Module 4 Music Born in AmericaModule 4 Music Born in AmericaModule 4 Music Born in America


Module 4 Music Born in America

Module 4 Music Born in America

module 4 music born in americai.教学内容分析 本模块以music born in america为话题,简介了美国的本土音乐,其中包括了hip hop,soul music, gospel music, jazz, blues等。与此同时,还简介了香港本土的音乐以及几位著名的美国音乐人。通过本模块的学习,要求学生能使用恰当的词汇与同学以音乐为主题展开讨论,了解中外音乐的相互影响,发表对音乐的观点和看法。introduction 部分简介几种美国本土的音乐类型,为整个模块的学习提供了一些知识储备,教师可以适当地帮助学生复习以前学过有关音乐的词汇,让学生能够形成比较系统的词汇网。reading and vocabulary 部分通过阅读一篇简介hip hop的文章,系统地了解hip hop的起源、发展及现状。由于这是一篇说明文,在学习过程中教师可以适当地训练学生寻找主题句或归纳段落大意的能力。grammar (1) 部分是复习时间状语从句。教师应着重把握时间状语从句学习中常出错的两个方面,一是时态;二是个别引导词的语序问题。listening部分有三个内容,一是通过短语配对,让学生学习用英语来解释一些词组,并为后面的听力做好词汇基础的铺垫;二是让学生听一段母子的对话,让学生获取信息完成书上的练习,并着重帮助学生理解几个省略句的意思,为后面的语法课做好语言材料的准备。grammar (2) 部分利用听力原文的几个省略句,让学生学会看并知道运用省略句。function 部分学习使用比较过去与现在的功能句式。everyday english 部分围绕日常生活中常见的交际用语,主要通过选择题的形式让学生进一步理解听力原文中出现的几个短语。如:a bit, my cup of tea, it’s one’s turn to do sth.等。reading and writing部分通过阅读文章,回答三个开放性的问题,使学生开始思考音乐与学习的关系,为后面的写作做好了铺垫。第二部分要求学生根据所提供的问题,写一篇关于学习习惯的文章。speaking部分要求学生根据本模块所学的内容,学会就这些音乐的起源及其其他有关音乐的话题展开讨论。reading practice 部分一篇简介香港本土音乐的说明文,要求学生通过阅读文章,学会概括段落大意,并回答几个与文章细节有关的问题,培养学生对文章理解的能力。cultural corner部分是一篇简介三位对世界音乐的发展产生影响的音乐家,增加学生对音乐家的认识。task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生运用本模块所学的内容,组织一场班级音乐会,并在当中简介音乐的类型、背景等内容。module file部分有助学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。ii.教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握一些与音乐相关的词汇。(2) 学习使用一些比较现在与过去的句型。(3) 学习时间状语从句和省略句。2. 教学难点(1) 听懂有关音乐的交谈并获取信息,听懂课文中有关音乐种类的简介。(2) 正确使用一些比较现在与过去的句型。(3) 学会描写自己的学习习惯,并能写出自己对某种音乐的看法。iii.教学计划本单元分六个课时: 第一课时:introduction, cultural corner第二课时:reading and vocabulary, speaking第三课时:listening, function, everyday english共17页,当前第1页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

第四课时:grammar (1), grammar (2)第五课时:reading practice第六课时:reading and writing, module file

iv.教学步骤:period 1 introduction, cultural cornerteaching goals: 1. to arouse ss’ interest in learning about music born in america.2. to get ss to learn some words to describe music.3. to get ss to know something about american music.teaching procedures:step 1. introductionpurpose: to arouse ss’ interest in learning about music born in america.1. ask ss to think of the types of music to arouse ss’ interest in learning about music born in americasuggested answers:there are many types of music: rock music, folk music, light music, rap-hop, country music, classical music, jazz, blues, soul music, gospel music2. let ss work in pairs. ask them to look at the pictures and answer the followindowsg questions. (1) what is the difference between a choir and a band?a ____________ is a large group of singers. a _____________ is small group of musicians. they play music and may also sing.(2) what instruments do jazz musicians play?

