Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案


Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案

unit 2 how often do you exercise? 导学案

【学习目标】1、section a 1a—2c2. 进行听力强化训练. 能够进行听力内容转述。知识目标:1.key words:housework, hardly, ever, hardly ever, once, twice, internet, program,2. key phrases :go skateboarding 踩滑板 do some reading 阅读go shopping (shop) 购物 do sports (exercise) 锻炼go to the movies 去看电影 surf the internet 上网your favorite program 你最喜欢的节目 how often 多久一次every day 每天 once a week 一周一次twice a month 一个月两次 three times a week 一周三次hardly ever 几乎不 read english books 读英语书3. target languagewhat does she do on weekends ? 她周末做什么?she often goes to the movies . 她经常去看电影。how often do you shop ? 你多久购物一次。i shop once a month. 我每月购物一次。he watches tv twice a week . 他每周看两次电视。does he shopping? 他去购物吗?no, he never goes shopping.不,他从不购物。4.掌握 “often usually sometimes hardly once a week 等频率副词的使用5、熟练掌握词汇:exercise hardly twice…技能目标:能用how often 和what引导的特殊疑问句和频率副词以及表示活动的短语如watch tv/play football/shop等短语对日常活动安排进行讨论。情感目标:学会利用一般现在时描叙生活中经常反复发生的事情。【预习案】:task 1.识记类 完成1a,看图画,写出活动词汇a __________________ b __________________ c___________________d __________________ e go skateboardingtask 2、理解类 了解下列频率副词。1)、写出下列频率副词总是_____ 通常________ 经常______ 有时________ 几乎不______ 从不______2)、写出下列表示频率的副词短语每天: 一周一次: 一周两次:一周三次: 一月一次: 一月两次:task 3、应用类1、 两人一组,利用短语;仿照下列句型谈论日常活动。(注意;第三人称替换)a: what do you usually do on weekends? b: i often go to the movies.a: what does he usually do on weekends? b: he often goes skateboarding.2、读2c对话,理解并仿写相应的对话:3、汉译英:1).迈克通常在周末做什么?________ ________mike usually do ________ ________?2).很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物,明天去怎么样?i’m sorry i can’t go shopping with you.________ ________ ________tomorrow?3).你能忍受吸烟吗?_______ you_______ _________?4).你经常什么时候去看电影?________ do you often ________ ________ _______ ________?5).我们很少踢足球。we_________ _________ play soccer.【探究案】观察与思考:1、通过所学内容,请你来总结一下:询问别人通常情况下做某事该用来提问。告诉他人自己做某事的频率应该用这些词一般现在时如何构成?标志词有哪些?2、重点单词点拨(1)exercise v锻炼,运动。1) swimming is good exercise.2)we do morning exercises every day.3)my father exercises in the morning.思考:由例句1)2)可知,exercise可用作________,分别表示“运动”和“体操”。表示“运动”时是_________名词,表示“体操”时是________名词。例句3)告诉我们exercise还可以用作_____________,表示“训练,锻炼”。 (2) 【解析】 hardly adv 几乎不,几乎没有(表否定意思),常放在be动词,助动词,情态动词后,实义动词前。如:he hardly goes to bed before midnight,(他很少在午夜以前就寝)there’s hardly any milk in the fridge.(冰箱里几乎没有牛奶了)he can hardly speak english.(他几乎不会讲英语)hard,作副词时意为“努力地,猛烈地”。e.g. work hard ,study hard作形容词时意为“艰难的,硬的,严厉的”。hardly ever“几乎从不”,表示否定意义。(3) ever adv 曾经,曾(常用于一般疑问句和否定句中)do you ever want to have a lovely dog?i don’t think i will ever forget her.(4) how often do you exercise?(你隔多久锻炼一次?)【解析】①how often 表示“多长时间一次,隔多久一次”用来提问在某段时间内进行某个动作的次数,也就是动作发生的频率,答语通常是等表示频率的时间副词或短语,如:never, ever, sometimes, often, hardly, once a week, twice a year…….---how often do you exercise?--- once a week.---how often do you go to chengdu?--- never.(5)once, twice 是表示次数。三次,及三次以上用基数词+times. three times.(三次) five times.(五次)类似短语有: once a week(一周一次) twice a week( 一周两次 ) once a year(一年一次 ) . twice a month (每月两次)②how long表示“时间多久,物体多长”,表示时间侧重指一段时间,问时间段。如:for two weeks等。---how long were you away last year?---about two weeks.③how soon表示“多久以后”,常用于将来时,侧重于某人做某事能多快时间完成。回答一般为“in+时间段”,如:in three days.---how soon will he come back?---in an hour.