self-instruction. the national association of self –instructional language programmes(naslp) has a large network of instructions that offer self-study programs in many uncommonly taught languages. your local librarian should know hoe t get in touch with this organization. 根据短文内容判断正误(true or false)。(   )31. people in middle-sized towns in the united states learn a foreign language(   )32. french, spanish, japanese are popular for people to learn in the united states.(   )33. the word “exotic ” perhaps means unusual.(   )34. naslp is an organization to help people find job.(   )35. your local librarian can tell you how to learn a foreign language. c   nearly three-quarters of adult american believe it is important or very important to speak a second  language ,according to a  sunday newspaper survey.the most popular second language was spanish, studied by 54 percent, and french ,studied by 34 percent. latin and german followed with 11 percent and 9 percent.the most popular way to learn a second language was living where a language is spoken(33 percent),teaching oneself with a book(30 percent),listening to tapes (24 percent),taking private lessons (11 percent), and using an electronic translator (6 percent).the vast majority ,87 percent of answer-sheets said they believed it was “nevertoo late ” to learn a second language, the cnn/us news found.36. about three-fourths grown-ups in america think it ____ to speak a second language.a. easy     b. important   c. difficult      d. possible37. which one is the most popular foreign in america?a.  french  b. spanish   c. chinese       d. german 38. most people believe the best way to learn a foreign language is ____a. listening to the recorder    b. teaching himself c. speaking to foreigners  d. living where a language is spoken 39. it seems that most ____learn a second language in america.a. children   b. elders   c. women   d. grown-ups40. many people think that _____.a. only old people can learn a second languageb. old people can not learn a second languagec. any one can learn a second language anytimed. one should stop learning a second language when he is old dwhen a child enters school, he will learn many different kinds of skills. for example, he will learn to speak correctly, to read well, and to behave properly .one of the most important skills that he must get is good handwriting.there are two main ways in which the language is written by hand. the first form is called printing. it looks much like the letters in this book. the letters have simple lines or cursive. they are not corrected. the second method of writing is called cursive. cursive letters are slanted to one side. they are usually connected. printing is usually learned before cursive writing.


English around the world教案
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