Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Period 1  Section A 1aUnit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Period 1  Section A 1aUnit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Period 1  Section A 1a


Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Period 1  Section A 1a

unit 10 if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

period 1  section a 1a-2c学习目标     知识目标:熟练掌握句型:1. a:i think i’m going to the party with karen and ann. b: if you do ,you’ l l have a great time.2. if you do , the teachers won’t let you in.3. what will happen if they have the party tomorrow?熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇:jeans, have a good time, organize技能目标:熟练运用“will+动词原形”和现在进行时表示将来的语言结构。了解并初步运用“if引导的条件状语从句+will”结构来谈论因果关系。情感态度:在活动中学会统筹安排事情。  课前准备ⅰ. 你会唱if you are happy这首歌吗?请你从网上搜索这首歌并学会它。ⅱ. 假设你的好友本周六晚上要举行生日聚会, 你打算去参加。请试着回答下列问题:how are you going there?   ________________________________________________whom are you going with?  ________________________________________________what time are you going?   ________________________________________________w hat clothes will you wear?________________________________________________wha t will you bring?       ________________________________________________what will you do there?    _________________________________________________学习过程          before listening1. 齐唱英文歌曲if you are happy。和同伴练习对话:a:if you are happy,  what will you do?  b: if i am happy,  i will…a: if you are sad,  what will yo(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)u do?     b: if i am sad,  i will…2. groupwork: 小组内交流课前准备ⅱ的内容。用“if you do,  you’ll…”在小组内互动。3. 观察1a中的图画,默读1a中的句子,并进行匹配。并大声朗读1a句子。while listening1. 听1b中的录音,完成1a句子中的答语。。2. 再听一遍1b的录音并跟读, 和同伴说一下你们听到的表“假设”的句子。看看谁说得多!(可参考1a的内容)观察与思考:观察1a中含有if的句子,你发现主句和从句的特点吗?if引导的是一个条件句,主句用__________(时态),从句用__________(时态)。注意:在与if条件句连用的主句中我们一般用will 表示将来时,而不用be going to 表示将来时。练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1) if he ___________(go) to the party,  he ________(have) a great time. (2) if the rain______________(stop) tonight,  we will go to the cinema.(3) i’ll buy a computer if i ______________(have) enough money.(4) you ______________(not get) nervous if you __________(do) enough exercise.(5) if she ______________(be) kind to me, i______________(not argue) with her.3. pairwork: 看1a中的图片,仿1c的内容编对话。 4. 听录音,完成2a的听力任务。5. 熟读2b中的句子。再听录音,完成2b的听力任务。6. 听第三遍录音,选择正确的句子填空。检测自己回答问题的情况。an drea: hi, mark. i want to have a class party. will you help me organize it?mark:  sure, andrea. i can help you. so when shall we have the party?andrea: let’s have it today after class.mark:  no, today is too early. ________________andrea: okay, let’s have it tomorrow.mark:  hmm… there’s a test tomorrow. ______________let’s have it on the weekend.andrea: okay, let’s have it on saturday afternoon. we can all meet and watch a video.mark:  no, i don’t think we should watch a video.  __________ let’s play party games.andrea: okay, good idea. ______________mark:  sure, i can do that.__________andrea: yes, that’s no problem.a. can you organize the party games?b. if we have it today. half the class won’t come.c. some students will be bored.d. and can you make some food for us?e. students will leave early to study for their tests.7. 模仿秀:跟读录音后,分角色朗读对话,注意语音、语调,看谁模仿录音最标准。after listening1. pairwork: 和同伴分角色扮演2c中的对话。  2. 同伴交流:a:i think i’m going to ride my bike. (be late)     b: if you do, you’ll be late.a: i think i’m going to work until night. (be tired)   b: ____________________a: i think i’m going to exercise every day.(be healthy) b: ______________________a: i think i’m going to work hard. (get a)           b:_____________________两人一组表演对话后,将对话的内容补全。知识巩固    ⅰ. 根据首字母及句意补全单词。1. don’t wear j ________ to go to the party, or your teacher will be angry.2. who are going t o o_________ this important english speech?3. i had a g ________ time at ann’s birthday party yesterday.4. what will h _________ in a hundred years?ⅱ. 根据提供的关键词,用if组成完整的句子。1. surf the internet, worry about ___________2. be sunny, go for a trip ___________3. watch the match, have a great time ____________4. not finish homework , be angry_________课堂反思   本单元我们学习了用__________引导的条件状语从句来谈论因果关系。我们应注意以下几点:(1) if引导的条件句位置灵活,可直接放在主句后面。若if引导的从句在前时,应在句中加__________(标点符号)。(2) 如果if条件句谈论的是今后可能出现的情况,则主句大多用_______时;若if条件句谈论的是客观事实,则主句大多用_________时或含情态动词的句子。(3) 在if条件句中通常用________时代替一般将来时表将来。 家庭作业 1. 背诵1b的对话      2. 结合课前准备ⅱ的内容,仿照1c或2c编对话。3. 依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。

