A healthy life Period 4 Listening and SpeakingA healthy life Period 4 Listening and SpeakingA healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking


A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking

A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking

a healthy life period 4 listening and speaking整体设计教学内容分析   the emphasis of this period will be placed on listening and speaking.there are altogether three texts for the students to listen to in this period:one is in the student's book and the other two are in the workbook.the first one(on page 23,listening and speaking)is a dialogue between two girls—tina and sara.tina wants sara to go to a disco with her,but sara is nervous about going because she is afraid that it would not be safe to attend such a social gathering.so tina is giving sara some advice about how to remain safe at a social gathering where alcohol and drugs may be present.the second one(on page 55,listening)is a conversation between a doctor and a student.li yue is a high school student.she began to feel sick all the time during her final year.so she went to see the doctor and they are talking about li yue's problems.and the third one(on page 58,listening task)is a speech given by li yue which is about stress and how to avoid stress.三维目标设计   knowledge and skills1.to understand the meanings of the followindowsg key words while hearing them in the tape:abortion(流产),cigar(香烟).2.to enable the students to understand the listening texts.3.to help the students learn how to give,warning,permission and prohibition.process and methods1.smoothing away language problems if any before listening.before asking the students to listen to the tape,help them to smooth away any language problems such as new words and expressions that they may not understand while listening.2.listening for needed information.before asking the students to listen to the tape for the first time,give them one or two questions about the general idea of the text so as to lead the students to concentrate only on the needed information.then ask them to listen to the tape for a second or even a third time for some specific information by giving them some detailed questions to answer.3.speaking freely and making conversations.the students may be asked to give their own points of view and attitudes towards certain subject mentioned in the text.emotion,attitude and value1.to stimulate students' sense of communication and cooperation.2.to help students realize what is healthy life styles and how to stay away from bad behavior.教学重、难点   1.the understanding of the listening texts.2.the expressing of,warning,permission and prohibition.教学过程step 1 revision1.get students to retell the text.2.check the answers of the exercises in learning about language and explain the difficulties.共5页,当前第1页12345

A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking

step 2 listening 1.listen to text 1(page 23)and do the followindowsg exercises.(1)listen for the first time and tick sara's concerns.aids( ),drugs( ),abortion( ),smoking( ),alcohol( ),strangers( ),money( ),dancing( ),orange juice( ),cigar( )(2)listen again and complete tina's sentences.①just say“no”.you ______.②it is ok to______.③it would be a good idea to______.④if someone offers you a cigarette,______.⑤well,i'll______.let's______.(3)listen to the tape for a third time and check the answers.2.listen to text 2(page 55)and do the followindowsg exercises.(1)listen for the first time and choose the main idea of the dialogue.a.li yue is busy preparing exams.b.li yue is feeling unwell due to stress.c.li yue has too much work to do.(2)listen for the second time and choose the best answers to the followindowsg questions.①what's wrong with li yue?a.she gets a lot of headaches. b.she is preparing exams. c.she relaxes a lot.②what caused her problem in the doctor's opinion?a.doing a lot of homework.   b.stress.   c.feeling tired all the time.③the doctor advises li yue to______.a.exercise an hour every day   b.do no more schoolwork   c.keep study and relaxation balanced④what will the doctor do?a.do tests for li yue.  b.prescribe some medicine for li yue.   c.teach her some ways to deal with stress.(3)listen for the third time and fill in the blanks.①well,don't ______.we'll ______.②but you will actually do better______.③if the problem is stress,we can talk about ______.3.listening task on page 58.before listening,ask students what they think “health week” is.(1)listen to the tape for the first time and give the main idea of the dialogue.(2)listen to part one for the second time and complete these sentences.①you see,______was ______ that all i did was study______.②i never ______,and in the end i______.i started to have ______,i ______,i______ and i ______ all the time.③in the end,i couldn't study any more because ______ in class.(3)listen to part two for a second time and choose the best answers to the f(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ollowindowsg questions.①what did the doctor tell li yue about?a.taking some medicine.b.keeping a balance between study and relaxation.c.studying even harder.②which is not li yue's advice?a.doing some exercise.  b.meeting friends.  c.holding a party.(4)listen for a third time,check answers and discuss the followindowsg questions.①do you agree with li yue's advice?why?_____________________________共5页,当前第2页12345