(3) what is the difference between the soul singer and the blues singer?____________ is often quieter than ____________, and people don’t usually dance to it.

suggested answers:(1) choir, band(2) saxophones, guitar, drums and a double bass, etc.(3) blues, soul music3. ask ss to read the passage on page 43 and then fill in the table.type place of origin time of origin featuregospel music   soul music   jazz   blues   suggested answers:type place of origin time of origin featuregospel music southern united states in the 19th century church, strong and rhythmicsoul music southern united states / a mixture of blues, gospel, a little rock and rolljazz african-americans in new orleans in the early 20th century improvisation and using unusual rhythms    (syncopation)blues african-americans in new orleans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries using guitar, piano, harmonicastep 2. cultural cornerpurpose: to learn about american musicians.1. ask ss to say some american musicians if they know some. 2. ask ss to read the cultural corner and fill in the blanks.

name feature titlelouis armstrong  robert johnson  woody guthrie  suggested answers:name feature titlelouis armstrong a jazz singer a pioneer of the improvised jazz solo共17页,当前第2页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

robert johnson a blues singer the father of rock and rollwoody guthrie a folk singer a pioneer of protest music3. let ss fill in the blanks by themselves to learn some useful expressions.(1) louis armstrong, _________ in 1901, was one of the most _________ artists __________ _________ _________ _________ music. his nickname was satchmo, which _________ _________ _________ “satchel mouth”, because of his large mouth.(2) robert johnson, _________ in mississippi, wrote very _________ and sad blues songs, whose music has _________ generations of modern rock musicians. he _________ _________ record 29 songs, and _________ _________ _________ _________ white audiences.(3) woody guthrie, known as a pioneer of _________ music, was _________ _________ a president. as he grew older, his songs became more humorous and optimistic. his belief is that it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, …, you can do something _________ your life.suggested answers:(1) born, influential, in the history of, was short for(2) born, poetic, influenced, managed to, make an impression on(3) protest, named after, withstep 3. homework1. ask ss to review what we have learnt today.2. ask ss to preview reading and vocabulary.period 2 reading and vocabularyteaching goals:1. to help ss improve their reading skills.2. to let ss master some words and phrases.3. to get ss to talk something about hip hop.teaching procedures:step 1. leading-inpurpose: to let ss arouse interest in learning about hip a picture to ss and ask them to answer some questions.(1) what are they doing in the picture?(2) do you know what kind of dance do they dance?suggested answers:(1) they are dancing.     (2) it’s hip-pop.step 2 vocabulary studyshow ss some pictures and introduce some new fashionable words.     breakdancing    graffiti art   rapper   dj-ingstep 3 readingpurpose: to get ss to learn about hip hop.1. ask ss read the passage quickly and try to catch the main idea of each part.suggested answers:part 1: hip hop is an american cultural movement which started in the 1970s at block parties in new york, especially in a district called the bronx.part 2: mcs, another style of music known as rap was born.part 3: there are two main reasons for the success of hip hop.part 4: how did rap singers record their songs?   (by the way, teacher can underline the new words and phrases in order to let ss pay more attention to them.)共17页,当前第3页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

