牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第1课时)牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第1课时)牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第1课时)


牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第1课时)

牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第1课时)

教学目标: 1. 学会用单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face来表述人体部位。2. 学唱并表演歌曲。 教学过程教学重点:学会用单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face来表述人体部位。教学难点:1. 让学生在听听、说说、唱唱、玩玩的动态学习过程中体验英语的无处不在和学习英语的快乐。2. mouth的发音。教学准备:图片、单词卡片、录音机、歌曲磁带。教学过程预设:step 1: warming upt: first, let’s sing the song by actions. <read read>s:t: now, i say and you do.s:t: look! i can dance, i can draw, i can jump. what can you do?s:i can _____.(ask students to practice these sentences. encourage them when they are right. encourage them to say “thank you!” to the teacher.)step 2: presentation & consolidationt: look! what am i doing?(draw the eye on the blackboard)s: draw.t: what’s this?(show them the picture of eye)t: eye.s: (draw two eyes)t: one eye, two eyes.s: (draw a nose.)t: what’s this?s:t: noses:t: how many noses?s:(present mouth, ear in the same ways)t: what’s this?s:t: now, let’s read these words.s: (ask individuals, partners, groups to read these word. ask them to practice in groups.)t: let’s play a game. do you like games?s:t: hide and say.(first, the teacher hides the card in one of the student’s desk. then ask one student to find the card. the others read the word on the card lightly or loudly as the finder was far away of the card or next to the card.)s: t: now, i say, and you do.s: (do the exercises in the workbooks.)step 3: homeworkread these words to your parents.


牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第1课时)
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