How long have you been collecting shells(精选4篇)How long have you been collecting shells(精选4篇)How long have you been collecting shells(精选4篇)


How long have you been collecting shells(精选4篇)

How long have you been collecting shells(精选4篇)

How long have you been collecting shells 篇1


  【课题】:unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? section b(3a-selfcheck)

  【励志小木屋】:learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。

  【预习目标】:1、知识目标:new  words:stamp,kite

  2、能力目标:drills:1,would like to do  2 have been doing


  【预习重、难点】:1、how long has he been collecting kites ?

  2、he has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.

  一.自主预习:(一)预习任务:   task1. 词组互译

  给……寄___________  事实上_______  顺便说_________  under the bed_______ run out of__________ would like to do sth.________  anyone else________ on my seventh birthday___________放风筝__________

  听音乐录像__________ 看英文电影__________ 用英文写作___________


  task 2、完成句子:  阅读课本3a,完成下表

  ellen’s hobby collecting snow globes

  how long 1. ______________

  how many 2. ______________

  mom’s idea 3. ________________

  the first one 4. ___________________

  a gift from jack  5. ________________

  globes with animals one with bears, one with penguins

  she wants to start 6. __________________

  task 3. . 完成self check 中的1,单词填空.


  1. it’s lucy’s birthday today. she with her friends is eating a birthday c____

  2. they are twindowss. they have many c____ characteristics(特点)。

  3. it’s said that there is a ____(怪物) in the river.

  4. his father is a great ____(收藏者). he has been collecting many coins.

  5. my father is very busy, ____(特别) on monday.

  6. she found a box to s_____ the books.

  7. she has a lot of friends, but only s____ close friends.

  (三)预习反思:do you have any question?

  二.课中实施:  step1.预习交流   step2. warming-up   step 3: lead- in   step4 practice  step 5 精讲点拨:

  …..because we’ve run out of room to store them.


  1) run out of用尽,用完

  eg:they have run out of ink.他们已经把墨水用完了

  2)room n. ①在这里时不可数名词,意思是“虚拟主机”“地方”,相当于space。

  make room for sb.给某人腾出地方

  eg: please make room for the old man.请给这位老人腾出地方。

  ②room 还可用作可数名词,意思是“房间,室”

  eg: the building has 20 rooms.这座建筑有20个房间。

  step 6 拓展延伸:选词填空

  1. next saturday will be his____ birthday.

  2. ____, who is your best friend?

  3. he didn’t buy that pen because he ____ his money yesterday.

  4. thanks for ___ me so much help.

  5. in summer, people____ meat in fridges(冰箱)。

  三、 限时作业    (每空一分,共10分)                得分率______

  选择1. ——_____ did you skate today?——for six hours.

  a. when   b. how long   c. what time  d. how soon

  2. it has been a long time ____ i met you last time.

  a. since   b. when  c. as         d. for

  3. this is an ___ shell. maria and i are____ in it.

  a. interesting, interesting  b. interested, interested

  c. interest, interested    d. interesting,  interested

  4. thanks___ me the snow globe____ the monster.

  a. for to send, of   b. for sending, of  c. to send, from  d. to sending, from

  5. i would like to give you a present___ your birthday.

  a, on  b. at  c. of   d. to

  6. he ____ for 5 years.   a. left school    b. has learning english

  c. came to school    d. has been learning english

  7. has worked in that factory for____.  a. two and half years

  b. two and a half years  c. two years and half  d. two year and a half

  句型转换:8. he has been collecting kites from china for 5 years.(划线提问)

  ____ _____ has he been collecting kites from china?

  9. i have been away from home for 12 years.(同义句)

  i have been away from home ____ 12 years____.

  10. i love the english song ”colors of the windowsd” best of all.(同2)

  the english song ”colors of the windowsd” is my_____.


How long have you been collecting shells 篇2

  八年级(下)英语学案     第36课时

  【课题】:units 6   revision

  【励志小木屋】:fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.


  【学习目标】:(一)知识目标:master words、phases and sentences.



  【task 1】: 根据句意及提示写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。

  1.listen!a girl_________ (sing) in the hall.  2.alison________________ (swim) for three hours. 

  3.when i entered the classroom,i found some students ______________(watch) tv.

  4.there are some children who ___________(play) football on the playground.

  5.- how long_________you____________(do) that?-for about four years.

  6.the young man _________________(skate) since he was eight years old is p____________ cold today,i have to stay inside all day. the future ,computers will be very c__________,we can find them in each family.