④how many times “多少次”,问次数,答语为:once ,twice, three times⑤how much 多少钱,问价格。如:---how much is your skirt?---thirty dollars.【群学案】:1检查预习作业,小组对学群学,讨论并解决相应的问题。2 抽签展示任务,其余学生专心静听,并准备质疑。3教师答疑,进行点拔答疑。4利用课件及课本完成1b,完成听力训练。然后完成2a听力训练。5.依照2a操练目标语言,掌握频率副词。6教师引导学生利用语法要点,进行语法归纳总结。【训练案】一、单项选择( )1.i like english very much, so i __________ listen to the tape in the morning.a. usually b. hardly ever c. never( )2.—what does your father do in the evening?—he usually __________.a. watch tv b. exercises c. read books( )3. — _______ do you go skating? — every day.a. how often b. how many c. when( )4. most students in my class ________exercise every day.a. does   b. do c.is doing   d. are doing( )5.- ______ students in your class are from beijing? -only one.a.how often  b.how many c.how much   ( )6.- ______do your grandparents come to see you? -twice a week.a.how often  b. how many c.when   ( )7. what ________ she ______ on weekends? a. is, do   b. does, does c.do, do    d.does, do( )8 the old man is well because he often__________.a. exercises b. drinks c. sleeps d. plays( )9.—how often does he exercise? —______________________.a. he is twelve b. he exercises by bus c. twice a week d. about one hour.( )10. katrina reads english books three ________________ four times a week.a. at b. in c. to d. of( ) 11. do you like to go _______________?a. skateboard b. to skateboarding c. a skateboarding d. skateboarding(滑板运动)二、句型转换1、he does his homework every day.(1) 否定句。he ________ _________ his homework every day.(2) 一般疑问句。________ he ________ his homework every day?2、he goes skateboarding twice a week.(提问)_______ __________ ___________ he goes skateboarding?3、lin tao always helps me with my chinese. (对划线部分提问)_________ _________does lin tao help you with your chinese?4. tom goes to bed at ten in the evening. (改为否定句)tom ________ _______ to bed at ten in the evening.三、阅读训练:mary is an american girl. she is now in beijing with her parents. mary doesn't know much chinese, but she is studying it. she often speaks chinese with her chinese friends. sometimes they can't understand her, because she can't speak chinese very well. it's saturday morning. she goes out. she is walking in the street. she wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesn't know how to get there. she asks a chinese boy the way. the boy can't understand her. then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. she draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. the boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.( )1. mary is__________ . a. chinese b. english c. japanese d. american( )2. mary is in__________ with her parents now.a. shanghai b. beijing c. new york d. london( )3. mary doesn't know how to get to__________ . a. the zoo b. the park c. her home d. her school( )4. mary can't speak__________ very well. a. english b. england c. china d. chinese( )5. at last the boy__________ .a. can understand mary's chinese b. takes her to the zooc. shows her the way to the zoo d. draws a picture for mary, too我的收获:______________________________________________________________我的疑惑:_______________________________________________________________ (0202)第2课时:section a (2d-3c)导学案【学习目标】1. 完成学习2d-3c,熟练掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句和频率副词的用法。2. 全力以赴,激情投入,积极参与各种有益的活动,有规律地生活和学习。重点:1. key words: full, swing, swing dance, maybe, least, at least,healthy 2. 