Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案


Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

Unit 1 Living (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容);with technology单元复习学案

unit 1 living with technology单元复习学案词汇导练1.the professor came into the lecture hall,____________ (陪伴)by some assistants.2.his newly bought mobile phone is equipped with two ____________ (电池),which may save a lot of time.3.gas is one of the modern ________ (便利)the newly built apartment building provides.4. his busy work didn’t prevent him from going to see his colleagues before the spring festival____________(亲自).5.as middle school students,you should make your plans for studies with ____________ (谨慎),otherwise a lot of time would be wasted.6.i didn’t know the fact that the recorder player used to be w____________by hand until i learned the history of tv and audio devices.7.to the d____________of his parents,he has made a full recovery.8.the new technology was a____________to farming.9.when will the football game be  b____________live on tv?10.this computer is s____________ to the one you bought last year,and they are almost the same.11.she d____________ an immediate explantion.12.my mother doesn’t like me wearing short skirts to church-she doesn’t think they’re____________(suit).1.accompanied 2.batteries 3.conveniences 4.personally 5.caution 6.wound 7.delight 8.applied 9.broadcast10.similar 11.demanded 12.suitable短语汇集1.________________  在过去几十年里2.________________  上市,面市3.________________  有史以来第一次4.________________  给人民生活带来极大的方便5.________________  误拿了你的伞6.________________  未必,不一定7.________________  目前;暂时8.________________  熟悉某事9.________________  被暴露在……之下10.________________  向那家公司申请一份工作11.________________  及时赶上……12.________________  负责某事13.________________  基于……之上1.in the last few decades 2.come onto the market 3.for the first time ever 4.bring great convenience to people’s life 5.take your umbrella by mistake 6.not necessarily,7.for the time being 8.sb.be familiar with sth./sth.be familiar to sb. 9.be exposed to... 10.apply to the company for a job 11.in time for.../in time to do sth. 12.be responsible for sth./take the responsibility for sth.,13.be based on...语句试译1.(回归课本p2)it________more than two decades,though,until 1951,________colour broadcasts________begin in the usa.但是呢,直到1951年,花了20多年时间,彩色电视节目才得以在美国开播。2.(回归课本p3)development of mp3 technology started in 1987 in germany and since the beginning of 1999,the popularity of mp3 has increased to________a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with mp3 players.共11页,当前第1页1234567891011

Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

德国于1987年开始研发mp3技术。自1999年初以来,mp3越来越受欢迎,因此许多大公司凭借mp3播放器占领了便携式音乐播放器市场。3.(回归课本p14)it was found that people who used mobile phones were________ ________ ________likely to have a brain tumour on the side of the head where they held their phones________people who did not use them.人们发现,使用手机的人头部一侧接触话机患脑瘤的可能性是不使用手机者的两倍半。4.(回归课本p14)it was found that after eighteen months,the first half had ________ ________ ________ the second half.人们发现,18个月后,受辐射的老鼠患癌症的比例是未受辐射的老鼠的两倍多。5.(回归课本p8)...but it took 50 years ________66 percent of usa families had it in their homes.……但花了50年时间66%的美国家庭才得以拥有它。1.took;for;to 2.such 3.two and a half times more;than 4.more than twice the cancer rate of 5.before核心知识1apply vt.& vi. 应用,运用;申请(回归课本p3)they bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.他们买下专利,将该技术用于生产晶体管收音机。15归纳拓展例句探源①the tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee,which made a lot of money for the farmers.旅行公司申请批准有偿捕猎,这样农民就赚到了很多钱。②now think of some more questions to ask people applying for these jobs.现在多想一些问题来问应聘人员。③(朗文p83)new technology is being applied to almost every industry process.新技术正被应用到所有工业流程中。④(牛津p82)we applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem.我们绞尽脑汁寻求解决问题的办法。1.完成句子(1)这项研究成果将应用于肺癌的治疗。the result of this research will________ ________ ________the treatment of lung cancer.答案:be applied to(2)我将去那家公司申请那份工作。i will ________ ________the company ________the job.答案:apply to;for(3)这些规定不适用于小孩。these rules don’t________ ________children.答案:apply to2.(XX年福建晋江四校联考)after 15 years in the usa,he has finally decided to________american citizenship.a.concentrate on   b.apply forc.look out for   d.appeal to解析:选b。句意:他在美国XX年以后,终于决定申请美国国籍了。apply for表示“申请”;concentrate on“集中精力于”;look out for“小心”;appeal to“呼吁,吸引”。3.(XX年芜湖调研)he has decided to________the bank ________loan.a.apply;to   b.apply to;forc.apply for;to   d.apply;for解析:选b。句意:他已决定向银行申请贷款。apply to sb.for sth.“向某人申请”……。2demand vt & vi. 要求,需要    n. 要求,需要,所要求的事物(回归课本p3)...,and in 1988,for the first time ever,people were demanding more cds than lps.共11页,当前第2页1234567891011

Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

...,及至1988年,人们对cd唱片的需求第一次超过了lp唱片。归纳拓展例句探源①but the eldest daughter demanded that he reduce the number of his soldiers to fifty.但是呢他的大女儿要求他将他的卫队人数减少到50。②(牛津p530)i demand to see the manager.我坚决要求见经理。③(朗文p535)some parents demand too much of their children.有些父母对小孩的要求太高了。④as many as 300,000 new houses were needed to meet demands this year.需要30万幢新房子来满足今年的需求。4.完成句子(1)教师的工作需要极大的细心和耐心。the work of a teacher________ ________ ________ ________ ________.答案:demands great care and patience(2)老师要求我们下课后交上家庭作业。the teacher demanded that we (________) ________ ________our homework after class.答案:(should) hand in(3) 我们非常需要书本。we are________ ________ ________ ________the books.答案:in great demand of(4)对这种书的需求增加了。________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________答案:there is an increased demand for the book.(5)他要求被告知有关这件事的情况。(用2种方式翻译)①________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________②________ ________ ________ (________) ________ ________ ________ ________答案:①he demanded to be told about the matter.②he demanded he (should) be told about the matter.3degree n. 等级;程度;学位(回归课本p3)...,the popularity of mp3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with mp3 players.……,mp3受欢迎的程度高涨,各大公司便开始用mp3播放器来占领便携式音乐播放器市场。归纳拓展to a certain degree在某种程度上take/do a degree攻读学位例句探源①water boils at 100 ℃(100 degrees centigrade).水在摄氏一百度时沸腾。②(朗文p531)to what degree is unemployment society’s fault?失业情况达到啥程度就算是社会的过错?③(牛津p526)she has a degree in biochemistry from london university.她有伦敦大学生物化学的学位。5.完成句子(1)她对电影的兴趣到了啥程度了?________ ________is she interested in films?答案:to what degree(2)他通过了考试,现在他有了硕士学位。he passed the examinations and now he________ ________ ________of master.答案:has the degree(3)我在某种程度上同意你的观点。i agree with you________ ________ ________.答案:to a certain degree4assume vt. 假设,设想,认为(回归课本p5)germany was the birthplace of mp3,not japan or the usa as i had assumed they would be.德国是mp3的诞生地,不是我以前所认为的日本或美国。归纳拓展例句探源①so we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.共11页,当前第3页1234567891011

Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒就住在这些洞穴里。②(朗文p103)it is assumed that they will eventually join the eu.人们认为他们最终会加入欧盟。③(牛津p104)i had assumed him to be a belgian.我本以为他是比利时人。④assuming (that) he’s still alive,how old would he be now?假定他还活着,现在有多大年纪了?6.完成句子(1)我认为他是个诚实的人。i________him___________an honest man.答案:assumed;to be(2)我猜想你已听过了这个消息。i________ ________you have heard the news.答案:assume that(3)假设他的话是真的,我们该怎么办?________(that) his word is true,what should we do?答案:assuming5measure v. 测量;(比喻)估计,估量,                  衡量,判定;          为(某体积、长度、容积等);仔 细考虑         n. 测量,尺寸(回归课本p11)it only weighs 96 grams and measures 104×72×15 mm.它仅重96公斤,长104 mm,宽72 mm,高15 mm。归纳拓展例句探源①the doctor weighed the 宝宝 and measured its height.大夫给幼儿量了身长,称了体重。②(牛津p1251)it’s difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage.在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。③(朗文p1279)measures are being taken to reduce crime in the city.正在采取措施减少城市中的犯罪。④you’ll need to get a suit made to measure.你得定做一套西装。7.完成句子(1)妈妈给我量好尺寸,好知道我穿多大号的衣服。mother________ ________to see what size of dress i wear.答案:measured me(2)裁缝依照我的尺寸为我做了一件上衣。the tailor made a coat for me________ ________ ________.答案:to my measure(3)应该采取有效措施提高工作效率。________ ________should be taken to improve our work.答案:effective measures6expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光;接触(回归课本p14)this study was conducted with 200 mice,half of which were exposed to radiation while the other half did not receive any radiation.该研究对200只老鼠进行了试验,其中一半接受辐射,另外一半不接受任何辐射。归纳拓展例句探源①but he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.但一想到要帮助(那些)受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很振奋。②(牛津p704)he did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone.他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。③(朗文p709)flowers will develop only if the plants are exposed to sunlight daily.这些植物只有每天晒太阳才能开花。8.完成句子(1)父母不应该让小孩接触暴力节目。parents should not________the children________violent programs.答案:expose;to(2)伤口暴露在外愈合得更快。wounds that________ to the air heal more quickly.共11页,当前第4页1234567891011

Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

答案:are exposed(3)这个胶卷已经曝光了。the film________ ________ ________.答案:has been exposed9. (XX年浙江省宁波市第一次联考) ________to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.a.exposed    b.having exposedc.being exposed      d.after being exposed解析:选c。考查doing做主语,句意:“在阳光下暴晒这么长时间对人的皮肤有害。”主语是________to sunlight,所以选c。7acknowledge vt. 承认,认可;告知已收                                     到;为……表示感谢(回归课本p15)for years,the cigarette companies would not acknowledge that cancer is associated with smoking,but now we all know that it is.多年来,烟草公司不愿意承认肺癌与抽烟有关,但现在我们都知道的确如此。归纳拓展acknowledge doing sth./having done sth.承认做了某事acknowledge sb.(sth.)as/to be承认/认为……是……sb.acknowledge(s)that...某人承认……it is/was acknowledged that...……是大家承认的acknowledge one’s help感谢某人的帮助例句探源①it is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.当代电影界公认它是有史以来最成功的电影系列。②my son walked right past me without even acknowledging me.儿子从我身旁走过竟连招呼都没跟我打。③we must acknowledge his letter.我们必须告诉他来信已收到。④(朗文p17)the author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the defense department.作者希望对国防部的协助表示感谢。⑤(牛津p17)the country acknowledged his claim to the throne.这个国家承认了他继承王位的权利。答案:having made;had made(2)人们普遍认为紫色是高贵的颜色。it ________ universally________that purple is a noble colour.答案:is;acknowledged11.the young couple wrote to mr.grand to________his warm reception during their visit to his farm.a.acknowledge     b.updatec.consult                    d.acquire解析:选a。语意为:这对年轻的夫妇写信感谢grand先生热情的招待。acknowledge“感谢”;update“更新”;consult“咨询”;acquire“获得”。8be superior to 较高的,上级的;(数量等方面)较大的,较多的;(品质等方面)比……杰出的,上等的;不向……屈服的,超越……的(回归课本p2)some consider digital tv to be superior to satellite tv...有些人认为数字电视要比卫星电视好……归纳拓展be superior/inferior to...in sth.在某方面优于/劣于……superior表示“比较”,后用to,不用than,superior无比较级共11页,当前第5页1234567891011

Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

rise superior to不受……的影响,不为……所动have no superior in在……方面没有优于……的人superiority n.优秀,优越温馨提示在be superior to中,to不能换成than.superior本身就带有比较含义。例句探源①this western restaurant is superior to the one we went to last week.这家西餐馆比我们上星期去的那一家好。②(牛津p2027)this model is technically superior to its competitors.这一款式在技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。③(朗文p2069)she always acts so superior to  everyone else.她总是表现得比别人优越。12.翻译句子(1)在这方面没人能胜得过他。_______________________________________________________________答案:he has no superior in this respect.13.(XX年湖南领航卷)—do you know the 3g mobile phone will come into the market soon?—really?it is said to be superior________any other mobile.i can’t wait to buy________.a.to;one    b.than;onec.to;it   d.than;it解析:选a。句意:“——你知道吗?3g手机很快就进入市场了。——真的吗?据说它比其它手机性能要好得多,我迫不及待地要买一个。”be superior to...比……杰出的,优越的;one指代mobile。9a variety of 多种多样的(回归课本p5)...,people would be able to choose what to watch from a variety of 200 different channels because of cable tv.由于有线电视,人们能从200个多种多样的频道中来选择看啥。归纳拓展vary vt.改变,使多样化;vi.变化,不同various adj.不同的,各种的;多方面的;许多的;杂色的近义词diverse adj.强调多样的varied各种各样的,种类不同的vary greatly/enormously大不相同vary in price/quality价格/质量不同例句探源①these new parks have a variety of things to see and do.这些新的公园里有各种各样可看可玩的东西。②(朗文p2273)for a variety of reasons,our team will not be participating.由于种种原因,我们队将不参加比赛。③(牛津p2232)there’s a wide variety of patterns to choose from.有种类繁多的图案可供选择。14.完成句子(1)human iqs________from under 50 to over 200.答案:vary(2)we have quite a ________of pictorial story books.答案:variety(3)they are the people from________cultures.答案:varied15.翻译句子每个老师的教学办法都大不相同。________________________________________________________________________答案:teaching methods vary greatly from teacher to teacher.10be familiar with 对……熟悉;通晓(回归课本p9)i don’t think you will have any difficulty using it even if you are not familiar with digital cameras.我想即便你不熟悉电子相机,你使用它也不会有任何困难。归纳拓展be familiar to...为……所熟悉look/sound familiar (to sb.)看起来/听起来熟悉unfamiliar不熟悉的例句探源①its topics can be different from a diary,often including people,things,and events less familiar to the readers.共11页,当前第6页1234567891011

Unit 1 Living with technology单元复习学案

它的话题可能与日记的不同,常包含读者所不熟知的人物、事物和事件。②(牛津p724)are you familiar with the computer software they use?你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗?③(朗文p732)your face looks familiar to me.我觉得你看起来面熟。16.一句多译我不熟悉他的名字。______________________________________________________________________________答案:i’m not familiar with his name.his name is not familiar to me.17.she looks very________but i can’t remember her name.a.familiar     b.similarc.known   d.alike解析:选a。句意:她看起来很面熟,但我记不起她的名字了。familiar熟悉的,常见的;similar相似的;known已知的,众所周知的;alike相像的。11be based on 以……为基础(回归课本p14)the report is based on the findings of research that was carried out in sweden,comparing 1,617 patients found to have brain tumours (cancer) between 1997 and with the same number of healthy people.这个报告是以一个研究结果为根据的,这个研究是在1997年至XX年间在瑞典进行的,对1617名脑癌患者和同等数量的健康人进行了比对。归纳拓展例句探源①the book is based on a true story.这本书是以一个真实的故事为原型的。 ②(朗文p140)discrimination based on race or sex is forbidden by law.种族和性别上的歧视是法律所禁止的。③(牛津p146)they decided to base the new company in york.他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克镇。18.完成句子(1)这支歌源于一首古老的民歌。this song________ ________ ________an old folk song.答案:is based on(2)意见应以事实为根据。one should always________one’s opinions________facts.答案:base;on(3)what are you________this theory________(以……为根据)?答案:basing;on(4)the company’s headquarter________ ________ ________(把……设在……)paris.答案:was based in19.the film________on a book written by jack london is well worth________.a.basing;seeingb.based;being seenc.to be based;to seed.based;seeing解析:选d。句意:以杰克•伦敦所写的一本书为根据的那部电影很值得看。based on 以……为根据作定语修饰the film;be worth doing...值得做……。句型解析1【教材原句】 it was found that after eighteen months,the first half had more_than_twice_the_cancer_rate_of the second half.(p14)人们发现,18个月后,受辐射的老鼠患癌症的比例是未受辐射的老鼠的两倍多。【句法分析】 该句使用了倍数表达法之一即“倍数+the+名词(size,length,width)of+其他”。倍数表(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)达的句型:(1)a+谓语动词+倍数+as+形容词的原级+as+b(2)a+谓语动词+倍数+比较级+than+b(3)a+谓语动词+倍数+the+名词(size,length,width,price,height...)+of+b20.(XX年高考辽宁卷)peter’s jacket looked just the same as jack’s,but it cost________his.共11页,当前第7页1234567891011