  9.a g__________ is a ball which made of glass. can pick up many beautiful s__________ on the beach every early morning.

  【task2】 单项选择

  1._____ of them has a study.(书房)  a.both   b.all   c.each   d.every

  2. he liked to eat mooncakes _____ nuts in them. a.have   b.has  c.with   dand

  3.______ the way,what’s your name?    b.on    d.for

  4.i don’t like_____ the way he talks to me. a.on    d/

  5-how long did your brother skate?-he _____ for five hours.

  a.did skated   b.skated skating   dwas skating

  6.they ______money to build a new school for the faraway village.

  a.collected   b.took   c.spent   d raised

  7.he said he _____ doing some shopping.  a.would like  b.liked c.wanted  d felt

  8.they are fast ______ out of money. run   c.running   d ran elder sister is _____ in the writer job.

  a.interested   b.interesting   c.interests   d to interest

  10.the smiths have been living here___ about 15 years.a.for  b.since 


  1.商店只剩下两双鞋了。there________ two _______ _________ shoes left in the shop.

  2.小孩到现在已经睡了几个小时?_______ ________ hours ________ the 宝宝 _______ _________?

  3.坐在这里。i __________ _________ ________ here all afternoon.

  4.直在写作文.he ________ _________ ___________ a composition.


  we _________ __________ _________ to the tape-recording for half an hour.

  6.下了两天雪了。it _________ __________ ___________ for two days.

  7.明天才有空。i ___________ __________ __________ until tomorrow.

  8.自便。you __________ ___________ to come and go as you please.

  9.if you know where she is,please___________(告之我)

  10.we have______________ (用尽)money to buy the house.

  11.tom _________________(对……感兴趣) science ten years ago.

  12.he would like to ____________ (交些朋友)in china.

  13.the poor man had to________________(谋生)by begging.


  1.he has been working for five hours(对划线部分提问)

  _______ ________ ________ he ________ __________? brother joined the league three years ago. (对划线部分提问)

  __________ ________ _________ brother _________ the league?

  3.i slept for nine hours last night. (对划线部分提问)

  ________ ________ _________ you _________ last night?

  4.i’ve been skating since i was seven years old. (对划线部分提问)

  _________ ________ ___________ you _________ ____________?

  【限时作业】    满分10分           得分_________

  1.most of the children are afraid of m_________.

  2.this afternoon some students danced to r__________ money for poor area.

  3.he is a c__________ fan of shells.   4.i’m very i________ in collecting kites.

  5.他对数学很感兴趣。he ________very ________ _________ math.

  6.他们的钱用完了。they have ________ _______ ________ money.

  7.顺便问一下,哪一条是去邮局的路?________ ________ ________ ,which is the way to the post office?

  8.我们应该尽力帮助老年人。we should _______ ________ ________ to help the old.

  homework   根据句意及首字母补全单词

  1.he’d like_________(collect) shells because they are beautiful.

  2.when i was twelve,i____________ (start) to play tennis.

  3.if you know his telephone number,please let me _________ (know).

  4.thank you for _________(tell) me the truth. windowster,the animals must s___________ enough food.

  6.thanks for s___________ me the beautiful card.  7.victor has been skating s__________ he was five.

  8. they are_____________(募集)money for charity.  9. he got a job__________(当作)a writer.

  10. i don’t know anyone _________(其它的)in your class.

  11. pairs and london are____________(首都)cities.

  12. my parents were so__________(吃惊的)when i told them about this.

  13. if you study hard, you’ll _____________(能够)understand any culture.

  书面表达   假如你是mike,你喜欢集邮。你看到网上一个集邮俱乐部在招收会员。你对此非常感兴趣,于是决定用e-mail发一封个人简历。


  hobby collecting stamps

  when started 10 years old

  how long four and a half years

  how many over 200

  more information get 12 from foreign friends and get to know more countries and their culture

  dear sir or madam,

  i want to join your stamp collectors’ clubvery much.

  _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


How long have you been collecting shells 篇3


  【课题】:unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? section b(1a-2c)

  【励志小木屋】:learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。

  【预习目标】:1、知识目标:new  words:stamp,kite

  2、能力目标:drills:1,would like to do  2 have been doing


  【预习重、难点】:1、how long has he been collecting kites ?

  2、he has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.

  一.自主预习:(一)预习任务:   task1. 词组互译

  收集贝壳               十岁               集邮             

  到目前为止          最喜欢        看上去像一个有趣的收藏                                   

  task 2、完成句子:   1. 你收集啥? what      you         ?

  2. 他收集风筝有多长时间了?how long       he                  ?

