How much are these pants教案How much are these pants教案How much are these pants教案


How much are these pants教案

How much are these pants教案


年级   七   课题 unit 7_how much are the pants  section a

    时间   .11        学习目 标 

1.掌握句型:询问价格与回答:how much is/are……?it is……/they are……(难点)

售货员口头禅:can i help you/what can i do for you?(重点)

其它购物用语:i’ll take it. here you are. you’re welcome.


3.掌握感谢及应答的交际用语(thank someone and the responses related)(重点)学习导航一、预习感知:写出(1)本单元8个服装名词:_________________________________________(2)本单元7个表示颜色的词:                                                            二、合作探究 much is this t-shirt? 这件t恤多少钱?how much are these socks? 这些短袜多少钱?⑴how much,用来询问______。若所询问的东西是不可数名词或可数名词的单数时,谓语用______所询问的东西是可数名词复数或不止一种东西时,谓语用______。如:how much_____ the rice? 这大米多少钱?how much_____ the potatoes? 这些土豆多少钱?

想一想:在询问价格的句型how much is/are……?中,be动词前面省略了啥词⑵how much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水?how much多少,用来提问数量,后面加______名词。注:how many也用于提问数量的多少,但后面必须加______名词的复数。请比较:how _____pears do you want? 你想要多少梨?how ______meat do you want? 你想要多少肉?2. can i help you? 你想要点啥?can i help you?和 let me help you,两者都表示愿意或积极向别人提供帮助,意思为______________.需注意的是“can i help you?”在不同的场合有不同的译法,如:售货员对顾客说时,可译为_____________;在图书馆,图书管理员对你说时,可译为____________.表示提供帮助的其他一些英语句式还有:(1)what _____i do for you? (需要帮忙吗?)(2)could i help you? (要我帮忙吗?)(3)may i help you?(要我帮忙吗?)后两句比can i help you? 在语气上更加客气和委婉。  3. i’ll take it. 我要了。/我买了。take=buy,是“买下”的意思。在口语中,当表示买下某物时经常用take,而很少用buy。如:the bike is very nice, i’ll _____it. 这辆自行车很漂亮,我买下了。5. —thank you. 谢谢。—you are welcome. 不客气。thanks/thank you.都是表示感谢用语,还可以说_______ /________/ _________ .  回答时,不能依据汉语“不用谢”直译为no thanks.或don’t thank me. 而应该说:that’s ok. that’s all right______________/____________________等。共10页,当前第1页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

我的困 惑


年级   七   课题 unit 7_how much are the pants  section a

主备教师 金永生 审查人  聂宜军     时间  .11         检测反馈

一.             词汇掌握情况

1)        默写本单元所学的服装名称


2)        默写所学的颜色的英语


3)        默写0~10的基数词


二.             语法掌握情况


a)thanks you very much     b).how much is the apples?c)how much apples do you have?  d)how many meat do you want?

2.单项选择a)              orange is              orange.a. an; an   b. an; /   c. the; the  &(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;   d. a; ab)        look. here are so              students. 共10页,当前第2页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

a. much    b. many      c. some    d. lots ofc)         —thank you very much.        —                  .a. that’s all right       b. that’s right.  c. it doesn’t matterd)        how        milk do you want?   a. much           b. many    c. some   d. any

e)            let me have a look            your new schoolbag.  

a. after        b. like       c. at        d. the same

f)             当你进入商店时,售货员一般不会说:

a.can i help you?          b.may i help you?c.what can i do for you?     d.what do you want to buy?

3.翻译题a.这件t恤多少钱?                      b.这双短袜多少钱?   c.这大米多少钱?                         d.这些土豆多少钱?e.你想要点啥?                         f .(售货员)我要了。/我买了。g我想要一件蓝色汗衫。                  h . 你想要啥颜色?


年级   七   课题 unit 7_how much are the pants  section b_

主备教师 金永生_ 审查人  聂宜军______ 时间 __.11 _____

 学习目 标 1.学习两位数的基数词的英语表达法10~19的基数词的拼写20~100的基数词的拼写(重点)2了解价位表达法:at a very good price(难点)3.了解介词for表达等价关系的用法:we sell...for...dollars(难点)学习导航


How much are these pants教案

一、预习感知:将下列短语译成英语1) 各种颜色的___________                         6) 运动包 ___________2) 亲自___________                                  7) 看一看 ___________3)出售___________                                    8.) 价格合理 ___________4) 服装店___________                                9) 到达 ___________5) 愿意……便宜___________                    10) 不只这些 ________二、合作探究:1. 预习section b的全部内容回答下列问题1)      how many goods are mentioned in the article for actiiviy 3a in section b of this unit?(section b的actiiviy 3a中的服装店广告提到了哪些商品)                                                                           2)      what do you think is the best slogan in the advertisement?(你认为啥是这个广告中的最好广告语)                                                   2. 大于10的基数词的拼写规则怎样1)        基数词1~9变为十几的拼写规律                                      共10页,当前第4页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

2)        基数词1~9变为几十的拼写规律                                      3)        基数词几十几的拼写规律                                            3. 你怎样使用price去询问价格,举个例子。what is the price of ……?                                            what price is ……?                                                 4. 怎样表达某商店有多种颜色的服装,试译下列两句话(1)  我们商店有红色的、蓝色的和黄色的帽子。                                                                 (2)  我们商店有红色、蓝色、黄色等各种款式的帽子。                                                              我的困 惑