2. ask ss to read part 1 carefully and fill in the blanks:hip hop what when where main aspects suggested answer:hip hop what american cultural movementwhen started in 1970swhere at block parties in new yorkmain aspects breakdance, graffiti art, dj-ing, rapping (mc-ing)3. ask ss to read part 2 carefully, and then answer the followindowsg questions.(1) why did dj herc stop playing reggae music?(2) how did the djs make the percussion breaks in the songs longer?(3) what were djs who shouted during the songs called?(4) how long were the performances of the shouting djs?(5) apart from the djs, what else happened at block parties?(6) what did they experiment with later?suggested answers: (1) because he noticed th(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)at people didn’t like it.(2) by using two records on two turntables.(3) mcs(4) hours(5) breakdancing (6) they experimented with different vocal and rhythmic approaches.4. ask ss to read part 3 & 4 carefully, and then answer the questions.(1) what are the two reasons for the success of hip hop?(2) how did the first generation of rappers record their music?(3) which city was the capital of hip hop in 1985?(4) which style of rapping soon spread to other parts of the united states?(5) what is the new type of hip hop in england?suggested answers:(1) firstly it’s cheap and easy. secondly, people were bored with the pop music of the day, and hip hop took advantage of disco music and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco.(2) they recorded the backing tracks in the studio and the rappers added their vocals later.(3) new york(4) the east coast rap(5) in england, a new music form emerged, called trip hop, a mixture of jazz, hip hop and electronic music.5. ask ss to work in groups of four. let them read the comments about hip hop music in activity 7 on page 47, and express their own ideas.(teachers can let ss do the speaking together.)step 4. language points1. ask ss to discuss the important and difficult language points.(1) the words of early blues songs often consisted of a single line repeated two or three times before changing. 早期的蓝调歌曲通常包含一句要反复唱两三遍才换的歌词。consist of无被动态,类似用法的词组还有: belong to, take place, happen, come true, come out, break out, etc.【例】this is a charity committee ________ ten members.   a. consists of  b. consist of   c. consisted of    d. consisting of key: d(2) …, but herc and other djs made them longer by using two records on two turntables, side by side.共17页,当前第4页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

side by side 肩并肩,相互扶持eg ① two children are walking side by side. ② we stand side by side with you in this competition. ※【拓展】类似的短语还有:neck and neck “并驾齐驱地  head to head    交头接耳地(3) they experiment with different vocal and rhythmic approaches. 他们尝试用不同的发声和奏乐办法。◆ experiment with…    用……做实验 eg  they are experimenting with new methods of teaching. ※【拓展】 experiment的其他用法:  make/do/carry out/perform /try an experiment on/upon/in/ with 做实验(试验),对……做实验(试验)  by experiment通过实验eg they find out what foods the 宝宝 likes by experiment.◆ approach v & n(teacher can present some sentences in order to review the meaning of approach.① the time is approaching when we must leave.  (vi来临)② as you approach the town the first building you see is the church. (vt走近)③ his work is approaching perfection. (vt 近似,接近) ④ did he approach you about lending him some money? (vt找……商量)⑤ he approached the difficulty with great thought. (vt着手)⑥ our approach drove away the wild animals. (n走近)⑦ all the approaches to the town were blocked. (n通路)⑧ that professor’s new approach to language teaching was considered better than anyone else’s. (n办法,手段)(4) disco music and rock music were both in decline in the mid-1970s. 20世纪70年代中期迪斯科和摇滚乐都在走下坡路。be in decline   在下降中,在衰退中the company is in decline because of falling demand.※【拓展】decline的其他用法: she is on the decline, and may die soon. (在下降中,在衰退中) she declined to help me. (拒绝)after his wife’s death, he fell into a decline. (失去力量、影响等;衰落)our business has gone into a decline this year. (5) hip hop took advantage of that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco. take advantage of利用 eg  why do you always want to take advantage of me?※【拓展】advantage的其他词组:① ave the advantage of sb    比某人强 eg  you really have the advantage of me.②… be to one’s advantage     ……对某人有利 eg  the agreement is to our advantage.③ give sb an advantage (over)  使某人在……方面比较有利【练习】 i think we should ________ changjiang river, which can solve the power problem of some parts of china.                                      (key: d)共17页,当前第5页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

   a. have the advantage of     b. take the advantage of   c. be to it’s advantage of     d. take advantage of