  3.从他十岁起就已经收集电影票。he has been collecting            since                                      .

  4. 你有多少个?               do you        ?

  5. 到目前为止大约有20个.   i have about                     .


  1. bob has been c____ coins for 4 years.   2. they r____ lots of money for the charity last week.     3. people use s____ to post letters.

  4. she has been playing the guitar s____ she was 9 years old.

  5. people like to fly k____ in march in weifang.

  (三)预习反思:do you have any question?

  二.课中实施:  step1.预习交流   step2. warming-up   step 3: lead- in   step4 practice  step 5 精讲点拨:

  i’d like to collect stamps because they are interesting.我想集邮,因为它们很有趣。(1)would like to do sth. “想要做某事“,相当于want to do sth.

  eg : i would like to go hiking this weekend.

  (2)collect是动词,意为“收集,搜集“,其名词为:collection, 意为”收集,收藏“;collector意为”收藏者“。

  eg: the collector has collected many collections.

  step 6 拓展延伸:改错。 1. we’ve ran out of room to store snow globes.

  2. i have been listening to music video since i was seven.

  3. i think he has else something to tell us.

  4. china is an old country in a long history.

  5. although he is ten years old, but he has been skating for six years.

  6. if you study hard, you are able to catch up with others.

  7. someone will probable find it and return it.

  8. grandma thought it will be a good idea.

  三、 限时作业    (每空一分,共10分)                得分率______

  选择1.__ of us can work out this problem. a, anyone b. anybody c. any one

  2. how long have you___ writing ____ english?

  a. be; in    b. been; on    c. been; in  d. be; on

  3. she is a teacher. she has been working in this school____ four years.

  a. since  b. for  c. been   d. after

  4. would you like____ any of these stamps?

  a. to collect   b. collect   c; collecting  d; collected

  5.____ there anyone here who can do such a job? a, is  b. are  c. has

  6. ----i like playing football very much.-----would you like____ it this afternoon?    a. play   b. to play   c. playing

  7. collecting shells_____ his hobby.   a. is   b. are  c. were

  单词填空8. i would like to c____ coins.

  9. the running m_____ has been going for three hours. i don’t know who will windows in the end.     10. she has lived here s____ she was born.

  homework: 词的适当形式填空

  1. i’d like____(have) something to eat, i’m very hungry now.

  2. how long_____ you been____ (collect) toys?

  3. who is the first student_____ (come) to school?

  4. he has been working here since he____(become) a worker.

  5. _____you ever_____(visit) the great wall?

  6. ——how long_____ your sister been____ (work) in the factory?

  ——since she ____ (leave) school.

  7. they would like____(go) to the park this sunday.

  8. i’m ____ in this (interest)_____ book.

  句型转换:1. i started collecting stamps five years ago.(同义句)

  i ____ _____ collecting stamps for five years.

  2. they have been friends for ten years.(划线提问)

  ______ _____ have they been friends?

  3. she collects shells because they are beautiful.(同2)

  _____ _____ she collect shells?

  4. my grandma’s hobby is reading.(同2)

  _____ _____ you grandma’s hobby?

  5. he sent me several snow globes.(同1)

  he sent several snow globes____ _____.


How long have you been collecting shells 篇4

  八年级下unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?


  1, 知识目标:

  1)remember words & phrases of this unit:

  verbs: collect  raise  store been  miss   run out of  be interested in

  nouns: shell  pair  skate  skater stamp kite coin capital thousand foreigner  cake globe                   monster collector dynasty character emperor jew

  adj: several extra certain common jewish

  adv:  particularly   quite  

  prep & conj: since 自从 自…以来

  adj & n:  european&nbs(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)p; russian  australian

  pron : anyone ( someone  no one  somebody  anybody  nobody)