一般现在时的特殊疑问句难点:频率副词的用法。【预习案】:预习导学一.词汇精粹学习建议:在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义:1、单词:1)exercise_________2)或许,可能___________3)最小,最少____________4)healthy_________5)早的,早地___________2短语:1)帮助做___________2)至少________3)drink milk_______4)熬夜_______5)go to bed early__________6)做运动____________7)read english books___________3、句型和交际用语1)---他多久踢一次足球?---他一周至少踢两次。---________ __________ ________he play soccer?---he plays______ ______twice a week.2)---他去购物吗?---不,他从不去购物。---________he _____ ___________?---no, he________ ________ shopping.3)我大约一月看一次电影。i go to the movies______ ______ ______ _______.4)他总是早睡。 he always______ ______ ________ ________.5)你多久读一次英语书?how often do you _______ _______ _________?二、语法聚焦学习建议:分析例句,根据提示总结语法规则,仔细体会频率副词和一般现在时的用法。1)---what do they do on weekends?---they often go to the movies.2)---what does he do on weekends?---he sometimes watches tv.3)---how often do you shop?---i shop once a month.总结:通过上面的例句可以看出,要提问别人做了什么活动要用特殊疑问词___________。提问人们做事的频率要用_____________。2)一般现在时中有两个助动词,分别是____和_________。其中does用于主语是单数第三人称的句子中,其他人称的句子用do。预习自测:一、根据所给的汉语完成句子:1. my grandfather_______(锻炼)every morning.2. _____________(或许)miss wang is in the library.3. we should eat___________(健康的) food every day.4. my mother gets up very ___________(早地) in the morning.二.单项选择1.---miss wang is very popular in our school.---yes. her classes are_____very interesting.a. always b. sometimes c. hardly ever d. never2.__________ do you visit your grandparents?---i visit them three times a week.a. how much b. how many c. how often d. how long3. we visit the old people’s home_________(one) a month.4.he __________(surf)the internet twice a week.【探究案】探究点一、单词和短语探究1. stay up 熬夜;stay up late熬夜很晚2. healthy adj. 健康的1) we should eat more healthy food.2) his grandfather is unhealthy.3) we are in good health.4) he exercises every day to keep/stay healthy.思考:healthy是形容词,表示“健康的”,它的反义词是_____,表示“不健康的”,它的名词形式是________,常构成短语,表示“身体健康”。 healthy构成的短语很多,比较常用的有__________/__________ healthy,表示“保持健康”2、 maybe adv.可能;或许1) maybe mr. wang is in the library.2) the keys may be in the desk. 3) 思考:maybe是_______(副词/动词),表示“可能;或许,大概”,在句中作___________(状语/谓语),通常放在句首,也可以放在谓语动词之前。may be是“_________ +动词原形”,表示“可能是;或许是”,在句中作__________(状语/谓语)练习:1). 对于孩子们来说足球是有益的运动。____________________________2)汉堡不是健康食品。________________________3)你的自行车可能在教室后面(两种方法)。__________________ __________________有时两者可以互换:e,g. maybe he is at home.=he may be at home.3.full adj. “满的”be full of…“装满;充满。。。。。。”【拓展】①full adj.“饱的”②full v.“填满。。。。。。”fill… with…“用。。。。。。把。。。。。。填满”be filled with…=be full of…“装满。。。。。。”e.g.the basket is full of flowers.=the basket is filled with flowers.4、at least“最少;至少”,其反义短语是 at most“最多;至多”least adv.“最少;至少”是 little 的最高级;作adj.﹠pron.“最少的;至少的”5.everyday与every day①every day是名词词组,意为“每天”,在句中作状语。e.g. he reads newspaper every day.②everyday是形容词,“日常的;每天的”,在句中作定语。e.g. everyday life日常生活探究点二、1、all (1)做形容词,意为“所有的,全部的”指三者或三者以上,用于修饰名词,常用于冠词,指示代词(this, that, these, those)等之前。eg. all the world all those sheep(2)all做副词,常用于系/助/情态动词之后,行为动词之前。eg. they are all teachers.=all of them are teachers.they all go to school every day.(3)用not否定all是部分否定,意思是“未必全部都…”eg. not all my friends go there.2.no 形容词,意为“没有,一个或一点儿也没有”相当于not …a/any. eg. there’s no time left.=there isn’t any time left.no 还可以用于一些固定结构中,相当于祈使句,表示“禁止、不准”no parking!no smoking!