(6) the new style soon spread to other parts of the united states. 这种风格很快就传到了美国的其它地方。   spread to + n      ……传到了……地方eg that the news spread to his home is not a good business.  spread解释为“传播”的意思时可与其它的介词连用:spread through / across / from … to  eg  ① the illness spread through the whole village.   ② the fire spread from the factory the houses nearby.2. ask ss to translate the followindowsg phrases. (1) cultural movement   (2) block parties   (3) especially(4) four main aspects   (5) come from the term … (6) the percussion breaks(7) at the time     (8) on two turntables  (9) side by side(10) at the same time   (11) the moment …   (12) be bored with(13) be in decline    (14) a strong beat   (15) take advantage of …(16) add their vocals   (17) the next generation of …  (18) the capital of hip hop(19) spread to / across …  (20) be based in …    (21) a mixture of …(22) music play on computer suggested answers: (1) 文化运动     (2) 街区舞会     (3) 尤其是(3) 四个主要的元素   (5) 来源于……的术语   (6) 打击乐(1) 当时      (8) 在两个唱盘上    (9) 肩并肩,一起……(10) 同时     (11) 一……就……    (12) 对……厌烦(13) 走下坡路    (14) 节奏强烈    (15) 利用(16) 加进他们的声音   (17) 下一代……    (18) 嬉蹦乐之都(19) 传播到某个地方   (20) 驻足在……    (21) ……的混合物(22) 电脑上播放的音乐3. ask ss to listen to the tape and fill in the missing words.all you need to know about hip hoppart 1what is hip hop and how did it start?hip hop is an american (1) ___________________ which started in the 1970s at block parties in new york, (2) ___________________ in a district called the bronx. there are four main (3) ___________________ of hip hop: breakdance and graffiti art plus two types of hip hop music – dj-ing and rapping. rapping (4) ______________________ mc-ing (coming from the term master of ceremonies). the djs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they (5) ________________ that people (6) __________________ the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to dance to. so they started repeating the percussion breaks. this is a (7) _________________ used by djs in jamaica. there were a lot of jamaicans in new york who (8) _____________________. at first, they played a lot of reggae.共17页,当前第6页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

part 2what was the big breakthrough?dj herc, one of the most popular jamaican djs at the time, noticed that new york audiences didn’t really like reggae music, so he started (9) ________________ other kinds of music, (10) __________________ rock and disco music. the percussion breaks were usually short, but herc and other djs made them (11) _______________ by using two records on two turntables, (12) ___________________. some of the djs began speaking and shouting while the music played. shouting djs became known as mcs. and so the style of music known as rap was born.(13) ___________________, mcs often performed for hours, repeating words and phrases and then improvising. (14) ________________, they experimented with different vocal and rhythmic approaches, using rhyming words, often words from african-american culture. (15) ____________________, people started breakingdancing at block parties.part 3why was hip pop so successful?there are two main reasons. (16) _________________, it’s cheap and easy – you just need two turntables and a microphone. anyone can be an mc, using songs which have already been recorded.(17) ____________________, people were bored with the pop music of the day – disco music and rock music were both in decline in the mid-1970s. however, disco music had a strong beat, and it was easy to dance to. hip hop (18) __________________ that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco!part 4how did rap singers record their song?(19) ____________________ that rap artists recorded their music, musicians recorded the backing tracks (the music without the singing) in the studio and the rappers added their vocal later. the next generation of rappers recorded their vocals at the same time as the york was the capital of hip hop during the 1980s, and the style was known as east coast rap. (20) ________________________________________________________ there were a lot of west coast rappers based in california. in miami, florida, a new style developed, strongly influenced by cuban and puerto rican the late 1980s, hip hop spread across the world, to japan, india and m(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)any parts of europe, especially france, belgium and italy. in england, a new music form emerged, called trip hop, a mixture of jazz, hip hop and electronic music (for example, music played on computers).suggested answers:(1) cultural movement    (2) especially      (3) aspects(4) is also known as   (5) noticed     (6) preferred共17页,当前第7页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