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a.as much twice as b.twice as much asc.much as twice as    d.as twice much as解析:选b。考查倍数表达法。b项为固定的倍数表达法,即“倍数+as+adj./adv.+as+比较对象”结构。21.(XX年高考四川卷)my uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours,but it is twice________expensive.a.as   b.soc.too   d.very解析:选a。考查倍数句型及其省略。这里是倍数句型:倍数+as+adj./adv.+as。这里省略了as ours。22.ten years ago the population of our village was________that of theirs.a.as twice large as   b.twice as large asc.twice as much as  d.as twice much as解析:选b。考查倍数表达法。倍数句型主要有以下三种:(1)a is...times as+adj.+as b;(2)a is...times the size/length/width/he(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ight/depth,etc.+of b;(3)a is...times+adj.比较级+than b;由题干可知本题是第一种句型,也由于population应用large修饰,而不能用much修饰。23.i collected________he did for the hope project the day before yesterday.a.three times as many money asb.three times much money thanc.three times more money thand.three times much more money解析:选c。考查倍数的用法。语意:前天我给希望工程募集的钱比他的多三倍。这里用倍数+more+名词+than句型,这里more是much的比较级,修饰不可数名词money。24.a study of more than 18,000 chinese men suggests that green tea drinkers are________to develop stomach cancer as those who drink little or no tea.a.half as likely      b.likely half asc.likely as half      d.as half likely解析:选a。考查倍数表达法。表示事物对比时,可用“倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+比较对象”。只有a项正确。2【教材原句】 ...but it took 50 years before 66 percent of usa families had it in their homes.(p8)……但花了50年时间66%的美国家庭才得以拥有它。【句法分析】 before在此译为“……才……”。before的译法灵活,具体如下:(1)趁……还没,以免①write down the telephone number before you forget it.趁你还没忘记,把电话号码记下来。(2)……才②he had walked for a whole day before he found water.他走了一整天才找到水。(3)……就③i had not waited long before he came back.我没等多久他就回来了。(4)在……前④he had learned some chinese before he came to china.他来华之前,学过一些汉语。(5)用在it is/was/will be+一段时间+before,“才……”或“就……”。⑤it was not long before he left for the united states.不久他就去美国了。⑥it will be four years before we meet again.四年后我们才能见面。25.(XX年石家庄高中毕业班教学质检)a taxi driver saw a man luckily escape from the building just________it went up in flames.共11页,当前第8页1234567891011

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a.unless     b.untilc.before   d.after解析:选c。考查状语从句连接词的用法。before在这里引导时间状语从句,表示“在……之前”。句意:一位出租车司机看到一个男子在大楼起火之前幸运地逃了出来。26.(XX年安徽皖南八校联考)the american civil war lasted four years__________the north won in the end.a.after   b.beforec.when   d.then解析:选b。考查时间状语从句。句意:美国内战持续了四年最后以北方胜利才结束。由句意知b项为正确答案。27.—how long do you suppose it is________he arrives here?—nearly five weeks.a.when     b.sincec.after    d.before解析:选b。问句句意:你猜他来这儿已经多久了?it is+一段时间+since...表示“……以来多久了”,主句时态可以是完成时或现在时。it is...when...表示“当……的时间,……”;after...表示“……以后”;before...表示“在……之前”,都与题意不符。28.—it’s a long time________i saw you last.—yes,and what a pity!it will be a long time________we see each other again.a.since;before   b.when;whenc.since;when   d.before;since解析:选a。it’s/it has been+一段时间+since...;it is/was+具体时间点+when...;it will be/was+一段时间+before...;it is/was+时间状语+that...是强调结构。由这几种固定句型的构成不难看出只有a项正确。29.(XX年上海交大附中检测)the police helicopter managed to land on the roof and rescued all the people__________the fire burnt up to the top of the building.a.after   b.beforec.until   d.while解析:选b。警察的直升机成功地在楼顶着陆,在大火还没烧到顶楼前将所有遇险人员全部救出。根据句意可知b为正确答案。作文指导提纲式作文【体裁导航】提纲式写作也是情景作文的一种,是通过给出段落提纲或者给出关键词语、短语等提示的一种“引领”性的写作。无论是英语的段落主旨句、提纲提示,还是汉语的词组或短语等引导写作思路,进行习作时,毕竟减少了审题环节,也不用谋篇布局、重组语序,所以,在写作练习的初级阶段,这种习作形式尤其受到师生的欢迎。做这类写作题要特别注意以下三点:1.要按照所提供的“纲”的思路而写;2.要考虑提供的各“点”之间该用啥样的连接词、连接句,以及上下句之间的关系;3.看有无题目要求,有无词数限制,有无逻辑悖理现象(观点不要悖理或前后矛盾)。总之,能做到循“纲”蹈“句”、“纲举目张”,此类写作便能顺利完成。【写作示例】学校即将举行以“turning a bad mood(心情)into a good one”为题目的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求写一篇120~150词的记叙文或议论文。【写作要领】一、审题1.体裁:题目中已明确给出可以写记叙文也可以写议论文。2.时态和人称:如果写记叙文,应是结合过去发生的事件来说明怎么样有一个好的心情,所以应用过去时态和第一人称。如果写议论文,则应该用现在时态和第三人称。共11页,当前第9页1234567891011