利用所给数据填all、 most 、some、或 noall=100% most=51%--99% some=1%--50% no=0%activityevery dayonce or twice aweekthree or four times aweekexercise15%( )10%( )75%( )do homework95%( )0%( )5%( )watch tv85%( )2%( )13%( )3、对于各种日常活动,哪些是你经常做的?哪些是你有时做的?哪些是你从来不做的?哪些是你每天要做的……把它们列举出来。often:sometimes:never:every day .once a month .探究点三、语法探究1.---what do you usually do on weekends?---i usually read english books.2.---how often do you play ping-pong?---once a week.3.---how often does she clean the room?---every day.4.---does she go swimming?---no, she never goes swimming.观察与思考:1)提问人们干了什么活动要用疑问词___________。2)提问人们做事的频率可使用____________。该句型通常用在________(时态)中。3)在一般现在时中有两个助动词,分别是_____和_____。其中___用于主语是第三人称单数的句子中,其他人称的句子用____。4)当句中使用了助动词do或does后,句中的谓语动词要用__________(原形/三单形式)。5)回答how often引导的疑问句,可以使用“____(一次)/____(两次)_______(三次)+一段时间” 【训练案】一、选择( )1、 the twins' uncle every day.a、exercise b、exercises c、is exercise d、is exercises( )2、 do you go to the movies?a、how many b、how often c、how much d、how( )3、 i think i am a、health b、not health c、healthy d、healthiest( )4、 my mother wants me tea. a、drink b、not drink c、drinks d、to drink( )5、 jim is a good student. he late for class.a、is hardly ever b、is not ever c、is ever d、is always( )6、 there a lot of junk food on the table. a、are b、have c、is d、has( )7、--- how often do you play soccer?--- .a、two time a week b、twice a week c、a time a week d、one time a week二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.my mother _______(surf) the internet once a week.2.does your sister _____(like) reading?3.he never ______(go) shopping with his wife.4.take exercise one hour a day, you’ll become_______(healthy)than before.5.my grandfather _________(exercise)three times a week.三、完形填空。all over the world people enjoy sports. sports are 1 people’s health. many people like to watch 2 play sports games. they buy tickets 3 turn on their tv sets to sit them.sports 5 with the seasons. people play 6 games in different seasons. sometimes they play inside the room. sometimes they play outside.we can 7sports here and there. some sports are rather interesting 8 people everywhere like them. football, for example, is very popular in the world.people 9 different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very 10 to each other.( )1.a . good for b. good at c. good d. good to( )2.a.other b. others c. the other d. the others( )3.a. and b. but c. or d. so( )4.a, in front b. in the front of c. in the front d. in front of( )5..a.change b. are c. play d. start( )6a.same b. different c. the same d. the different( )7a.find out b. look c. find d. hear( )8a.otherwise b. but c. or d. and( )9a. from b. to c. outside d. inside( )10a. friend b. friendly c .friends d. more friendly我的收获___________________________________________________________________我的疑惑__________________________________________________________  (0203)第3课时:section b 1a-1e导学案【学习目标】知识目标:1.key words: junk, junk food, coffee, health2. key vocabularyjunk food 垃圾食品 for 8 hours 8小时drink milk 喝牛奶 be pretty healthy 健康的be good for…… 对……有益 my health 我的健康want sb. to do sth.3. target languagehow often do you drink milk , liu fang ? 刘芳,你多久喝一次牛奶?i drink milk every day 我每天喝牛奶。 my mother wants me to drink it . she says it’s good for my health .我妈妈要我喝,她说牛奶有益于健康how many hours do you sleep every night ? 你每晚睡几个小时?i sleep for 8 hours every night . 