Healthy Diet 初三英语课堂练习Healthy Diet 初三英语课堂练习Healthy Diet 初三英语课堂练习


Healthy Diet 初三英语课堂练习

healthy diet 初三英语课堂练习一、汉译英1.均衡饮食                                                  2.决定做某事                             3.离开,不接近                           4.油炸食物                               5.软饮料                                 6.体检                                   7.减肥                                   8.大量,充足                             9.通常,大体上                           10.给某人自己买某物                      11.鸡翅                                   二、根据句意及汉语意思完成单词1.david and samuel are having dinner in a          (餐馆) is           (必要的) for me to have a balanced diet.3.i’ll have a           (汉堡包),some chocolate and a large           (可乐). 4.i’ll have chicken          (三明治) and a          (色拉)5.         (研究) shows that each day you should have a lot of fruit. 三、用所给单词适当形式填空’ll learn about people’s views on different         (kind) of sister         (fail) her cooking exam because she burnt something.3.the “vegetables” group is          (big) than the “fruit” group.4.that sounds         (terrible).5.i needed         (lose) should have         (few) dairy products and eggs, and         (little) meat.7.i think my diet is          (balance).8.then i treated          (i) to some ice cream.9.eating too much meat is          (health)         (come) my coffee. 四、单项选择1.become healthier and healthier because my diet is       .a.balance       b.balancing      c.balanced balance2.if you want to keep healthy, you should have       water every day.a.many         b.a number of      c.plenty of      d.a order to keep healthy, we decide to       away from fried food.a.prevent       b.stay  (各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)     c.stop       d.run4.---does mary only have an apple for breakfast? ---yes, she eats like a bird wake up be strong lose weight fall asleep5.i want a sweet milk. put some       in my cup,       b.soup      c.salt     d.sugar6.---bill, can i get you anything to drink?  --- are welcome problem    c.i wouldn’t mind a coffee doesn’t matter7.---would you like something to drink?---    &nbsp ;  .i’m thirsty.a.yes, i can , thanks   c.yes, please, i don’t like it8.---why don’t you join us for breakfast? ---sure!a.good luck!        b.congratulations!    c.what to do?       d.why not?9.---you’d better not eat too much salt. it’s bad for your health. ---        .a.not at all  ’re welcome    c.i’m thirsty now       d.thanks for your advice  五、阅读理解a     if you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. today, many teenagers are overweight,and some of this is because of their bad eating habits. most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar.people often call this kind of food "junk food".     but bad eating habits go beyond fast food. we find many teenagers eat unhealthy. some don't have breakfast beforethey go to school. during the day, some don't have a proper meal for lunch. in a recent survey at one school, scientistsfound that over two-thirds of the students didn't follow a healthy diet. they didn't like vegetables, and many of themdidn't like to eat fruits. they perferred to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.     ★ teenagers shouldn't eat too much junk food.     ★ teenagers shouldn't eat food with too much salt. salt can cause high blood[pressure in the future.     ★ teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil, and sugar.     ★ teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat.     ★ teenagers need to drink more milk. milk will help their bones grow.     ★ teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. this is good for their body and mind.1. "junk food" contains a lot of __________.a. milk and sugar           b. fruits and sugar c. vegetables and salt        d. fat, oil, salt and sugar2. in a recent survey at one school, scientists found many students liked __________.a. vegetables       b. unhealthy foodc. fruits           d. healthy food3. what does the underlined word "beyond" mean in chinese in t his passage?a. 超出        b. 不如c. 相等        d. 在后面4. in this passage, doctors think that teenagers should eat more __________.a. food with no vitamins       b. fat and sugarc. vegetables and fruits        d. salt and oil5. the best title for this passage is __________.a. bad habits              b. junk foodc. unhealthy food           d. advice on healthy eating  ball of us want to be healthy, but not all of us know how to stay healthy. the following is what we should know.   eat between 3 and 5 meals a day. breakfast, lunch and dinner are necessary. also, try to eat some food when you are hungry.   drink more water. drink 6 to 12 glasses of water each day. it keeps your body active and moist.   sleep about 7 to 8 hours every night. remember not to sleep too much or too little.   you can't be healthy without doing exercise. try to exercise for 30 minutes to an hour every day such as running and swimming. any kind of sport is good for your health.   vitamins are a necessary part of any healthy diet. try to eat different kinds of food to get enough vitamins. eat a lot of  vegetables and fruit.    don't smoke and drink less alcohol. smoking and drinking much alcohol can make you unhealthy. 1, how much water do we need to drink each day?   a. 3 to 5 glasses    b. 5 to 6 glasses   c. 7 to 8 glasses   d. 6 to 12 glasses2, what does the underlined word "moist" mean in chinese?  a. 美味的  b. 滋润的   c. 干燥的    d. 丰富的3, what should you not do to keep healthy?   a. drink more water            b. drink less alcohol  c. only eat what you like        d. stop smoking 4, which of the following is true according to the passage?  a. don't eat anything except the three meals   b. try to exercise for more than an hour every day    c. it's good for health to sleep more than 8 hours every night  d. drinking much alcohol can make you unhealthy5, what's the main idea of the passage?   a. good health is important to our studies  b. good health comes from a healthy diet  c. doing much exercise to keep healthy  d. what we should do to keep healthy 答案一、汉译英1.a balaced diet   2.decide to do sth   3.stay away from   4.fried food5.soft drinks    6.medical examination    7.lose weight   8.plenty general   10.treat oneself to sth   11.chicken wings二、根据句意及首字母填空   2.necessary   3.hamburger; cola   4.sandwich, salad5.research三、用所给词适当形式填空1.kinds   2.failed &n bsp; 3.bigger   4.terrible lose   6.fewer7.balanced    8.myself   9.comes四、选择题1-5  ccbcd   6-9 ccdd五、阅读理解a:   1-5 dbacdb:   1-5dbcdd


Healthy Diet 初三英语课堂练习
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