PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计


PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计

教学目标:  1、知识与技能目标:能听、说、读新授单词: baseball player,driver, farmer, doctor, nurse;能综合运用句型:what’s he ? he is a ….he is ….he likes….2、情感态度:培养学生从小树立远大理想的情感。3、文化目标:了解多种职业的特征。教学重点:掌握5个单词的读音。教学难点:掌握句型:what’s he ? he is a …..he likes ….课前准备:课件、职业道具。教学过程:一、 热身(warm-up)   listen and do    t: walk/jump/run/swim/play ping pong/ play basketball/play volleyball…   s: do the action二、导入(lead in)t: drive the bus/drive the jeep/drive the car(展示课件:a picture of a driver driving a car and the word‘drive’)三、呈现和过程(一)drivert: drive a car ,drive a car, he is a driver.( 课件展示:the word ‘driver’ and the sentence ‘he is a driver’.)s: driver ,driver, he is a driver.t: can you guess what color cars does the driver like?s: he likes ….( 教师引导)   (二)farmert: let’s drive the car to the farm.(课件展示:a picture of a farm on which a farmer and the word: farm) what’s he ? →farmers: farmer, farmer, he is a farmer.t: guess, what’s the farmer’s hobby?s: he is a farmer. he likes …(课件展示:‘he is a farmer. he likes play balls.’)(三) what’s he ? /baseball playert: what kinds of balls do you like?s: i like…t: the farmer likes playing many kinds of balls. look!(课件展示:basketball yao ming→ basketball player;ping pong kong linghui→ ping pong player 并备有图片)t: what is he?s: he is yao ming(kong linghui). yao ming(kong linghui) is a basketball player(ping pong player).t: (课件: baseball player ) what is he?s: player, player, a baseball playert: (t shows a toy baseball stick) i’m a baseball player.(t pass it to s1)s1: i’m a baseball player.(接龙操练:s1→s2→s3…→sn)(四) doctort:(课件展示: a picture of a doctor)what’s he ? →doctors: dctor,doctor,he is a doctor.t: i don’t like doctors. what about you ?s1:i like/don’t like doctors. (五) nurset: (shows some tools .e.g. 听诊器、护士帽.s1给s2戴上听诊器)s1:what’s he /she?s3: he/she is a …t:(shows a nurse cap and put it on a girl’s head)what’s she ? →nurses: nurse, nurse, she is a nurse.t: i like nurse1.she is kind.四、巩固和延伸(一)复习单词(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)(review the words)(1)read all the words(2) listen and dot: act like a driver/farmer… ss do action(3)let ss open the books and read “let’s learn” and practice “let’s do “(4) s: practice ‘ let’s do’. (二)、评选你最喜欢的职业人物:每小组推荐一名优秀的职业人物代表,由小组内成员介绍,每人介绍一至二句。要求用上以下句型: (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)

推荐站内搜索:国家公务员网准考证打印、2015年公务员考试报名时间、四川艺考成绩查询、小学生演讲稿 范文、2016国考报名入口河北教育考试院自考成绩查询、北京成考分数线、高考专项计划报名系统入口、作文 读后感、毕业实习心得体会、

PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计
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