年级   七   课题 unit 7_how much are the pants  section b_

主备教师 金永生_ 审查人聂宜军______ 时间_.11 _______


How much are these pants教案

1.翻译下列数词10:           11:     &(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;      12:                                                                           2.指出下列拼写错误的数词并给以纠正threeteen                forteen              fiveteen                                                                      eightteen                ninteen              twoty           threety                  forty                fivety           eightty                  ninety           二.语法掌握情况2)        改错题a)        we sell the shoes at only 20 rmb.b)        we have sweaters for a very good price.c)         anybody can affords our price.d)        the green shoes are at sell for only $25.3)        单项选择a)        i like the color of the shoes,so i’ll       them.共10页,当前第6页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

a. bring       b. take         c.bought     d.payb)               boys, you can buy socks for only ¥5         b.for         d.forc)         anybody         our prices.a.cans afford   b.can affords   c.can afford   d.cans affordsd)        we sell pants         only ¥30.a.for          d.ine)        we have sweaters        a very good price.a.for          d.in4)        翻译题a)        任何人都能承担得起我们的价格。                                                                  b)        我们商店有红、绿、白色的衬衫,只要19元一件。                                                                  c)         哪些红色短裤正在甩卖中,只要15美刀一件。                                                                  共10页,当前第7页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

d)        那副太阳镜多少钱?                                                                  e)到华兴服装店为自己选购几件服装吧!

单龙寺初中英语导学案年级 七  课题  unit 7知识反馈 主备教师  金永生  审查人聂宜军 __ 时间 .11_i. 词汇(a) 根据汉语提示写出适当的单词,完成句子。1. the black ____________(短袜)are three dollars.2. how much is the white ______________(毛衣)?3. what color is your ________________(t-恤衫)?4. these white __________(短裤)are 20 dollars.5. i want these black ___________(鞋子).(b)用划线词的反义词或对应词填空。6. i like ________ pants. i don’t like short pants.7. this room is small. i have a __________ one.8. her sister is tall. she is __________.9. i can see the white shoes. i can’t see the __________ ones.10. please __________ it here. don’t take it away.ii. 在横线上填上一个恰当的词使句子意思完整。1. – what _________ is the sweater?   - it’s white.2. – can i _______ you?             - yes, please.3. – how _______ are the pants?      - eighty dollars.4. _______ the yellow shoes 20 dollars?5. the two pens are very nice. i’ll take _______.6. it isn’t ________. it’s short.7. – thank you very much.   – you’re ____________.8. – what ________ that boy want?     - he wants to buy a school bag.9. _______ you want a sweater?10. – what’s your ________ name?   - green.iii.用适当的介词填空。1. we have many skirts _______ red color.    2. the shop sells things _______ a very good price.3. we eat chicken and rice _______ lunch.4. he only watches them _______ tv.5. do you need bags _______ sports?6. let me have a look _______ your shirt.7. what’s this _______ english?iv. 句型转换1.the red socks are 5 dollars.(对画线部分提问)  ______  _______ are the red socks?  2. i need a green sweater. (改为否定句)    i ______ ______ a green sweater.3. wang hong likes sweater in white.(改为一般疑问句)  _______ wang hong _______ sweater in white?4. can i help you?(改为同义句)  ______ can i do _______ you?共10页,当前第8页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

5. how much are these blue skirts?(改为单数)how much ______ _______ blue ________?6. it’s ten dollars.(改为复数)   _______ _______ ten dollars.7. she wants red. (对画线部分提问) ________ _______ _______ she _______?8. they sell pants for only 30 yuan. (对画线部分提问)_______ ______ they sell for only 30 yuan?v. 根据汉语完成句子.1. – 那条红色裤子多少钱?  - 30美刀。  -- how much ______ the red _______?   -- ______ 30 dollars.2. 我们以最合理的价格卖衣服。      we sell clothes ________ a very good _________.3. 这些帽子正在出售。              the hats are _______ _______.4. 任何人都能负担起我们的价格。    anybody can ________ our ________.5. 词典每本只要3美刀。      you can buy dictionaries _______ _______$3 __________.6. 那位穿白色衣服的女孩是linda的妹妹。 the girl ________ _______ is linda’s sister.vii. 完型填空。  come down __1__ mr black’s clothes store! do you like clothes __2___ a very good price? all the things are on __3___. here __4__ pants for $15. the t-shirts __5__ all __6__ are $18 __7__ boys and girls. you can __8__ socks for only $3 __9__ ! and so on. come here and see __10__ !1. a. to            b. for              c. at              2. a. for           b. in               c. at3. a. the sale       b. sale             c. table               4. a. have          b. has             c. are5. a. with          b. at               c. in                      6. a. color          b. colors           c. the colors共10页,当前第9页12345678910

How much are these pants教案

7.a. to            b. for              c. sell                     8. a. sell           b. like             c. buy9. a. each pair      b. each one         c. every               10. a. you          b. your            c. yourselfⅹ.任务型阅读


what color are their sweaters?

kate, jim, rose and bill put their sweaters on the table. the sweaters are white, blue, red and black,. we know, the boy’s sweaters aren’t red and the girls’ sweaters aren’t black. what color is kate’s sweater? i don’t know. but i know it is not blue. bill says, “my sweater is white.” then what color are their sweaters?

1. kate’s sweater is ___________

2. jim’s sweater is ___________

3. rose’s sweater is ___________

4.bill’s sweater is __________

5. there are               sweaters in all.共10页,当前第10页12345678910


How much are these pants教案
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