A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking

②what do you do to relax?___________________________________________________suggested answers:1.(1)drugs,smoking,alcohol,dancing(2)①don't have to do anything you don't want to②drink orange juice or something instead③have something to eat before you go out,like rice or noodles④don't take it⑤teach you;let's get my cd player and start practicing now2.(1)b (2)abca(3)①get upset;sort it out②in your exams if you balance study with some relaxation③ways to relax and still get your schoolwork done3.(1)stress and how to avoid it.(2)①what i did;to worry so much;from morning to night②relaxed properly;became ill;headaches;didn't sleep well;didn't feel like eating;was tired③my head hurt so badly that i kept falling asleep(3)①b ②c(4)①i don't agree with it.i need to study all the time./i thought it was good.it fits in with my experience.②answers may vary.step 3 speakingsince the students have learned much knowledge about healthy life by both reading and listening.it's necessary for them to talk about it now.teach them how to give warning,permission and prohibition by showindowsg them the followindowsg sentences on the screen.(slide show)1.permission is it ok/all right to...? would you mind if...? i wonder if i can...do you mind if...?2.warning it is not a good idea to... be sure/careful to... watch out for...mind your head/step! don't forget to...3.prohibitiondo/don't... you can't/may not... you shouldn't/mustn't... you are not to... you are not allowed to... you are not supposed to...ask the students to look at the talking topics shown on the screen and discuss with their partners and then(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) make up their own dialogues.(show the followindowsg on the screen.)talking topics1.asking if you can leave bags/a bicycle at an airport/restaurant while you are away for a while.2.making suggestions to help someone avoid problems you have already met with and overcome.3.think of some rules in classroom or school and try to express them using appropriate structures.give the students three minutes to prepare and practice,and then ask two groups to demonstrate their dialogues in front of the whole class.step 4 reflection after teaching________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________共5页,当前第3页12345

A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________教学参考ⅰ.three powerful steps to relieve stressstep 1 exercisetaking time to exercise will not only improve your body and its physical appearance,it will assist in releasing the stress hormones that have been building up.a daily vigorous walk,jogging,weight lifting,aerobics,swimming,bike riding,dancing or a dance class,football,basketball,etc.are all great ways to relieve the chemical stress hormones.step 2 eating righteating a balanced diet will not only make you feel better it will relieve some of the stress and certainly won't add to it.when you eat a diet high in sugars,cholesterol,and fat,you add to the trauma in your system.concentrate on a high protein,veggie,fruit diet and you will see remarkable improvements.also whole grains promote production of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin for a greater sense of well-being.when you combine healthier eating with exercise your body will respond favorably and the stress levels will start to decrease.step 3 change your mindsetif you walk around all day saying “i'm so stressed”,you will be.positive thinking is crucial to relieving the mental stress.our minds are so powerful that we can actually increase our stress by the way we think and the things we speak.if you develop a new mindset that is positive in nature and optimistic,studies have shown this to be a reliever of stress.meditation is a prime way to change your mindset and refocus on the positives and what is really important.try yoga or visualization imagery to assist.ⅱ.reasons why people find relief in smokingsmoking is a harmful habit and makes one addicted once they start doing it.however,what are the reasons why people still continue to smoke?these people know the harmful and if long term,even life threatening effects of smoking but it seems nobody heeds the warning.the number of teenagers smoking today has increased tremendously.their parents do their best to stop them from starting the habit;however,most of them are unsuccessful.teenagers experience a feeling of isolation.it is the time that they are confused which role to take in society.most of them usually have identity crisis at this age and smoking makes them feel better.once they start smoking,they soon love the feeling of contentment it brings them.thus,they continue doing it.peer pressure is also a great factor to this.a teenager would like to belong to a group.being alone and no friends when you are a teenager is hard.having some people to support you and accompany you in any social activity feels great.at this stage,teenagers feel their parents don't understand them.everything that their parents tell them and do is against their will.they still can't understand all the things their parents are doing for them which are for their own good.those who are non-smokers are often convinced by smokers to engage in this activity.usually,they would smoke and drink overnight.teenagers feel that if they won't join the group,they would lose their friends and will be left alone in which they don't want to happen.this is the reason why they continue smoking to be accepted by them.later in life when they finally decide to stop,it becomes hard as they are already addicted to it.共5页,当前第4页12345

A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking

there are also some people who smoke because of the nature of their jobs.those who work in a very cold area or at sea smoke to keep their bodies warm.at this time,smoking brings them good benefits.call center agents and those who work at night love drinking their favorite cup of coffee and smoking at the same time while waiting for their shift at work.this is to keep them awake and attentive to answering their clients and finishing their assigned task.however,they don't consider the long term ill effects of smoking.smoking is addictive.smokers are also those who are experiencing feelings of depression.they find it hard to face the challenges life brings most especially if their problems are too hard to handle.they feel that what can make them feel better is by smoking and drinking.yes,it is true that smoking could make them feel better but it is just a temporary feeling of relief.共5页,当前第5页12345

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A healthy life Period 4 Listening and Speaking
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