I want to be an actor教案I want to be an actor教案I want to be an actor教案


I want to be an actor教案

I want to be an actor教案

unit 9 i want to be an actor.一、教学内容:unit 9 i want to be an actor. (section b& self check)(一)课标词汇、重点短语、句型结构    (二)语言运用:read and write the newspaper wanted ads. 读写报纸上的招聘广告 二、知识总结与归纳(一)课标词汇、重点短语、句型结构1. do you like to work hard?  hard2. if your answer is “yes”, then we have a job for you as a waiter.   *if  *for  *as  3. do you like to write stories?    story  4. do you want to work for a magazine?*work for*magazine  5. do you like to work with other young people?*other the other*young  6.(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) do you want to be in the school play?    *play  7. do you want a busy but exciting job?*want* busy but exciting8. call the evening newspaper at 555-3256.   * evening newspaper  * at9. we are an international school for children of 5-12. *international*children 10. we also want a music teacher to teach guitar, piano and violin.    *teach11. skill12. sir  13. madam14. summer (二)语言运用:read and write the newspaper wanted ads. 读写报纸上的招聘广告 【典型例题】一、单项选择(    )1. we find _________for you in a wanted ad.     a. job           b. works                c. a job            d. a work(    )2. i want a busy _______interesting job.     a. and           b. but                  c. or              d. with(    )3. if you don’t know the way to the hotel, you may ask a_______.     a. reporter        b. writer                 c. doctor          d. policeman(    )4. is there a school ________ children ______5-8?    a. of, for         b. for, for                 c. for, of           d. of, of共3页,当前第1页123

I want to be an actor教案

(    )5. i’m a teacher. i’m always very_______ with my work. i like my students very much.     a. free           b. busy                   c. lazy              d. boring 二、选词填空does   do   i’m   he’s   it’s   want to   wants to1. ---jack, what _______ your father _______?         ---__________ a doctor. 2. ---_________ you __________ be a reporter, tom?   ---yes, _________ a very exciting job. 3. ---what _________ mary ____________ be?        --- she ___________ be a nurse. 4. ---what _________ you _____________, bill?      --- me? ___________ a bank clerk.  三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. —what ______ your father ______(do)?    —he’s a _________(write). 2. —is his mother a ______(drive)?          —no, she isn’t. she’s a _________(clean). 3. her father and mother are __________(drive). 4. —where ______ ann ______(study)?      —she ______(study)at no. 14 middle school. 5. —what ______ they ______(do)?       —they are __________(postman). 四、阅读并判断对(t)错(f)    mark is a waiter. he doesn’t like his job. he has to work in the evenings. he sometimes has to work on weekends. he is always busy. sometimes he has no time to eat dinner. his job is hard, and it isn’t fun. mark likes to work, and he likes to meet people. but he doesn’t want to work in a restaurant. he wants to work in a bank. he wants to be a bank clerk.     lisa is a nurse. she wears a white uniform. she works in a hospital. she helps doctors. she sometimes works at night. usually she works in the day, and she gets up at six o’clock every morning. lisa’s job is difficult and busy, but she doesn’t want to do anything else. she loves it. 1. mark likes to work in a restaurant. ______          2. mark’s job is easy. ______3. mark wants to be a bank clerk. ______          4. mark doesn’t like to work. ______5. lisa sometimes wor(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ks late. ______          共3页,当前第2页123

I want to be an actor教案

6. lisa wants a different kind of job. ______ 五、选词填空, 将划线句子翻译成汉语,并回答问题magazine    reporter     write     job     singi’m thinking about my job. i want to be a______________. that’s interesting work. reporters talk with people and ___________ stories. i can be a _____________ or newspaper reporter, or i can work for a tv station. (1)reporters work hard, but they meet interesting people and go many places. or i can be an actor. actors __________ and dance, and they work with young people. i think acting is exciting work. (2)actors often work late. i like to go to bed late and get up late. or i can be a policeman. police work is difficult and exciting. you meet a lot of people, but the work can also be dangerous. what _________ do you want to have? 1. _________________________________________________________2. _________________________________________________________3. how many jobs does the writer think about?  _____________________________4. why does he want to be an actor? __________________________________________5. why does he want to be a policeman? __________________________________________ 参考答案一、  1~5 c b d c b二、1. does, do, he’s   2. do,  want to, it’s   3. does, want to, wants to    4. do, do, i’m     三、  1. does, do, writer   2. driver, cleaner   3. drivers   4. does, study, studies    5. do, do, postmen四、  1~6  f f t f t f五、 reporter, write, magazine, sing, job  1. 记者的工作很辛苦, 但他们可以见到有趣的人和去很多地方。  2. 演员通常工作到很晚。  3. three.   4. because he thinks acting is exciting work5. because police work is difficult and exciting.  



I want to be an actor教案
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