unit 10 period 2   section a 2d—3c学习目标:   知识目标:熟练掌握句型:1.  a: what will you do if you go to the old people’s home visit?b: if i go to that one,  i’ll bring them some flowers.2.  i think that’s a great idea! if we do that,  more people will want to play the games.熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇:take away, clean –up, flower技能目标: 学习运用祈使句来制订规章制度,并能运用if引导的条件状语从句、现在进行时(表示将来)、情态动词should等语言结构来发表自己的观点,谈论事(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)情的结果。情感态度:让学生了解社交场所的礼仪和习惯。培养学生关爱老人和社会的良好品德。课前准备   ⅰ. 文化欣赏聚会是现代社会交往中很常见的一种形式,为了能够在各类型的聚会中得心应手,需要注意一些基本的礼仪。(1) 庆祝会。参加这种性质的聚会时需要把握住“喜庆”原则,不能过于拘谨、古板或严肃。但在一些正式的庆祝会上,参与者应注意其中的礼节,例如在给老人祝寿时,做晚辈应注意言谈举止,在选择座次时应听从主人的安排,不要“先入为主”,在选择买什么礼品时,也要考虑考虑庆祝的特点。(2) 其他聚会,如茶话会、纪念会等等,同样要求参与者举止得体,切忌喧宾夺主、哗众取宠、 忘乎所以。ⅱ. 你的班级规章制度有哪些?请你和同伴交流写出来!don'tpleaseyou can'tyou mustn'tyou shouldyou'd better notlet'swhy notⅲ. 如果你有一次社会实践的机会,你打算去哪里?如果去那里,你打算做哪些具体的事情?i’m going to _________.  if i go to that one.  i’ll__________________ .学习过程      warming up1. groupwork: 小组内交流课前准备ⅱ的内容。请尝试用“don’t…或“if you… , you will…”来说明如果违反将受到的惩罚。2. groupwork: suppose our school is going to have a party. if you want to join the party, what will you do and what won’t you do?while reading1. 阅读2d,找出含有if条件从子的复合句。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 模仿秀:跟读,模仿语音,语调。然后大声朗读、并背诵对话.  3. 两人一组表演对话观察与思考:2d中是运用______句式来制定规则制度的。肯定形式和否 定形式是如何表达的呢?我们还可以运用什么句式来表达禁止或劝告呢?(参考课前准备)after reading1. 3a. fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.2. read 3a aloud for 5 minutes to recite or retell.3. 3b.结合课前准备ii的内容,根据自己的实际情况和同伴一起交流。4. 3c writing and speaking in group.a:what will you do if you go to …?  b: if i go to…, i’ll … 1.       根据3a,仿写一篇小短文,来介绍你学校的制度。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________知识巩固    ⅰ. 根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词。1. i saw many kinds of f ________ in the garden.2. i want yo u to r ________ the rules for school parties.3. don’t bring your mobile phone. if you do, the teachers will take it a _______.4. let’s bring some _________(小吃)to the picnic.5. if lucy________(穿)jeans to the party, we won’t let her in. so she should_________(穿)her beautiful pants.ⅱ. 用if连接下列句子,注意动词的变化。1. i will go to the park. it will not rain tomorrow._________ ___________________________________________________________________2. he won’t help others. he will never get others’ help.____________________________________________________________________________3. i will pass the exams. i’ll go to high school._______________________________________________________ _____________________4. she will become a doctor. she’ll make a lot of money.____________________________________________________________________________5. my father will save more money. he will stop smoking.____________________________________________________________________________iii.词的适当形式填空many young people want_____(be) a professional athlete. they think it’s interesting and wonderful. if they ____________(become) a champion, they can make a living by___________(do) something they really love, and they____ __(be) famous. lots of people will look up to them all the time and they can do lots of work___________(help) people. but ____(be) a professional athlete____(be) very dangerous and they can________(hurt) very often. people_____________(watch) them all time. this can make life difficult.so you must_________(think) about it before you want to be a professional athlete.课堂反思: 1. 你能综合运用祈使句,情态动词should,条 件状语从句及一般将来时帮助班级制定一下班规吗?写一下你能用到的句型吧!2. 通过本节课的学习,你还有哪些知识没有掌握?