The Olympic adventure教案The Olympic adventure教案The Olympic adventure教案


The Olympic adventure教案

The Olympic adventure教案

课题 module 6   the olympic adventureunit 3 language in use. 课型 new 课时 

教学目标 ai msto combine sentences using “too” or “also”. improve the students’ writing summarize and consolidate “ more … than …” and the new voca bulary.

教学重点 polysyllabic comparative degree& adverbs(adv.) 多音节形容词比较级&副词教学难点 to use the adverbs correctly.教学办法 practice教具准备 ppt, pictures 板书设计module 6 the olympic adventureunit 3 language in use.

教     学      过     程教师活动 学生活动 教学设计step ⅰ.revision  1. help the ss revise & know some names of the olympic sports.2. ask the ss to compare the olympic sports usi ng the structure “… is more … than …” looking at some pictures.

step ⅱ. writing1. let the ss choose for themselves.popular  exciting  difficult  tiring  cheap  dangerous i like ______ (running / skiing). ______ is more ______ than ______.i like ______ (ba sketball / cycling). ______ is more ______ than ______.i  like ______ (table tennis / gymnastics). ______ is more ______ than ______.2. let the ss try to write for themselves and their friends.i like ______. ______ is more ______ than friend ______ likes ______. he thinks it is ______ than ______.3. give the ss two examples to make sure they can join 2 sentences with too or also.

step ⅲ. writing practiceshow the ss two groups of pictures. divide them into two groups according to their favors to h ave a competition.1. do activity 1 & 2 on page 36.2. do ex. 2 on page 108 in the wb and then let the ss to find out the pair words with opposite meaning s.

stepⅳ.homework1. make up a dia logue about sports with your partner.2. finish the exercises in the wb. whole-class work:look at the pictures and answer some questions.

whole-class work:look at some pictures with the words , say out  their opposite words .

group work: read and discuss the conversation in gr oups. at last ask some groups to translate  the conversation.

pairs work:make a similar conversations

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The Olympic adventure教案
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