(7) technique     (8) brought the idea with them (9) playing(10) including     (11) longer      (12) side by side(13) at the beginning    (14) later     (15) at the same time(16) firstly     (17) secondly     (18) took advantage of(19) the first time      (20) the style soon spread to other parts of the united states.step 5. speaking1. ask ss to discuss what they have learnt in the reading passage.2. ask ss to try to use their own words to retell the passage, the topic is the origins of hip hop.step 6. homework1. ask ss to review what we have learnt today.2. ask ss to finish activity 2,3, 5, 6 on page 45-46.period 3 listening, everyday english, functionteaching goals: 1. to enable ss to know some skills of listening;2. to study some daily expressions;3. to learn some expressions of comparing the present and the past.teaching procedures:step 1. revisioncheck the answers to the answers of activities 2, 3, 5, 6 on pages 45~46.step 2. listening1. let ss finish activity 1 on page 49 to learn the some new instructions.2. ask ss to listen to the conversation and finish activity 2 on page 49.3. ask ss to listen to the tape and fill in the missing words.fx   noisy musicmother:  can you turn that down a bit?daughter: ____(1)____mother:  turn down the music, please? it’s too ____(2)____?daughter: sorry! i can’t hear you. wait a minute!fx   music turned down.daughter: sorry, mum. what did you say?mother:  ____(3)____daughter: oh! sorry! ____(4)____mother:  i’m not surprised.daughter: ____(5)____mother:  i’m not surprised that you couldn’t hear me.daughter: was i playing the music too loud?mother:  yes, you were.daughter: sorry. ____(6)____mother:  what are you listening to?daughter: a new american hip hop band.mother:  they’re very loud.daughter: yes. great, aren’t they?mother:  what are they called?daughter: ____(7)____. it isn’t my cd, it’s my friend angela’s.mother:  well, they aren’t my cup of tea. bands are so much noisier than they used to be.daughter: ____(8)____ i listened to one of your cds ____ (9)____. it was really loud!mother:  well, when i was your age, we didn’t listen to such loud music.daughter: ____(10)____mother: we didn’t!daughter: really?mother:  all right, we did. but we didn’t play music as loudly as you do these days.共17页,当前第8页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

daughter: ok. i’ll turn it down.mother:   thank you. but why are inside listening to music anyway? it’s a beautiful day.     when i was young, we used to spend much more time ____(11)____ than you do.     why don’t you turn the music off and go for a walk?daughter: i don’t want to. anyway, i’m waiting for a phone call.mother:  who from?daughter: angela. she said she’d call me but she hasn’t.mother:  why don’t you call her?daughter: ____(12)____.mother:  well, why don’t you go and see her? she only lives round the corner.daughter: yes! good idea! she’s got more cds than me.mother:  ____(13)____ …suggested answers:(1) what?      (2) loud   (3)i asked you to turn the music down!(4) couldn’t hear you!  (5) pardon?  (6) didn’t mean to.    (7) don’t know    (8) not true!   (9) the other day  (10) i bet you did!    (11) in the open air (12) it’s her turn to call me   (13) honestly3. ask ss to fill in the blanks after listening.(1) the mother asked the daughter to ____________ ____________ the music ____________ ____________ for it’s too ____________.(2) the daughter felt sorry because she didn’t ____________ ____________.(3) what the daughter listened to is a new american ____________ ____________ ____________.(4) mother said that music was not her ____________ ____________ ____________ and bands now are ____________ ____________ than they ____________ ____________ ____________.(5) then the mother suggested the daughter ____________ ____________ the music and go for a walk because ____________ ____________.suggested answers:(1) turn down, a bit, loud     (2) mean to     (3) hip hop band(4) cup of tea, much noisier, used to be (5) turn off, it’s a beautiful day step 3.  everyday englishask ss to choose the correct meanings in the everyday english activity on p51. then give them the right fanswers.step 4. function1. ask ss to read the followindowsg sentences from listening materials. what kind of sentence structure has been used in these sentences? let ss find out the words and expressions of comparison. bands are so much noisier than they used to be. when i was your age, we didn’t listen to such loud music. we did not use to play music as loudly as you do these days.共17页,当前第9页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