请做出标记。 家庭作业  1. 熟背3a和3b的内容。 2.把课堂反思1中的任务以书面的形式写在作业本上。3.依据学习目标,预习下 一个学案的课前准备。               unit 10 period 3  section b 1a—1d学习目标      知识目标:熟练掌握句型:1. if you become a lion, you’ll travel around the world.2. a: i think you should go to college.   b: but if i go to college, i’ll never become a great soccer player.熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇:agent, travel around the world.技能目标:理解对话中四个人物不同的想法和意图。运用if条件状语从句来表达因果关系。情感态度: 就对待某一事的看法上鼓励学生畅所欲言,帮助学生形成健康向上的人生观。课前准备ⅰ. 你能写出下面这些活动的汉语吗?请选出你打算做的活动吧!(      )travel around the world ________________(      )become a professional soccer player _____________(      )get an education ___________(      )make a lot of money __________(      )get a part-time job____________(      )have a bake sale_____________(      )join an english club___________(      )go to college___________ⅱ. 你还打算去做哪些活动?__________ ________ __________ ___________ⅲ. 在以上的这些活动中,你认为最重要的是什么?请说出理由。参考句型:__________is the most important to me. if i _____________, i’ll_____________________.学习过程before listening1. 检测、交流课前准备ⅰ、ⅱ的内容,选出大家公认的最有意义的活动。2. 结合课前准备ⅲ和课本1的内容,借助下面的句型和同伴进行交流。a:what is the most important to you in life?b: i think it is important for me to…a: why?b: if i…,   i’ll…    however, i don’t think it’s so important for me to …, because…3. 看1中的图片,先理解lion和agent的意思,然后回答:if you join the lions/become a lion, what will you do?while listening1. 听1b的录音。浏览1中所列的条目,在足球经纪人说的内容前写上“a”,在迈克父母说的内容前写上“p”2. 熟读1c中的句子,并理解句子的含义。3. 听第二遍录音,选择正确的句子完成1c。4. 再听两遍录音,补全下面的对话。conversation 11. if you join the lions,________ __________ a great soccer player.2. if you become a lion, _________ __________around the world.3. if you __________really hard, you’ll be famous.conversation 24. if you become a professional soccer player,________ _________ _________to college.5. but if i ________do this now, i’ll ________ do it. 观察与思考:conversation 1中含有的if从句,主句和从句都是肯定形式。conversation 2中的if从句,主句和从句中用到了否定形式。 if引导的条件状语从句,若主句是否定含义,我们常用“主语+_________+动词原形 +其他”来表达,若从句是否定含义,我们常用“if+主语+______+动词原形+其他”来表达。练习:(1)if he __________(not do )his homework, he’ll be late.(2)if she wears jeans, the teacher__________(not let)her in.(3)if you ________(not study ) hard, you_________(not pass)the exam.5. 模仿秀: (1)同桌练习表演对话1。(2)跟读录音,模仿conversation 2的语音语调,比比看谁模仿得最好。after listening1. 角色扮演:假设学生a是micheal的朋友,学生b是micheal.请给micheal提供一些建议,利用2b中的信息。(请尽可能地发散你的思维吧!)例如:a:i think you should go to college.b: but if i go to college, i’ll never become a great s occer player.a:______________________________b:______________________________2. 小组活动:接龙游戏(if i travel around the world, i’ll…)知识巩固    ⅰ. 单项选择。1. zhou jielun is famous __________ singing. a. as    b. to   c. for   d. in2. if you are late for class, the teacher ________ angry. a. is  b. was  c. will   d. will be3. if he _________harder, he will catch up with us soon. a. study  b. studi es c. will study d. studied4. if i have a lot of money, i’ll travel _________ the world.a. at    b. around    c. for    d. toⅱ. 发挥想象,补全句子。1. if you play computer games all day, you _________________.your eyes___________.your parents ____________.2. if i make a lot of money, i_________________.3. if ______________, he will stay at home.4. if______________, we won’t do well in our subjects.课堂反思1. 假如你是英语老师,你会做什么呢?请根据本课所学的语言结构进行陈述。if i become an english teacher, i will… i will…if i don’t…,  my pupil will…2. 通过本节课的学习,你还有哪些知识没有掌握?请做出标记。家庭作业1. 熟记听力材料中的conversation 1和conversation 2.2. 编写对话,请同学们发挥想象,编写agent与micheal的父母之间的对话。(用上if引导的条件状语从句。) 3. 依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。