我每晚睡8个小时。grammar1. be good for …… 对……有好处be bad for 对……没有好处2. health nhealthy ad 健康的,卫生的 unhealthy ad 不健康的he eats healthy food every day . he is very healthy .1、正确运用how often 引导的疑问句进行交际。2、完成听力练习,并就听力内容进行问答。3、熟练掌握以下句型:(1)how often do you drink milk?(2) my mother wants me to drink it.(3)she says it’s good for my health(4)how many hours do you sleep every night?技能目标:1、能用本课句型陈述自己每天所做的活动,向朋友介绍自己的生活习惯。 2、能用“how often”等句式询问别人做某种活动的频度,用be good for/bad for表明观点和态度。情感目标:学会面对困难和挑战,学会解决问题。并能在学习和生活中互相帮助。【预习案】1: 补全对话a: _____ ______ do you ________(运动)b: i _______ every morning .a: _____ ______ do you eat ________(蔬菜)b: every day .because they _______ _______ _______ my health.2句型转换1. tom does his homework at school.(改为否定句)____________________________________________________.2. i usually have lunch at home.(改为一般疑问句)____________________________________________________?3. my brother plays football after school every day.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________?4. i shop once a week.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________?5. lu xun is my favorite writer.( 对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________?6. 医生说吃垃圾食品对我们的健康有害。the doctor________ eating junk food is bad ________our health.7. 我爸爸几乎从来不去购物。my father_________ _________ goes shopping.【群学学案】:1、检查预习作业2、导入:what is this? it is an apple.3、完成1a,把单词和图片链接起来,并根据自己的情况,选出你平时最喜欢吃的食品。4、groupwork:除了1a中列举食品外,你还了解哪些,和你的伙伴谈一谈,编对话像这样:5、学习1b对话,谈论某人做某事的频率6、听录音,1c中的“问题”你如何回答?7、再听录音,回答1d中的问题,8.朗读1e的对话,进行采访问答然后小组展示。(要求:1人扮演记者,1人扮演bill, 1人扮演tina观察与思考:一、将一个句子变为否定句的三个步骤:1、在要求变为否定句的句子中寻找be动词am、is、are、was、were,若有其中某个的话,在其后边加not即可(也可将其两个词缩写:is not=isn’t;are not=aren’t;was not=wasn’t; were not=weren’t)。2、若在要求变为否定句的句子中找不到am、is、are、was、were,就在其中寻找情态动词can、may、must、should、will、would、could、shall等,若有其中某个的话,就在其后加not即可(也可根据需要将其缩写:can not=can’t, must not=mustn’t, will not=won’t)。3、若在要求变为否定句的句子也找不到情态动词,就借助助动词do、does、did,第三人称单数借助does,不是第三人称单数借助do,一般过去时借助did,并在其后加not(分别可缩写成don’t、doesn’t、didn’t)后边的动词打回原形。 例1:he is a teacher.(变否定句)he is not a teacher. 或he isn’t a teacher.例2:they can dance.(变否定句)they can not dance.或they can’t dance.例3:jim likes pets. (变否定句)jim does not like pets.或jim doesn’t like pets.注意:例3中likes→like,即动词由第三人称单数形式打回为动词原形。二、将一个句子变为一般疑问句也有三个步骤,且类似变否定句的规则。即:将找到的be动词或情态动词提到句首,末尾加问号,若没有be动词或情态动词,同样的方法借助do、does、did,并将其提到句首,动词打回原形,末尾加问号。注意:遇到some变any,并根据语境更改相应的人称和物主代词。请将例1、例2、例3变为一般疑问句:例1_______________________.例2__________________________.例3______________________.三、特殊疑问句的变法:通常对划线部分提问的过程就是变这个句子为特殊疑问句的过程。基本结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句原则上划什么就用什么特殊疑问词。例如:划时间就用when,划原因就用why,划方式就用how,划频率就用how often。例4:she exercises twice a week.(对划线部分提问)how often does she exercise?特殊疑问词 一般疑问句练习:jim likes pets.(对划线部分提问)_______ ________ jim like?四、1、how many 后加______ how much 后加________________2、.my mother wants me to drink milk.want to do sth. 意思是“想要做某事”;want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一起去看电影吗?the teacher doesn't want us to eat hamburgers.老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。3、she says it’s good for my health.(1)be good for...表示“对……有益(有好处)”;其反义为:be bad for...。(这里for 是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)如:it's good for us to do more reading. 多读书对我们有好处。reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上读书对你的眼睛有害。