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二、谋篇1.记叙文的篇章结构应为:para.1:描述过去发生的一件令人心情不好的事情以及由此产生的不良情绪。para.2:讲述怎样从坏心情转至好心情的。2.议论文的篇章结构为:para.1:提出问题:好心情的重要性。para.2:分析问题:产生坏心情的原因。para.3:解决问题:调整心情的办法。三、注意事项提纲作文虽然给出了写作的要点,但要点非常简略,因而还需要对要点进行丰富和拓展。【范文点评】turning a bad mood into a good one①at the end of the last semester,i got a c in the english examination.②when i knew the result,i couldn’t hold back my tears.③my mood was terrible and i thought the world was coming to an end.④i feared to see my english teacher and i thought my classmates would laught at me.⑤my parents weren’t  satisfied with me and maybe they would scold me.⑥so i even wanted to leave my school and family.⑦but after a while,i found i was wrong for i came to realize “failure is the mother of success”.⑧what i should do was to find the reason why i got so bad a result.⑨and i thought this was a lesson to me and it helped me to find my shortcomings.⑩maybe it could help me to improve my english.⑪so my bad mood turned into a good one.1.文章标题,不要遗漏本段为造成心情不佳的事件以及造成的影响,具体如下:(1)①言简意赅地点明导致心情不佳的事件。(2)②③为具体心情不佳的表现。(3)④⑤为导致心情不佳的心理原因。(4)⑥为心情不佳造成的影响——想离家(学校)出走。(5)综上所述,整个事件的叙述娓娓道来,语意连贯,步步深入。2.本段为“我的心情是怎样由坏变好的”。具体过程如下:意识到“失败是成功之母”——自我反省——吸取教训——提升英语——心情变好。3.本文作者心情由坏变好的原因就是“自我反思,不放弃,继续努力”。当然也可以借助外力,如老师、父母的教导,书中的某一句话等都可以成为心情变好的原因。【类题尝试】(XX年山东潍坊质检)假如你是李华,你们学校最近开展了创建“平安校园”的活动。你们班为此组织主题班会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你对怎样创建“平安校园”的一些想法。短文应该包括下面的内容:1.安全意识的重要性;2.在运动中要注意安全;3.在校内要注意人身安全;4.同学间发生矛盾时,一定要保持冷静、理智;5.逐步将“平安校园”活动转化为全体师生的实际行动。注意:1.不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;2.词数:120左右;3.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:校园安全safety at schoolmy dear classmates,there is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life.recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________共11页,当前第10页1234567891011

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one possible version:my_dear_classmates,there_is_no_denying_that_safety_plays_an_important_part_in_our_daily_life.recently_our_school_has_carried_out_a_program_aimed_at_making_our_campus_a_safe_place_to_stay_on.i consider this as indeed a good practice,which will make us aware that safety should always come first in our daily life,whether when we stay at school or outside it.when we are doing sports,we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt.furthermor(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)e,when we get into trouble with our classmates,we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting,which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.as far as i’m concerned,i feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind.besides,we are supposed to observe the law discipline where we are at any moment.thanks.



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