  3)since与 for的区别

  4) how long与 when 的区别。


  3  情感目标:做任何事情要持之以恒,要有毅力。



  1,你第一次溜冰马拉松赛                   2,得到第一双溜冰鞋              

  3,自从我七岁以来                 4, 为慈善机构募捐钱             

  5,第一个开始的             6,整整五个小时               7,三年半                    

  8,搜集贝壳/风筝/硬币/毛绒玩具                             9,事实上         

  10,用尽了虚拟主机储藏它们                                  11,在我七岁生日时             

  12,其他啥人            13,组建雪球收集者俱乐部             14,顺便问一下           


  16,在学校比赛中获一等奖                     17,一些欧洲影响                       

  18,具有俄罗斯风格                    19,一千多年前                        

  20,受到…的欢迎                   21研究澳大利亚或西方历史                          

  22,能够明白任何一种语言                     23,想念你的家人                       


  任务二 翻译句子

  1, 自从我七岁以来一直溜冰。

  2, 是第一个开始的并溜了整整五个小时。

  3, 他搜集风筝十年了。

  4, 如果你认识其他啥人收集雪球的话,请告诉我。

  5, 我想告诉你关于我的爱好。

  6, 你想有啥业余爱好

  7, 我的爱好是收集古币

  8, 我对当作者这份工作感兴趣。

  9, 我听音乐七年了。

  10,  它是一座有着丰富历史的有趣的城市。

  11, 事实上,第一批犹太人很可能在一千多年前来到开封并受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。

  12, 我的澳大利亚朋友说中国历史很难理解。

  13, 对于像我这样的外国人,对中国历史了解得越多,就越喜欢住在中国。

  14, 如果外国人来到中国,他们会遇到语言麻烦。






  1.搜集,收集(verb)             . 搜集者                搜集,收集(noun)        


  link with the text:

  your own sentence:

  2.筹集,募集         。为慈善事业筹集钱                                       

  link with the text:

  your own sentence:          . 把他们储存在盒子里                                       

  link with the text:

  your own sentence:


  link with the text:

  your own sentence:


  link with the text:

  your own sentence:


  link with the text:

  your own sentence:


  link with the text:

  your own sentence:

  8.欧洲的,欧洲人的,欧洲人               、 。俄罗斯的、俄罗斯人(的),俄语                    

  link with the text:

  your own sentence:


  1. 用所给词的适当形式填空

  -look ! what            alison                (do?)

  - he                    (skate)

  -when            you              (start )?   ---two hours ago.

  -how long           he                     (skate)?

  -he                                (skate) for two hours.

  how long 对                  提问,when对                             提问

  go ahead:

  a) we have been playing football for 2 hours.(对划线部分提问)

  have you been playing football?

  b) --          did you first skate ?

  --two years ago.  

  2. since 与 for

  for + 一段时间, since+时间点/时间状语从句/一段时间+ago

  l) lis has been studying medicine at university         three years.

  three years ago.

  2) dave has been playing the piano          he was seven years old.

  3)they have been working here           .


  work in pairs, talk about the followindowsg topics. don’t forget to use “ how long have you been doing…?  for…/since…”.

  topic1 -what sport do you play?              topic2: a: what’s your hobby?

  - basketball.                                 b: i like flying kites.

  -when did you start?                          a: how long have you been doing that?

  -when i was ten.                             b: for about two years.

  -so how long have you been playing?

  -three and a half years.

  topic3: a: what do you collect?

  b: i collect kites.

  a: how long have you been collecting them?

  b: since i was seven years old.

  then :  make a short report, eg: i like…,i have been…for/since… but/while my friend likes…and she has been…for/since…



  how long have you been wearing glasses?

  how long have you been living in your village?

  how long have you been studying english?

  how long have you been doing eye exercises?

  how long have you been doing sports in the morning?

  how long have you been having a bad cold?


  eg …has been wearing glasses for …has been living in the village since he/she was born…


  不同的人有不同的爱好。有的人爱好集邮,有的人爱好养宠物,有的人爱好运动,听音乐,看电影….根据下面提示,以different people, different hobbies为题写一篇短文。

  name hobby how long  more information

  joe swimming for seven years strong and healthy

  dennis collecting stamps since he was eight over 500stamps

  julia watching english movies for four years a good way to learn english

  different people, different hobbies

  different people have different hobbies. i have three friends. they are joe, dennis and julia. joe likes           and he has been                  for                .he thinks it makes him                               .dennis enjoys                          .he has been                            since                            , and now he has over         from different countries. julia is interested in                            .she has been                  for                          ,she says watching english movies helps her                           .she thinks it is                                  .

  模块六: 当堂检测

  1, my sister has been learning english for           three years.

  a   more than     b    more over  c  than     

  2, he raised         for the charity to help the poor children.

  a  thousand of dollars  b thousands of dollars  c  three thousands dollars

  3,i have been skating         two hours.

  a  for          b  in            c  since

  4,there’s much             on the train.(room)

  5,he’s a famous                   .(write)

  6, his father is a                    . (collect)

  7,is there                     (someone) in the classroom?

  8,the girl has been                     (wait)for three hours.


  i                                                               .


  he has been playing tennis for                                                    .



  homework: review unit5

  do you know?

  hold on to your dream ,never give up, and you’ll make it.


How long have you been collecting shells(精选4篇)
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