Unit 1 Festivals around the World(Grammar and Useful Structures)Unit 1 Festivals around the World(Grammar and Useful Structures)Unit 1 Festivals around the World(Grammar and Useful Structures)


Unit 1 Festivals around the World(Grammar and Useful Structures)

unit 1 festivals around the world(grammar and useful structures)

teaching aims1. to discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.2. get the students to study the use of modal verbs. difficult pointshow to use proper modal verbs according to the concrete and authentic situations. important pointsthe meaning and correct use of each pair of modal verbs: can and could, may and might, will and would, shall and should, must and can’t step 1 warming upas we know, the olympics is coming.show two pictures: liuxiang and yaomingsay something about them using modal verbs.____________________________________________________________________step 2 lead-in t: look at the picture, the man is carrying a pile of books. so he can carry heavy books. he wants to enter the room, but he couldn’t open the door by himself. so he is making a request to ask for help from the woman by saying “could you open the door, please?”(the teacher writes the three sentences on the blackboard. 1.so he can carry heavy books. 2. he couldn’t open the door by himself. 3. could you open the door, please?)t: look at the three modal verbs in each sentence and try to get their meanings. ____________________________________________________________________step 3 explanation 1. can and could 1)表示能力(ability),指有能力做某事,意为“能够”。例如:注意:表示现在,将来“能够”可用be able to 替换。表示过去“能够”并成功了只能用was/ were able to, 不能用could。例如my grandma is over eighty, but she can/ is able to read without glasses.we can/ will be able to talk about the matter later.i talked with her for a long time, and at last i was able to make her believe me.(不能用could)2)表示请求(request)或允许(permission)。意为“可否”、“可以”。 could 比can 更有礼貌,在此不是can的过去式。 can you wait a moment please?liz, can you do me a favor?excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?i wonder if you could help me. (request) ---- could i use your phone?----yes, of course. you can. do you think i could borrow your bike. (permission)3)表示可能性(possibility) a. can 表示泛指的“可能”, 并非说话者主观认为的可能性,即并非说话者的主观猜测。accident can happen to any drunken driverb.表示说话者主观猜测,只能用与否定句或疑问句中。例如:it can’t be my father. he is now in england. ----can it rain tomorrow? ----no, it can’t. 2. may and might1) 表示可能性(possibility),用于对现在,过去或将来的推测,暗示不确定。might 不是may的过去式,它所表示的可能性比may 小,含较多的怀疑。 he may be very busy now. (可能性较大)he might be very busy now. (可能性较小)2) 表示许可(permission),表示允许别人做某事, 也可征求对方的许可。he may go now.we may keep the book for two weeks.3)  用于祈使句,表示祝愿。may you succeed!may you have a nice trip!3. will and would1)表示意愿表示愿意做或主动提出做,如意志,愿望或决心等,例如:that bag looks heavy, i’ll help you with it.( offering to do sth)---- you know that book i lent you. can i have it back if you’ve finished with it?---- of course.. i’ll give it to you this afternoon.(agreement)thanks for lending me the money, i’ll pay you back on friday. (promise)2) 表示习惯(habit, custom)this old man is strange. he will sit for hours without saying anything.we would sit around grandpa after supper, listening to his stories.3)表示请求(request), 用于第二人称, would 比will 更委婉。 例如:will you come this way, please?would you open the window?4. shall and should 1)shall 的用法a.  shall 在疑问句中用于第一,第三人称,表示征求对方的意见。shall we put off the sports meeting until next month?shall tom go there with me tomorrow?b. shall 用于第二,第三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令,警告,允诺或威胁。   you shall fail if you don’t work harder. (警告)he shall have the book when i finish reading it.(允诺)he shall be punished.(威胁)2) should 的用法a. should 表示劝告、建议、命令。you should go to class right away.b. should 表示期待,用于表达合理推断(prediction,意为“应该” ),或明显的结果(意为“可能”)且所期待的事几乎是事实。it is three o’clock, the football game should begin now. mary took dancing lessons for years, she should be an excellent dancer.5. must 与 can’t must 用来表示“命令”、“推测”等含义。1)表示规定、指令表示规定、指令时主要指客观上的法律、条文规定,常常翻译为“应该、必须”之类意思。mustn’t 表示禁止you must have a passport if you want to go abroad.dr(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ivers mustn’t drive after drinking. 2) 表示主观的命令、禁止表示主观的命令、禁止时,主要指说话者主观的命令或强烈的劝告。you can go out with your friend but you must come back before 11 at night. ----must i hand in the exercise today?----no, you needn’t.3)表示猜测,语气非常肯定,近乎确定的意味,一般用于肯定句,意为肯定……。其否定为can’t,意为不可能…... you must be ill. i can see it from your face.he can’t be at home. i saw him in the classroom just now.step 4 summing upfrom the demonstration of the modal verbs above, we can find most of them can be used to express certainty, but the degree of them is different. he might be in the classroom.  (quite not sure)he may be in the classroom.he could be in the classroom.he should be in the classroom.he must be in the classroom.   (quite sure) step 5 practice