 we used to spend much more time in the open air than you do.suggested answers:they are used comparison structure, such as than, such, as … as …, much more, etc.2. help ss think of other expressions that show comparison.(1) 比较级 + than(2) much / a lot / greatly / far / even / still / yet / a little / a bit / slightly + more than(3) as … as…, not as (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)(so) … as …(4) prefer sth to sth / prefer doing sth to doing sth / prefer to do sth rather than do sth3. ask ss to finish activity 3 on page 51.step 6. homework1. ask ss to finish vocabulary activities in the workbook on pages 110~111.2. ask ss to preview grammar lesson.period 4 grammar (1), grammar (2)teaching goals: 1. to learn the grammar – adverbial clauses of time and ellipses.2. to enable ss to use adverbial clauses of time freely.3. to enable ss to use adverbial clauses of time and ellipses in right situations.teaching procedures:step 1. revision check the answers of vocabulary activities in the workbook on pages 110~111.step 2. grammar (1)1. ask ss to take a look at the sentence in activity 1 and choose the best answer. ask them to think what kind of sentence does it belong to.2. ask ss to finish activity 3 on page 48.3. give ss some explanation of adverbial clauses of time.(1) 时间状语从句通常用下列从属连词来引导:after, before, as, once, till, until, (ever) since, when, whenever, while, now (that), as long as, as soon as.如:① now (that) you’ve grown up, you must stop this childish behavior.    ② whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us.③ people do not know the value of health till they lose it. (2) 某些表示时间的名词词组,如 the day, the year, the morning, every time, each time, next time, the first time等,也可以引导时间状语从句。① every time i catch a cold, i have pain in my back. 每一次我感冒的时候,我都会背痛。② i’m going to see him next time he comes to shenzhen. 下一次他来深圳的时候,我会去看他的。③ he left europe the year world war ⅱbroke out. 二战爆发的那一年他离开欧洲。④ he had impressed me that way the first time i met him. 我第一次见到他的时候,他给我留下那样的印象。(3) 有些词,如 immediately, directly, instantly, the (very) moment, the minute, the instant等,当用于as soon as 的意义时,也可以引导时间状语从句,如:①   i got in touch with him immediately i received his letter.②   my sister came directly she got my message.③   the machine will start instantly you press the button.④   i’ll tell you about it the moment / the very moment / the minute / the instant you come.共17页,当前第10页1234567891011121314151617

Module 4 Music Born in America

(4) 有些关联从属连词,如 no sooner … than / hardly … when / scarcely … when 等,也能引导时间状语从句。 注意:如果把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, 置于句首,它所连带的这部分就要倒装,如:① she had no sooner heard the news than she cried.    no sooner had she heard the news than she cried.   ② they had hardly started to work when the trouble began.  hardly had they started to work when the trouble began.4. translate the followindowsg sentences into english by using the words in bracket.(1) 我一见到他就告诉他这个消息。(as soon as)(2) 她一来到教室,就开始读英语。(as soon as)(3) 我刚一到家天就下雨了。(no sooner … than …)(4) 他刚做完试卷,铃声就响了。(hardly … when …)(5) 他一来,你就可立即离开。(immediately)(6) 我一见到你,就认出你来了。(the moment)(7) 每次见面,他都向我问候,说“你好!”(each time / every time)(8) 到18岁的时候,她已大学毕业了。(by the time)suggested answers:(1) i’ll tell him the news as soon as i see him.(2) as soon as she came into the classroom, she began to read english.(3) i had no sooner got home than it began to rain. / no sooner had i got home than it began to rain.(4) he had hardly finished the test when the bell rang. / hardly had he finished the test when the bell rang.(5) you may leave immediately he comes.(6) i recognized you the moment i saw you.(7) he greeted with “hello!” each time he saw me.(8) by the time she was 18, she had already graduated from the university.step 3. grammar (2)1. ask ss(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) to read the followindowsg sentences and say which one is better and why. mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn’t come to school to see me the next day. mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn’t.suggested answers:the second sentence is better than the first one. because it left out the same part of one sentence. it can make us easy to understand and easy to read.2. ask ss to add the words which have been left out and rewrite the sentences.(1) sorry to have kept you waiting.(2) seen the movie before?(3) john was the windowsner in 1994 and bob in 1998.(4) – what did you do yesterday?   – just slept. nothing else.suggested answers:(1) (i’m) sorry to have kept you waiting.(2) (have you) seen the movie before?(3) john was the windowsner in 1994 and bob (was) the windowsner in 1998.(4) … i just slept. (i did) nothing else.3. help ss to draw a conclusion of ellipses.共17页,当前第11页1234567891011121314151617


Module 4 Music Born in America
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