exercise is good for your health 锻炼有益于健康he is good for nothing 他这个人没什么用。【辨析】be good for; be good at; be good with; be good tobe good for...表示“对……有益(有好处)”;其反义为:be bad for...。be good at…“擅长于。。。。。。”,相当于do well in…be good with (sb.)=get along well with sb.与(某人)相处得好be good to(sb.)=be kind/friendly to sb.“对。。。。。。好”4.health 不可数名词, 健康(指人体或心理状况),健康状况。如: my health. .doing sports is good for your health., 常见短语 be in good(bad, poor) health意为健康,不健康 his father is in good health【拓展】:healthy adj. 健康的。----反义词:unhealthy. he is a healthy teenager.i have a healthy lifestyle. 短语: keep/stay healthy 保持健康,be healthy/look healthy看上去很健康;healthily adv.健康地eat healthily健康饮食【训练案】一、单项选择。( )1、_____do you drink coffee? -----twice a day. a. how many b. how long c. how soon d. how often( )2、my teacher wants me _________ hard.  a. study b. studying c. to study d. studies( )3、eating fruit and vegetables ____ our health. a. is good to b. is good c. is good for d. is well for( )4、miss liu is very ________, because she exercises every day.  a. health b. healthy c. unhealthy d. unhealth( )5、thank you for _______ me with my english.  a. help b. to help c. helping d helps( )6、 _______ milk do you drink?   a. how many b. how much c. how often d. how soon二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.my mother_______(want)me_________(drink)more water every day.2.she says it’s good for my_________(healthy).3.thanks for________(help)me with my english.4.i can’t stand__________(get up)early in winter.三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.谢谢来接受采访thanks for________ in ________the interview.2.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处doing eye exercises________ ________ ________your eyes.3.你妈妈每晚睡多少小时?________ ________ ________ ________your mom sleep every night?4.孩子需要许多睡眠。 children need________ ________ _________.5.我从不喜欢垃圾食品。 i_______ love_______ ________.6.我想让她买那条裙子。 i want_______ ________ _________that dress.四、根据句意和首字母补全单词1)my mother says it's good for my h________.2) lily e________ every morning to stay healthy.3) i usually watch tv at night, but s________ i go for a walk with my parents.4)i like to d______ coffee.五、根据短文内容填空what is junk food?junk food has lots of fat, salt and sugar. having too much of them is________ for people’s health. hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, colas and ice creams are_________ junk food!why is junk food popular?junk food is _______in the world. first, it is cheap(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) to make. second, it is_______ and easy for people to eat. third, most junk food has food additives(添加剂),so it looks good and it tastes_________.why is junk food bad?junk food is bad for ________.it makes people overweight and causes many healthy problems.how _________can you eat junk food ?it’s ok to have junk food_______ and then. if you are too heavy, you’d ____________ not eat it or try to eat less. if you are very healthy and live a regular(有规律的) life, you can eat it ________.我的收获:____________________________________________________________________我的疑惑:_____________________________________________________________________


Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案
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文章名称:Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案