1) find all the sentences with modal verbs and explain the meaning.1. other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals. 2. they lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty. 3.…or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.4. in japan the festival is called obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.5. on this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones” on them. 6. it is now a children’s festival, when they can go to their neighbours’ homes and ask for     sweets. 7. if they are not given anything, the children might play a trick. 8. some people might win awards for their animals, flowers, fruit and vegetables,… 9. at the spring festival in china, people…and may give children lucky money in red paper.10. they might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night. 2) complete the following sentences with proper modal verbs.a) you’ve been working all day. you ______ be very tired.b) (the door bell rings)i wonder who that is, it________ be lisa. she’s still in the library at this time.c) it is a long time since we met last time. you ________ come and see us more often.d) i haven’t; decided where i’m going for my holidays. i ______ go to australia. e) my father’s birthday is coming. what ________ i get him f) why don’t you try on this dress? it__________ look nice on you.g) “who was the man talking with your teacher?” “i’m not sure. it ___________ be her brother.h) i don’t know when the guests ___________ be here. they __________ arrive at any time.(must, can’t, should, may, shall, will, might, will, could)3)&nbsp(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容); finish the dialogue using modal verbs on p61. a: wouldyou like to go to a special event with us on saturday?b: yes, i’d like to go with you on saturday2. a:   couldxiao feng find the origin of easter from that book?b: no, he couldn’t find it.3. a: may i go with my friend to the harvest festival?      b: yes, you may go ( with your friends )4. a: if i want to be a doctor should i study science? b: yes, you should study science.a: he is very handsome. can he play the role of the princeb: no, he can’t play the role of the prince.6. a: the neighbor’ s children are older this year. might or shouldthey stop playing tricks at halloween?b: perhaps, they might stop playing tricks at halloween or should stop playing 4) make a dialogue using modal verbs according to the given situation.you have to go to buy food and gifts for spring festival. in pairs, one as the shop keeper and the other as the customer, offer and request the items you need. use these expressions to help you.would you like …?   could i have …?might i suggest …?  may i see …?you should try …?  could we look at …?can you see …?   we might take …?homeworkchoose one of the following situations to create a short dialogue using modal verbs.situation a: in a library. ask the librarian if he can help to find a book relating to some specific topics, whether they can be renewed or not, and how to do if the books are lost.   (“could you please find…?” “may i …?”  “you mustn’t…”)situation b: a doctor gives a patient some advice. (“you should…”)situation c: in a park by a lake. discuss that one should not destroy the environment. (“you should…”, “you shouldn’t…”, “you mustn’t…”)situation d: requesting an appointment. (“will you…?” “shall i …?”)


Unit 1 Festivals around the World(Grammar and Useful Structures)
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