unit 10  period 4  section b 2a—2d学习目标     知识目标: 熟练掌握句型:1. some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing.2. unl ess we talk to someone,  we’ll certainly fell worse.3. it is best not to run away from our problems. we should always try to solve them.熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇:expert,  kee p . . . to oneself,  teenager,  normal,  unless, certainly,  wallet,  worried,  mile,  angry,  in the end,  understanding,  careless, mistake,  himself,  advise,  solve,  experience,  in half,  halfway. 技能目标: 在阅读过程中,训练快读和精读两种策略。在写作过程中,学习正反对比两种写作方法,并恰当使用连接词。情感态度: 让学生认识到任何职业都有优点、缺点,学生应用辩证的观点分析、看待事物,在对自己理想职业的选择上要有一个清醒的认识并为之努力奋斗。课前准备1.                 人人都有烦恼,你的烦恼是什么?请和你的同伴说说,并说说你是怎么解决的?2.                 列出你现在的问题,打算怎么解决?problemssolutions学习过程      warming up1. brainstorm: 结合课前准备i,与同伴交流:what kind of things do you worry about?   who do you usually go to for help?2. 结合课前准备ⅱ,做出调查!while reading1. skimming(略读):速读2b,.(     ) which statement expresses the main idea of the passage?a. if people have problems, they should get advice from an expert.b. if people have problems, they should talk to other people.c. if people have problems, they should keep them to themselves.2. scanning(找读):(1) 仔细阅读2b,完成下面的任务。1.) what kinds of problems do students worry about?  _______________________________ 2.) what does laura have problem?  ______________________________________________(2) 再读2b, 判断正误(正确“t”,错误“f”)。(   ) 1.) students these days often hav e lots of worries.(   ) 2.) some people believe the best thing is to do nothing.(   ) 3.) laura even walked three miles to school.(3) 再读2b, 回答问题。1.)what is the worst thing to do if you have a problem? _____________________________2.) why didn’t laura want to tell her parents about her lost wallet?    ______________________________________________________________3.) what is the first thing you should do when you want to solve a problem?    ______________________________________________________________4. why can our parents give u s good advice about our problems?  _____________________________________________________________观察与思考(1) 观察含有if的条件状语从句,总结其特点,并把它们翻译成汉语。(2) if i tell my parents, they’ll be angry!if you play sports for a living, your job will become rich.and if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.※ 观察这三个句子,主句用了____________(时态),从句用了__________(时态)。3. 听录音并跟读。4. 朗读与复述:after reading1. 完成2d,并大声朗读2d的短文。 2. 仿照2b或2d的写作策略,写一篇小短文。用上“if+will”句式(。写完后,小组内互相批阅,并写上评语。3. groupwork:故事接龙。example: i think i’m going to go to the mov ies tonight. if i go to the movies, i won’t finish my homework. if i don’t finish my homework…知识巩固ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. to be a p _________ soccer player is my dream.2. many famous people give money to schools and c______________. 3. he was ill. h________, he went to school on time.4. teachers’ day is coming. i’ll give some f________ to our teachers.5. yesterday she was badly __________(受伤),so she didn’t go to work.ⅱ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。1. take more exercise and you’ll be healthy.(写出同义句)__________  __________take more exercise, you’ll be healthy.2. the old man sells newspapers for a living.(写出同义句)the o ld man ________ ___________ __________ ___________newspapers.3. he is too small, so he can’t help his mother.(写出同义句)he is _________small _______ help his mother.4. jim enjoyed himself in the park.(写出同义句)jim _______ _________ ____________ __________ in the park.5. you can’t bring friends from other schools to the party.(改为祈使句)_______ ________ friends from other schools to the party.课堂反思1. 当我们有问题的时候,我们应分析其优点和缺点,以便指导好自己的选择。在描述完优点,转入描述缺点时,我们可使用如__________这类的表转折的连词。谈论中我们会用到哪些语言结构呢?2. 通过本节课的学习,你还有哪些没有掌握?请做出标记。家庭作业1.     熟读2b,并牢记2b中的短语。2.     仿照2b或2d写出你的问题,仿写一篇小短文。3. 依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。              unit 10  period 5  section b 2e--4学习目标     知识目标: 熟练掌握句型:a: what will you do if you visit an old people’s home?b: if i do that, i’ll bring the o ld people some flowers.熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇: get advice, solution. plan技能目标: 在阅读过程中,训练快读和精读两种策略。在写作过程中,学习正反对比两种写作方法,并恰当使用连接词。情感态度:就对待某一事的看法上鼓励学生畅所欲言,帮助学生形成健康向上的人生观。课前准备:i. 解决问题的方法一、确认问题:确认问题是否是问题,还是本身就是如此。二、描述问题:问题现象是什么三、分析问题:分析可能导致问题的原因四、排除问题:根据可能导致问题的原因进行排除五、解决问题:确认导致问题的原因,根据实际情况解决问题1.                 每天都有不同的事情出现,有点事情出现了,你是怎样解决的?请喝你的同伴交流! 2.                 写出 三个你认为最大的担忧,你打算怎么解决?problemssolutionsa:what problems do you have ?      b: a: what do you solution?               b: 学习过程      warming up 1. brainstorm: 结合课前准备ii,与同伴交流:what kind of things do you worry about?   who do you usually go to for help?2. 结合课前准备iii,与同伴进行交流。并全班展示。while reading1. 小组内完成2e.然后全班展示。2.fill in the chart. 3a.problemspossible solutions3. 3b. write about your friend’s first problem and the possible solutions. use the structures below to help you plan your writing.4. 仿照3b, 写出其余的两个问题。先小组内先改正,然后全班展示after reading1. pariwork:  a: what will you do if you visit an old people’s home?b: if i do that, i’ll bring the old people some flowers.2. 完成4. 班级内展示。3. 小组合作完成下面句子1. if i get up late tomorrow,                                             .2. if i don’t finish my homework,                                     .3. if i eat too much lunch,                                               .4. if i don’t get enough exercise,                                    .5. if i am a good cook,                                                    .6. if i watch too much tv,                                               . 7. if i don’t help others4. 完成self check的1. 2.3小题,并核对答案。然后朗读5分钟记忆。观察与思考:ⅰ.仔细观察下列例句,然后总结归纳关于if 引导的条件状语从句的用法。1.if it rains next sunday, we won’t go for a picnic. 如果下周日下雨,我们就不去野餐了。2.if you go to the party, you will meet uncle zhang. 如果你去参加聚会,就会遇到张叔叔。3.i’ll ask the teacher for help if i don’t understand. 如果我有不懂的知识,就会向老师求助。4.we’ll plant trees in the mountains if it is fine tomorrow.如果明天天气睛朗,我们就要去山上植树。(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)5.put up your hand if you have any questions to ask. 如果你有问题,请举手。6.if i get there early, i can see the doctor soon. 如果我早到这儿,我就能很快看病。「结论」1.从以上例句,可知if是_______词,它连接了一个条件状语从句,表示假如有从句的动作发生,就会有主句的动作发生。2.通常情况下,主句用一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句要用_________时态;3.由if 引导的条件状语从句既可以放在主句之______,如例句1、2、6;也可以放在主句之_______,如例句3、4、54.从句如果位于主句之前时,常用_________将其与主句隔开,如例句1、2、65.若主句是祈使句,if引导的条件状语从句仍用____________时态。如例句_______; 6.主句不一定总是一般将来时,有时也会出现“_________动词+动词原形”的情况,如例句_________, 从句总是___________时态。知识巩固:用词的适当形式填空1.      if you wear jeans,  we ____________ (not let) you i n.2.      yao ming is one of the most famous basketball ___________(play) in the world.3.      mr black enjoys __________ (go)to many places of interest.4.      if you go to the party, you ______________ (have) a great time.5.      wang lin did very ____________ (bad) in 100-meter race.6.      tom says he ________ _______ (play) football at ten yesterday morning.7.     if he ___________ (come) tomorrow,  i ______________(call) you .

2. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,有两个多余单词,补全短文。

make a living;    have a difficult time;   compare;        all the time ;  

about;         around the world ;      complain

many movie stars1 ___________ that they are not happy. they say people watch them 2___________, and they 3____________ knowing who their real friends are. but i don’t think so. th e movie stars all

4_____________ doing something they love. and they have l ots of money. people 5__________ know them. they have many chances to help others. oh, they can travel all over the world, too.  when i grow up, i’m going to become a movie star. 课堂反思:1)     条件状语从句你学会了哪些? ___ ____________________________________________2)     通过本节课(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)的学习,你还有哪些没有掌握?请做出标记家庭作业 : 仿照3c,写一篇小短文。


Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Period 1  Section A 1a
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